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Halloween Night: Pumpkin Match Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Halloween Night: Pumpkin Match

This legend appeared long ago. It goes around from mouth to mouth and no one knows the person who was the first to tell it. The legend says that somewhere in the dark, impassable forests, on the meadow stands a forsaken house where Pumpkin Jack lives. That very Pumpkin Jack who has a holiday pumpkin instead of head! He lives all the year round and never comes out from his dwelling, but ones a year not long before Halloween Pumpkin Jack goes hunting for the souls of dead people! Each year he chooses someone from living people to be his helper who will assist him in this uneasy work. And this time he chooses you!
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 127 54 comments

Halloween Night: Pumpkin Match was available as a giveaway on November 9, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Turn a field of multicolored hexagons into a single solid color!

This legend appeared long ago. It goes around from mouth to mouth and no one knows the person who was the first to tell it. The legend says that somewhere in the dark, impassable forests, on the meadow stands a forsaken house where Pumpkin Jack lives.

That very Pumpkin Jack who has a holiday pumpkin instead of head! He lives all the year round and never comes out from his dwelling, but ones a year not long before Halloween Pumpkin Jack goes hunting for the souls of dead people! He calls them to his home in order to change his dwelling and to get prepared to the celebration of Halloween.

Each year he chooses someone from living people to be his helper who will assist him in this uneasy work. And this time he chooses you!

System Requirements:

Processor 800MHz or faster; RAM 128 MB; Video card 16MB Video Card


Xing Interactive



File Size:

12.8 MB



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Comments on Halloween Night: Pumpkin Match

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Thanks Guys for yoursuperbtips.
Itsgreat touncoverother people whodiscuss my love!

Reply   |   Comment by Jacquie, Lisa, David, John, Derek, Alfonzo, A  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I, for one, love holiday themed games-and seeing this one made my eyes light up! Halloween is my favorite holiday and I have yet to stumble upon many Halloween inspired games.
Game downloaded and installed seamlessly for me.
Graphics are awesome in my opinion.
Gameplay is seamless.
I enjoy the campy, spooky music that plays. I normally turn the music off or all the way down because I find it annoying, but I actually keep this loud enough to listen to. My only complaint on the music is that it tends to cycle through rather quickly.
My only true complaint of this game is that I feel it was made to be "too easy". If you get stuck, the pumpkins dance around to give you more moves. I don't find it very challenging, but I DO find it enjoyable.
Thank you for the freebie!

Reply   |   Comment by Aimee P  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love the spooky graphics, the music is neat to play in the background while I'm multitasking, and I've learned a lot about perspective and visual fields so that I might be able to create my own game someday. Thank you, GOTD and the designers!

Reply   |   Comment by Jennifer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Man am I ever getting sick and tired of you people not posting my comments. I change my name AND e-mail address every time just to try to get by your inconsistent filters, and my comments STILL don't get posted.


Reply   |   Comment by bork mcjork  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good game but tends to get boring after a few rounds... does not have the "impossible" round that SOF had which was nice to see. Not a GRAND finish like I thought might happen.. .Oh well!

Reply   |   Comment by jules  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I commented earlier that I loved the graphics.... and I do.... however.... the upside cross????? never saw it
guess I was too busy wanting to get to the game to notice someone trying to corrupt my life

Reply   |   Comment by Marcie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Same as the previous Elefun offering, this is completely incompatible with the ultra-buggy drivers for my ATI HD 2600 XT. While much of this is probably a driver problem, since problems this severe only occur with the Elefun games, it's probably also bad coding on their part.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

wow..c-drive died so i had to do a modemectomy..new drive, more room...but i lost most of my games! this one is fun. the art is good, and i really enjoy the squash noises..thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by laura sierra  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#3--Why do I get the feeling you'd have no problem playing some bloody, violent game, just as long as it doesn't promote Halloween or witchcraft. [roll eyes] I hope you don't play any other holiday-based games, because most modern holidays are pagan-based.

Pumpkin Match is beautiful, but is another match 3 game. EleFun also puts out some really nice screen savers and DID put the Halloween equivalent of this game, Pumpkin Jack screen saver, out before the holiday. While theme-based, it's not something you can't enjoy year round if you like these type of puzzles. I guess at least it's good not to love EVERY game or we'd be out of hard drive space!

Reply   |   Comment by Geek Grrl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ooops... I don't get the Halloween ban either. The other name for it is "All Saints Day."

Reply   |   Comment by T  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit, I'm sorry to hear about your need for pain relief. I've just been thru a herniated cervical disk... not fun and the worst pain I've ever experienced... Diurnal worked way better than morphine... but, of course, had to go to emergency for that. You hang in there.

As for "wordiness".... no apologies please. :-) I find your reviews invaluable and always read yours first. The tips like today on other stuff are frosting on the cake.... not only about computer stuff by like the screensaver bonus info. Thank you so much.

As for the whiners and moaners here.... grow up! Your sense of entitlement is absolutely astounding.

GOTD team..... thank you, thank you, thank you. You will never please some people... just consider the source. I don't drop a comment often but I, for one, appreciate everything you give us whether its something I'll use or not and have directed many others here. Now, that's gotta say something. :-)

Reply   |   Comment by T  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Love the Halloween theme, graphics very good, fun, and great when one needs a non-stressful break.

Reply   |   Comment by ET  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I like the graphics in this game...fun to play...thanks, GGOTD and Elefun

Reply   |   Comment by kayaknut  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

LOL--- Perhaps I should slam someone who gives a review based on religious BS.. LOL- It's a freaking game for gads sakes. If your objected to everything against a religion and everything was posted up was perfectly PC in every way to every soul on earth--- there would be NO games offered- what the heck is it with people and Halloween? So I would assume you have nothing other than bad version of pong on your computer? oppsies--- nasty bad beating of the innocent little ball thingy....... So---- I guess your on line life tends to be a bit B O R I N G ........ Enjoy- As for me--- I hope this game is all that it sounds to be and--- I'll think of you and your paranoid halloweened torture soul everything my children or I play it, Of course--- we'll be laughing at you just in case you can't tell.

Reply   |   Comment by ChaoticJinx  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Graphics are extremely well done here. Music has a clean sound to it too. Nice ability to change 3D perspective or switch to a simplified 2D. I thought it was a great mindless game. Thanks GGOTD and EleFun!

Reply   |   Comment by Confucius  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I finished the game in relaxed mode today. It is set up so you don't lose and if pumpkins have to jump up and change positions, so be it. the idea is to decorate the background picture. You get one new element with each passing block of levels. Charming and well done. To make this game more interesting it should have more, and different bonuses. I let the computer do a few levels, just moved where it 'hinted' to move. I got the feeling that this was a very solid beginning of a game, but now it needs to have the game-play polished to make it more fun. I'm sure playing with the timer would be more of a challenge as sometimes there is only one move. You get more points for unlocking a gated pumpkin, but that is about it. The bombs that are given, fade away after a very short time. Music and sounds are good and the graphics and options are really good. This is just about a screensaver that you can play with. Good holiday theme. I would say this is a great start, with a little more work, this could be an outstanding holiday game of this genre.It is worth trying.Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by LDahl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is a good one.
The graphica are very well done
also the gameplay is funny and easy to do.
Also a nice game even if its not halloween
The games are better and better thanks GOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Flash  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Guess i will pass on todays offer. I am still having loads of fun with Trabi Racer. I never understood why everyone didnt think it a fun race game. I love it!! Todays offer, just not my cup of tea. Thanks GAOTD, for having mostly good offers!

Reply   |   Comment by chuck  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Cute matching game, for when you're feelin' lazy! Thanks GGOTD and Elefun.
And why people choose to use a gaming board to sound off about religious beliefs is beyond me. Please have respect for others, and they do for you, and preach elsewhere. And while you're at it, lighten up and have fun!

Reply   |   Comment by moo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I dont do halloween myself but I didnt want to bash the game because it had pumpkins and halloween themes but the upside down cross in the screen shot got me. I wont be downloading this game pitty I do love this type of game but gratz to the takers.

Reply   |   Comment by Wowcattys  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is there anyway to get the pointer...during play...to stop flickering?

Reply   |   Comment by mart  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, so a mention of Day of the Dead and Samhain is worthy of a comment being deleted, but the original comments stating that people didn't like Halloween (which also had little to do with the game) were kept? Glad I haven't spent my time writing reviews of the games, then.

Reply   |   Comment by UltraGamer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For WhiteRabbit:

Thank you for the helpful info. I have 2 computers that are just dragging along --- terribly slow these days.

Your advice is greatly appreciated and just what I needed today.

Hang in there, buddy!


Reply   |   Comment by LisaFlorida  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#28: thank you Tom for clearing that up for me. I didn't know.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrea  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love this game.......... boring, maybe for some, but for me boring is a nice alternative to a fast paced game just before bed. This is a great "veg out" game when you just want to do nothing competitive (so to speak) or only have a few min before you know something or someone is going to interrupt you........... like expecting company (which was my case) and it was better than standing in front of a window waiting.
All joking aside, this is a great games, love the graphics, especially good option is the 2d - 3d effects. Thanks for all your work and for the free game

Reply   |   Comment by Marcie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Extremely Boring game, horrible graphics, horrible game sounds, uninstalled!!

Reply   |   Comment by morph  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#23 Comment by Andrea
You say you have 256MB RAM - This is insufficient to run XP SP2 with any security software at the same time and a graphics game program. Suggest you up RAM to 1 GB if your motherboard will take it

Reply   |   Comment by Tom_  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is based on your typical connect 3 game idea...but it is a fantastic game as far as the graphics.........superb! I have a thing for pumpkins anyway...and the little dude sitting on the side swinging his legs and moving his feet is absolutely adorable....the graphics alone are worth downloading this game for. Thanks again GGOTD for another great game!

Reply   |   Comment by Penny Karn  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great game. I am a fan of Bejeweled type games. Calms my overactive mind for a little while. Graphics are good. I had no problems running this game on Vista Home Premium

Reply   |   Comment by Ginette  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OMG, this game is soooo boring! yes, the graphics are nice, but no variety at all. and the only way they seem to make it more complicated is by putting spaces in the graph that you can't use. That is not creative, just frustrating and annoying..

I got up to level 3 looking for more variety, and yet, they jsut blocked the most central matches, come on,,, if you want to know how to make a Match 3 game, give us another one like Atlantic Quest, that has a goal, and lots of variety.

This is being uninstalled as i write this. btw-Match 3 are my favorite games.

Reply   |   Comment by devlin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit #19 -Yeah I usually do scroll by most of the comments. Just to do a quick read to see why people like or don't like the game. Today I decided to read yours which is ALWAYS the longest because I was curious why yours are ALWAYS so long. :) :) I'm glad I did. :) Thanks for your input. I hope you feel good today. Not quite sure what the problem is healthwise, but I'm sorry you are going through it.
Fridays are chemo days for my sister and I stay rooted to my phone in case she wants to talk and since I can't be with here in person. So this game will keep my occupied today. Thank you!
PS - All Saints Day is a religious celebration of the church, but I'm not so sure about Halloween. (I would need to do more research) The meanings of Halloween (All Hallows Eve) are ancient and have been sort of lost and distorted through time.

Reply   |   Comment by Cathie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wish I could play it, but it is choppy and very very slow on my Win XP computer even though I have more than the required specs: 2GHz, 265 RAM and 32 MB video.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrea  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#18 and 19: Thank you for your reviews. Usually I will first scan the reviews to see if there is a review posted by you before I decide to download. Really big help for someone who is not so computer literate. Your reviews are highly appreciated. I would also like to know about Halloween and why some people support it and others don't. We do not have Halloween in my country.

Reply   |   Comment by Kaolin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Alright, downloaded this one, because I liked "Story Of Fairyplace" (or whatever it was called).

Just hoping that it doesn't have a level which is (presumably nearly) impossible to complete, like SOF had. :-(

Like the sound of squashed pumpkins, BTW.
Graphics and gameplay are solid.

So, thanks GGOTD and a reserved thank you to EleFun Multimedia and an insecure thumbs up; gonna try to play this one out, hoping for the best. %-)

Reply   |   Comment by JanW  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice idea, good graphics...but I get bored by the game.

Reply   |   Comment by kim  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

By the way comment #9 it was released after Halloween. Sorry I didn't incorporate this comment into my main review above, although I did mention when it was released. I generally don't check on other peoples reviews until I've written and posted mine, otherwise I may become biased in some way. (you just have to read some of my get out replies after seeing that virtually everyone disagrees with what I've written, lol....)

I'd like to know why some don't support Halloween? As I mentioned above, it was sanctioned by the church a thousand years ago. It's mindless fun now and gives kids the opportunity to be children and teenagers with their friends, dress up in fancy costume generally have a festive sort of atmosphere and also get a sugar rush from all the sweets and candy they get, which I'm sure most parents wouldn't allow normally, otherwise they would never get to bed, lol.

I do respect others feelings and beliefs even when they 'may' be misguided so pleae don't take my comment as an insult as it's not meant to be one. I'm just curious to know why? I do know the history of Halloween, so no need to tell me about that though.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Today’s giveaway is a combined module, so for those new to the game giveaway project, all you have to do is unpack and set up the game because the activation module automatically registers the game. I’ve come to trust Elefun Multimedia over this past year, with some decent games such as, those unusual breakouts ‘Twinnzoid’ and ‘Musikapa’; ‘Story of Fairy Place’, a beautiful butterfly match three or more puzzle and the jigsaw puzzle, ‘Chronicles of the Unicorn’ all of which I’ve thought were worth keeping, although I lost Musikapa some while back. So I’m looking forwards to checking this one out.

For those who don’t like developer’s links to their web site being put on their desktops make sure you uncheck the box during set up otherwise you’ll have another task to complete after the game has been installed. Namely deleting the desktop icon ;) …. lol. (See link to images below). There’s also a check box for the desktop game icon (checked already) and one for creating a quick launch icon (which is unchecked). If you forget to specify an install path you will be given the opportunity to review where the game is going to be installed. You can back track to change the default path which is usually onto your C: drive; unless you specifically set up your windows on a different drive, which for most, will also be their boot drive. :(

As I mentioned the other day, if you have a partitioned disc, or more than one physical hard drive it’s a good idea to install all games and most applications onto a different disc to the boot drive, because as the disc fills up it can ‘seriously’ slow your computer down. The main solutions to this if you do only have one drive that’s un-partitioned, is to either (usually the best option) de-fragment you drive using windows defragmenter, that’s accessible from the start/programs/tools menu; or use a proprietary disk defragmenter such as Diskeeper, which I use as it keeps my discs defragged all the time. I’d check the drive for unwanted programs, delete those first, then defrag the drive. You could also attempt to partition a specific portion of your unused part of the hard disc drive (HDD), but unless you know what you are doing and you have enough space left, I would either just defrag or consider buying a second HDD, because the cost of replacing all those games and applications if things do go wrong could be disastrous and in the end cost far more than buying a cheap 40 to 80G HDD, which should be ample for your games and applications for a couple of years at least, if you intend only using the HDD for Giveaways. If you do have a partitioned disc or more HDD’s (motherboards that have ATA capability can now support up to 6 or more HDD’s)* then I would seriously consider starting to install your giveaways and other programs onto a disc other than the boot disc, which as I’ve already mentioned is usually the C: drive, where most programs will be installed by default.

I do apologize for not cutting to the chase immediately with respect to today’s game. I always find shortly after I take my dose of morphine that I get very long winded, I really can’t help myself. I will try to keep these mini tutorials, which I do think are still appropriate to a certain extent, especially for the novice computer user, restricted to once or twice a week, otherwise I’m sure more people will just scroll past my reviews, lol. Which would then just be a pointless exercise for me. (well not necessarily, as it does keep me occupied for a while)
If you leave the start game check box checked once you close the setup wizard down you’ll miss seeing another window confirming that the game has been installed. I recommend that you uncheck that box so that you can finish the activation, and then use the desktop shortcut to start the game.

The main menu promises a game with some decent graphics. Pass your mouse pointer over the image of Pumpkin Jack and you’ll be rewarded with a wave, or when he’s next to the story line, he’ll point you towards the story. Those little attentions to detail are what’ll enthrall the younger kids and bring a smile to my own, lol. However we should see what the game brings before I start singing it’s praises too much, lol. As I’ll mention in more detail below, Elefun are into nice looking production and the intro is no exception. They have even provided a button on the main menu for you to check out the back drop fully without the interference of the menus. For one such as me, who has the time, and actually appreciates this sort of ‘art’ it is much appreciated.

The main menu comprises of the usual options, credits and create new profiles buttons as well as the start button (you’re kidding). The options menu is standard, with music and sound sliders and a window toggle. Any changes must be applied with the buttons below the sliders. The music is appropriately creepy for this sort of theme, and the sound effects excellent. If you were really bothered by the music and you feel confident at editing the game .pak and .DAT files (you would need an editor though), you could probably change the music. I haven’t bothered to open up the files, but the music is probably in the ogg format. You could always exchange the music for ‘The Monster Mash’ by Bobby Picket, which is far more light-hearted, lol.

The game is a common match three puzzlers, with a Halloween theme, however I like the game as it looks different from the usual match three. It’s much like it’s compatriot from Elefun Multimedia ‘Story of Fairy Place’, but obviously with a completely different theme. This would be an excellent game to play on fright night, all hallows eve, or whatever you call it where you live, but just because it’s themed for that specific day of the year, the game has been made with a lot of care (it seems to me) apart from a few minor omissions (see below for details). The graphics are excellent and the game play challenging as you progress through the levels. I only got as far as level five on my first foray into this game before I lost out. The level board becomes more complex in shape as you progress, making it difficult to match up three or more colored pumpkins. I love the sound of the pumpkins as they mash when grouped into three or more. There are bonus’s available, but up to level five I only saw one of these which was a bomb type bonus. When I’d lost I was taken to an options screen that gave me the opportunity to play the game in relaxed mode or return to the timed mode. It did mention that you could select these from the main menu, but I was unable to find this option in the main menu when starting from the beginning, however if you click on the ‘in game’ menu button to the top middle right of the screen you are taken to the options menu where you can adjust the sound and music as well as turn the timer off . At least when you do lose playing the timed mode, you don’t have to start from the beginning of a level set. Your progress is shown on a map. You can select to start at the beginning if you wish, or any stage you’d previously completed, but those ahead remain locked.

You are also able to change the perspective of the board by right clicking on the edges of the board and dragging it to whatever you fancy on both the virtual 3D board and the top down 2D board. You can toggle between 3D and 2D using the button to the top left hand corner of the screen (assuming you have it in full screen mode) You can move it to help visualize groups, or just to make it more difficult to play if you wish.

You could even play with a family member or friend and take turns to move the board to make it harder for your partner. The one that takes the longest at the end of a round loses. (Just a silly suggestion, but I sometimes try these ideas with my children, especially if we are losing sight of interacting together)

You can minimize or change the board from window to full screen and vice versa either by going to the in game menu or by using the buttons to the far top right of the playing area, where the common widows icons for accomplishing this task can be found.

The game is divided up into stages with six levels to a stage. Each progressive stage gets harder and you have to collect more souls to be able to progress to the next stage.

A brief survey of the internet, including Elefun’s pages was not able to uncover any details as to how many stages this game comprises. However looking at the game map, it looks like there’s going to be between 8 to 10 stages, with 6 levels in each stage that makes a maximum of 60 levels. The game also lacks any help files or menus, although the basics of the game are explained in what could loosely be called a tutorial, which I’ve taken screen captures of and can be seen if you follow the links to my photo bucket account below. Also I only ever saw one bonus which was part of the tutorial while playing the game up to stage 2 – 3 (9 levels).

Check out the screen captures below, I haven’t labeled them because I’ve already spent far longer than I’d intended to on this review, but you can still see the name of the actual images:

All on one page:


As a slideshow:



This game was only released on the 6th of November, so I couldn’t find any images of later board sets.

I have no time to progress further otherwise it would be pointless posting this review. So you’ll have to discover for yourself how many stages there actually are, and whether there are any other types of bonuses. I personally don’t mind the lack of instructions or info about the game as sometime not knowing can add to the surprise, (IMO anyway).

I give this game 6 out of 10 for game play and 7 out of 10 for graphics and humor, although for originality I’d give far less. A combined score would give you 6.5. It’s not in my opinion worth buying unless the price was at least halved because there are far better match three games of this particular genre for the same price, for example, Atlantis Quest, which was given away some months ago, Cradle of Rome and Angkor to name just a few. Still for today it’s well worth downloading, and if you have children, even better although I do realize some of you may find celebrating all hallows eve in this indirect ‘wicker way’ inappropriate, but FYI it was sanctioned by the church a millennium ago

For those who don’t know already, and are into screensavers; today’s developer Elefun also gives away a screensaver or animated wallpaper free every day. Just go to their desktop page and check them out there are over 140 themes that are produced in both wallpaper and screensaver forms:


I’m not too keen on today’s, but since I first discovered their site the day they gave away Musikapa (around April/May), they have given away some beautiful animated wallpapers. I’m not particularly into the screensavers they have as I prefer those like the Mechanical Clock and Dark Castle (that were given away by Rixane International I think?) to the very basic ones Elefun make; but still some are excellent. Be warned though. You can’t play games if you have one of the animated wallpapers running because you CTD constantly due to the animation; though you can turn them off by right clicking on the taskbar icon. They don’t interfere with other applications though such as Office or Photoshop.

Just a word of warning, the more hardware you add to your computer, the more your power supply (p.s.u.) will be utilized. Unless you built your own computer (probably anyway) your power supply is unlikely going to be powerful enough to have more than a few more new components plugged into you motherboard. Also the more components you add, the more likely you will need to add cooling such as fans, all of which can add to the power drain. Thankfully you can buy a decent p.s.u. quite cheap to cope with these problems.

When I last bought a new CPU (central processing unit, which is the heart of your computer) recently, I ended up having to buy a new motherboard (the circulatory and nervous system lol), because I’d forgotten to take into account the socket type. I then had to buy new RAM (The Brain) because the RAM I used to have (DDR) didn’t fit the new motherboard, which required DDR 2; neither did my graphics cards (an organ :) )which were all AGP socket types. Then all the new stuff overloaded my psu (liver)………bla bla bla ….lol…..sorry…. The point I’m trying to make is be wary when you are updating your computer as there are so many pitfalls; although following a few general rules it can be really easy and a lot cheaper to build your own, especially if you know where to buy your hardware components from.

Have a great weekend folks.

It’s surprisingly nice here despite some parts of the UK under threat of flooding (mainly the eastern side of the UK)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#12 - It does work on Vista with no problems. The only thing I did differently from the default install was to place the game OUTSIDE of Program Files. I have found that over 95% of games for older environments (that I have tried) will run under Vista if that one simple step is taken. I place it in C:\Activity\ZProd\Games\Game Giveaway\... and it works like a charm without any compatibility settings.

Reply   |   Comment by Diane  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i dont think its so good but thanks anyway

Reply   |   Comment by Nadim  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

the games are free, so lets be thankful, and lets not whine. :)

Reply   |   Comment by itsjustme  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice but it's too slow with my computer!

Reply   |   Comment by Federica  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

if you dont like them why get the newsletter ? just dont go + look when you know you wont like it. Then you wouldn't have to stress yourself out to post anything : )

Reply   |   Comment by PypersMoM  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another game that wont work on vista

Reply   |   Comment by GLEN  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If your a bejewelled fan you will like this game! Easy to play and lots of fun :)

Reply   |   Comment by Irene  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

it sucks, stupid bejeweled clone

Reply   |   Comment by Eclipse  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't do Hallowe'en, so this isn't for me, but I am amused by comment #7, as this was my instant reaction: "It didn't sell before Hallowe'en, so they're now giving it away afterwards!"

All the same, please keep up the good work, as I've downloaded a couple of great games from here.

Reply   |   Comment by Mrs Redboots  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nicely wrapped, but too repetitive ...


Reply   |   Comment by sometimes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A new skin for Fairy Place of a few months past. It's a 3-in-a-row match game, with nice graphics and good, relaxing play. Now if I can only manage to keep it safe on my computer until next Halloween. Hope the Christmas version is offered BEFORE the holiday, though. I feel like I just shopped the clearance aisle at Wal-Mart. A real bargain at 99 cents.

Reply   |   Comment by Kevin M.  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's a great game for half an hour or so, good fun! Much better that the program Giveaway today. Thanks GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Tall53  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As I have sead before, are there any developers out there that can have another idea. All these games are just remakes of old boring ones. match three and out same same BS

Reply   |   Comment by Kelly  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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