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Horror Hospital (restocked)
Think of a dark hospital where fear and horror intertwine.
The competition is over.Visit our main page for more free licensed software.
Are you ready to face into fear? Think of a dark hospital where fear and horror intertwine. A hospital full of paranormal activity.
This game is a puzzle game based on intelligence. Not just horror game.
The Horror Hospital is a game in the mind of a mental patient. The first part of the game is in the mind of the patient, and the second part is a brief section about the patient's recovery and awakening.
Horror Hospital game is about the events that go through the head of a mental patient. In the game, the actor's wife and child play the game from the point of view of the character who is lost in the traffic accident. His family is lost in a traffic accident, the mental balance of the character is disturbed and the hospital where he is admitted loses both consciousness and memory so that the character begins to happen in his mind.
Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
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Monitor the number of users connected to your WiFi network and get information about the connected devices.
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A simple tool that allows you to view your current WiFi connection signal strength.
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Dear users,
There are some issues with yahoo mail accounts. Please use other mail services when entering the competition.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
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Alexa Bennett, Hi Alexa I used my yahoo mail so I sent you a message to have the key sent to my gmail
thank you for letting us know there are problems with yahoo
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Dear users,
Those who had problems.
Try to perform sharing task again, the issue have been resolved.
Also Try turning off Adblock on Facebook if the Facebook Share task is giving you trouble.
There are 5 tasks to be done to get the key. Adblock blocks the 2 ones considering them to be ads.
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Alexa Bennett, I tried that but it shows up as I already did them
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Here is the useful comment:
At first I was having trouble with the Facebook sharing.
I turned off Adblock and saw two more tasks which were hidden earlier making a total of 5 tasks to be done.
Disable Adblock on Facebook as well if the Facebook Share task is giving you trouble.
Cheers : )
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Alexa Bennett, I don't use adblocks so that couldn't be it
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Alexa Bennett, I don't have any adblock or any software that blocks such things and yet I still can't share...
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Bob, Facebook like-gating was banned, perhaps they now banned share-gating too?
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Got the key.
At first I was having trouble with the Facebook sharing.
I turned off Adblock and saw two more tasks which were hidden earlier making a total of 5 tasks to be done.
Disable Adblock on Facebook as well if the Facebook Share task is giving you trouble.
Cheers : )
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Nice game
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I am using Gmail, never got my key. I did all the tasks without adblock, it said successful and a key will be mailed. I even searched my gmail for "giveawayoftheday" and see the previous giveaways, just nothing for Horror Hospital. I completed it around 20 hours ago too, so many keys were left. :(
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Help Me!!! ERROR: Please, set your Steam Account Privacy Settings to Public
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"Thanks a lot for your support! The key was sent to your email address. Make sure to check your junk and spam folders if you can't find the key"
haven't received the key checked every where unable to find,please help
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I did all the requirements this morning and have not received my key
so unable to review
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how ? ı did all these thing
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Thank you for restocking this game was disappointed last time when keys ran out. Glad the developed decided to give away more keys, the mark of a good company.
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Join a Steam Group not working it does say to take profile form private to public viewing anyone know how to do this
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I haven't received my key yet and it has been more than 6 hours.
Should I contact support or wait more?
(I already checked spam mail folder)
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Cihan Serter, i also not got any Key, already waiting 10 Hours now.
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Never got a key. Check email and Spam folder.
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Thanks a lot, GGOTD, for rerunning this giveaway! Much appreciated.
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There is a problem with Facebook account connection. When I hover over the facebook icon, it shows a different person's name. This is perhaps why the sharing does not work, if it is checking someone else's account...
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Still no key
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Awesome game
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I don't understand the necessity to like something in order to get it.
How do I know I like it before I have it?
The same with sharing, why should I share something before I know it is worth sharing?
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voorbijganger, because its the way to prevent from abusing by farmers
last time the kays were out after few minuts, bots took everything
you dont have to understand, if you dont like it dont take part in it
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jan vandam, I dont want to bother my friends with sharing al kind of things of which I don't even know if they are share worthy so thanks but no thank you
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Me gusta el nepe
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I have my AdBlock off, but it shows error
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Where do I find the key when done
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Kenneth Eugene Border, I mean it says that Thanks a lot for your support! The key was sent to your email address. Make sure to check your junk and spam folders if you can't find the key. Yet is still not there in any of my folders
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How long does it take to receive the key by email? I have all 5 task finished and no adblock and still no key..
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With all the problems stated above my first impression of NOT doing all the BS to get the key was the right decision!
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No key received frown emoticon:(
please check for me, thank you :
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But i perform all 5 task correctly,and i didnt get the key...and i made this 5 hours ago.
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It said the key was sent to my email but it has been almost an hour and nothing in my inbox or spam folder.
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No key received:(
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I'm only going to do this sharing and posting twice and if I still cannot get a key, I will undo everything. So far, no key, disabled Adblock, shared twice, yeah, I give up then and will have to delete and unsubscribe for it.
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Look your email
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I like Horror. Thank you, GOTD!
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Already liked
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sad game
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The share on Facebook tasks aren't even shown in Chrome. After changing to Explorer and trying to share from there, there's "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." errors. Well done GOTD - as always, nothing but problems.
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I did all the tasks but still don't receive any mail from you.
Please check my email:
I look forward to your help!
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Nevermind, I got it now. Worked.
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I dont have facebook, what do I do ?
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It has been an hour and my key hasn't been emailed.
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Anyone else having difficulties with sharing? I've been constantly getting "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." error... :(
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Mateusz Antkowicz, i have this problem too(
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i complete all task and i don t receive my key
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Error, I didn't get my key in my email
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perform all task,and no key
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what can i do ... i shared on facebook more than once and i cant verify my task
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where is key?
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