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Loot Hero DX Giveaway

Loot Hero DX

A legendary Dragon is haunting the lands. Slay the beast to restore peace.
User rating: 146 117 comments

The competition is over.Visit our main page for more free licensed software.

A legendary Dragon is haunting the lands. Towns are set ablaze, and its magic power resurrects the evil creatures of the world. A hero is needed to travel to the corners of the lands and slay the beast to restore peace. RPG grind-fest! Run, Battle ever harder enemies, Collect XP and Loot, Buy better equipment, Level Up, Do it all over again!

Key Features

  • A huge cast of different enemies and bosses
  • Tons of different equipment upgrades
  • Includes Idle elements where your miners collect gold while you are away from the game
  • Lovingly crafted Retro graphics
  • Achievements to unlock
  • Bestiary to fill out
  • Cards to collect
  • Controller support
  • Possibly infinite gameplay
  • Ridiculous amounts of Loot and XP!

System Requirements:

Steam; Windows XP or higher; 200 MB of available space






The game is available for $2.99, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.

GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Loot Hero DX

Thank you for voting!
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

There are too many community members getting issues with duplicate keys for me to respond to every individual so I will post a suggestion here. If you do get a key and find it has already been redeemed please take a screen capture (use the snipping tool that comes free with windows 7, 8 and 10 and possibly Vista if you don't have a free standing screen capture program) of the message you get when trying to redeem the key, then send this on to either the giveaway team or the developer. I've provided a link to the developers web site where you can find an email to contact the developer directly. From what I've seen so far of this developer, he/they seem a decent lot and will probably honor the request, but I'm only suggesting.

To those community members who appear not to have received a key, this is almost certainly because the email you have previously used to log into comments is the one that the key will have been sent to; the giveaway team posted a comment about this in one of the games given away a few weeks ago and which I've linked to in the first few paragraphs of my review above (see the first or second comment at the top of the page). If you've previously used a throwaway email to log into these comments, then that's where your key has gone. As yet I do not know whether the giveaway team have a fix for this. I suggest you contact the giveaway team and explain that you've applied for a key with a screen capture proving you've completed all of the tasks and the email you used to log in. If you've not used throwaway emails previously I suggest you check all of your emails to see if the key has been sent to one of those. Thousands of keys have already been distributed by the giveaway team both yesterday and today, so although it appears a lot of community members are having one of these two issues, in reality it's actually an insignificant number when you look at the total number given away.

I do hope that those who have taken the time to apply for a code, but so far have been disappointed do get it sorted soon. I personally have no control over the distribution of the keys, so can only make suggestions. I will not be responding individually to any more comment related to either of these issues, i.e. duplicated keys and no keys received as this comment should cover all that I can offer in response, besides, I've still got that troll to contend with. Yesterday he posted around 200 comments, all of which were spam and looks like he's on target to do the same today. It's wasting valuable time that I could be spending with my family, unfortunately it's an un- necessary evil in these times of anonymous internet users/trolls, who hide behind anonymity.

p.s. Inappropriate language will result in your comment being deleted. This is a family site and such comments will no longer be tolerated or responded to. (Jay June is the first of these offenders to be deleted)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Whiterabbit-uk, thank u, you are such a dedicated mod

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thanks Ga'il, it's comments like yours that keeps me here. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Ga'il  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Whiterabbit-uk, Hello!
New game on our site https://game.giveawayoftheday.com/sandstorm/
and tommorow will be also another. Wrote to your mail but no reply.
Looking forward to your review.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Alexa, had to go to the hospital today for a check up (re the DVT I have). I will post a review for Sandstorm tomorrow as well as for the new game. Am a little busy, so it may take some time, but looks like Sandstorm is live for the week. :) Only just seen your post Tuesday morning 4.30am. not had time to check my mail yet. hope you've sent me a key as i don't have Sandstorm yet. :) Considering i have most of the steam catalogue (over 9400 games, it's amazing that of all the Steam games given away here so far, I've not had four or five of them, which is brilliant. :)

P.S. Just found your email. :) I don't have Sandstorm yet but do have the second game. Am totally wiped out with respect to cash so cannot even afford to purchase sandstorm at this time, so will hope to win a key.

Reply   |   Comment by Alexa Bennett  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dear users,
More keys have been added. Feel free to redeem your copy.

Sorry for the delay
Always yours,

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

Giveaway of the Day, how do I request a key? I must have completed the tasks during a time you had no keys.

Reply   |   Comment by Joey Robbins  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Giveaway of the Day,
I don't have a Facebook account, and I don't want one.
Is there any other way of downloading today's offer?

...........................................Moderator comment...................................


Take a screen capture of the three tasks you have completed, proving you have visited the developers site, then contact the developer explaining that you don't use Facebook, so have not been able to get a key. Then ask if it is possible for them to give you a key because you really want to try the game. I've posted a link to the developers site at the beginning of my review, where you can find their email contact; alternatively someone has posted the developers email directly in these comments.

Reply   |   Comment by MAJ  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

To community members not receiving keys, please read the tenth comment posted by the giveaway team in the Beholder comments section, which can be found HERE. Hopefully the post will explain what the problem is. I had the same problem using the email I always sign into these comments, however when they first offered Steam keys I used a different email. I checked that today and found the key at that email, not the one i signed into the comments section with. I would check all emails you've used previously to see if the key has been sent to one of those. Please let us know if you do find the key at a different email as this will spur others on to check. thank you.

To those having problems not getting a key once you've completed the 4 tasks and have checked all emails you may have used previously to log into these comments, please contact the giveaway team, and/or also the developer. Take a screen capture of the message you get either after completing all the tasks and/or in the case of duplicate keys when trying to activate the game on Steam, so that you have proof. The developers email can be found a the bottom of the developers web site HERE. I cannot guarantee a key would be given in these instances, but it's worth a try. The developer has given away keys previously and seems a decent guy

Loot Hero DX

In Brief

Loot Hero DX was created by the same developer as yesterdays game. An RPG grind Fest with Steam achievements and trading card drops. If you want to check the game out first there is a smaller browser version which you can play for free HERE

If you win a key for Loot Hero, please give some feedback about your opinion of the game, for example, what you liked or disliked about it, or how it could be improved from your point of view . If you don't like this genre at all, please explain why. What, improvements, if any, would change your opinion? There are thousands of subscribers to the game giveaway of the day every weekend which makes this an ideal forum for giving developers ideas as to what their consumers (i.e you) would like to see in a game. For example, you could suggest extra content such as better or more original mini games, or a level editor that you would like to see that would make it more appealing to you. Maybe you think the graphics are a little dated and are in need of re skinning ( today's game does have retro graphics, which are very pixillated, or maybe you've just had enough of the genre and want to see something different or something with more originality?

If you don't win a key, don't mind playing games via Steam or miss the offer totally you can get the game 24/7 via Steam HERE. It usually costs £1.99; however from later this week, Steam has a sale on for several days, so it may be worth waiting to see if there is a decent discount. :)

A legendary Dragon is haunting the lands. Towns are set ablaze, and its magic power resurrects the evil creatures of the world. A hero is needed to travel to the corners of the lands and slay the beast to restore peace.

Loot Hero DX is a RPG grind-fest! Run, Battle ever harder enemies, Collect XP and Loot, Buy better equipment, Level Up, Do it all over again!

Edited and amended reference accessed HERE. 20th Nov 2016

Once you've secured your Steam key via the email you used to enter the giveaway you have to activate the game via your Steam client. Once activated it will be permanently tied to your Steam profile and you'll be able to install the game at any time, anywhere on any computer, so long as you can validate who you are (usually via emails etc). If you don't have a Steam account you will first have to download and install the Steam client HERE

Then create a Steam profile/account. Once that has been completed you can input the Steam code that you've received (after completing the form filling) via the game button along the top of the Steam client, (located between friends and Help - see image below). From the drop down menu select 'Activate a product on Steam'. This opens a product activation window. Just follow the prompts to complete activation. Once the Steam code has been accepted, the game will be permanently associated with your Steam account and can be installed any time you wish.

If you have a problem installing or activating or getting Loot Hero DX to work, please visit the problems section over in the Game Discussion forums, which I've now incorporated into the FAQ's thread, and which you can find HERE

The Game:

Key Features:
A huge cast of different enemies and bosses

Tons of different equipment upgrades

Includes Idle elements where your miners collect gold while you are away from the game

Lovingly crafted Retro graphics

Achievements to unlock

Bestiary to fill out

Cards to collect

Controller support

Possibly infinite gameplay

Ridiculous amounts of Loot and XP!

level 1
Loot Hero DX started its’ life as a free flash game (Loot Hero) on the internet. Due to its’ success, the developers decided to expand the game and create a full retail release. A while ago I purchased an indie game bundle which included Loot Hero DX. The game looked interesting at the time since it was trying to do something new. At the time that I purchased the bundle the game was still in Steam Greenlight so I decided to wait to play the game until it was released on Steam. Early in July the game was finally added to Steam so I decided to give the game a try.

For those of you not familiar with the premise behind Loot Hero DX, you play as a generic knight. This knight is impatient though and doesn’t want to sit through your typical video game battles. Your knight would rather ram through the enemies as quickly as possible in order to reach the final boss and move onto the next level. When I saw a gameplay video for Loot Hero I was intrigued since the premise of just running through your enemies looked interesting.

The gameplay pretty much works like this. You press right to move your character right. Any enemy that your character encounters will be automatically attacked by your character. Once you defeat the enemy your character will move onto the next enemy and so on. Enemies will fight back though so you need to watch your health. When your health gets low you need to either stop and wait until you health regenerates or head back to the nearest shop which will heal you much quicker.

start 2
If you ever encounter an area where you can’t make any progress you can always run to the left and kill more enemies in order to get money to purchase new upgrades. At times you will end up having to run back and forth killing enemies and picking up all of the loot that is dropped in order to upgrade your character enough to proceed with your wave of destruction.

If this sounds a little too simple it is because as a whole the game is really easy. Loot Hero DX is a casual game. If you want a challenge Loot Hero DX will not give it to you. It is the type of game that you should play if you have a couple spare minutes to kill and don’t want to play a game that will tax your mind. The punishment for “dying” clearly shows this emphasis on mindless fun. When you “die” you are sent back to the nearest shop space and you appear to lose some of your money/experience. This punishment is so light that you only end up wasting a short amount of time getting back to where you were before dying.

With a name like Loot Hero you might assume the game might be like Diablo or Borderlands where you encounter so many items that you have no idea what to do with them. I think a more appropriate title for Loot Hero DX should have been grind fest. Grinding is a term used in gaming which means having to fight the same enemies over and over again in order to gain experience and upgrade your character. This definition describes Loot Hero DX perfectly. Loot Hero DX actually includes only ten different levels which you can beat in less than ten minutes. For the rest of the game you are just repeating the same levels over and over again fighting the same enemies as you and your opponents get stronger.

trading card 2
trading card
In addition to repeating the same levels over and over again, grinding is made necessary in order to progress at certain parts of the game. If you speed through levels you will eventually run into a situation where the enemies start to put up a real fight. When you hit one of these levels your movement will slow to a crawl as you try to kill enough enemies to buy enough upgrades to continue rampaging through the enemy hordes. Usually you are best off trying to finish these levels as quickly as you can. After beating the level you should repeat a prior level so you can easily go back and forth across the level killing enemies at will which will earn you a lot of money. You can then use this money to purchase the upgrades to continue your rampage through the enemy hordes. After doing this for a while your character will be strong enough that you can continue to speed run your way through levels.

This grinding leads to by far the biggest problem with Loot Hero, the repetitive gameplay. The whole game entails running left and right killing enemies in order to get enough cash in order to purchase upgrades that will let you kill enemies quicker and let you face stronger enemies. Rinse and repeat. This is essentially what you do for the entire game. I admit that this is kind of fun at first but the novelty runs out pretty quickly. After about an hour or so you will likely get sick of the game.

One of Loot Hero DX’s greatest strengths is the artwork. While it is not the best 2D artwork I have seen, if you like pixel art you will like the classic 2D style of the game.The character models and the environments are done well. You can tell that work was put into the graphics.

achievement unlocked 7
achievement unlocked 8
Its too bad that you don’t get the time to appreciate it. After the first couple of levels your character is usually moving so quickly that you can barely tell what is going on. The enemies pretty much blend into the background. The only way to actually see the artwork is to play the levels slow and methodically. The game is really not meant to be played in this manner though so the nice graphics are kind of wasted.

Loot Hero DX is not a very long game. You can make an argument that the game is actually only ten minutes long and you just end up playing the same game over and over again with a stronger character. I ended up playing the game for a little less than 2 hours and I got all but one of the achievements. It probably would have taken another half hour to an hour to get the last achievement but it wasn’t worth it for me. At the hour to hour and a half point I was getting sick of the game so I decided to quit playing.

The thing with Loot Hero DX is that I don’t think it technically ever ends. You can keep playing the levels over and over again as you and the enemies both get stronger. I don’t see many people wanting to play the game for more than two or three hours though. I would have quit around the hour and a half mark but played another fifteen minutes in order to get the second to last achievement and to see if anything occurred after you beat level 100. To save you time, nothing new happens after beating level 100.

achievement s
While the game is short, Loot Hero DX is also pretty cheap. The game retails at only $2.99. I personally think that is still too high for the game since I think the game is more like a $0.50 to $1 game. I got the game in a bundle and at bundles prices I wasn’t disappointed with the game. I wouldn’t recommend purchasing the game unless it is included in a bundle or it has a steep discount though.

Loot Hero DX had an interesting idea for a game that works for a short while. It is satisfying being able to just run through enemies defeating them almost instantaneously. The artwork is pretty nice and the controls are really simple. The game gets boring and repetitive quickly though. The game is really short since it also only takes around three hours to get all of the achievements

Loot Hero DX is not a terrible game but it is not great either. You could maybe waste a couple hours with the game as a quick distraction. If the concept sounds interesting to you, you should get some enjoyment out of the game. I would wait until the game is on sale or included in a bundle though before purchasing.

Edited reference accessed HERE. Original review written by Eric Mortensen 5th Aug 2015 and edited by Whiterabbit-uk 20th Nov 2016

Other Reviews and Videos:

You can see over 200 Steam community reviews of Loot Hero DX HERE, the game has garnered mixed reviews and if you want to see some game-play you can see some videos of game play HERE, HERE (German), HERE, HERE and HERE,

the mine
Same as yesterdays game, i.e. You'll either love or hate this game. It's similar, but not the same as Tap Heroes i.e there's a lot of grinding to do. If you collect Steam trading cards and/or Steam achievenmets, this game has both. Personally I preferred yesterdays clicker game but I did manage to play for over two hours when I first purchased this game when it was released on Steam over the summer last year.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the developer varagtp Games for giving away keys for this game and also to the game giveaway team, as always, for securing other ways to get free games, in this case a Steam key.

Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway:

The problems section that used to be posted here in the Game review is now included in the Game Discussion FAQ's thread; which you can find HERE.

I've updated the games section that used to be posted with the review. The thread is now called 'Weekly round up of game deals', formerly the games section of the weekly reviews. You can find the new thread (which I've posted in the sticky section of the game discussion forums to make it easier to find if you are perusing the game discussion forums) HERE.

If today's game was not to your liking, you may find other games either free or for less than the price of a cup of coffee (from your favorite coffee house) via the 'Weekly Roundup of Game Deals' thread which I've posted a link to above, or HERE. You'll also find links to all of the good Indie bundle sites such as Bundle Stars, Humble Bundle, Groupee's, Indie Gala etc. Follow the link I've provided to the Games deals thread over in the forums for links to all of those sites. There are well over 40 indie bundles live at this time, most over at Bundle Stars. Good news for those who have Desura accounts . The platform has been purchased and will be up and running again soon. The previous owners went into liquidation April 2015 and the site although still operating has not been updated since that time; however, the new owners are working on clearing up the site at this time. They have also acquired the Indie Royale and Daily Royale site as well, so for those who purchased Greenlight bundles of which there were at least 20 of them, with a total of over 140 potential Steam keys, many of which I know have since been Greenlit, so hopefully we may eventually get Steam keys for those games (finally). It's been over a year since Indie Royale went dark.
The latest free game over on Origin is still the excellent (though now dated) RPG 'Dungeon Keeper'. You can get it HERE. Please note that you do require the Origin game platform to be able to download and install the game.

Ubisoft has been celebrating 30 years in the business by giving away games every month since June. Novembers game is Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon which is free and the Ubisoft uPlay client, both of which are free. You just have to sign into your uPlay account and look for the Ubisoft turning 30 link HERE, or if you don't have a uPlay account create an account HERE. Click on the green Join the Club button, get your free account, then get your free copy of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. I think this is the last freebies from Ubisoft for a while. :(

The Indie Gala store has some fantastic deals in their store with some titles 90% off. You can find them all HERE. If you spend over $2 in the Indie Gala store you will also get a bonus game worth £4,79/ $5.99 called Lethal Brutal Racing

DIG are still offering free Steam keys for Hacker Evolution Time Dimensions and Crystals of time, though you cannot access the deals directly from the main site anymore, but they are still live via the following links:
To get keys for these two games you will have to do similar activities as you do for those Steam games that have been offered for the past several months over on the game giveaway site. You can find those free Steam key deals HERE (Hacker Evolution: Time Dimensions and HERE (Crystals of Time). Watch out for a new giveaway called rail adventures a fast paced action/racing game in a minecart

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

why if I click 'Share Game Giveaway of the Day page' it change X and nothing happen
my facebook account is not have error

Reply   |   Comment by ddddd  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Whiterabbit-uk, how do i contact you guys about my key being a duplicate?

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Go to the main gamegiveaway page and look to the bottom of the page. There is a contact button. Hope this is helpful.

Reply   |   Comment by Lan Hikari  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Never mind, the devs replied to my email to them with a working key.
People that were sent a duplicate key, contact the devs with proof at contact@varagtp.com. I used Gyazo and made a .gif of my email from GGOTD and the steam key activation window to show that when I hit the next button, it said it was a duplicate key (Gyazo is a free screen capture software. It can be downloaded here: https://gyazo.com/download ).

Reply   |   Comment by Lan Hikari  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

The download trial link here does not work https://game.giveawayoftheday.com/loot-hero-dx/get-steam-key/ at this time just goes to a 404 page not found error... this giveaway seems cursed from the start to beyond its end!

Reply   |   Comment by TK  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There are a lot of losers on this message board. I don't think there were five comments about the game. (I don't like it. The games I play shouldn't look like they were made in the 1980's. New games look new for a reason. Pixels suck!)

Not that I would ever complete the four required things to get a used key that won't download a game anyway.

You need a board with far fewer whiners and more serious gamers, people. Didn't this use to be a good site? Or was that some other one?

I thought we were told that was expected of ALL posts.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Yes I agree, things have degenerated into something more akin to a complainers corner. We still have some community members who do comment about the games, sadly, a very negative attitude towards free games seems to have arisen over the last few years. Very sad indeed.

I've asked so many times for the community to comment about the game on offer, be it negative or positive. I still believe that having a good selection of comments about the game would entice other developers to give away games, but my message seems to fall on deaf ears. I don't understand why hardly anyone either understands, or disagrees with what i believe to be an obvious truth. Probably most visitors to this site don't even bother to read my reviews and/or comments anyway. This site could have become a nexus for aspiring developers, seeking substantial and useful feedback that would give them ideas as to what the community wanted. Instead we get complaints about how the site has changed for the worse over the intervening years, or the games are cheap and nasty. etc etc. I've tried to explain the reasons why things have changed, partly economics, partly everyone has jumped on the band wagon with respect to giving away games, as well as other reasons such as the advent of the indie bundle where sometimes you can get over $400 worth of games for $4, and those games were AAA classics; at this time there are well over 40 bundles available at any one time, most retailing at less than $5 with discounts as much as 95% off recently released games. There are more free games sites like MyPlayCity, who have massive libraries of games, that although not fully free as there is always a price to pay (unless you break the Eula and rip off the executable) can be downloaded 24/7. Plus numerous other reasons.

It really saddens me the attitudes of many community members, but maybe I'm being too unrealistic in this age of complainers, where free is no longer a privilege but often expected. sorry for the rant, I've had an extremely bad day.

Reply   |   Comment by Larrys of London  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Larrys of London, when a giveaway is mismanaged and fails to deliver abysmally it is fair and reasonable for people to complain, whiterabit-uk time and information and ad impressions is money, the more hoops and frustrations a site causes it's ad-impression providers to have to go through the more time, effort and peace of mind it, personal integrity it costs them. Is a $2.99 game worth the hoops and other negative effects of such a badly managed giveaway. Most would say no!

Reply   |   Comment by TK  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i dont recive my key. i do all the task. i dont know how it works this page, is for that?

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Please read the first few paragraphs of my review as well as other comments. you'll find info on what you need to do to get a key.

Reply   |   Comment by Ulquiorra Cifer  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I want this game

Reply   |   Comment by Mathias  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I shared GGOTD on Twitter, I can't use facebook

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Contact the developer and explain why. they may still give you a key. You can find the dev's email elsewhere in these comments.

Reply   |   Comment by Kevin Sposito  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've got my key, but unfortunately the key is duplicate.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Please read the first few paragraphs of my review as well as other comments. you'll find info on what you need to do to get a new key.

Reply   |   Comment by Pavle  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello I filled out all the tasks and I did not get key on my email ;/

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Please read the first few paragraphs of my review as well as other comments. you'll find info on what you need to do to get a key.

Reply   |   Comment by maaM  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by Piotr Mularczyk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game is ok. I have it completly finished in ~3h. :D
In fullscreen, the font is sometimes terrible, much too pixelated. But ok, you don't need to read anything. :D
I would it more like with "better" graphics, not retro-pixel-graphic-style.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you for your feedback Shisou. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Shisou  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


...........................................Moderator comment...................................

You will need to request a key from the developer. Send a screen capture of the completed tasks showing your log in name. Posting your email here is not a good idea, so I've deleted it. You would not get a response.

Reply   |   Comment by Dawid  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

More keys have been added. Feel free to redeem your copy.

Reply   |   Comment by Dawid  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Giveaway of the Day, how do I request a key? I must have completed the tasks during a time you had no keys.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi zzz

If you read some of the comments and replies from the moderator as well as the posts from me (Whiterabbit-uk) you'll see the solution to your problem.

Reply   |   Comment by zzz  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Where is key?

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Read comments and replies from moderator

Reply   |   Comment by Salan  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

need key

Reply   |   Comment by pub3  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Like many others, didn't get a key that worked. Not that it was that big of a deal, as 'retro' graphics are not my thing.
Honestly like the story idea, and it would be a cool game made with modern visuals and game engine.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi JBurt

I agree to a certain extent; however, for indie developers such as someone starting up in the business, ultra modern game engines that would allow you to create games with beautiful looking visuals cost a lot of money to either purchase or rent; for example, you can rent the Cry engine but it costs a lot of money. It was used to create the game Crysis, which on it's release was (and still is) an amazing game for it's life like visuals and destructible environments. Even today ten years after it's release (9 years actually) the game looks better than a lot of recent releases. See the video HERE
- please excuse the advert at the beginning, you can bypass it after 5 seconds.
There are 11 pages (8 to a page) of game engine programs and add-ons available on Steam at this time, that cover most game types. Most are averagely priced at around £100, but you can pick up for example the RPG Maker game engine via indie bundles occasionally dirt cheap. (I purchased the latest version of RPG Maker plus several dlc's for less than £10 several months ago. I bought it for my son who has a hankering to create. To purchase that game maker with no discounts and with the dlc that was included would have cost me over £200 (the total cost of RPG Maker MV plus all dlc is over £300.

Those deals and the cheap game engines now available have seen a massive influx of cheap games released both via Steam's Greelight project and elsewhere over the last three or four years. Most of the games are trash and very cheap, but at least it gives those wanting to enter game development the opportunity to get a game released to a massive audience and hopefully make enough money to purchase one of the better game engines. I read recently of a guy who created a modification for one of the big releases a last year, who because of the popularity of the mod was taken on by Ubisoft as a game software engineer. These game engines give those wanting to enter the profession the ability to show the big developers what they can create without having to pay for expensive courses. I applied for one of those courses several years ago. It was a three year course that would have cost me over £12 000 just for the tuition. A hundred pound game engine available on Steam can do the same for someone keen enough to do it on their own.

Reply   |   Comment by JBurt  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


please remove my Email from your Account System because it is invalid and I cant receive any Emails anymore there, thanks.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hello Hans

I don't have permission to do such things, you will need to contact the game giveaway team and or the giveaway team directly and ask them to dlete your email. It may be a good idea to create a new profile using a new email and different name.

Reply   |   Comment by Hans Würstchien  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Duplicate key ??? pls my key original send my email s.leon10_30@hotmail.com thx

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi miskelo

You will need to take a screen capture to prove that it is a duplicate key, then contact the developer for a key. I've posted a link to the developers site where you can find the contact email, or look through the relies to some of the comments where one community member has posted the developers email directly. If you just leave it up to someone else to sort it out for you, I doubt you'll see a key. I have no control over such things otherwise I'd be happy to help. I'm just a volunteer, who moderates and posts information for the community. I started doing this as a thank you to the giveaway team for bringing us loads of free games back when we got them every day, and amazingly I'm still here.

Reply   |   Comment by miskelo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Conflicted as to Up or Down - RPG yay!, but I don't like Grinding, I don't like Clickers, I find pixelated-style too annoying, and I can't do fast Action games any more. This is also more like a JRPG Console game (Bosses and such) that make it more like a Platformer (which I don't care for - I can't Jump. Ever.). But I do like procedure-generated, Rogue-lite.

I don't think it's poorly-made or otherwise to not be recommended, but I don't want it.
Also, I don't have the energy to do all the tasks, not for a Steam game.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Wyrwolf, as Mavadelo said in his comment, it takes literally a few seconds to click on and close down the first three pages; all three take you to the same developers site, but to different pages. As for Steam games, they are here to stay , at least for the foreseeable future and unfortunately there will be a lot of big name AAA games that you will only have access to if you have either a Steam, uPlay or Origin account and client installed. Even GOG that purports to be DRM free has now got a game client, though that is still an optional extra. If you don't mind forgoing the pleasure of playing those games, then it's okay, but you will miss out on some superb games for example the Battlefield frachise at least from Battlefield 3 onward, most of the recent Need for Speed racing games, the fantastic Total War series and the later Dragon Age games, not to mention loads of excellent Japanese imports such as Nobugana's franchise (similar too, but IMO better than Total War)and loads of excellent Japanese Shmups that are only available via Steam as well as many other brilliant AAA games such as Titanfall 1 and 2, FIFA, Mass Effect 3 and the latest title Andromeda, Crysis 3, the latest mirrors Edge game, Starwars Battlefront (most of these are Origin only), Assassins Creed franchise, Far Cry 3 and 4, both of which require the uPlay client, plus many more games.

Didn't mean to go off on one then. Was just pointing out some of the great games those that refuse to install client controlled games are missing out on. Anyway, thank you for your feedback; each to their own. I do believe a lot of gamers end up liking these games simply as a break from more thoughtful games, as all you have to do is click and 'almost' forget, but still see rewards. Great games when you are tired and just need to phase out for a while. Though not worth more than a few pounds at the very most. I never thought I'd like this or the clicker game we got yesterday but I found them oddly drawing me in. When i played my first clicker game over the summer i ended up investing over 500 hours in it and it was a free game (Insanity clicker), and as for platform games. I remember trying to play a Star Wars platformer on the play station back in the late 80's/early 90's; I can't remember exactly how long ago now, only that my son found it so easy, whereas I kept falling off one of the walkers at the very start of the very first level. That put me off platform games for years. It wasn't until I played a demo of Gish via one of those floppy's you used to get stuck to computer mags about 10 years ago that I really appreciated the beauty of platform games.

Reply   |   Comment by wyrwolf  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Where is my key? I didn't receive it per Email!

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Please read the first few paragraphs of my review and/or the other comment i post that explains what you need to do. A community member has posted the email that i mention in my comment. You'll need proof that you completed all four tasks by taking a screen capture of the page to show they were all checked.

Reply   |   Comment by AnonymousPoster  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Thanks for the Steam key for Loot Hero Dx and thanks for all the daily giveaways! They are greatly appreciated!

...........................................Moderator comment...................................


Reply   |   Comment by maregoldnhr  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

No key for me (and all tasks completed)... Free key ! Where ???

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Please read the comments and the beginning of my review and other posts

Reply   |   Comment by nico  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't get game =/

Reply   |   Comment by Azar  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Thanks for duplicate key, really enjoying the game!

Reply   |   Comment by Digika  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Is there a possibility to get your key re-sent? Didn't get mine, nothing in the spam folder either ;_;

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Please read my review (at least the first few paragraphs and other comments

Reply   |   Comment by Javob  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

no keys

Reply   |   Comment by vic  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

You gave me already activated steam key!


Reply   |   Comment by BadBadMood  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

BadBadMood, contact the devs with proof at contact@varagtp.com. I used Gyazo and made a .gif of my email from GGOTD and the steam key activation window to show that when I hit the next button, it said it was a duplicate key (Gyazo is a free screen capture software. It can be downloaded here: https://gyazo.com/download ).

Reply   |   Comment by Lan Hikari  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

got duplicate key :( what now?

Reply   |   Comment by art  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

art, contact the devs with proof at contact@varagtp.com. I used Gyazo and made a .gif of my email from GGOTD and the steam key activation window to show that when I hit the next button, it said it was a duplicate key (Gyazo is a free screen capture software. It can be downloaded here: https://gyazo.com/download ).

Reply   |   Comment by Lan Hikari  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Key already used

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Please read the beginning of my review. I'm just a volunteer and have no power to send out new keys. Soimething is obviously amiss with the system as there have been too many codes already redeemed.

Reply   |   Comment by Andy Nimos  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Andy Nimos, contact the devs with proof at contact@varagtp.com. I used Gyazo and made a .gif of my email from GGOTD and the steam key activation window to show that when I hit the next button, it said it was a duplicate key (Gyazo is a free screen capture software. It can be downloaded here: https://gyazo.com/download ).

Reply   |   Comment by Lan Hikari  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

duplicated? oops?

Reply   |   Comment by Mohamed  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Mohamed, contact the devs with your proof at contact@varagtp.com.

Reply   |   Comment by Lan Hikari  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Did my part. Where's the code?

Reply   |   Comment by Guy  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Is it at end or the keys empty?

Reply   |   Comment by Shisou  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I completed the tasks and didn't receive a key! I am requesting a key when available. Thank you!

Reply   |   Comment by maregoldnhr  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

1 hour and still no key in my email, great

Reply   |   Comment by Pancho  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Darn it didn't work for me

Reply   |   Comment by Me  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Me, I just got the key :D

Reply   |   Comment by Me  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Oh no, it says the code was already used by another steam account :(

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

This seems to be happening a lot. I am just a volunteer so have no power to send out a new key. Please take a screen capture of the message you get when you try to redeem the key, then contact the giveaway team.

Reply   |   Comment by Me  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I got the same code used by another acc

Reply   |   Comment by Greg  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Greg, contact the devs with proof at contact@varagtp.com. I used Gyazo and made a .gif of my email from GGOTD and the steam key activation window to show that when I hit the next button, it said it was a duplicate key (Gyazo is a free screen capture software. It can be downloaded here: https://gyazo.com/download ).

Reply   |   Comment by Lan Hikari  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)


Where is key?

Reply   |   Comment by 1  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Where's my key ???

Reply   |   Comment by her  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

i didnt get any key and i completed all the tasks

Reply   |   Comment by andre martins  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Please share me key asap

Reply   |   Comment by lazy madfoxx  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I did everything right but the key is not received!! The issue is thatv ...................removed due to inappropriate language.......................

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

This is a family site, there is no need to use inappropriate language. Have you read the first couple of paragraphs of my review above.

Reply   |   Comment by The deyatel  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

any solution?

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

All I can suggest is contact the giveaway team, or the developer. Read the first few paragraphs of my review.

Reply   |   Comment by Mohamed  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

To the game owners always looking for input but probably not from someone who is 63.
Ok so I read some comments. Its a struggling small company trying to get ahead. Sounds fair. One sympathetic commenter said "what's the problem it's just checking out a few websites". I figure OK, I'll try it. Each of the three first tasks requires an email. Young people may not have a problem with this but I do. The last task is FaceBook. I don't have a facebook account. I have to manage one at work though and personally I think it's the stupidest set up I have ever seen. It is the testement of what some call the dumbing down of america. At any rate it appeared that you couldn't get the game if you didn't have a face book account. I understand things have changed but in sales if you want someone to be exposed to your product you do not set up a roadblock, never mind 4 of them. If you have a great game and from the comments it looks like you do your customers won't need you to tell them it's available on Android or IOS - they will figure that out themselves. And if I did have a facebook account the last thing I would be suggesting people do is download a game. I don't mind giving my "real" email once but not 3 times for what could be 3 times the spam. But then, I'm an old person.
Still it looks like its a success and lots of people are happy if "thx" is any indication.
Thank you again for the offer. I look forward to the next offer.
Not whinning, just input.
Thanks again

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you for your feedback Skybase. Have you ever seen a film called God bless America? I saw it the other day and although there was a lot of gratuitous violence with respect to the main characters shooting a lot of people, it did put over a good point about the attitudes people have today about respect, empathy, voyeurism, decency etc. Oddly while I was watching the film (movie) it reminded me of some of the negative comments I have seen here from people considering what the site has tried to do over the last 10 years. I'm 3 years your junior, having turned 60 back in June. Still can't believe I've reached that number as the last 40 years have passed so quickly.

Reply   |   Comment by skybase  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I not receive key.
I have screen about all tasks.
I wait answer, thanks

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Contact the developer, I've posted a link to the developers web site where you can find his email. Also one community member has posted the email directly.

Reply   |   Comment by Giu Sep  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

where my code steam???

Reply   |   Comment by Gt579  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

4 tasks?
No thanks.
Thanks though, gotd and steam but thats too much.
WB - hope you are healing well.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thanks, got an appointment at the hospital to check the state of the blood clot next week. Pain has almost gone thankfully. still awaiting my abdominal scan results. But overall feeling positive and okay. :)

Reply   |   Comment by skybase  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

"You call a few mouse clicks hoops and hurdles. The mind boggles." I'm actually with the guy who didn't want to go through those "hoops and hurdles" before he could get the game. Normally I'm not too fussy with download requirements for a game, but I won't be bothering with this one. I don't have an issue with getting a game through Steam, I've already got an account and several games through them on my own. And am fine with sharing a game on Facebook before I can get access to a game (although most times I'll either cancel out of it before it posts, or if that doesn't work, just share it to "only me" then delete it, since I'm not going to be recommending a game before I can even try it myself). But don't feel like having to go through Steam and Facebook AND having to supply my email address to not one, not two, but THREE more different companies before I can get the game. I get enough spam sent to my spam email account as it is, don't feel like just inviting more that I'm just going to have to turn around and opt out of later. But thanks for the offering, as always, the ability to get free games from this site is always appreciated, if not always taken up on.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Karen

Three of the tasks are to the same developers site, but to different pages. They just want everyone to see the different games they have on offer in the hope that someone will buy them. Considering they have given away thousands of keys for this game I don't think that's too much to ask, but, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if someone objects that's their prerogative. My response to the community member where I said the mind boggles was as a result of his sarcasm and the negative way he commented. Okay maybe not a good response from a moderator, but I am human and do sometimes get very frustrated with comments. Your response is decent and to the point.

Reply   |   Comment by Karen  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Send me a key plzzzzzz \o/

Reply   |   Comment by Celso Jr  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Gmail account used for the actions, done all four but nothing in any of my inboxes yet (and I didn't get any message after completing all the tasks, so I can't take a screenshot of it).

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Tr3c3

If you completed all of the tasks, you should see all four tasks checked. Take a screen shot of that, it should be sufficient to prove you completed all of the tasks. If you are signed in, when you return to the page it should still show the checked tasks.

Reply   |   Comment by Tr3c3  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)
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