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Gourmania 3: Zoo Zoom Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Gourmania 3: Zoo Zoom

Help Victoria patch things up with her estranged father by launching a chain of exotic restaurants.
User rating: 185 24 comments

Gourmania 3: Zoo Zoom was available as a giveaway on June 21, 2015!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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You have several attempts to correctly guess color, but will you choose it?

Why stop at having seconds? Dig into a third helping of hidden object fun in Gourmania 3: Zoo Zoom! Help Victoria patch things up with her estranged father by launching a chain of exotic restaurants. Find the ingredients for spicy fajitas at Tres Amigos, or prepare a mouthwatering Greek Salad at Aesop's Tables! From pouring hot java at Bean Me Up to serving ice-cold treats at Beaches and Cream, there's never a dull moment as you work quickly to please your customers and increase your profits! Just be sure to heed the advice of Chef Depardieu, who knows a few things about gourmet cooking.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 8; CPU: 1.6 GHz; RAM: 256 MB; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 139 MB


Xing Interactive



File Size:

124 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Gourmania 3: Zoo Zoom

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Gourmania 3 is a very nice game.

I have enjoyed playing with it, since downloading this offer.

Nice background music, pretty clear graphics and nice to be able to do the level over if you are not happy with your previous score.

I thank those who offered this game.

If you like cooking games, hidden objects and time management as I do, I think you will like this one!

Thanks again for the great game.

Reply   |   Comment by IENJOYGAMES  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I enjoyed this game a lot more than I had expected to. Like Delilah, I play games to relax; I will not play a game if I know it will be stressful, or if a game becomes so, I stop playing it. However, if you set this game to casual mode so that nothing is timed, it can actually be very relaxing.

One trick to the time management aspect is to create combos; that is, if you're in casual mode and untimed, rack up all four completed orders and then click them all at once for payment. It gives you an extra 40 points for a combo (plus sometimes an extra 30 for speed), which adds to your score. It is very rare that I don't complete one of the mini-games at gold.

The actual "plot" of the game was a bit silly, as was the sub-plot. The ending cut-scene made little sense to me based on the sub-plot; if the critic was a villain, why was she so anxious to please him at the end? But ignoring that, and just playing the mini-games and building up the zoo, that was fun. I may or may not find this game particularly replayable, but I enjoyed it while I was playing it.

Reply   |   Comment by Johanna  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

...........................Moderator Comment.........................

Thank you to everyone who left a comment this week. I was hoping to resume my usual review and moderating over Sunday, but after almost two months of intensive revision sessions with my son (16 year old GCSE's) and to a lesser extent with my daughter (aged 14 year 9 SAT's) then a celebratory dinner with family on Sunday I was left totally wiped out. Hopefully 'I'll be back' with the usual service next week.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded fine to Win 7 Home Premium. Game started out fun but then I noticed that the objects were never in a different place. So, by the 3 "level" (having built the 3rd animal's exhibit), I got bored. No challenge left. Nice game, good graphics but not enough challenge for this player. But, as always, thank you to everyone that brought us this game!

Reply   |   Comment by jbdean  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hated the game. I play to relax, not to get additionally stressed. Sorry, but I would give it at maximum 4 points for graphics and idea itself.

Reply   |   Comment by Barbara Niederreiter  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I didn't finish the first two either. I am glad this one has a relaxed mode and hints.
They do however seem to think that we are all speed readers in the story lines. If they added voices to the cut scenes then they would leave the messages longer.
I am not happy with the Zebra washing.

Reply   |   Comment by Dobromilka  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is my first Gourmania game so I can't speak to whether it is better or worse. I enjoy HO games and like to play them timed. This mixture of HO with TM and all the various add ons, coins, % tickets, candy and presents with the testy customers made this game a little to stressful for me to enjoy. I will probably enjoy the untimed play. The storyline is all over the place with the family crest, restaurants and zoo. They made the pieces fit, but makes for an odd storyline. I enjoy the HO games that you earn money for to buy things like Fishdom and Gardenscapes from Playrix, but if the developers added this to Gourmania just to compete, they may want to rethink the storyline to be more cohesive. The music isn't bad, sound effects are good and the graphics are nice. Look forward to seeing where the developers go with this series.

Reply   |   Comment by michele  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Although I like TM and HO games, I've never been a fan of the cooking/serving cranky customer types. However I downloaded and installed this game,(after all it is free & ad free!) hoping that I might find some parts enjoyable enough to keep playing.
Thanks to the developers and GGOTD and Whiterabbit for your efforts. It is worth a try at least.

Reply   |   Comment by DJ  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

So far I really like it........keep them coming.

Reply   |   Comment by Paula Flinn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have learned that you NEED to read the description and look at the pictures before passing on a game. I have actually made it my policy (as long as it's not a shooting or racing game.... personally hate those) that if there is a question as to how the game is actually played i should try it out. I have been pleasantly surprised way more often than not on how fun the game is.

This is the first one of this series of games I've played and think it's a fun take on a hidden object game. It runs smoothly so far after several levels on Windows 7. Cons -- i discovered the hard way that if you buy an object in the zoo and come back later to buy a different style of the same object you lose the first one you bought. :-( Some king of warning about this would be nice before you waste your coins.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Reply   |   Comment by Carolyn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As I mentioned a week or so ago, the issue with time management games is strategy. In other words: Is there enough strategy in the order and method you use to do things, or is the game rigid and thus more like work than even work sometimes is? :) Is it challenge or drudgery? Actually, I was a big fan of the first Gourmania and will download this. On the 1st one, the caveat was that it was difficult for the casual gamer to master many levels without replaying them. For me, though, that constituted an enjoyable challenge because I found subtle changes in my methods sometimes paid off, as well as mastering repetitive actions that, as WR says about the current game, brought bonuses. Perhaps more importantly, combining the hidden object format in the form of a disorganized counter, adds a memory game challenge to it, because, though it looks random, in the original the items would always reappear in the same place. Once you remembered where the 3 different places the bags of rice or whatever, would popup, you could challenge your memory to quickly find the replacements when you needed the 4th, 5th, 6th, and so forth.

On the other hand, to the developers, sounds from Whiterabbit's description that the game may be getting less flexible. IMHO, this is always a mistake in this type of game. This is what leads such a game toward drudgery. I guess I'll find out firsthand. One more thing for the developers in talking about the general theory about whether a game is worth downloading: I dislike games that throw random elements into the mix just to say they have variety. I want to play a restaurant time management game. If I wanted to play a zoo building sim, I'd download that. There's a tendency to just throw in extras to a game like throwing in the kitchen sink. It's better to put in a bonus purchase system, like most of the classic TM games have. This INCREASES the strategy, which increases the choices the player has to make, which increases the flexibility - the player has to decide which purchases are the most productive and even which, if any, are not at all, - which INCREASES (or at least broadens) THE CHALLENGE. Which, IMHO, is THE selling point for time management games.

Thanks Alawar and GGOTD for another crack at the Gourmania franchise.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I gave this a spin and while I do enjoy the HOG's, this one is a little tiresome on the eyes with sooooo many small bits of food that sometimes look like what they are and sometimes not...like butter that is flat or butter that is in a stick.

Anyway, bottom line for me is this is just too much eye work.

Plus, it is so outdated with the character looking like a spoiled brat wearing inappropriate clothing for a zoo. And what about that crate with the zebra just being dropped on the ground? Next is the seal pool like Sea World? Oh no!!!!

I may leave this on my computer for when I am desperate for a HOG and willing to overlook the time management and odd character but will probably delete it soon.

Sorry Alawar. The date on the file is 2011 but this seems more 1980's.

Reply   |   Comment by Suzanne  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am not that much into time management games but downloaded it anyway and in the relaxed mode it seems to be enjoyable.

Downloaded and installed without a problem - works fine - graphics are very good.

Reply   |   Comment by Anu  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, I didn't even know Gourmania 3 had come out. First played 1 and 2 on iOS years ago and they were great fun. I will definitely check this out.

Thank you Alawar and GOTD! Happy Father's Day! :)

Reply   |   Comment by Kevin  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for this! I have played the other two in the series and quite enjoyed them. Looking forward to this one!

Reply   |   Comment by Medb  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Commenters are answering the question I never had but am glad to find out the answer to. What turns you off of these types of games? Yes! These kinds of games are to much like work. For someone who worked in real life in an occupation they truly enjoyed as I did mine, then they might find it more attractive.

If they ever create a program featuring an electrician, I might be interested. I like good HOG'S and Puzzle Solvers so mixing those in would add to the enjoyment.

I also do not like games where there is no option for relaxed play. Life has enough of it's own pressures and I prefer not to continue that pace in a time management game but that's also not to say I am adverse to a challenge.

Happy Fathers Day to White Rabbit and all the Fathers here today.

Reply   |   Comment by HisSon  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for review (s). Pass. Too much work factor, more interesting games to play with better looking design and game play. Enjoying recent Gives and appreciate this offer.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game will not install

Reply   |   Comment by sboy  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Guessing from the title of the game, I thought it WOULD be time-management. And then read on and was somewhat confused. But yes it seems like this would be more aggravation than I choose to deal with. Thanks for the offering, but I'll stick with regular hidden-object/puzzle games.
Happy Father's Day to all! :)

Reply   |   Comment by 5lita5  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I never finished Gourmania 2 and like this one much more. Great to have a casual mode. Graphs are nice and colourful, music is rather mellow. The game is rather diverse. There are quite a lot of different restaurants and they alternate everytime, so that keeps you on your toes. There are little diversions, like putting things in order in new restaurants and creating a zoo if you have the right amount of money for it. I played for a while and really enjoyed it. In casual mode there is no time pressure, so that is great. As a recommendation I would like to hear a voice when the lips move. It is silly otherwise. A change of clothes would be nice as well. She is wearing the same clothes all the time. Why not adapt them to the theme of the restaurant? Anyway thank you all for this cute game. Whiterabbit, I will keep my fingers crossed for your son to pass his exams.

Reply   |   Comment by Merlyne  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game downloaded and unlocked no problems.
Pros - mix of spot the ingredient - has some challenge
Cons - you do need good eyesight - also unless you immediately replay a level you can't go back to improve your score - somewhat annoying - some levels seem impossible to get the gold target.
Reasonable time waster but much better games elsewhere.
Additional con - girl is very "Ï'm so special"annoying"

Reply   |   Comment by soso21  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Eep! Restaurants are only fun when you're the customer! This "game" sounds too much like work to me. I'll pass. Thanks, anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For anyone else confused by the description, this short review (http://jayisgames.com/review/gourmania-3-zoo-zoom.php) says:
takes a few common casual gaming genres and breaks their molds all to pieces, creating a game that's one half hidden object game, one half time management simulation. How do you combine a sit and think genre with a frantic click-fest genre? Easy! You hunt for ingredients in a crowded restaurant to cook dishes for impatient customers!

As I find TMGs too close to actual work, I'm passing on this one. Quite frankly, I can't imagine a MORE stressful type of game! And I use gaming to relax, and for pain management, NOT for actual stress. But I suppose if you're a fan of both genres, this might sound quite exciting to you. :)

And since I checked it 1st, here's the Gamezebo review: http://www.gamezebo.com/2011/06/20/gourmania-3-zoo-zoom-review/

Good luck to your son, WhiteRabbit!

...............................Moderator Comment.........................

Thank you laurelnev

Reply   |   Comment by laurelnev  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The Gourmania series hasn’t been without its faults through its previous two iterations, but Alawar is hoping that the third time’s the charm with Gourmania 3: Zoo Zoom. This installment follows Victoria, the heir to a fortune who is shunned by her father (and cut off from her money) until she can learn the value of a hard day’s work. With her family crest to guide her, she sets off to master the restaurant business in this continuation of the time management / hidden object series.

Unfortunately, the game’s story goes from semi-believable to downright silly as you’re introduced to a chef who has also let your father down and is determined to earn back his respect. Your father, for all of his apparent hatred of your lazy attitude, has given you complete control over all of his restaurants, which range in theme from Mediterranean to Mexican, and include some specialty shops like a Coffee Shop or Ice Cream Parlor. For someone that’s upset with your lifestyle, you really don’t have to do that much “work” to get going.

The majority of gameplay will see you working day to day in each restaurant (your location changes at random), with each restaurant containing a single scene that varies in its amount of clutter. Food items and themed accessories are scattered as though a tornado has had its way with your pantry, and you’ll need to search the shelves, window sills, counters and even floors for items like cheese blocks, olives, peppers, etc. to fulfill orders placed along the top of the screen.

In this installment perhaps more than ever, you’ll need to focus on working on one customer’s order at a time. If you choose to play the game while being timed (you have the option of an unlimited time clock), the customers that you choose to ignore will become upset, and your profits will suffer because of it. You’ll need to ignore them though, as working on a single order at once earns you speed and service bonuses. Each dollar counts in Gourmania 3, as your day’s goal earnings are incredibly high, and mostly impossible to reach without taking advantage of every bonus you can.

Other bonuses include coins scattered in each scene that must be clicked on to claim, presents that instantly finish an order if given to a customer, lollipops that raise each order’s cost, and even percentage tags that can double the cost of a single dish if given to a customer. With all of these bonus items, that’s even more time wasted searching for them to up your score, while customers lose even more patience. Of course, simply choosing to play the game without a time limit eliminates this stress, but also eliminates any challenge you may have been wanting from the experience.

Perhaps the biggest problem with the gameplay here though is the fact that many objects have similar names or odd appearances. For instance, the word “Pepper” may appear, and your restaurant may have Black Pepper (the spice), Bell Peppers, Chili Peppers and more available. You’ll have to use trial and error the first time you see these words to figure out which item is appropriate (in this case, you’d click on the Bell Pepper). Furthermore, a red apple in one level may be a green apple in the next; grapes may be green or red, tomatoes may come on a vine or as a single fruit and so on. Don’t get comfortable with an item’s appearance, as it will likely change as you enter the next level.

After each shift in a restaurant, you’re sent to work on Victoria’s side project – a small zoo that will house each animal represented on your family’s crest. You’ll need to use your funds to purchase habitats, decorations, and even the individual animals for your zoo, which then sees you taking part in short and very light puzzles as you’ll need to repair everything you’ve purchased. I still would have appreciated seeing a complete removal of these cleaning and repair tasks from the entire experience, but I’ll take a toned-down version for now.

All told, Gourmania 3: Zoo Zoom fixes some of the issues found in the previous game, as there isn’t as vast a focus on cleaning and repairing as before, although it’s still there (and still unnecessary). The environments are highly varied, which is appreciated, but some are so cluttered that it makes things downright confusing. There are still a lot of issues plaguing this kitchen adventure, so you’ll need to use your past experience with the series’ other installments before deciding to give this third one a chance.

reference accessed via the following link http://www.gamezebo.com/2011/06/20/gourmania-3-zoo-zoom-review/ 21st June 2015

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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