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Invention Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Invention

3D first-person shooter with RPG elements.
User rating: 16 13 comments

Invention was available as a giveaway on November 16, 2021!

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3D first-person shooter with RPG elements. Actions in the game take place on a mysterious island within a secret laboratory. In this laboratory, once working people were trying to give others super-abilities. However, they could not have imagined where these experiments led. The hero gets there as a result of a crash. In search of help, he finds the lab. Not knowing what was inside, he goes down in there ...

System Requirements:

Windows XP and newer





File Size:

342 MB



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Plant flowers and fight with zombies to save your brain.
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Developed by Overwolf

Comments on Invention

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I'll add game information and more screen captures later today (if I wake up in time) :). Rabbit duty has seen me with only 1 hour of sleep since Monday morning; needs must. Sorry, it's now after 3am and not worth the time to play then write up a short review. I did check to see if this had been given away previously, but it didn't show up in my search, but apparently it was three years ago.

In Brief:
Invention developed by Ashoot is a 3D first-person shooter with RPG elements, that was originally released on Steam, but the developer was banned from Steam for unknown reasons, so all their games were removed. You can see the Steam community page for this game HERE; where you'll find community members comments, images and videos.

The game starts with a configuration window where you can select screen resolution, graphic quality, toggle full screen or window and select which monitor it opens to if you have a multi monitor display.

You can see a video of game play HERE.
Actions in the game take place on a mysterious island within a secret laboratory. In this laboratory, once working people were trying to give others super-abilities. However, they could not have imagined where these experiments led. The hero gets there as a result of a crash. In search of help, he finds the lab. Not knowing what was inside, he goes down in there ...

Edited reference accessed HERE 16th November 2021.
The Game:
To be added later.

My first impressions; it looks okay, especially for free; but I've not had time to actually play the game recently. I recognised the game, but had forgotten I'd played the game via Steam, but not since December 2017. I've only just reinstalled via the Falcoware version and had a quick look/see. The game reminded me of some of the first games Falcoware gave us back in 2018 called Mission: Escape the Island 1, 2 & 3, though the graphic is much improved in todays game.

We were given the second in the series 'Invention 2' back on December 2017 and again Dec 2018. I got a steam key for Invention 2 via a Indie Gala bundle called The Indie Journey Bundle

Key Bindings:
See the second (above) and third (below) images for details.
To be added later once I've had some time to play the game sufficiently to give a fair opinion.
























Notes on Security

I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game using Virus Total and it found 1 hit (Zillya) from 56 antimalware engines. This one is among only several antimalware suites that often tag Falcoware Games compared to most better known and more reliable antimalware engines; so, it's very likely to be a false positive.

The downloaded executable 'may' include some low level adware that only opens your browser once to Falcoware's home page after the game has installed and also places four shortcuts onto your desktop (which can be safely deleted once the game has installed).

The installation does NOT inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to Falcoware's home page following the games installation, it earns Falcoware games some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away free. Once you've installed the game, there are no more browser redirections. This is because Falcoware removed their installer over a year ago (that installer would show an advert for a game and then open your browser each time you played and then closed the game down.)

You can see the results of the scan via the following link:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Whiterabbit-uk, After installing a Falco game, I found


Just game! Hope this helps

Reply   |   Comment by Pete  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Pete, do not say anybody! We can loose our buz! =)

Reply   |   Comment by falcoware  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)


Hi Pete,

I had to delete your advice as it was against the forum rules.

The redirection to Falcowares page is put there for a reason. They have to earn some advertising income so that they can pay the developer of the game , who gets a cut of the advertising income. This way everyone wins, you and me, the distributor (Falcoware) and the developer. If everyone did as you suggested, they wouldn't earn any advertising income and it could affect their ability to give games away. We only get one redirection to Falcoware's home page when we first install the game; there's no malware or adware installed to your system.

Falcoware used to include their installer, which involved an advert that showed during the game boot up, which took around 20 to 30 seconds every time you booted up the game and everytime you closed the game down your browser would open to their site. Even this wasn't malware and really couldn't be classed as adware because it wasn't installing to your system, and wa sonly active when you booted up and closed the game down.

Falcoware removed this from all the giveaways over 18 months ago, so we only get that single browser redirection for getting a free game.

Also we get four shortcuts installed to the desktop, but they can be deleted if you wish with no effect on the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


I did a search for invention, but it didn't show in the search, so I assumed it wasn't given away. I recognised the game, but because I had it on Steam I assumed that was where I remember it from. After reading JEDIGEG comment I manually searched and found it back in 2017 where it was given away as a limited giveaway. The following is what I wrote about the game:

Invention is a first-person zombie survival shooter with RPG elements. The controls are the usual shooter controls, which you can find via the How to Play button in the main menu. Unfortunately there's no way to change the keyboard settings, so if like me you prefer non conventional key bindings, you're out of luck. The premise of the game is that you are stranded on a mysterious island, which has a secret laboratory. where scientists were working on ways to create super soldiers. Unfortunately things went badly wrong and all the scientists were killed or became zombified.

You, the hero while searching for help, stumbles upon the laboratory. Finding no one around you enter the bunker and soon stumbles on lots of zombies wandering around. This is the first of two games that the developer Dark Light Studio have released in this series i.e. Invention 1 and 2. It's a unity based game (engine), so you can expect to see resources that have almost certainly been used in other games of this genre especially the zombie models, but don't let that put you off. Unity is a game engine with lots of free resources and the basic engine is also free, which has spawned a lot of 3D based shooter games over the last few years.

The game is in the old linear format, which means you can't stray off the path, for example at the start of the game you find yourself on a beach, with the entrance to the complex you are about to explode in front of you. You can't go into the sea nor wander into the forest, but you can climb over the gate and wander down the path, but you can't stray from the path. Once you arrive at the complex and enter (using the F key), there's only one way to go, and once you've passed checkpoints (that are not indicated) you can't backtrack. The saves are automatic, so if you want to leave the game you may lose a little progress, but nothing significant. As you progress you can pick up items such as weapons, notes, ammo, first aid kits and more. You need to keep track of your health and food intake via the indicators in the bottom left of the screen.

Your inventory can carry up to 96 items, though some items such as the first aid kit and the wrench take more than one slot. If you fill your inventory, you can choose to dump items by right-clicking on them. One annoyance I found was to get back to the game once you've opened your inventory (via the tab key) you have to use the Esc key then click on the resume game button. All actions apart from shooting for example picking up items or opening doors are performed by using the F key.

One word of advice, watch out for zombies hiding behind doors. I died going through one door when I found three zombies hiding behind the door. Thankfully you only lose the progress back the the last auto save.

You can see the original review plus links to images via the following link:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

The images from this game are too dark, so I'm thinknig the game is the same. I prefer to see everything around me in a game.

Reply   |   Comment by Brian  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

According to my archives , the game was given away at least one more time ,
at Tuesday 04-12-2018 .
The next day , 05-12-2018 , Invention 2 was given .
The Invention zip file , back then , was 298 Mb .
Today's zip file is 341 Mb .
I don't know why .
Also , today's Giveaway Publisher is Ashoot .
Back then , the Publisher was Falcoware .
Nevertheless , the screenshots and the "scenario" are exactly the same .
I've installed the game back then and played for a while .
It was a nice game but not nice enough to "grab and hold" me ...
So , I've moved on to other games .
A few minutes ago , I went and found that old installation .
The game still works just fine after all those years ... !!!
I've spent a few minutes on it but as I said ... not nice enough ...
Oh well ... some day maybe I'll spend some more time on it .

Question :
Do I need to install the game again today , or is it the same version
as the one from 2018 ?

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

JEDIGEG, the same. We forgot that the game was given out already.

Reply   |   Comment by falcoware  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Just tried to install the game under Windows XP .
I've got the error "Setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application" .
Maybe the game was recreated using the Unity engine .
None of the Unity based games got installed under my Windows XP PC .
I don't know why .
I will try to install the game under Windows 7 later , if I'll find some time .
It's pretty late here in Greece , almost 04:30 in the morning and I am tired ...

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)


Hi G,

I don't have the previous giveaway installed, but I do have the Steam version, that was removed from the Steam store two years ago. It's exactly the same as todays giveaway (at least to the point I played it too where I got to the level 2 door; so, it's unlikely that the game has been updated.

There isn't a version number available in game.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


It was a limited giveaway; which probably explains why I didn't find in when I searched for it yesterday. I knew I'd seen the game play previously, but with so many games (my Steam account has over twelve thousand) I tend to forget the names of the games, but remember the game play. My Steam account has over one thousand categories to help me find a game just by using key words, for example Invention would be under zombies, research station, plane crash etc.

Sadly, the developer was removed from Steam for some reason, which I've not been able to ascertain..

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

After failing to install under Windows XP , I went and booted from
my other HDD , containing Windows 7 .
The game installed without any problems .
I've played for a while , just to see if it works .
Well , it works , with the same problems and glitches as the old
installation from 2018 .
So , the problems are not OS related , it's the code that has problems .
And something else ...
After closing the game , I've booted back in Windows XP , navigated to
the installation folder of Windows 7 and double clicked "Invention.exe" .
The game started and played normally , without any problems .

That's that for now ...

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Whiterabbit-uk, hi .
Just for the record ...I've picked up my shovel and went digging
into my old hard drive in order to unearth any info about the game ... ;-)

Invention was given at December 20 of 2017 (20-12-2017) as an instant Join & Win offer .
("Win one of the 100000 Free Licenses") ,
("Perform the tasks and instantly get the key ") .

Then it was given again at December 04 of 2018 (04-12-2018) as a normal giveaway .

Similarly ,
Invention 2 was given at December 25 of 2017 (25-12-2017) as an instant Join & Win offer .
("Win one of the 10000 Free Licenses") ,
("Perform the tasks and instantly get the key ") .

Then it was given again at December 05 of 2018 (05-12-2018)) as a normal giveaway .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)
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