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Jungle Racers Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Jungle Racers

Jungle Racers Contest is the event where monster trucks, rally cars, pickups and buggies compete with each other. Opponents can try to stop racers on their way to finish in three different racing modes.
$14.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 230 30 comments

Jungle Racers was available as a giveaway on December 11, 2010!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
You have several attempts to correctly guess color, but will you choose it?

Jungle Racers Contest is the event where monster trucks, rally cars, pickups and buggies compete with each other. Opponents can try to stop racers on their way to finish in three different racing modes.


  • movement - cursor keys
  • nitro boost - x
  • respawn - r
  • pause - esc

System Requirements:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7; CPU Pentium 1000 MHz or higher, 256MB RAM, Video 64MB or above


Xing Interactive



File Size:

87.2 MB



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Comments on Jungle Racers

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jungle racers is great gamer but i love this car and i have download all 100%


Reply   |   Comment by Hansidil  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

:) love game 2010 Racing

Reply   |   Comment by Sidahmed  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is very retro and although for the first 10 minutes you have some expectation of the game getting out of first gear after that its all very sameie and slow ideal for 5 year olds I suppose. Unfortunately we have all been spoilt with fast action and hi res graphics so even though the game is free it will be remoed from my PC and I will not be buying it. 10 years ago, maybe, not these days.
Sorry. :(

Reply   |   Comment by Ian Smith  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well it looks fun, but for some reason it will not open on my computer (Win 7). Every time I click start game it goes unresponsive and it says the game has stopped working. So I wish to uninstall it, but can't figure out how. I can't find the uninstall link in the game's file and it is not listed when I go to uninstall a program. So how would I safely uninstall it? Thanks

Reply   |   Comment by A  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A pretty nice game, THANKS :-)

plays well on Vista 64 bit

thumbs up !!!!

Reply   |   Comment by corky  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh, I did have a suggestion for the handmade games guys, "how about adding in a LAN component so people can have LAN parties...or just play against friends".....really, the era of playing by yourself restricted to your own pc...kinda past, if you want a modicum of interest, LAN is the way to start...I have seen games like GTA3(not originally multiplayer) become multiplayer by community involvement...has happened before, will happen again.....jump on the bandwagon HANDMADE

Reply   |   Comment by phased  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice game...runs well on winxp media.

For screenshots, you need to have the right graphics codecs to capture things in screenshot, depending on many things including the renderer used for the game (kinda the same deal as screenshotting movies in certain players)...update your codecs...I would suggest the k-lite codec pack.

................................Moderator comment......................................

Thanks phased, I'll try that; though I never have problems taking screenshots with any other game; just handmade games. :)

Reply   |   Comment by phased  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Agree with intertidal - this game can be better with some more effort and passion from the development team.

My gut feeling:
These days people can easily get racing games with extraordinary graphics. So if the game makers are just focusing on some fancy bloom or blur effects to propel the game into the market, without consolidating on improving the gameplay mechanics, it's gonna hit a dead end. I would be willing to spend good bucks on a great game, rather than few bucks on something that has very less replay value.

Arcade games are meant for one thing - fun!

* Make sure graphics are scalable. So it should run well on older systems, yet it should recognize a newer machine's capabilities and be able to leverage all the latest DirectX and DirectSound tricks.
* Add better multiplayer (at least good LAN gameplay). Party games are where I can see an arcade racing game like this fitting right in. This target market is where the true money lies and where you should focus if you want to make your product into a winner. There are very few good-and-cheap arcade racing games for the PC, remember that.
* Try taking a look at MotorStorm, Monster Truck Madness, Track Mania Forever (extraordinary game - free!), for comparison about the gameplay mechanics.
* Ensure the game has great replay value. One idea would be to able to customize the cars innovatively. For example, to be able to mix and match any car parts (say a sedan car with truck suspensions and bumpers) and come up with your whacky rides and see how they handle the dirt turf - that would be fun!
* Another replay mechanism is to provide a track editor. TrackMania does this beautifully. I still remember the tons of hours I spent in TrackMania Sunrise, building my own crazy rollercoaster racing tracks and giving them a whirl.

Anyway, thanks to GGOTD for this giveaway, and since it is free today, I have downloaded and installed it, even though it was a 87MB download (and I have a slow broadband).

Lastly, I want to thank Whiterabbit and all the other moderators here for their extraordinary efforts. Please do not feel discouraged if you don't see much feedback on any posted articles. The community commends your efforts and we thank you for your dedication. Hats off!

....................................Moderator Comment..................................

Thank you Veekay, though I'm not discouraged, more like disappointed. This site has so much potential. If developers saw a site that gave professional feedback on their games I'm sure they would come flocking. ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by Veekay  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I agree entirely with Njugi.

The first thing I noticed about the game (after the menu controls being mixed up with left/right moving up/down the menu, and up/down moving left/right on the menu...) was that there's no sense of speed while playing the game.

The sense is similar to driving up a steep hill in a tank, except you're likely to spin out randomly.

Widescreen is a bit buggy (the startup videos stay 4:3 on the left of the screen), but that graphics were fine - for a free game - on my 1366x768 16" screen, but I don't think I'd be too impressed on a full HD 24".

Reply   |   Comment by Perl  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

.......................................................................................MODERATOR COMMENT...............................................................................................

I've tried to stay up as late as possible so as to make sure everyone gets moderated, but it's now almost 5am here in the UK with just over 3 hours left of the giveaway. I've spent 21 hours watching this thread to make sure everyone was moderated in a reasonable amount of time. Only two comments have been made over the last 6 hours, so I doubt there will be many more comments made, so I’m going to bed. I’ll try and get up before the giveaway is finished so as to moderate any late-comers to the comments section.

It's disappointing that there are not more community members posting feedback (but I do appreciate that not everyone has the time or inclination) because I really do think that if we got a good response from the community with respect to community members posting positive and negative feedback about the games posted here; the game developers would take notice and see that this site is a potential forum for getting decent feedback which could then be used to improve on their games. We would win and the developers would also win. There have been several great posts today that I hope the developer will take note of.
The game definitely needs a lot more work. The idea is potentially a good one, but there are too many elements that fail, most notably the control system and the movement of the cars. We are not looking for a new Need For Speed, or Burnout; just a fun arcade racer with some innovative ideas, a decent control system and some re-playability, none of which today’s game has IMO.


===============There will be NO MODERATION until just before the gamegiveaway ends in just over three hours time - (Hopefully)======================

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, overall I think the graphics are ok, but everything else is crappy...

I sincerely thank GGOTD for letting me try this for free, because I think this game should be freeware for everyone and I would feel really bad if I had wasted my money on this.

Well, now for some constructive criticism for the developers:

- Try to be innovative, the whole game feels like a crappy MotorStorm wanabe, that has none of the things that make MotorStorm what it is: the feeling of speed and big jumps!

- Make the cars jump! It is frustrating to be glued to the floor after going up a ramp at full boost!

- Steering is really annoying! You should fine tune it so that it feels like dirt, so that you can use countersteering, which is fun!

- Bring money into play. It keeps people playing if you win money on each race and can use it to buy parts or cars!

- Put some alternate routes that are best for different types of cars (like MotorStorm does!), otherwise it doesn't make sense to have different types of cars!

- Make it fun! I played for 10 minutes and I am about to uninstall it! Something must be wrong! Did you think it was fun after developing it? If you think it can be better, try to make it better before releasing it, because you are building an image of your company! Make cars jump around and spin and fire missiles or whatever it takes to make it a great experience!

- Graphics aren't everything! Gameplay is everything!

Uninstalling it now.

..................................Moderator comment.....................

Thankyou for the excellent constructive critisism intertidal. This is the type of feed back that would get more developers interested in this site. The more suggestions both positive and negative, the more games we would get. (IMO)

Reply   |   Comment by intertidal  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can say it installed and played to the 2nd curve on Vista 32 bit.
The cursor was floaty and jumpy (I can't explain it better than that) and the arrow keys were sluggish, so I changed the compatibility.
That helped but I still couldn't get pass the 2nd curve :(
I spent around an hour playing ..... sideways, overheating and wondering what was beyond that 2nd curve (even my stubbornness has a limit - 1 hour).
Thanks GGOTD, but I deleted it.

Reply   |   Comment by kvtto  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed and ran fine on Win 7 pro 64 bit after tweaking config file to not be in full screen.

Game got boring quickly though. Controls felt sluggish and car behaved unpredictably at times.

Kids like it though.

Reply   |   Comment by Ziggie  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

trying to join

Reply   |   Comment by christal  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have opened the Actions.cfg file & got some LOLs.

Please see below

So left is left or right?
I don't know, but maybe it is the place to redefine your steering keys when you don't like the default one?

I have searched for some more & found that this game has a lot of XML files that allows to change car physics with extreme ease!!! You can even change some scripts [I don't know for what & with what, but you can ;-)]. I don't have the time, but one can make a super-extra-charged car to pass this ugly level 4 & more ;-D One can make crazy car that do not know what the physic is [haven't read the physics books ;-)]. It is really funny ;-) Try it with NFS series without tools ;-b Big thanks GGOTD! ;-) End of spamming by me for today ;-) Have fun ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by Adamus  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Despite of all I like the idea of fancy/twisted/bouncing tracks. I would like like to have this game several years ago - it would be a great game those time.
I have also stuck with the level 4 & several times I was only one or two seconds from the win. The bad things are that the car is simply somewhat crazy and likes to stuck like being without power. Sometimes it can be overheated some more, but sometimes it explodes very fast [I don't know - is it a feature?]. The bad thing is also with handling the 'key up pressed' & 'key up depressed' keyboard events. Many times I am pressing the UP arrow all the time, but after changing stages the game is waiting for the 'key up pressed' event while I am pressing this key already [I have to depress & press it again].
I would like to see some crashing, smashing events like in carmagedon.

Hm. Maybe some cheat codes for 'get next leve', like the legendary IDDQD & IDKFA?

Reply   |   Comment by Adamus  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have installed it, bu I was experiencing segfaults ['application performed illegal operation & will be closed' message] instead of the game. I am using pivoted monitor. I have finally successfully ran this game by tweaking the 'config.cfg' file entry to 'fullScreen = 0' [changed from 1 to 0]. It disabled the full-screen mode & allowed the game to start-up correctly. So there is some small hint to everyone who has unusual monitor configurations - let he/she tweak & disable the full-screen mode in the config.cfg file.

Reply   |   Comment by Adamus  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed,loaded and ran fine on Win 7 64 Pro..Game play wretched, kept looking for the gear shifter , feels like stuck in 1st gear for whole game..

..........................Moderator Comment........................

Yes it does feel like you’re driving through thin treacle............ To the developer is there any way you can improve vehicle movement. Acceleration and speed are almost non-existent and the boost hardly makes any impact at all

Reply   |   Comment by Bo Cullins  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Like others, all I got was a black screen and music. Win 64x with a mid range video card. Too bad, it looked like fun. I believe there was another game recently from the same developer that did the exact same thing. A motocross in africa game. Nice try. No cigar.

................................Moderator comment............................

Try the free version available from Gametop called Offroad Racers (they change the name for licencing reasons)

Reply   |   Comment by Franklin Moore  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

While the physics of the game leave yet to be desired.. It does bring back memories of the now defunct Atari Games Division and Midway's Arcade department and the racing games they put out in arcades. And thats fine by me. Its a free game and free is good.

Reply   |   Comment by Jason Carver  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

habe das Spiel gerade getestet, und in Runde 4 kommt man definitiv nicht weiter, die Zeit ist viel zu kurz, habe es nach mehreren Anläufen wieder ausgemacht.
Es ist zwar nett gemacht, aber ein paar mehr gerade Strecken zum Schnellfahren sollten schon mit drin sein, mit den ständigen Kurven schläft man fast ein...
Heute keine Daumen von mir, aber trotzdem danke ;-)
LG Raygee

..............................Moderator Comment............................

Translated using Google translator:

I just tested the game, and in Round 4, there is definitely no more, the time is too short, I arranged it after several tries again.
Although it is nicely done, but a few more straight lines to speeding should already be using it, with the continuous curves to sleep for almost a ...
Today no thumb to me, but thanks anyway
LG Raygee

Yes I agree, I stopped playing it at level four after trying to beat the clock. I was just a corner away, but it is very hard. You have to make no mistakes and use the boost at the right tme to win that level; that said i don't think it's impossible.

Ja, ich stimme, hielt ich es zu spielen bei Stufe vier nach dem Versuch, die Uhr zu schlagen. Ich war nur eine Ecke entfernt, aber es ist sehr hart. Sie müssen keine Fehler zu machen und die Steigerung zur rechten Zeit, um dieses Niveau zu gewinnen, dass ich nicht denke, es ist unmöglich, sagte.

Reply   |   Comment by Raygee  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installs, but does not open on my OS Windows 7. Ive reinstalled but still does not open! Dont know what to do with this.

...........................Moderator Comment.........................

I've edited my review to include editing the config file. You may get it to work by changing some of the settings. It's not hard to do, just open the config file using note pad. If it wont open change the program so that tyou can use notepad. (You'll need to right click on the config file then click on properties. From there you can change the program to notepad. You may need to remove the config file from the game folder before you can edit it (I had to0. I would make a back up of the original config file before you start to edit.

Reply   |   Comment by chante  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have to agree, Stephen - it's a BIT of an improvement on previous Hand Made games - but not much! It opens with all sorts of exciting statements, like "not your usual race" "not your usual cars" and so on (I love that I can even drive a "puckup" truck!) but doesn't deliver, and suffers from the same old not-quite there game physics, lack of graphics finesse, lame controls/menus, and the same old generally unfinished look as the others. And just for kicks I drove off the track and my car all but sank into the ground "scenery", so what, they still haven't mastered object collision detection?

You were generous - I'd give it a 4/10. I can overlook lack of polish or other flaws alone, but this one has all of them rolled into a boring and uninspired racer. I see improvement since the others (At least it's not a scroller!), but they have a long way to go IMO!

I won't be keeping this one...

.......................Moderator comment.......................

I agree 7 out of 10 is a tad generous, but i'm basing my score on past Handmade game submissions. Maybe i should add a second score for overall gameplay. (Yes I will). I won't be keeping this one as I have a whole shelf of racing games and a generous smattering in my Steam account that i'd rather play, but I have to be as impartial as I can when giving conclusions to these games. Overall it is playable and for some it will be a good game. :)

Reply   |   Comment by JL  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Cannot unpack, get a message telling me that it is not a zip file!

........................moderator Comment......................

did you try to redownload the game? If yes try using a different archiver such a s7 Zip or J- Zip.

Reply   |   Comment by Ecchi  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It would be a pretty badass idea, but it just does not work. I played an half hour, but I got bored, and I am going to tell the reasons, why:
1) You can not feel the speed. If you are not boosting, your car's speed is like it was a 70-year-old granny. And you can not boost forever, because of the 'Overheat' meter.
2) Horrible respawn system. Oh my God, the respawn system is horrible. In a normal racing game, if you respawn, for a few seconds, other can go through you, but not here, cause the game can respawn you even on an other car. Horrible, and if the opponenst crash into something BEHIND YOU, and they "press" respawn 4-5 meters IN FRONT OF YOU! Just not fair. Horrible.
3) Maps. The maps I played are pretty, pretty linear: there could be a chance to go on an other way, but no, there is a fix map, period.
4) Acceleration. a) you can not change the controlls, so nevermnind if you got a gamepad, or something, you have to press te cursor buttons. (Sarcasm on) Brilliant (Sarcasm off)
5) Graphics. They not that bad, from a hand made game, but sometimes you feel, that you are in 1999's LEGO Racers...
6) It crashed a couple of time, in a hour...
It won't be a bad game, if you correct several mistakes. But it is bad yet.

..............................Moderator comment........................

Thanks for the comments Njugi; I'd agree with you on all points, even the score. I gave it a 7 out of 10, but that score is based on comparisons between it and other hand made games. This is by far the developers best racing game. They seem to be improving as time goes by. Lets hope they take on board your suggestions as well. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Njugi  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Boah ist das langweilig. Absolut unmotiviert gemacht. Fulminantes erstes Rennen ist ein Alleingang gegen die Zeit. Gegen Bots macht es genauso wenig Spaß. Wegrammen geht nicht, Steuerung ist scheiße, die Boost-Funktion ist fragwürdig, Grafik ist kacke (harte Kanten auf der Strecke!) und absolut keine Langzeitmotivation. Nach 3 Strecken ab in die Tonne...

Reply   |   Comment by Knigge  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Only blackscreen and music...
That´s on all games I downlaod from here!

My system:
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit

................................Moderator comment...........................

It works on my Win 7 ultimate and Pro versions but I cannot take screenshots. all I get is a black screen (same for all Handmade games) When you say all game do you mean just from Handmade games or from the other developers like Playrix? If that is so you may be missing a component that allows you to see these games. Though i see you have win 7, so that shouldn't be the case. Have you tried compatibility mode?

Reply   |   Comment by handyplayer13  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the same game and it's freeware:

.......................................Moderator Comment...............................

The game isn't freeware. All games available from Gametop (and other sites sucha s MyPlayCity) are full commercial games, but you get them free because of the added extra's. Gametop pay the developer a certain amount of money to be able to give the developers games away for free, but the price you pay is having your browser opened and directed to the host site. Also you run the risk of getting your home page hijacked and tool bars installed (though as mentioned above, these can be avoided by unchecking the appropriate boxes during installation.

Reply   |   Comment by sevcik.daniel  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh man, what a scrap...
No innovation, no motivation, hot air, no fun

Reply   |   Comment by Alhexagamma  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another game from Handmade games. The 87.2Mb zip file unpacks to 2 files , a read me and a dual set up and activation module. The game installs to:


There is no shortcuts to the desktop or the Start menu Programs list so you will need to make a note of where the game installs to so that you can make a shortcut. The installed game is 195Mb in size. The game works in Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit, win 7 Pro 64 bit, and XP Pro 32 bit. Will check Vista later.

The Game:

Jungle Racers works from the same basic design that all of Handmade games have followed. You have to win either Gold, Silver or Bronze medal to unlock the next level. Scoring a specific number of cup awards will unlock one of the six locked vehicles. You start the game with two unlocked vehicles. I unlocked the third vehicle after winning a bronze and a Gold award in my first and second races.


There are three race types available, but these are programmed into the game as opposed to being able to select the mode you want to play. Basically you start with a time attack where you race alone against the clock. Every checkpoint ads extra time which is cumulative to the time you had left when you passed. To help you get there faster you have a boost control. Beware though as too much boost will blow your engine. Thankfully there is an indicator to the bottom left of the screen. An audible warning will alert you to imminent engine failure. To use the boost control just press X. The second race type is a circuit race where you race against several AI controlled vehicles of various descriptions. (You’ll be able to unlock these as the game progresses). You have to win third, second or first place to progress to the next level. The final race type is called an elimination race. The last vehicle past a checkpoint is eliminated from the race until only the last car is left. You have to be in the top three to unlock the next stage.


There are 18 levels in all; however only six different tracks made up of the following:

Guava forest
Coco Forest
Bamboo forest
Banana forest
Roacky Canyon
Mixed Forest

Each environment is repeated two more times, the first repeat you get fog and the second repeat you race the reverse of the original track, making 18 races in total.

You can set up multiple profiles. Once you’ve completed a race your profile and progress will be saved, though you have to complete and win a race for it to be saved. You can reset (re-spawn) a race if problems arise, for example you get stuck on a bend or have crashed into the forest and are finding it difficult to get back on track. The game is keyboard controlled and you can only play the game in full screen.

Changing the Config file:

:idea: There is a way around the full screen only problem. you need to remove the config file from the installed games folder then edit it. You may need to change the program to open the config file (for example notebook will open it up and then enable you to edit the settings). Change the full screen to 0 and the screen width and height to whatever setting you want for example 800 x 600. (Though I found making it just a little smaller that the original settinfgs worked. Changing it too much made it so that you couldn't see most of the game screen and some of the menus were inaccessible). I'd definitely save the original and create a set of different config files for different effects. You can change things like friction to chnge the way the game plays, though be careful with these because you may mess the game up. I found reducing the screen size too much made it impossible to play the game because parts of the screen were missing. Changing the weather made the screen black. My advice mess around with the settings until you find something that works for you. I found after changing the settings a configuration widow would pop up that didn't when I first stated the game. From the configuration window you can turn off bloom and motion blur as well as change the number of particles. This may be a way of getting the game to work for those who say the game starts with a black screen. ;-)


Accelerate – Forward Arrow
Brake - Back Arrow
Turn Left – Left Arrow
Turn Right – right Arrow
Boost – X
Pause = Esc


This is a much improved game over other racing games from Handmade games. The game physics are reasonable, the graphics are okay and the variety of races enough to keep you entertained. If you’re into games like Grid, Dirt 2, the Need for Speed franchise, and other big bucks racing games this will probably seem like a very poor cousin and you'll think it c&*%, but as an arcade game it’s quite good in my opinion and worth 7 out of 10; (compared to my scorings of 5 or 6 for all other hand made racing games), though personally I'd only give it a 5 out of 10 as their is nothing innovative about the game.

The game could be refined by adding the ability to cancel the race and restart from the start; especially after an engine blowout. As it is now, if you blow your engine you have to wait until you either time out on a stage in time attack, get eliminated or until the race ends in the circuit race. Also some of the environments look very similar, for example the guava and coco forests don't look that different. Maybe if you change the time of day to give the level a different feel it would feel like you are getting more for your money (assuming you were going to purchase this game) . I don't think the game is worth $14.99, especially when you can get better 'big bucks' games from places like steam and direct 2 drive (digital downloads) or from shops like Game UK for similar prices once the initial sales periods have expired, for example you can get Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate box for less than $10, that game has amazing graphics and superb game physics. Or an even better bargain is the first in the dirt series for about $7.50. I'd rcertainly reduce the games price to $5 or less, especially as the developer has already allowed places like Gametop to give the game away, otherwise i doubt anyone would purchase it.

Thank you Handmade games and the Gamegiveawayoftheday team for bringing us more games.


There’s a wheeled games thread over in the game discussion forums where you’ll find loads of racing games and you’ll find quite a few racing games that I’ve not added to the wheeled games thread in G@rgoyles free games synopsis (look in the stickies on the forums front page). There are also 36 racing games of various types that you can get from MyPlayCity which you can find via the following link:


I’ve not linked to Gametop because I’ve locked it out on my computer. I got a pop up asking me to allow a specific file to run when trying to access Gametop. I didn’t allow it and have not been able to access the site since. You’ll find several racing games including a copy of this game there as well, but most are repeated at MyPlayCity. Gametop have become more aggressive with respect to adding home page hijacking and tool bar installations, all of which you can opt out of, but if you forget, is an annoyance.


I wasn't able to take any screenshots of in game racing as they would all come out totally black. I managed to capture the above images by changing the congiguration file that you can find in the installed games folder, but was only able to capture menu screens and intro screens. The in game images i've posted were copied from the developers web site..

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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DogTrack Giveaway
Dog Track makes it easier and more fun to track with your dogs!
$8.99 ➞ free today
Anime Craft - AI Art Generator Giveaway
Experience the Ultimate Anime Waifu AI Art Generator - Unleash Your Creative Imagination!
$0.99 ➞ free today

Android app giveaways »

Leaf - Icon Pack Giveaway
Leaf is Green icon pack in cartoon style.
$1.49 ➞ free today
Warak Green - Icon Pack Giveaway
Warak is cool green icon pack that make your screen look awesome.
$1.49 ➞ free today
Octa Dark - Icon Pack Giveaway
Octa Dark is a flat icon pack with dark main icon and border.
$1.49 ➞ free today
DADAM35 Digital Watch Face Giveaway
Modern looking, digital watch face with customization and always-on display mode for WearOS devices.
$1.99 ➞ free today
Word Search Unlimited PRO Giveaway
A new and original word search game with 2 game modes.
$2.49 ➞ free today