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Hard Truck Simulator Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Hard Truck Simulator

Accept various orders and freight faster than your main competitors.
User rating: 14 10 comments

Hard Truck Simulator was available as a giveaway on December 4, 2022!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

In Hard Truck Simulator, a hard-boiled racing game, you’ll put yourself in long-haul trucker’s shoes! You’ll need to accept various orders and freight faster than your main competitors. Take into account road works on your way, document inspection by the police, fuel level, and other factors that could affect time and condition of your deliveries. Step by step, you’ll be earning big money, owning more powerful trucks, and hiring drivers to work for you.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: x86, 800 MHz; RAM: 2 GB; DirectX: 8.1 or later




File Size:

106 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by GameTop

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Hard Truck Simulator:

In Brief:
Hard Truck Simulator is a decent truck driving game; especially for free. you have a lot of configurability both via the options menu and once you're in the main game. There are 32 different truck models to choose from (none locked) ranging from Frisk, Forerunner, Intrepid, Kinetic, Metalhorse, Pacific, Stormrage, Volcano and whiplash models. Each truck has several paint jobs you can apply.

On starting the game, you can choose from campaign or a single delivery. Choosing single delivery allows you to choose any truck and paint job. In Campaign mode you have to earn the cash to buy and upgrade your trucks. You can also choose where to locate your base from over 40 different cities across the US and Canada.

There are three levels of difficulty Easy, Medium and Hard. The difference between the three is the starting cash, whether you can get a loan on starting and whether you have to orient your vehicle correctly on delivery.

Pick up various delivery items from various places then deliver them to their destinations. You can select from various items to deliver depending on which warehouse you visit. Once you've picked one or more items (pick up too many and you'll get an overloaded message), the destination log will fill with various destinations you can deliver to. Each one quotes the amount of cash you can earn. The further you have to travel to deliver the goods, the more cash you get paid. This can be spent on more advanced trucks.

I attempted a delivery from Charleston to Atlanta, but got totally lost in Charleston, taking left turns instead of right turns on a number of occasions. It took me over ten minutes to finally get on the freeway heading East towards Atlanta initially on Route 95 where it started to rain, and sunset was upon me. It was at this point I realized I'd not picked up my load to deliver to Atlanta; so, abandoned the game, to return later.

Still, the sudden onset of evening from what appeared to be a bright day initially would confirm that game time is not in real time (in answer to Cad's query). After we've eaten, I'll attempt to make the same delivery, or one of a similar length to see how long it would take. In the meantime, I finally managed to get some screen captures as well. I had to go to windowed mode to take them as in full screen neither of the screen capture applications worked.


The graphic is basic, reminds me of driving games from about 20 years ago, but it plays well and if you don't own any of the latest truck driving games like European Truck and American Truck Driver games, it's absolutely fine. If you enjoy today's giveaway, I would definitely recommend both of the games mentioned. You can pick up the original version of European Truck Simulator quite cheap. Wait until the Christmas sales start later this month to grab a bargain on all three games or go for one of the more tongue-in-cheek truck sims like Big Mutha Truckers 2 (80% off at the moment costing £1.43). You can pick up Transporter Truck Simulator on Steam for £0.22/approx $0.30 at the moment (similar to today's game with respect to graphics), though, watch out for rock falls if you get that game. Extreme Truck simulator is better and at the moment is 90% off at £0.71. You can often pick up the excellent Mud Runner on sale (though not at the moment). I've seen it with 80% off regularly. Also Snow Runner which is a fairly recent release with gorgeous graphics. There's also a whole series of those Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel games available on Steam (Haulin', Convoy, Across America, Hard Truck, Extreme Trucker, American Long Haul, Extreme Trucker 2 and Pedal to the Metal). all around £6.99 to £7.99 each HERE. There are at least several more dedicated truck-oriented games that you can find on Steam and elsewhere.

My advice, check it today's game. It has quite a lot of game play to offer, though I suspect once you've completed a few jobs things will become a little stale.







Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

Whiterabbit-uk, can you please tell us roughly how long a drive takes? Or perhaps, how long one hour of driving in game time takes in real time, if you follow me?

This game intrigues me, but I don't want a situation like a flight sim* where game time === real time and hence would take many hours to "complete a mission," as it were!

*Remember Colin from The Fast Show "flying" his girlfriend to a foreign destination on his flight sim, in real time?

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Cad Delworth,

Hi Cad, it's not in real time. Sorry for the delay in replying. I've been away for most of the weekend visiting family. Only just got back. Totally forgot to post some images before I left Saturday morning. The third from last and the last image in my review were taken within 30 seconds of each other and you can see how much the sun had set in that time; plus, you can see I'd forgotten to pick up my load

I've just updated my review and sort of answered your question (but not fully). If I have time later, I'll make another attempt at delivering and this time make sure I pick up the loa and time it. Still, it's not based on real time like the flights in Microsoft FSX or Microsoft Flight. I've yet to make a proper flight in the latest iteration of Microsoft's Flight sim. My son bought me the deluxe version of latest one for my birthday, but I'm struggling to get through all the tutorials, lol. There are too many great games around for me to concentrate on the game at the moment. Plus, this weekend is a free weekend for Battlefield 2042, which I've been considering buying since its release, but was put off by the mostly negative reviews. I've purchased every battlefield game since the first one was released in 2002.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)


Notes on Security
I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game using Virus Total and it found 2 hits (Jiangmin & BitDefenderTheta) from 53 antimalware engines. These two are amongst only several antimalware suites that often tag TooMKY Games compared to most better known and more reliable antimalware engines, so it's very likely to be a false positive; so, it's very likely to be a false positive.

The downloaded executable 'may' include some low level adware that opens your browser to TooMKY Games home page after the game has installed and may place some shortcuts onto your desktop; these can be safely deleted once the game has installed.

The installation does NOT inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to TooMKY Games home page following the games installation, it earns TooMKY Games games some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away free. The giveaway version of TooMKY games version has had most of the adware disabled.

You can see the results of the scan HERE
If you're still not convinced of the games efficacy and want to be absolutely sure that the game is safe to install, please use a sandbox program to check that the game is safe to install before installing it to your C drive or other drives on your computer (assuming you have more than one drive).

There are free sandbox programs such as Sanboxie, GeSWall, BitBox, Windows Sandbox, Bufferzone (a six month commercial license was given away via the applications side of the project back in December 2009 HERE), Shadowzone, as well as others. (You'll find them all on the same page from Techwhoop.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

thanks for the virus in the setup.exe program.

Reply   |   Comment by jeff  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)


There's no virus in the set-up file. The downloaded file contains a wrapped file using Themida, which is often picked up as malware because Themida wrappers can also hide malware. The actual game is also free of malware; however, because of the adware used in all free game sites you get your browser opened to the distributors site. No malware or adware is installed to your system. What low level adware there is, is restricted to the game. This earns the developer of the game and the distributor some money for allowing the game to be given away free)

The game giveaway team have been giving away games since December 2006 and prior to that since October to December 2006 via the applications side of the project and a brief period around Easter 2008 and have never given away a game infected with malware.

p.s. The Themida wrapper is only used on the games given away at the weekend. The games we get from Falcoware from Monday to Friday are not wrapped.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

jeff, to clarify why the controversial Thermida wrapper is used, the whole purpose of the free Giveaway of the Day is to give you a free game opportunity for 24 hours. As you've seen, you have to "register", (though not in the sense that you have to supply personal details) the game with the site in that 24 hour period to have the download unlocked so you can "install" it on your computer. Unfortunately, we've had some pretty sophisticated folks come here in the past who were able to hack the site's installer, which allowed them to install the programs anytime, anywhere, on any and as many computers as they wanted, forever. Some of them even discussed/admitted it here. As far as is known, the Thermida wrapper stopped this. The weekday games may have their own protections.

This detection of legitimate programs as dangerous is not all that uncommon. Some key logging prevention programs (preventing hackers from spying on your typing), some programs to recover access to encrypted/protected files whose passwords have been lost, etc., are perceived by most antiviruses as bad, as you would expect. Any technology can be misused. including the Thermida wrapper which was created for legitimate businesses.

Of course, our outstanding moderator from the early days of the site, Whiterabbit knows all of this much better than I ever will, but we kind of take it for granted that the "why" is well known here, so I think it bears occasional repeating.

Reply   |   Comment by mediaman(watcher)13  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Thanks Watcher; I was considering posting the above, but I'm so busy at the moment with various things including taking advantage of the free weekend with Battlefield 2042, that ends in a few hours. I'm still debating whether to buy it as the co-op side of the game is very limited and I don't enjoy PvP play (which this latest iteration of Battlefield is primarily supporting) because I always get pawned due to my slow reactions.

I also assume that 'virtually' everyone is familiar with the wrapper issue.

I was surprised to find that your comment had been given a thumbs down.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

A very interesting delivery simulator not so high on file size, just the right file size to get yourself into these games. Even though the graphics seemed a bit old school for its time I still managed to have a silky smooth gameplay on my laptop.

Just a quick note on today's game. When you first launch the game it picks the settings it think it's right for a good experience. I would suggest that you keep those settings as I went a step further the next time I launched it to see if I could get a better visual quality and the game became unstable.

Also it would be good to familiarize yourself with the game by playing in Single Delivery mode.

I did like the customization options and the fact that the trucks drive decently speed wise and is not out of control.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

sailorbear510 aka Jason, so: about how long in real time would a Single Delivery take, on average?
Five minutes? Ten? Longer?

I'd also love to know if this is a "can be done in half-hour-or-less sessions" game, or whether (for example) a long haul with multiple stops has to be completed all in one go, if you see what I mean? Presumably (?) you can Save when you're at a delivery stop, right?

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)
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