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Forgotten Faces Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Forgotten Faces

Alice suffers from a serious illness called prosopagnosia...
User rating: 8 7 comments

Forgotten Faces was available as a giveaway on June 30, 2022!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

Alice suffers from a serious illness called prosopagnosia - she can't see people's faces. This young girl is in a mental hospital, but she doesn't remember how she got there or anything about the past. Mysterious happenings start to occur in the hospital, and as she tries to solve these mysteries, she comes across the mystery from her past.
Adventure quest where to advance further in the story, you will to try to solve varios riddles and to interact with the surrounding world.

The game consists of 5 episodes, full of interesting events, offering you to look at the world through the eyes of Alice.

System Requirements:

Windows 7/ 8/ 10


Volens Nolens Games



File Size:

465 MB



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Plant flowers and fight with zombies to save your brain.
Gain access to online stores and manage licensed game copies.
A street racing simulation and car management game.
A simulation game about the life of a truck driver.

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Forgotten Faces:

In Brief:
Forgotten Faces was originally given away on the 26th January 2021 where it received a positive 75% from 16 votes with 26 comments. It seems the same issue with language was present the last time this was given away.HERE.

Alice suffers from a serious illness called prosopagnosia - she can't see people's faces. This young girl is in a mental hospital, but she doesn't remember how she got there or anything about the past. Mysterious happenings start to occur in the hospital, and as she tries to solve these mysteries, she comes across the mystery from her past.

Adventure quest where to advance further in the story, you will to try to solve various riddles and to interact with the surrounding world. The game consists of 5 episodes, full of interesting events, offering you to look at the world through the eyes of Alice.
Reference accessed HERE from the Steam store on 30th June 2022, reposted by Whiterabbit.

You can see a few videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE and one via the Steam store page HERE.

You can also see some Steam community reviews/comments about the game HERE, most are negative, but the main complaint appears to be the controls were unintuitive.

Of course, we get it free today, but if you miss the giveaway or want to support the developer, the game is on sale HERE via Steam for 90% off during the Steam summer sale (ends 7th July); retailing at £0.47.

The Game:
Todays game is a 3D point and click 'choose your own' adventure game with a female protagonist as its main character.

It's linear in nature, but I was unable to play the game because the language is Russian and I had major issues with the controls. As mentioned by several reviews over on Steam, the controls are really poorly implemented, with the control of the character accomplished using the WASD keys, but its really hard to get the protagonist to walk in the direction you want. I ended up with her walking backward.

When it came to leaving the first room, to access the door controls you press the E key when a small white dot appears on the door. This brings up a selection wheel with four choices, but I wasn't able to access any of the choices using the mouse and trying every key on my key board. I even connected a Microsoft X-Box controller, and a joy stick both of which had no effect.

You can bring up an empty ribbon inventory along the bottom of the screen (which I presume will fill as you pick up items) by pressing the space bar and other controls are presented by pressing the F1 key
Keys that appear to have a function also include the R, F and Tab keys , none of which I could figure out. If I took time to Google the Russian words I'd probably figure out what each was used for, but I don't have the time. The graphic looks decent, but I doubt I'll be returning to this game, though, if the Steam version is in English I may buy it out of curiosity. I couldn't find any buttons that enabled you to change the language and I checked the installed folder for any possible solutions, with no joy.. When you first boot up the game there are a some hand drawn story board images with a brief explanation in very small wording, all in Russian. The only English words were the title of the game.

I'm not sure if this is just episode one of the game. It mentions on the Steam page that there are five episodes, but on the store page this game is labelled as Forgotten Faces, Episode One: Strange Day, so I suspect there will be four more games; that said, it was released way back in July 2017, and there's no sign of the second to fifth episodes, yet the developer has released a whole string of games over the intervening years.

When following the story board, you end up on a page where you can click on a side arrow that takes you to four pages, each one with a big question mark, which I assume are the other four chapters; whether these are accessible once you've complete episode one, I cannot say, simply because I'm unable to progress from the first room?

If anyone does access the second chapter, please do mention it here. Thank you.










Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)


Notes on Security
The downloaded giveaway zipped file is 464Mb in size. Once installed the game expands to 1.62GB which is too large to scan using the free version of Virus Total.

Using Microsoft Defender to scan the installed game, it found three low level malware hits. I then scanned thedownloaded giveaway zip file instead of the installed game via Virus Total and it found zero hits from 47 antimalware engines. You can see the results of the installed games scan via the following link:

If you're not convinced of the games efficacy and want to be absolutely sure that the game is safe to install (after my Microsoft Defender results), please use a sandbox program first, to check that the game is safe to install before installing it to your C drive or other drives on your computer (assuming you have more than one drive).

Personally I've never had any issues with any of falcowares games, even when the Falcoware installer was included.

There are free sandbox programs such as Sanboxie, GeSWall, BitBox, Windows Sandbox, Bufferzone (a six month commercial license was given away via the applications side of the project back in December 2009 HERE), Shadowzone, as well as others. (You'll find them all on the same page from Techwhoop.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)


You'll find regularly updated details of all the reasonable game deals and freebies that I can find HERE. The Steam sale is live until the 7th July. You'll find some excellent bargains, though I'd check out the other distributors such as uPlay. They have an excellent deal on the base game for Assassins Creed Valhalla, and the Ragnarok edition is 55% off. If you like shooters, there are some excellent deals on most of the Tom Clancy and Far Cry games. My favourite Hunting game Call of the Wild is only £4.79 at the moment, with some great deals on DLC's for the game. The dev's have also just released (this Tuesday) a new reserve based in Finland.

Today is your last chance to grab the latest Epic Freebies (A Game of Thrones: The Board Game and Car Mechanic Simulator 2018; they end at 4pm UK/11am Eastern/8am Pacific. These will be replaced by three games that will be free until the day the Steam sale ends on the 7th July i.e. Geneforge 1 - Mutagen, Hood: Outlaws & Legends and the excellent Iratus: Lord of the Dead (the DLC for this game won't be free). There are also eight new indie game bundles over on Fanatical Games and a new freebie over on Indie Gala. I've just updated my game deals thread over in the forums HERE

I highly recommend the latest Microsoft Flight Simulation, though it's only 20% off at the moment. It comes in three flavours the basic edition (usually £60, the Deluxe GOTY edition at £80 and the Premium Deluxe at £109 before the 20% discount. Very expensive, but the scenery you see when flying is breath-taking and looks real. Apparently if you fly over an area covered by the airports in game (the deluxe and premium deluxe have six and twelve extra airports respectively). Apparently, you can pick out your own house if you live not too far from the airport (whether that's true I don't know yet as there's not a Manchester airport in game yet (I live about 20 minutes drive from Manchester airport). I'm hoping to see a DLC with Manchester airport released eventually. I was going to boycott the game originally because when they sold off Microsoft FS X to Dovetail games with an announcement that they wouldn't be returning to Flight Sims, they then released Microsoft Flight about a decade ago, which looked fabulous. I bought into that; purchasing all of the available DLC for it. Less than a year after release, they dropped the game and for a couple of years I wasn't able to access any of the DLC, though you could still play the base game via Steam with a bit of jiggery-pokery after Valve fixed the issue with Game for Windows Live. They again said they wouldn't be developing another Flight Sim; then comes along this latest edition that was released two years ago.

I've not updated the forum post for a week, but most of the links are still valid.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)


Thanks for the heads up Smurf. Oddly this is the second game from Falcoware that has been repeated this week. This is a very rare occurrence. Also I cannot remeber it from the first time, which shows my interest in the game. Generally I enjoy point and click adventures, but with virtually no Russian to my name; apart from да (da) yes, Нет net (no) and Русский Russky (Russian) ;) It's not an enjoyable experience.

It reminds me of the first time I played Cossacks: Art of War; my brother in law, who married a Polish lass gave me a Polish copy of the game and although I loved playing the game, it took me a long time before I'd sussed out most of the menus and text. I eventually purchased an English version of the game.

(Cossacks Art of War is a brilliant RTS game that's available on Steam for peanuts.HERE (£0.99). You can get all five Cossacks games (these include expansions and DLC's) plus the two American Conquest games for £3.79 in the latest Steam sale. I easily put a couple of thousand hours into those games when they were released 20 years ago. At the time they were ground breaking. Unless you get an emulator, they do tend to run very fast in systems made in the last decade. There was a remake released about six years ago, called Cossacks 3, which runs perfectly. It's got 60% off at the moment with 60% off each of the six paid for DLC's . You can also buy 'the complete' Cossacks set plus the American Conquest games (fifteen items) HERE for £13.85 (80% off).

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

It's Russian language only or it's English aswell?

Reply   |   Comment by Gamy  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I remember downloading and trying this last time and didn't get anywhere with it. If this is the same version as last time, I'll pass...

Reply   |   Comment by Rufus V. Smith  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Of what I was able to figure out with this game, it has true potential to be a decent game. Graphics were pretty good actually. Camera movement reminds me of Silent Hill 3 which can be found in the Silent Hill HD Collection. Unfortunately this game is not on Steam.

It's a shame today that the game is locked to a single language as I can't understand one bit of it! Although it seems to display on screen instructions of which I can't make out any of the information. After a few minutes I just turned the game off. I've removed today's giveaway as without English Language support, it ruins the experience.

A big shame as I was actually intrigued by the cut scenes.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)
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