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Insect Catcher Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Insect Catcher

A very old spider has been spinning webs for all his life. He used to catch flies, bugs, mosquitoes and caterpillars worth $10,000 a day. But one dark summer night the poor spider failed his eyesight in an awful accident and there is no one now to visit all the traps he had set. Help the spider to collect the prey and earn some money.
$14.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 127 69 comments

Insect Catcher was available as a giveaway on June 10, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

A very old spider has been spinning webs for all his life.

He used to catch flies, bugs, mosquitoes and caterpillars worth $10,000 a day. But one dark summer night the poor spider failed his eyesight in an awful accident and there is no one now to visit all the traps he had set.

Help the spider to collect the prey and earn some money.

System Requirements:

Windows 98/98SE/2000/Me/XP; CPU: P700; Memory: 256 MB


Xing Interactive



File Size:

2.97 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Comments on Insect Catcher

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O.K. Downloaded the game. Loved the game. Very relaxing. NO PROBLEMS WITH THE GAME OR GRAPHICS. If your having problems don't blame them on the site, try a updated computer or one that can handle the download. Also, how can you say a game is bad without trying it. It is nothing like butterfly hunter. Stop bitching or stop downloading. Keep in mind, THERE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Reply   |   Comment by Ryan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Um, sorry Scott (#65), but your comment is the most immature, rude, mindless statement anyone has ever made on GGAOTD. Might want to think about what's coming out of your own mouth before criticizing others for their actions.

Reply   |   Comment by Ravenhill  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Double games...

another repeat of a repeat of a repeat...

that they stole...

double games = BARF...

come on guys and gals...

something worth downloading please...

Reply   |   Comment by Antonio  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Gutter is spot on. This is sad.

Reply   |   Comment by Ravenhill  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

bitch bitch bitch bitch, comment #59 you can blow me, all you people ever seem to do is whine and complain, for god's sake grow up. don't like the software don't fkn download it geez, get a life

Reply   |   Comment by scott  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I was a bit worried that this would be as unplayable as Butterfly Hunter, but it's very playable and a lot of fun.

Reply   |   Comment by Gessika  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Bovi : Its very likely that those 50% are DG people.

There is no way that this software can be considered final or even playable, and it only hurt GGAOTD and DoubleGame to peddle this kind of half baked stuff.

This is sad, because DoubleGames sells games from a lot of different dev, and they are in no way "indie developpers", nor do they deserve the sympathy that we reserve for indies. They are only another game download page trying to bait people to their site by posting some crap offering on GGAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Gutter  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i like it , im going to keep it. took the adware out and it runs great.

Reply   |   Comment by Harlan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

to #50 -
Japanese is easy to write anywhere, just maybe not practical for most readers ;)

great comments today, everyone, from the funny to the informative.

typically there's complaints about "oh, another clone of game x", but at least they tend to come from different developers... DoubleGames should really try something else if they want our attention.

Reply   |   Comment by Jucati  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'll pass on the game for obvious reasons.

As for the "broken english" comment, I had no trouble what so ever understanding Kabo's comment and I'd much rather listen to his/her comments than someone putting down others to show how very refined their own english is or whatever their reason.

It's not so much how one says it, but what they say.

Reply   |   Comment by Kenny  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I see that,but,these idiots keep telling us to stop "complaining" are well....idiots.

and again,this is obviously in beta form,there not just giving this away because there nice,there giving it away because it needs some serious work.

50% isnt good at all,thats not satisfying.
thats a realy bad rating 70% and up is the standard for a good game.

this is a realy bad one,its not even worth the download,as I can get better games just by playing them on the internet,so it is a realy bad game.

the people who think its good either have no standards,or they just pitty doublegames,they have yet to release one good game that they made.

Reply   |   Comment by loki  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If a developer decides to give away software, it's their prerogative to choose which products. There is no reason to bicker about it, because it costs you nothing more than a gameless day if it's not to your liking. Double Games have put a lot of simple, casual games out here, and it's obviously branding itself as a developer of such products.

A lot of people don't enjoy their games, including me, however over 50% who gave feedback currently have given this game a thumbs-up. So they are hitting their target audience, and probably get sales of their other similar products as a result. We who enjoy more complex games get our fix on GOTD too, and those who like this game are less likely to enjoy those. The last thing we want is for GOTD to only do one niche, or abolish products in a niche. If they did, you might end up being the one left out.

Reply   |   Comment by bovi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"why all of the complaining about a game that is totally free? It is like the saying”they would complain if they were hung with a new rope”, so quit the complaining. At least GGAD is offering it for free, they do not have to do that. What other website offers free games everyday for free, none that I know. There are a couple of sites that have free games you can download but they do not offer a new one everyday like this site does. You do not get anything for free anymore, not even air for your automobile tires, it costs. water use to be free in restaurants but there are some that even charge for that. Just be thankful you have the choice to download a free game everyday and if yu do not wnat it, so what??? This game is similar to a fishing game I downloaded and it is an excellent time passer. If anyone wants to complain let them complain about the high price of gasoline, this will give them something to complain about!!!"
well now,Id just love to adress both of these posts :D
do not be offended if I happen to basicly own you,its just what I nautrualy do.

first off gagotd doesnt bloody make these themselves,indie developers provide these for multiple reasons.
a: the games a beta test
b:advertisement purposes
c:released yet wants to know if theres anything wrong with it for future games they develop

after studying the situation this game is in a beta test form,the hints to such is the rushed looking description,the fact that double games doesnt even list it on there site,and also no screenshots.

now if they were betatesting it on here,they would want what were doing now,they want criticism,or to you "complaining",now even the blatant "this game sucks" posts help the developer,he learns that his game just doesnt meet the standards of modern gamers today.

second off,you think the game is good,well,your not actualy a seasoned gamer are you now???

have you actualy played anything that wasnt a casual game???
and thus this nauturaly forms a bias,you are considered to be a casual gamer,thus wanting simpler games,wich this is. not to mention the fact that you like it,you wouldnt want people to complain about it.
all in all the above is human nature,but one should not talk like he is speaking to students,there is always somone who knows more than you do.

and third off,nothing is free???

this is going to be my biggest point..

just go to bloody google and just type in "free games" you lazy person XD how hard is that???
type in "freeware" ,and "abandonware"
just actualy search before you make these acusations.

heres some links:


see on that frontpage,over 1000 free games!

alot of these games are simply wonderful,and about 10X better than this one.
the reviews are good,the games have ratings,both by the staff,and by the users.
they also have little icons above the games telling you some things,wether its childsafe,wether its accii (believe it or not there lots of those),wether its online or lan capable,and if it has a virus in it (so people can compare risk vs reward,very few of those games on that site have viruses on them.)

and now for the other site:

some of those games arent free,most of them are.

Ive gotten loads of free games from them,they have everything there.

they also have reviews.

well there ya go my friend.

"Fools…all who dismiss this game as being lame…shame. My six year old kicked butt on this game, loves it, got to level 11 and also became curious about spiders and webs, resulting in a quick google search for the topic and thus becoming a learning experience. I watched my daughter play the game and it is a fast paced game, suitable for youngsters. Stop being cry babies about FREE games, get a life, let the kids play em and get a job already! Plus, you don’t call your mother enough, you need to lose a few pounds and your boss hates you. My kids love the free games I get for them every day, look forward to them and I for one think this website rocks! And the maker of this free game today is great…thanks again. And remember, just because your mother wears army boots is no reason to cry about a free game. Waaaa Waaaa Waaaa, the free game is too complicated for me….waaaaaaaa."

on to this one,wow,just wow...

we realy dont care if your kids are awsome at the game,that DOESN'T make it a good game!

half of your post was irelavent rambling so,Ill just ignore that rather adress the stupidity of it all...

and again,this isnt complaining,this is criticizing,this game is obviously in beta form so,just shut up.

Id let my kids (dont have any,but I was one.) play an actualy,you know,FUN game,this game is mediocre crud. I actualy have standards..
by a console for your children,or find some free platformers on that gamehippo site that I pointed out,Instead of playing this crap,why dont you get your kids to play a super mario game???
or sly cooper???
or ratchet and clank???
or spyro???

any of those??

bah,nevermind,anyway,to complicated???
WTF mate?
I bet you can bloody handle a mario game,let alone the devil may cry series,so shut up about games being to complicated,your making blind assumptions,we actualy have standards because we actualy play games.

alright im over this,Im not trying to misdirect people from coming to this site,Im trying to nock some sense into them,get them to download games like alien shooter from this site,the games that arent from double games,this site is great,jets n guns is a wonderful game and was loads of fun,I keep coming back here for more great games,but I think everyone would apriciate it if you guys would stop providing double games games as soon as you can.

Reply   |   Comment by loki  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#3 - #19 - & #41 ... "Ditto" I agree. Why should I use my time to try anything that "DG" apparently didnot feel was worth their time to try offering any screenshots and discriptions on their own home site or library !???!
I also searched their site throughly and this game wasnot included ANYWHERE !
DoubleGames - Stop using GOTD as a marketing "trick" to entice people to visit your site. I havenot seen such poor ethics from other offers. I feel you're only "dumping" stale games here and not really seeking any objective comments or suggestions.
GOTD Team - DoubleGames reflects poorly on your otherwise good judgement. Their software maynot technically have spyware and adware; but, their actions achive similar results. Some places refer to this as "bait and switch" marketing. As I write this there have been 75 "ratings" and 41 "comments". - I consider this an exploitive waste of time of DOTD visitors. I have come to expect higher standards of GOTD.
Perhaps my "suggestions" should be directed to the "forums". While I applaud your efforts to date, I feel action needs to be taken screening offers to exclude this "betrayal". Double Games has violated the "spirt" of your stated standards ! Today's offer isn't the first time DoubleGames has exploited you, this site and visitors.
I have tried their past offers and have finally conluded how inferior they are to your other offers.
"Once or twice, shame on them. Three times or more, shame on me" !!!
I am joining the boycott of "Double Games". They are "red flagged and black listed" with me.
Thanks for the effort GOTD Team. Please screen future offers to put a stop to this. You can save many people alot of time and trouble.

Reply   |   Comment by Larry B.  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For the 5th day in a row when I tried to activate a game I got "Fatal error: Invalid Key." Is anyone else having this problem but me?

Reply   |   Comment by Leah  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#51 I am glad you brought that point up because I,too, was wondering about legality and copyright issues - the game actually does go as far as to name "spiderman" (albeit without a capital S) in the tools that can be bought with proceedings from sold catches and has a symbol of a red male human type character with his arms held up in "muscle display" form - all very Marvel comicsish!!

I doubt that it is legal to use the term "spiderman" in this way, it is not just hinted at (as #51 says you get Spiderman feel from the opening screen) but during the game they do call one of their tools by the name of spiderman.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To those who mentioned the difficulty in trying to understand someone's poor English, do what I do....do NOT read those comments. Just skip them. It isn't worth getting stressed over.

Reply   |   Comment by Irish 1952  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I will be rude. My understanding is that the comments are for commenting on the particular item being offered. If you can not decipher someones post then simply skip it. However, to start slamming individuals because of the form in which their comments are written is juvenile and uncalled for. I am sick and tired of people using any excuse possible to critize others. GROW UP. Use these comment boards for the purpose intended. Commenting on the programs!!

Reply   |   Comment by solidad  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good morning everyone! ;)

Today's game downloaded/activated and installed easily without incident, either during these processes or afterwards during game play.

This game opens with a spiderman-like character. I have to wonder about the legality of the game, since in all appearances the hero really does seem to be THE 'Spiderman' without actually using the name.

The graphics artist has tilted the character's head downward, only hinting that it's the original Spiderman. There are webs behind him and a giant red spider with our hero in the foreground.

Duh .. who could this be I wonder??

The cartoons are extremely well drawn without any anti-aliasing issues that I could see - and appear as nicely in both window and full screen mode. The lovely bright colors inspire the gamer to play.

The play is simple - drop the spiders silk down to his web, where all kinds of different insects are caught. Each are worth differing amounts of money, that you can spend in the shop between levels, on items that make it easier for you to catch the insects, bombs, stronger silk etc.

Please note: There are NO options to configure this game to your liking. While playing, if you look to the top left of your screen, you will see the ability to turn the music off and pause the game - but that's all.

There'll be no surprise when I tell you that I had to turn the music off. WHO the heck creates these music clips for games? More often than not - they're just terrible! I'd like to have seen a minimum of at least 4 other pieces of music to choose from, that might perhaps suit the individual player a little more.

Also, the only way to force the game into full screen - is to use the Windows method of max/min any window.

This is just a minor gripe, but the light sources and highlights on the character and font don't match up. It's odd to see the moon at the back, yet the font and parts of him highlighted in the front, where the moon can't possibly reach.

Don't get me wrong - the graphics are still lovely, but I am a nit-picker when it comes to graphics. ;)

The opening screen provides you with four choices: 'Play,' 'Highscores,' 'Rules' and 'Exit.'

Rules: (They're not rules at all.) This page explains the different artifacts (? I'd call them items,) to be bought along the way; bombs, insect sprays etc. Really nothing different in the game method when you remember 'Goldminer Joe' which was created 'who-knows-how-long-ago' now.


No ability to save your game between levels! Being unable to save your game is self-defeating and lessens the enthusiasm of the player to play it again once discovered. This always makes me want to immediately uninstall a game.

Uninstalled for its boredom factor also.


4 - great graphics (regardless of light source;)

-1 - no originality;

-1 - main character hints at a registered commercial character - and I'll bet it's completely WITHOUT permission from Marvel Comics ®

-1 - terrible music;

-1 - boredom factor;

TOTAL POINTS: -1 out of 10 and a 'thumbs down.'

That's an extremely sad comment for the developers.

However, I do thank Double Games for the opportunity to review today's game, I really wish they'd offer one of their more ... complex (non-card) games to review.

I think we're all done with these simple little flash games that have no originality and no 'fun' factor at all. The previous comments of today will prove that to Double Games (and hopefully to GotD,) in droves.

Thank you GotD for continuing to find these offers for us - but given all the 'no-takers' for today, I think you can see how people just don't want these simple little flash games any longer.

Believe it or not, we're capable of playing games that require more skill than dropping silk to catch an insect! ;)

No weekend screensaver - (pouts!)
~ Swan

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Swan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


I thought about that too when Plady wrote that comment. However, I believe the person can speak/write English, but are too lazy to type out what they want to say. There is a difference between someone whose first language is other than English and a lazy typist. They put 1 instead of one. They misspelled know(kniow). They put jst instead of just. t instead of to? Come on, one freaking letter is so hard to type? lol

However, I disagree with #34. The Internet is a WORLD wide web, NOT the AMERICAN wide web(by the way, I'm an American). If someone wants to type their post in German, Italian, Japanese(although that would probably be very hard if not impossible here) that is up to them. That's a different point than Plady was making.

Reply   |   Comment by Duh  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Fools...all who dismiss this game as being lame...shame. My six year old kicked butt on this game, loves it, got to level 11 and also became curious about spiders and webs, resulting in a quick google search for the topic and thus becoming a learning experience. I watched my daughter play the game and it is a fast paced game, suitable for youngsters. Stop being cry babies about FREE games, get a life, let the kids play em and get a job already! Plus, you don't call your mother enough, you need to lose a few pounds and your boss hates you. My kids love the free games I get for them every day, look forward to them and I for one think this website rocks! And the maker of this free game today is great...thanks again. And remember, just because your mother wears army boots is no reason to cry about a free game. Waaaa Waaaa Waaaa, the free game is too complicated for me....waaaaaaaa.

Reply   |   Comment by Zack & Cody  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I laughed out loud at the description as it is such a random idea for a game scenario and very funny. It did remind me very much of "Butterfly Catcher" from a few days ago which too tickled me for ages - a spider who sells his caught insects in order to buy contraptions to make catching them easier. This one took that a little further with the "awful accident" this poor spider had one "summer night".

I was therefore surprised to see that both this game and Butterfly Catcher - with the same story and not very different game play (although in ths game the spider responds better to key presses) - are from the same developer, Double Games.

To all those who are new and hae enquired what Double Games have "done" to deserve such distain, they gave 2 card games, Freecell and Solitaire with suits of cards decorated with (cartoon) naked women, the latter of the 2 games taking it a step further and having such a cartoon as a background, this time the lady fully naked with legs splayed, a crystal ball being held by a clawed hand the only thing protecting her modesty......... Obviously for a family game this was inappropriate and for anyone else who isn't a giggling school boy, unnecessary. But despite not having had any such "artwork" since, there is a loathing of Double Games games for that reason.

Personally, despite believing we should move on from the offnding aforementioned graphics, I am not a fan of any of the Double Games software I have downloaded because in my opinion, all 6 games have not been of very good quality. Game play is very basic indeed and in this particular game, you are a spider which moves through 180 degrees at the top of his web. When in direct line to an insect already in that web, pressing the left mouse button makes the spider shoot along and get the insect. A monetary value for the insect is then displayed as your score. THAT IS ALL!! The idea is genuinely witty and very funny but the game itself is, for want of a better word, dull. It does not engage you and is not strategic, thought provoking, needful of skill - or, I'm afraid to say, fun.

I also personally would have liked to have seen the background as described in the description portrayed in the introduction to the game with pictures etc to set the scene. There is none of that at all.

Unfortunately, despite a descriptive and imaginative background to the game, there is nothing more to it and I doubt even children would be captivated by the game for very long at all. I do think that Double Games software should be evaluated per game and new viewers of this site not put off them before downloading but for me personally this game had little substance and no excitement.

#16 I read your comment expecting it, after your opening sentence of not wishing to be rude, to be gentle and to the point. Unfortunately, merely saying that you do not want to be rude does not then make comments which can only be described as such acceptable.

"I’m hoping you’re up early getting ready for summer school"

"It makes you appear to be uneducated and trashy"

"When I see someone in such dire need, I have to reach out."

These comments were unnecessary and extremely impolite. Regardless of use of grammar, each person should be allowed to comment without such judgement or belittlement. I only hope that Kabo at #11 who is new to the site is not put off by your unnecessary comments.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Interesting, but... spiders don't find their prey using their eyes.
They know they've got prey on their web because of movement as the prey struggles against the web.

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is cool.Keep up the good work.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

All criticism of the developer, double-games, and their software offerings aside, I have a HUGE problem with this offering, and offerings of this type from other developers.

WARNING TO ALL: if this is not offered on the developer's website, and you know it because you research before you download blindly, then it is a BETA. It is unethical to release a beta without notifying the testers that it is a beta and to tell them what they should expect. Wrapping up a piece of unreleased software in a price tag without disclosure doesn't cut it.

I have monitored this website's recent offerings and always research the developer's company before downloading and then decide for myself whether I want the risk of an undislosed beta. Use you head, don't let the word 'free' get to you. Free is relative, you may in fact end up with a real problem on your hard-drive as many have in the past. If you are new or inexperienced or do not understand what the software is supposed to do, then skip the day's download or proceed at your own risk.

For newbies looking for information on past software, this is what the forums are for. Click and read. Or go to the actual day's offering and read the comments. While it's ok to ask an on-topic question on the day's offering, understand that this isn't a chat box for past offerings to educate you, this is a comment box for the specific operation of the current software offering.

So double-games doesn't get downloaded by many many visitors today, this is one of the reasons why. If the software developers are listening, smarten up on the things you can easily change, like no additional icons and crap downloading with the offering, and the comments on the beta status above, while working on some major quality stuff. GGOTD be careful and monitor these 'extras' icons and etc--once your status as a spyware-free or xxx-free download site is lost, it's gone forever, there are no do-overs.

Thank you for your excellent offerings, and the opportunity to participate in them.

Reply   |   Comment by doodliedoo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

why all of the complaining about a game that is totally free? It is like the saying"they would complain if they were hung with a new rope", so quit the complaining. At least GGAD is offering it for free, they do not have to do that. What other website offers free games everyday for free, none that I know. There are a couple of sites that have free games you can download but they do not offer a new one everyday like this site does. You do not get anything for free anymore, not even air for your automobile tires, it costs. water use to be free in restaurants but there are some that even charge for that. Just be thankful you have the choice to download a free game everyday and if yu do not wnat it, so what??? This game is similar to a fishing game I downloaded and it is an excellent time passer. If anyone wants to complain let them complain about the high price of gasoline, this will give them something to complain about!!!

Reply   |   Comment by mindy crawford  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Please get Neon Wars on here - everyone will love that!

Reply   |   Comment by dave  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Okay, first of all, there are ways to avoid double games putting the extra icons on your desktop. It asks you. All you have to do is uncheck the box.
Second, I haven't yet had a problem with doublegames. I find that their games are more suited towards my four and six year old, but that is A-OK with me as kids games that hold their interest are hard to come by and usually cost an arm and a leg.
This game is wonderful. I installed, activated and played it with absolutely no problems.
If you have heard of Godminer and Goldminer Vegas and like those, you will love this game as it is a great kids version of the game with squiggly bugs to catch instead of gold.
I give this game a 9.8!
The music can be irritating, but you do have volume control, and the kids love the music on it as it is "cool".

Keep up the good work everyone.
Thanks GGOTD for all the free games!

Reply   |   Comment by naturalcommander  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Used the search box on their website for "Insect Catcher". Returned "Game Not Found". No screenshots & not even listed on their own website?

Unless everybody was raving how great this thing is or it had screenshots, why would I bother to try it out?


Reply   |   Comment by Ballpeen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Double games strikes again =(. Thanks anyways GOTD.

Downloaded, installed, I played for 5 seconds, and BANG!! I immediately uninstalled. Boring game....

So far, I think that the BEST game publishers on this site are Rake in Grass and possibly Sigma Team.

No double games for me. Thanks anyways. Coming back tomorrow.

Reply   |   Comment by Spider  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well - I just put this comment on earlier but it did not take so here goes again.

For anyone new to DG. I went on and downloaded and played for about 5-6 minutes. This game runs out of time way too fast for my children (5-6). They would become frustrated too quickly so it's not for young children althought it is a childish game. I do have to say that for my 5-6 minutes I did enjoy myself somewhat. For a "very quick" break it's OK to play. Probably could have gotten farther but I only tried it once and got to the 5-6 level (I wasn't counting) but the time runs out too fast. This is OK for freeware but defintely not worth any money. Main cons: runs out of time too quickly & very monotonous as nothing ever changes. Music was OK though. Since it was free I might keep it around for a few days to see how far I can get but then it will be uninstalled from my computer. Thanks GGOTD for all you do. Double Games - you really need to get with it in the programming dept and try to catch up to the gaming community if you really want to "sell" anything. So far your stuff is too hard for a child and too childish for an adult. Needs work.

Reply   |   Comment by Patsy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I went on and downloaded even with all the negative comments I have seen about DG and I have to say it was a quick 5-6 minutes of play that was fun for a quick break. If you want something to wake you up and give you a "quick" game play this might be OK. If like me you have a 5 & 6 yr old they will probably become frustrated because there isn't enough time for a young child to accomplish the job after the first 5 levels. If I played it a couple of times I could do better but it's really not my taste. Just thought it would be fair to give it a go and let anyone new know that it's OK for freeware but definitely not worth any money. Thanks GGOTD for letting me try it but everyone is really right about DG not being up to par with the gaming industry and it's really a shame that they will be trying to charge people money for this type of "stuff" in the future.

Reply   |   Comment by Patsy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by yes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can see where little kids would like this, but I thought it was kind of monotonous.

Reply   |   Comment by bsw  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There're maybe one or two posts going into details with what to expect from DG, the rest are merely "AHHH!! VAMPIRE!!" which isn't very helpful for us newbies *smiles wryly*

Thank you, to the people who bothered to put more than one sentence to their posts and took the time to explain their experiences.

Too bad there isn't a 'find this post helpful' option on gamegiveaway as well.

Reply   |   Comment by Ran  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not to be rude either,,,but I too have to agree with PLady100, reading all these comments on the games is something we all do, but too have to deccipher what someone is trying to say is just annoying. Please, if you are going to comment.....write English.....

Reply   |   Comment by Penny  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I feel a lot of sympathy for the poor, blind spider that he has to resort to appealing to us for help so he can continue his lifestyle on $10,000 a day. He must be really, really desperate to have to rely on DoubleGames for assistance. :)

I propose a fund to help this poor, unfortunate creature out. I'll start by donating 2 mosquitoes and a caterpillar.

My opinion of this: Same as JanW above.

Reply   |   Comment by Jen Soul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Specific criticisms of Doublegames:
1) You are allowed 60 seconds to capture bugs, butterflies, fish, or whatever, but while the timer is quite accurate, the action is not. On many of the games as much as 12 seconds passes before any prey shows up in the field of view.
2) On this particular game, as long as 37 seconds passed after a bug was captured and it was hauled near the top... it might have taken longer, but the game expired and no credit was given for that bug.
3) In other games, every time something is captured a pop-up is displayed showing its value. No other action is possible for the 5 seconds the pop-up is displayed, but the countdown timer continues to expire.
4) In the previous game, the length of the line is not long enough to catch the deeper prey. This is part of the game. However, on many attempts for the entire 60 seconds, not one single butterfly came close enough to catch... making any score impossible.
5) The movement of the spider, fisherman, etc is slow and unpredictable. One time it moves as directed, the next time it does not move... so you try to wait for prey to come near, and then it moves.
6) DG games places unwanted icons on desktop. Other sites have learned that this only irritates people and have stopped doing this. It is a minor inconvenience to remove the shortcut icon, but it's just a reminder that DG games should be avoided.
7) I download all GOTD games and software to an external hard drive so that they may be used on multiple computers. Unlike many here, I do not worry about storage problems... so I have a huge collection of these games... many of which I will not play, but I'm keeping in hopes that a solution will be found that will correct these defects.

Reply   |   Comment by Ron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Basic idea: spider swings from strand from top center of screen and a mouse click will send it out to a bug on the web. You're timed to retrieve enough bugs to make each level's target. Different bugs are different weights and so take more or less time for the spider to pull back to it's "home" position.

Graphics are okay, however the game doesn't hold much interest except for a small amount of strategy needed to consider points vs. size of the bugs the spider catches. I'm not sure this would hold the interest of even small children, but perhaps.

Reply   |   Comment by nants  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't know where GOTD got this one, but you WON'T find it on the doublegames.com site. I guess it's so bad that even the authors won't list it. hehe

Reply   |   Comment by Maurice  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I went to the DoubleGames website and did not find this game posted anywhere so being bored I decided to go ahead and download this game. I had no problem whatsoever with download or activation. I played several stages of it. I had also tried the butterfly catcher and the fishing game, both of which I deleted within 5 minutes!! This one is a bit better than either of those!
It is something to pass the time, and as near as I have seen so far it is childsafe. ( as far as the desktop icon for free games, all you have to do is remove it!) I must admit if I had to "pay" for this game I would not waste my money, but for a freebie it is acceptable.( I would post a screen shot for you if I could!!)

Reply   |   Comment by ladybuggy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for all your comments.
I will skip this game and save time.

Reply   |   Comment by Krish  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Im with #3. I wont download without a screenshot and especially since its double games with no screenshot. Always tomorrow..

Reply   |   Comment by Vella  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This one isnt even worth one line from White Rabbit. My old Grammy always said "you get what you pay for". Double games cant even give thier games away {not more than once anyway}.See you all Tomorrow.


Reply   |   Comment by Heln  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded this game and I absolutely LOVE it! It is very challenging and EXTREMELY addictive! Thanks DOUBLEGAMES and GGOTD for this very fun game!!!

Everyone, try the game, if you don't like it, then uninstall it! But honestly, it's a great game!!!

Reply   |   Comment by tonya28574  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#16 PLady100,
Don't you realize that there are people on the internet that are from OTHER countries besides the USA?
The reason most of them speak broken English is that they didn't grow up speaking English, and are trying to learn our syntax and speech patterns which vary greatly from theirs.
I realize that you aren't trying to be rude, but you came off that way. Once you spend a few days checking out this site, you will come to realize that there are many people from Eastern and Baltic states that use this site. Next time try waiting a few days before criticizing someone you don'r know!

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game is too boring to keep my attention. I'll go back and play yesterday's game some more. :)

Reply   |   Comment by PLady100  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sounds more like a story about the "internet" than a spider.
Not for me thanks. :roll:

Reply   |   Comment by www_computerchristmas_com  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm new here as well and there have been a few good games given away here for free recently, but this is the first Doublegames I've downloaded from here, I checked their site first (#11, just click the homepage link in the description) and it looks like they have some decent games there, however THIS isn't one of them.

It downloaded and activated ok in 10min at 50k dial-up.
Pretty generic looking (hence I think the absence of a screen shot).
The game looks exactly like the picture shown, only the
insects are at the bottom and your spider swings in a pendulum
pattern at the top and you have to time its drop to get the insects below. Beat the timer to get to the next level, however it's unclear
what exactly you have to get to get to the next level.
Level 2 looked the same as level 1 and the same challenge as level 1

Help says to use right mouse key (or down arrow) to make spider drop when actually it's the left mouse key (requires the use of keyboard keys for other functions during gameplay, which are few). No custom keyboard/mouse option settings. Not worth downloding in my opinion, it has no replay value to me.
I give it 1 out of 10 points, asking price of $14.95 must to be to pay the composer of the soundtrack, the rest is greatly lacking.
Good luck to them actually selling this game, I got it for free and have already uninstalled it.

Keep checking back, some of them are good, some are so-so, and some are "what I think this is".

Thanks GAOTD Team for providing this great service!

Reply   |   Comment by tj  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The big thing with me and doublegames isnt how good or bad their stuff is, its the scumware they wrap in their install despite this site saying it doesn't have spyware/scumware. I now pass on anything doublegames or anything on the featured programs that link to doublegames website. thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by DVD536  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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