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Golden trails: The New Western Rush Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Golden trails: The New Western Rush

Use your Hidden Object talents to find the culprits behind a bank robbery, and bring them to justice. Play innovative minigames as you explore intriguing storylines and meet unique characters.
User rating: 305 72 comments

Golden trails: The New Western Rush was available as a giveaway on September 26, 2015!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

Saddle up for fun and become a sheriff in Golden Trails: The New Western Rush. Use your Hidden Object talents to find the culprits behind a bank robbery, and bring them to justice. Play innovative minigames as you explore intriguing storylines and meet unique characters. Immerse yourself in the amazing atmosphere of the legendary Wild West, and catch the crooks in Golden Trails: The New Western Rush.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; CPU: 1.2 GHz; RAM: 512 MB; DirectX: 6.0; Hard Drive: 253 MB


Xing Interactive



File Size:

216 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Golden trails: The New Western Rush

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I've completed the game a couple of times and have played the extra play and gotten to unlock the unlimited mode. I have gotten trophies in the unlimited mode, up until the last page and a half of scenes, that are in black and white and when I try to play them they say I have to complete them in the adventure mode first (this is after I have played the extra bonus play). How do I play these scenes in the adventure mode to unlock them? If I go back into adventure mode it locks up the unlimited mode again and starts back at scene one meaning I have to play all over again. It's very frustrating, I'm slightly OCD in that I have to finish a game all the way through. I loved the game other than this last part.

................................Moderator comment..................................

Thank you for your feedback Kathryn. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Kathryn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wonderful game! I've been playing it for 2 hours straight, and I'm still enjoying it. Just the right level of story vs. hidden objects. Terrific!

Reply   |   Comment by M. Aronson  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I decided that I had to come back and revise my review a bit (well, a lot, now that I've read through it, lol). I ended up playing this game every day until this evening when I finally finished it. I have to say, the game won me over and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys HOGs.

I fell in love with the Western theme in this game. It reliably screams "Old West" throughout. I liked that they didn't mix in modern items like telephones. Everything was kept in period as far as I could tell. The music varied a little, but I found that I actually enjoyed the themes. It wasn't annoying or distracting and in fact helped to set the mood.

Regarding the Sheriff stars: thank you, thank you, thank you! The mini-games between game locations wherein you play in a shooting gallery do allow you to gather more stars than you need to unlock the bonus chapter. Well before the end of the game I had hit the required number, so this isn't a problem at all.

I will say that the blending and eye chaos is still in this game, but it is only on some screens. It seemed to get better after the first location. Some other locations were very easy on the eyes, which included the hidden stars. This is where the game truly excelled for me. The hidden objects were well hidden and challenging, but not so bad as to be unpleasant and annoying. I think this is something the devs should watch, as I suspect it may have to do with differing art teams. There were some scenes where the color of the item was changed to match where it was hidden and I still think that is a little unfair as the clues are pictured. For example, a bright, cut coconut (brown and white) was toned down to look almost completely grey. Things like that I didn't care for. A little modification is good, that much wasn't.

Getting hints was easy, just shoot a bad guy when he pops up. Even using my hints way more than I normally do, I ended with over 30 of them.

You don't solve the bank robbery as a player. You basically do the HOGs and when you find clues, you're told what they mean. I didn't mind this at all. The story unfolded without me having to guess where to go next.

Between each location are a few mini-games, which always include one shooting gallery, and they further the story. I found these to be very easy. I enjoyed the shooting gallery the most. The more accurately you hit, the faster the bad guys popped up. When I missed one, the speed of appearance slowed down. I thought this was a nice touch for people who may have a hard time with these types of games. I think they'll still be able to collect stars, but won't feel it is too challenging. If you don't like these games, you can easily skip them but still get the story additions.

What really surprised me are the additional scenes. Once you have completed the game, I think if you haven't gotten all the stars, you can go back and look. Then you finish the bonus chapter and then under the Options menu, there are more scenes you can play - ones that the Sheriff explains he searched but didn't have clues for the story/game. I haven't gone through them yet, but it was a pleasant surprise.

Replay-ability is very high if you like HOGs. There are many trophies/awards you can get from number of items you find in a minute to how many bad guys you shoot. Once you've done the adventure mode you can do unlimited and try to find the items as fast a possible. Since they are often well hidden, this presents a decent challenge. Given how well the game play was constructed, I suspect the list changes each time, but I don't know if the placement does.

So, I highly recommend this game now. Visually it is a welcome change from what you normally get in HOGs today and aside from the caveats above, it is a GREAT game. Congrats devs, very well done!

Reply   |   Comment by Melika  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded this and played it through the second location (Indian camp). A part of me really likes this game and a part of me hates it.

The Good:
Nice voice acting (when it is available).
Graphics are nice and Western-like.
Many opportunities to get hints, so you shouldn't run out.
Achievements (if you are into that thing)
Crime to solve.

The Bad:
Except for the opening scenes, only the main character is voiced, but not during "conversations" with other characters.
Achievements ('cause they can get annoying sometimes)
Finding the Sheriff Stars

The Ugly:
Items in the HOG
The Sheriff Stars
You can't use a hint to find a star.

A brief elaboration:
While I like the overall look of the game, the HOG scenes seemed overly busy, but that may have been the result of the general similarity of all the items. One thing blended into another. It became even more confusing when only a part of an item could be seen. It got downright aggravating when the items were minuscule (a certain life-sized paperclip in particular). I wanted to put my fist through my monitor when the item was minuscule AND partially obscured.
The other beef I have with the items are their respective sizes. Sometimes they were life size, sometimes much smaller, and sometimes impossibly big. I don't mind that in a game, but with the difficulty I was having identifying one item from another, it just added a whole new layer of annoyance.

At some point the game instructs you to find Sheriff Stars. If you get enough of them at the end of the game, you get something, I can't remember what right now. This is a game device that I ABSOLUTELY HATE WITH ALL MY BEING. It's not that I don't like the extra challenge. Quite the opposite, in fact. What I hate is the feeling of being punished if I don't hit the required number because I'm not given the opportunity to do so. Once a scene is done, you can't return to it. That's all well and good, but if you need to stop the game in the middle of your star search and you forget to look for that last one (or you simply can't find the blasted thing), you probably aren't going to make your goal. I say "probably" because in all other games that have this mechanic, missing one star on one scene will cost you the goal and there is NO WAY to correct that. However, early on in this game you are put into a shooting gallery and for every villain you shoot, you get a star. I'm hoping this was a way to pad your overall number enough to make up for the 1-2 stars you inevitably forget/can't find.

As with most of the objects being sought, the stars are blended into their respective backgrounds. Too much for my taste. I found it very difficult to see a blue star in a blue sky, with one side blended to almost perfectly match the sky color. For my tastes, it was too "hard".

I like HOGS and I like them with a challenge. You can mix different sizes, colors, name meanings, etc. to make them more challenging, but not all at once. This game seemed to put every single HOG trick into every single scene and it just resulted in pandemonium for my eyes. Have them all in a game, but limit them in a scene. What I kept thinking while I played this game was this: the game is not fair to the player.

Other than those caveats, this is a well made game and I do enjoy the crime solving aspect of it. So much that I am playing it for a second time tonight. I do recommend that, if possible, you play this on a much larger screen. If you find you have the same issues I do with differentiating items, a larger screen may help with this issue.

If I do get the opportunity to collect additional stars in other areas to make up for the few I missed in the beginning, I would like to thank the devs for making this very considerate change to what is normally done with these things.

.........................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your excellent feedback Melika, appreciated. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Melika  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm quite a bit late here but played this one from yesterday while downloading today's game and LOVED IT. A lot of replayability, tons of trophies to go for, towns and homes to go through to find out who the thief really was and unlocking more for play later. Good storyline even if the graphics are meh.
Win 7 machine, exe worked perfect and no problems anywhere. I did have one spot where it paused for long enough I thought it crashed but kept running so no problems.

I REALLY appreciate that you guys work so hard to get us weekend games and keep this site up. Several of the games I've lost so I hit BFG and buy them. I'm sure that's what BFG counts on when they give you freebies :D

.........................Moderator Comment...........................

Yes they do. Though I prefer to buy mine from Alawar or Playrix. Not sure if the games are coming from BFG as it says alawar in the admin panel.:)

Reply   |   Comment by KeishaJL  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yup, I've read the previous comment. Unfortunately it didn't work.

There was a language option during installation, I picked English both times I installed the game, but the option only changed the installation language and not the game language.

Oh well, thanks for the help :)

..............................Moderator comment............................

Hi BA, sorry I wasn't able to help. Stil it's rather strange that you were the only person (I think) to have the problem. Maybe something to do with your computers configuration :?: :)

Reply   |   Comment by BA  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No problem - I thought it would maybe help others.

Oh no - I am sorry you had tennants from hell.

I know well about the exhaustion cause due to my Asperger's I am only able to work part time and sleep a lot in my free time. Hope you feel better soon (((HUGS)))

.............................Moderator comment....................................

Thanks Anu, Sorry to hear of your Asperge's. We have friends whose two boys have asperges and our own son has a mild form of it, so I empathise with you.

We've got just over 4 weeks to get the place sorted before the new tenants move in. We've already had a new bathroom suite put in and a decent quality laminate in most of the downstairs rooms (minus the kitchen). I wanted to get wood, but not a good idea for rentals. The oak effect laminate actually looks really nice, though it doesn't sound the same as our oak flooring at home. We have a load of work in the front and rear gardens to do. Yesterday we cut down three medium sized trees and most of the overgrown bushed in the back garden. You can actually get to the Wendy house now. I need to recover the roof of the Wendy house. will do it becasue the new tenants have a toddler and two young children, which i think they will love. The thing was absolutely fine when we left. I think the teenage children of the family that has just left, used it to climb onto the flat roofed garage as there are signs that they have been up there a lot as the grit stones that were placed over the roof have been scattered and it's bare in places.

The rear garden has been trashed by three big dogs that they kept (I believe they were hunting dogs), with holes dug under the Wendy house and the grass is ruined due to waste from the dogs. We are going to have grass re laid at the back. The front just needs the holes created by their rabbits filling then grass seed put down. All the wood work inside needs repainting despite us having the whole lot done two years ago and we have already sorted all of the ceilings. The rhino flooring in the kitchen may need replacing as they have created a few holes in the middle of the room. I don't like the idea of young children tripping over on them even tohugh they are quite small. We may put waterproof laminate down in the kitchen. Depends on the cost and whether we have time.

We lived in the house for 20 years with no mould yet in two years every room except the living room and master bedroom is riddled with patches of mould. most of the curtains are going to have to be replaced and at least two rooms need re wall papering despite having done it two years ago. They have stolen items (free sat box, which was quite expensive and some pictures that we left hung on the wall and a portable TV that was left in the master bedroom) and wrecked others. Sorry going off on one, lol.

Reply   |   Comment by Anu  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for that info, Dianne. I'm impressed enough with this game - 2/3 of the way through - that I will go to Gametop to look for the other two.

Thank you, Immanitas and GGOTD for this different HOG!

Reply   |   Comment by Mac  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got this one in a bundle that was announced over in the Forums a couple of years ago. Although I'm not a big fan of HOGs, I did enjoy this one. Once, anyway. I seldom re-play HOGs.

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

None of those points have any appeal to me, I'm afraid, but thanks for putting that up.

Unfortunately you still never said WHAT the "Steam client" actually is — nor what it does. :(

.............................Moderator Comment..........................

Hi Cad, will answer those later. Got a new review to post, plus I need to go bnack to bed. Not enough sleep yet again. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, I guess I will not bother with this game, as it hasn't even been Beta tested yet...all of the above mentioned issues SHOULD have come up in BETA testing, where they could have solved quickly without so much pain to the end users.

When you finally get the major install/play issues resolved, maybe I'll look at it again.

If you use a standard install creator, ALL of the install issues wouldn't be issues. The language would be user selectable, install path auto/user install, it's like you ported this game from Linux to the Windows environment, where you have to sometimes manually configure apps.

Sounds like the Moderator is providing service call solutions for the developer... not good.

Reply   |   Comment by pcwiz  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I know it's very late in the day to be posting, but I was just able to get to the game a short bit ago. Installed & worked well on Win 8.1. I just have to say that this seems to be a really great HOG. It has peaked my interest so much and so quickly after just playing for a brief period. Thank you GOTD and Immanitas, of course, for this game today!

Reply   |   Comment by MizMeow  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i can install the zip, and extract the files, but then i click on the setup key and it says "connecting to giveawayoftheday to verify" or something then half hour later it says it "can't connect right now try later" and its been doing it all day! i'm very upset as i love HO games, and this one in particular looked like just my genre!

Reply   |   Comment by alicia  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Didn't work :(

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

I really don't understand why the game isn't in english, unless you chose a different language by mistake during installation. did you read my previous comment about reinstalling the game and choosing the english lanh=guage option. what I didn't mention was, you should first uninstall the game using windows uninstall feature, then reinstall the game making sure you have chosen English. I won't be able to reply again until latr as i really need to go to bed. it's quarter past 3 in the morning. :)

Reply   |   Comment by BA  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You may want to post in the forum in hopes that whatever's broke might be fixed before the next game you want.

The 2 main problems folks have encountered seem to be security software & too old a version of Windows. On the 2nd, the web is updating to slowly get rid of old code that's been found vulnerable to hacking &/or exploits, & older versions of Windows don't always work well with the newer stuff the web sites, or servers really, use. That's why WR mentioned that ie8 was necessary. But if your XP install never fully updated to ie8, that **might** be it.

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Thank you for your feedback Mike. :)

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Copy the game's folder from the one that worked to the two that did not.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"I much prefer an extraction or unzip process. When the game is extracted there will not be anything added to the computer."

*Usually* when there is an install routine for a game on GOTD it's not bad at all, if that puts your mind to rest a bit. :)

"I prefer Soft ORganizer personally, but yes: ideally use some kind of “uninstaller” which monitors precisely what is changed during an install so that it can be fully “undone” later, when required."

The only way I've found that's really accurate is to use either Regshot or InstallWatch Pro in a barebones VM. The bare VM [no software] is needed so commonly added files are detected -- if you already have a file from previously installed software it won't show up when a new install adds it. The reason to use one of those 2 apps is that uninstaller software like SO doesn't tell you the full story -- to *protect you* from screwing something up, they exclude quite a few commonly shared files as well as a host of registry entries. Since all those 2 do is monitor, not uninstall, they'll show you everything.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the reply!

Oh, man :(
I just checked that registry entry and it is indeed set to “Inno Setup: Language”=”english”, but the game isn't in English.
Even my Windows is in English, where is the game getting any other info?
I hate it when games force a languange onto you, if they're all installed you may as well choose the one you want... I'm gonna give them this feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by BA  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the reply :)

I did select English during the installation, but it only affected the language of the installation itself :(

Anyways, I tried reinstalling the game as you suggested and it's still not in English.

Any more ideas?

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Read Avid Gamers reply above (7 comments above). He's posted the registry hive that you can edit to make sure the game is in English. Please let me know if it sorts the issue. thanks. :)

Reply   |   Comment by BA  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, add me to the list of those unable to install last week's Gardenscapes and today's game, as in Karen and Jamie. I'm really disappointed because today's game looks so good. I use W7 Premium. If it is installed somewhere, I'm unable to locate it. Yes, Internet Explorer is open, recent version. I even tried downloading the game on IE. No difference.

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Hi Naomi, have you checked the fAQ's thread? One other fix that has worked for most community members is to turn off your secirity temporarily. There has never been a game giveaway infected with malware, plus the giveaway team use several well known malware suites to ensure all giveaways are clean, so you can rest assured the short time your security is turned off your computer will be safe. That said, i must add that you do so at your own risk. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Naomi Snider  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded in seconds on windows 8.1 and set up easily, BUT after clicking I did have to wait a few minutes for the virus protection to open the allow window.
It seemed to take longer than normal. Perhaps if others who are having that problem wait a few minutes, it is something checking in the system and will open! hope so!
The game is easy to play with some of the finds taking longer. Graphics are very good. I like the idea of finding the items for the bonus rounds!!
I wonder though, lol, how many more games I can upload before my windows will slow down?? Thanks for another great game!!

.........................Moderator Comment.............................


Reply   |   Comment by Lee C.  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"There is no Shortcut installed, so you have to create a shortcut from the games executable once the game is installed."

I had the option during install to "create a desktop icon"; I believe it was the last option, after language and install location. (Unchecked since I don't use them, preferring menus.)

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Hi jgf, an hectic week (already explained why above), has left me exhausted, so hadn't noticed either the language option or shortcut being installed. by the time I got around to writing my reivew (almost 6 hours into the giveaway) I'd forgotten about the shorcut having been installed. :)

Reply   |   Comment by jgf  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Program downloaded and ran well on my AMD E1 64 bit Windows 10/upgraded from Windows 8.1/ upgraded from Windows 8.0. I've been getting a lot of slowing, freezing, etc. (especially on streaming videos) since the last upgrade, but this runs very well.
Good gameplay, some of the hidden objects are grossly out of perspective (puny or gigantic in the picture) and not proportional to anything else, which can throw you initially. I like the shooting gallery diversion, and the occasional bad-guy popping up is good. If you finish finding all the objects before finding all the badges, that's it, you can't continue looking for badges. The match up the pieces in the coloring-book-pictures doesn't stay onscreen long enough for my old eyes to register what I'm seeing, and it doesn't tell you that yo are time limited to solve those puzzles.
All-in-all, it seems like there needs to be more diversion between hidden object screens, rather than going from one to the next to the next. Just my personal preference, that's all, not really complaining.
Keep up the good work, Whiterabbit, I can't wait to see what you've lined up for tomorrow. (If I have a vote, I vote for another Tower Defense game. Everyone in my house has been playing Goblin Defender almost daily since I downloaded it a couple of months ago.)

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Thank you for your feedback bebop. I love TD games. The first one I purchased that actually forced me to join the Steam community was called Defense Grid and I still think it's one of the best I've played. Steam recently releaed Immortal Defense which was aprevious giveaway about 5 years ago. Excellent and unusual TD game. :)

Reply   |   Comment by bebop  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Me too!

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have never had a problem with AVG blocking an installation from this site but after reading the other comments decided to try turning that off also. BINGO! The game finally loaded.

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Excellent, glad you got it sorted. It does mention that fix in the FAQ's thread that I link to in the problems section. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Norma  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@3 (Nidda), 6 (BA) & 25 (Moonshadow):
You *might* try looking at the "language" listed in the
registry. On my old XP SP3 it's here:

"Inno Setup: Language"="english"

Make sure it says "english"

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

:) Thanks for the useful feedback. As reinstalling is only an option until the morning (less than 6 hours to go), the community member asking aobut the language may miss his chance at reinstalling, so this is definitely a useful tid-bit. Thank you Avid Gamer, appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by Avid Gamer  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Win10 Home 64bit. Everything loaded without a problem. Game is a little slow maybe could speed up the return of items found. Didn't like the southern drawl so turned it off. Some items were hard to see you practically need a magnify glass to see them, or a bigger screen. Maybe the owners of the game could extend the screen and do away with the extra bits on the side so that it is at least a little bit better. Otherwise good game.

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Thank you for your feedback Suzanne :)

Reply   |   Comment by Suzanne  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

RIGHT: first impressions.

Downloaded and installed cleanly on Win7 Home Premium (after, as usual, disabling Avira AV for the duration!).

Unzip the download, run SETUP (after activation process), and you get a pukka installer (looks like InstallShield?) which does a Real Install process, adding a Start Menu,item and (optionally) a desktop shortcut.

Game itself is as others have said, a bit more difficult than many other HOGs — but in a good way. Though the objects can be tricky to find, if you do use a hint then you go "how did I miss that?2 and not "how on earth was I supposed to see that?!!" and this is to Immanitas' credit.

I don't really like HOGs which have scores, or Trophies, or ehich ahve "collect 150 Sheriff badges for a major prize!" features, but none of those would put me off UNLESS completing one or more of them is required to finish the game. Given the quality of the rest of the game, I'm sure (?) Immanitas won't have made that mistake. It's still a little disconcerting to see animated scores in a HOG for collecting an item: makes it look like some sort of weird FPS arcade game in my opinion.

I'm also not impressed by the Hint button having a permanent price tag of 5 points on it, even though I don't give a stuff about my "score." I just hope that having a "score" of at least 5 points is not REQUIRED to be able to use the Hint? (Yes I know that's unlikely, I'm just saying …!)

Another thing I do like is the whodunnit element, so thumbs up for that. I hope though that there is a genuine sleuthing part to it where you as the player do have to WORK OUT who the killer as (as a final mini-game perhaps?) and not just some kind of "you have collected all the clues, so you quickly work out that the killer is X. Well done! Play again?" ending after I have "found" everything. I hope I'm not disappointed!

Anyway it's a definite keeper forme (obvs.!) and many thanks to Immanitas and GGOTD for bringing us today's game: nice one!

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

:) p.s. 'scuze the long reply to your question in your previous comment. :D

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It downloaded quite happily on my laptop, now back to Windows 8.1. Installation was fine, completely straightforward - no problems at all.

But playing the game! Now that was rather more of a challenge. I've played a lot of HOGs, although not many get all the way to the end, I'll admit. This one is a toughie! You really have to look for some of the objects, and even then the Hint button is a very welcome friend when you get stuck.

The graphics are good, and (so far) they don't disappear into vague darkness, which is a problem in quite a few games. This one has nice visible images. I don't know about the music, because that's turned off at the moment.

After a very short acquaintance, I'd say this game will be worth keeping and persevering with, for a while at least. Although I'm not at all sure I'm going to reach the end of the Golden Trails!

Thanks for another interesting way of putting off the work!


.........................Moderator Comment.............................


Reply   |   Comment by Basilica  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't use Internet Explorer for anything...only Chrome...is that the problem for this one?

.............................Moderator comment.................................

I don't use I.E. either, but you still have to have it installed and running in the background Type internet explorer in your seach field. That should open up I.E., check what version you have. It needs to be version 8 or later, then check to see if you have it set to online working. It must be set to online working, otherwise you can't install the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Norma  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can't get the game to install either. It just activates it then brings me back to the giveaway "what next?" page, but never goes to the installation part. I have tried 3 times now. I disabled Zemana as that has caused problems on installations from this site in the past. I am running WIN7 Home Premium.

Reply   |   Comment by Norma  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I prefer Soft ORganizer personally, but yes: ideally use some kind of "uninstaller" which monitors precisely what is changed during an install so that it can be fully "undone" later, when required.

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded game three times and game will not run and install. I'm here every weekend downloading games and this has never happened. Very disappointing.

Reply   |   Comment by Olana  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sounds like your AV or anti-malware is stopping the install.

Try temporarily disabling your AV whilst SETUP.EXE is running. That does the trick for me.

Oh and the game DOES install a shortcut if you tick the box during install; if not, it creates a Start Menu group more or less without the option. The default location is Programs > Golden Trails, with a single shortcut for the game in it. Hope that helps those who can't find it!

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Slightly off-topic I know Stephen, but what exactly is "Steam," and what is it supposed to do better for you than buying good old CDs or DVDs? And what is so "great" about a system that locks you in to buying games from a single vendor; AND needing to be online (I assume?) to be able to play any games? Or do you not actually download anything? I'm baffled!

I did visit their site hoping for some sort of clear explanation for people like me who have no clue about what it is or what it does or what it needs, but it seemed to be written for people who already knew and understood what "Steam" was: no "idiot's guide" anywhere — that I could find, anyway.

............................Moderator Comment.................................

The things I like about Steam (in no particular order)

1) ... There are always loads of games on sale, and the summer and christmas sales are legendary.

2) ... Automatically update my games. (I always like to keep them updated, but, with the number of games I own, and my poor memory, it would be impossible to keep on top of every game plus it would be very time consuming,

3) ... I like the Steam GUI

4) ... You are able to categorise your library, so for example, I have around 300 categories where I place my games, some obvious ones would be FPS, RTS, Simulation, physics based, HOG, Time Management etc and less obvious ones are alternate history, city building, class based, classic cult, japanese and procedurally generated games. Because of my memory problems I have difficulty in remembering many of the names of the games I have. I have a good idea as to what games are like and do, but the names escape me, even some of the bigger well known names, so, putting them into categories makes it easier for me to find them. Searching through over 6K games (my Steam account now stands at 6002 games plus several preorders not added yet)

5) ... They have a great community where you can talk to people via the Steam messenger, see what your friends are saying , buying or doing via the activities feed, join groups specific to your gaming tastes, for example I've just joined an adult gaming group becase I find playing a lot of online games are spoiled by bad behaviour, cheating etc. Especially games that are generally inhabited by young people who show no respect for or play the games as they are meant to be played, plus use appalling language, especially if they are losing (could go on about this but won't). The adult group will hopefully put me in touch with more mature gamers who want a good laugh, but also a good gaming experience.

6) ... They have a great trading market where you can sell in game items that are dropped (and free) when you play the games such as Steam trading cards, Team Fortress 2 items, Counter-Strike items, and loads more; all of which have monetary value on the Steam market. for example I've earned well over £1200 since June 2014 when I first started to trade on the market just selling Steam trading cards and most of my TF2 items (not really into TF2, but earned a lot of items that had decent values for pre ordering certain games plus my son sometimes used my account when he was having a LAN party with his priends). When I purchased the latest Counter-Strike game three years ago, I also bought the first operations dlc which cost me just over £2, but I never got around to using it. When you redeem an operations ticket you are awarded a medal associated with that operation. All operations are time limited, but you can still redeem the pass for a medal commemorating the operation, sort of like a campaign medal. It seems a lot of counterstrike fans are really into that, newcomers to the game are willing to pay high prices for some items even into the hundreds of pounds. The pass that I still have in my inventory is now selling regularily on the market for over £30, plus I have several other operations passes, none of which I've redeemed that are worth more money. I didn't particularily like the market initially, but it takes little effort especaly now as there has been apps released that can sell your Steam items automatically and even adjust the price when someone puts the same item up cheaper.

7) .. You are sent notifications when a game on your wish list is on sale

8) ... They have an excellent news section for each game. When you select a game in your library, there is a panel that will tell you about the latest updates and other information from the developer of the game.

9) ... They have regular free weekends where you can play recent releases for up to three days with no limitations.

10) ... When you link with friends you can set the client to notify you when they come on line. If you don't want to let your friends know you can configure your client to keep you invisible.

11) ... There's an excellent workshop where community members post their mods for various games. For example there are thousands of free missions available for a couple of my favorite games (ArmA 3 and Train simulator 2016). To add the modification to your games all you have to do is click the subscribe button and it's automatically added to your game. If the mod affects your game negatively in some way (when adding several mods to a game, you may sometimes get conflicts which cause problems) to uninstall it you just unsubscribe, making the process easy and painless.

12) ... You can play your games offline, though I have sometimes had problems when having to play offline, for example when I'm on vacation and there has been no internet access) because you have to set the offline mode initially while you are online. Once the mode is set, then you can play offline for as long as you like and whenever you like until you reset it to online play. You can also play a lot of games by finding where the game is installed and clicking on the executable.

13) ... You can upload your screen captures to the community so that they are visible to all, though you can set them to friends only or just private. Friends and others (depending on what privacy settings you have set), can leave comments and even score them.

14) ... The client has a big picture mode that allows you to play your games using your main TV. Later this year they are releasing a piece of hardware called Steam link (I've pre ordered it) that will enable me to play all of my games via my main TV using a controller without having to connect directly to my computer (it connects wirelessly). You may ask why bother; well, some games look amazing on larger monitors. My largest dedicated gaming monitor is a 24 inch BenQ monitor, which is ideal when you are sitting at a desk. Any bigger and I get eye strain (I've used to use a 32 inch TV monitor that had a PC setting previously). Using the Steam link will enable me to play my Steam games like a console in that I will be able to play co-op games with my family sitting on the sofa in front of the TV. I've always shied away from consoles for various reasons (the games rarely go on sale and cost a third more than PC games), but I've always liked the idea of sitting in comfort playing games with family. (We can do this using the home network, but we tend to be in different rooms, sitting at desks and computer chairs (my computer chair is actually really comfortable, but I spent months searching for one that would support my back and cushion the damage to my coccyx area), so the interaction isn't quite the same even when using Team speak.

15) ... I don't see the system locking me into buying from a single vendor as I have the choice to purchase from any one of the many vendors that sell games, many of which include a Steam key with the purchase. Not all of the games I buy from Steam are locked to that client, for example Ubisoft games (Assassin Creed franchise, Tom Clancy Hawx 1 and 2, Silent Hunter V, Anno 2070, Tom Clancy: Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Might and Magic franchise, Prince of Persia and others). I can play all of those by opening up my UPlay account, even though they were purchased via Steam. Quite a few of the Steam activation codes also activate on E.A. Games' Origin client (so long as it's available from the Origin store), for example The Dragon Age franchise, Dead Space 1 and 2, Burnout Paradise, Darkspore, Mirrors Edge, Mass Effect 1 and 2, Crysis 1 and 2, most of the Need for Speed franchise, I've also purchased games from GreenManGaming, Direct to Drive, Desura and others, all of which came with Steam keys and in a lot of cases drm free copies as well. I do actually purchase quite a lot of games externally from Steam, though usually only if I get a Steam key as well; for example, I have five pre orders for upcoming big AAA games (Fallout 4, Just Cause 3 XL, Street Fighter V, XCOM 2 and Grand Ages: Medieval), all of which were purchased from GreenManGaming because I got a 23% discount on all of the games not yet released, and have saved over £40 by doing so, every one of those comes with a steam key. :)

16) ... There are several other reasons, but it's getting really late, so I'll stop there. Basically it's a matter of preference and how serious you are into gaming. Prior to joining the Steam community I had very few digital games as I always believed it best to have hard copies. Back then I had around 5 to 6 hundred hard copies, which took up quite a lot of shelf space. I purchased a couple of digital games from Direct 2 Drive (Galactic Bowling and Defence Grid) not realising they were Steamwork games, in fact, at the time I had no idea what Steamwork games were. When I tried to install either of them I soon found out as I got a message saying I needed to install the Steam client before I could install the games. At the time I remember being really furious, but within a week I'd been converted as I discovered Steams habit of putting on great Steam sales. The first games I purchased in a Steam sale were actually a indie bundle with 6 games, all of which were excellent indie games and only cost me £4. The total cost if i'd purchased them when they weren't on sale was over £30.

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, Chris, Stephen is right: and I've been lurking here long enough to know that there often seems to bew a "flood"! of one type of game or another!

At one time it was all match-3s, at one time it was tower defence games, at one time it was arcade-style shooter games … At the moment it happens to be HOGs, a genre which is one of my personal favourites; but there have been periods of weeks or even months when I haven't been keen on the game being offered here. I didn't often moan when it was all match-3s (can't stand them personally!): right, Stephen?

So I'm just very grateful that right now on GGOTD, I happen to be getting games I like: it makes up for those "barren" spells when we had just really silly things like "Punch Justin Beiber" (or whatever it was called) being offered.

Be patient, Chris, things here do change over time, so just check in each weekend and see what's around; if that day's offering isn't for you, then jog on!

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Yeah, Cad's absolutely right, things will eventually change. I just hope we see an influx of indie games, some of which are brilliant, whacky and original That Bieber game was appallingly bad taste. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Same as last weeks game, I found I had to disable AVG for 10 mins. to install this.

Reply   |   Comment by Larry Carter  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

So, is there a way to change the game language to English?

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Reinstall the game . There's an option to change the language and select english :)

Reply   |   Comment by BA  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Download and installation without a problem - nice graphics and storyline - like the story so far.

You can create a desktop icon in the installation process or at least I could, also you can change the language at the beginning of the process so I play this one in German - cool.

The storyline and gaming reminds me of something similar with another theme but I can't remember it.

Thanks for another nice game to play!

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

I was half asleep for most of today after a really eventful week, so actually missed the language selection and shortcut. Thanks for pointing that out Anu, appreciated.

One of our tenants has moved out and left the house in a real state, so we've been ripping out carpets and buying new stuff to get the house ready for the next tenants. As I'm disabled the work has left me exhausted and in alot of pain, so have doubled the dose of opiate meds.. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Anu  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have windows home prem7 64 game go to activated screen but no install good looking game but can not install it. this only happens in games?

.........................Moderator Comment.............................

Have you chgecxked the installation path? :)

Reply   |   Comment by Russ  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Didn't have time to try more than one scene today. Liked the bank. Layout natural, fits the timeframe, some items in plain sight, some obscured next to other items, like the spur, but findable. Voice acting of the 2 sherrifs doesn't seem that bad. Should have made them Texas Rangers though. Re-assignment would make sense that way. But maybe it's copyright. lol. Gamne looks like it has lots of potential.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't believe I.E. needs to be on in background Jamie. I.E. is directly hooked into windows, anyway. It probably just needs a newer I.E. than 6 or the abandoned 7 to be installed. Although, most users should have newer than 6 anyway, if they have their Windows Update turned on. Although some things like I.E. are optional, you might be able to find the downloads by pulling up Windows Update from your control panel. Even in XP, most people should already have 8 installed. If not, it should be available from your Windows Update in XP as an optional update, and, this is part of my point for mentioning update, maybe even better and safer versions, like 9, or maybe even 10. I forget which is the last that supports the outdated XP. Although, now that Windows no longer supports XP, Update might not work. But it might show you some old optional updates that you had cached that you can install. Or you can always download the newest I.E. that XP, depending on your Service Pack, can support. You can internet search to find which one it is. Of course, if at all possible, you're still safer if you can get a version of Windows that's still supported by Microsoft. You may not be as happy, but you'll likely be safer.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded properly, Installed fine on Windows 10 system. Went to quickly test, before I knew it almost 2 hours has passed. So far a fun and engrossing game. Looking forward to when I have the time to continue! Nice Job!!

Reply   |   Comment by JP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have been downloading games from this site for years on the same machine still running XP and have never had a problem until the past month or so. Now my computer does not recognize the Setup.gcd file and so will not run. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Barbara  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In Brazil they speak Portuguese, not "Brazilian".

Reply   |   Comment by Michael  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just to say this is not an extraction for this game. There is an actual installation process. There is a start menu item added with a desktop icon added. I much prefer an extraction or unzip process. When the game is extracted there will not be anything added to the computer. During an installation who knows what is added? I was so hopeful when I read the description. Just a heads up to those that want the game. I use Toolwiz Time Freeze when I install any game.

Reply   |   Comment by dadams  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for the today's giveaway :) Unfortunately, it installs only in German, no matter which language I choose in the installer window. I am German, but I want to play games in English only, is there any option to change the language to English?

Reply   |   Comment by Moonshadow  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I liked the setup of this game. I liked seeing where I was going to be going ahead of time. The graphics were pretty well done. I didn't have the music on for others sake so I can't leave a comment. I would like to see pop ups in the search and inventory items telling me what it is. I tried putting this in the "Share your ideas" area, but couldn't get past the robot.

Overall, I found this game to be very challenging. I definitely like a good challenge. Thanks GGOTD and Immanitas for the nice game today. I'm always presently surprised.

Reply   |   Comment by Paula Flinn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for review, comments on what looks like a winning variation of HOG.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installation worked in 1 out of 3 computers.
On the 2 of them, the setup "stopped working".
All machines, win 7, 64 bit.

Reply   |   Comment by nektar  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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