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Land of Runes was available as a giveaway on December 19, 2020!
Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and MyPlayCity! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!
You must travel to the base of a fiery volcano where you mut face the challenge of ancient memorials. Using your mouse, you'll rotate the monolith in an effort to find the best match, then toss your block toward the multicolored stacks. Although you'll have to work fast to clear each board before time runs out, bombs and other power-ups are on hand to help. Bursting with strategy and suspense, Land of Runes can be played for hours on end.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 600 Mhz; RAM: 128 MB; DirectX: 6.0; Hard Drive: 37 MB
33.3 MB
Originally given away 14th July 2018 where it received a positive 81% from 31 votes with 10 comments. You can see those via the following link:

Land of runes is a nice little puzzle time waster, with some different modes of play, awards and despite it's age, it still looks decent on todays modern monitors. I missed this the last time this was given away because i was on vacation and couldn't access the internet efficiently. Well worth the download, a thumbs up from me.
Did anyone manage to get an alpha test key for Back 4 Blood (due for release June 2021), the long awaited (and overdue) sequel to Left 4 Dead 2? I played it for the first time last night and it looks amazing. They have introduced a whole new group of infected and you will (on release) be able to choose from eight characters for a 4 player cooperative game, (though the alpha limits you to only 4 characters). They have also added perk cards that you can select at the beginning of a game and earn more during game play. Each playthrough can be totally different depending on which character and perks you choose as each character also have different specialisms (much like Dead Island characters, though there's more to these new characters). It definitely looks and feels better than its predecessors (that said, Left 4 Dead 2 was released over a decade ago, so you'd expect to see improvements.
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I need help!
I enjoyed playing this back in 2018, but somewhere along the line the icon disappeared from my desktop. Before downloading again, I searched and found the game on my hard drive, tried to run it. Like ALL games from My Play City, when I try to start, they load "The Longest Journey". That's been going on for over a year, ever since I installed Longest Journey (I haven't found a fix yet). So I tried running from the game folder, Game.exe and Engine.exe. Either one starts loading the game, it says something like "Optimizing for downloading", then "Initializing", then an opening game sequence, "Click anywhere to continue", then it crashes. I tried downloading and installing today's giveaway over the old program, same thing happens. I tried uninstalling it with Soft Organizer, then reinstalling. Same thing. I tried different settings in Compatability Mode. Nothing helped.
I would like to play this again, does anyone have any suggestions?
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Update: Mostly solved! I closed down Waveform, my music recording software, and the game worked fine. I started it with Engine.exe in the program's folder. My guess is the game couldn't gain control of the audio in my computer with Waveform running (YouTube has the same problem).
Still need help with why Longest Journey runs when I try to run anything from MyPlayCity!
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I downloaded on Oct. 27 2015, Very nice game, I give it a Thumbs up!
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Entertaining puzzle game. Very suitable for lockdown periods.
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This is a good game you have to match 3 runes to clear the board. There is a relaxed and a timed mode. Try it you might like it.
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I keep getting failure to launch ?
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sherry storey, MAYBE! is helpfull:
Pause your Antivirus and / or
Stopp Windows Firewall
Sometime a Programm in Backgound make Problems:
Use Alt+Ctrl+Del to start "Task Manager" Kill all Programms you don´t need
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