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Forge of Gods: Twilight Destroyers Pack Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Forge of Gods: Twilight Destroyers Pack

A great choice for the true adventurer to get a quick start in Forge of Gods!
User rating: 66 34 comments

Forge of Gods: Twilight Destroyers Pack was available as a giveaway on October 30, 2016!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Challenging Memory Card is an exciting game for attention and memory!

Please note: This content requires the base game Forge of Gods (RPG) on Steam in order to play. You can download and install the basic edition of Forge of Gods free of charge.

Are you ready for thrilling journey? The Twilight Destroyers Pack is a great choice for the true adventurer to get a quick start in Forge of Gods! Rush to FORGE your own GODS in this huge and dangerous fantasy world of Pangea!

List of incredibly powerful creatures you will get:

  • Petulant Pumpkin
  • Winged Vixen
  • Solar Nestling
  • Raven Transform
  • Three-headed Dog
  • Damned Lady

You'll get your rewards after tutorial.

System Requirements:

Steam; Windows 7 or later; 2 GB RAM; DirectX 9.0; Broadband Internet connection; 450 MB available space





File Size:



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Forge of Gods: Twilight Destroyers Pack

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...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Some community members appear to be having problems understanding how to get a Steam key. It is different to the usual method of clicking on a couple of green buttons, and avoiding Facebook by closing the log in page when the Facebook login appears (unless you wish to inform your friends on Facebook) and then getting the actual download button.

How to Apply for a Steam key

Hopefully the following step by step process (with screen captures), will help guide you through the various stages. You SHOULD end up with a Steam key at the end of it. :)
When you first open the game giveaway page click on the green colored button labelled ''Proceed to download page''.

Forge of Gods 1
This takes you to a second page where you should see a large green button labelled ''Download Now Forge of Gods: Twilight Destroyers Pack'' Click on that.

Forge of Gods 2
At this point you may get a Facebook prompt.

Forge of Gods 3
Click on the blue button, which should open a Facebook log-in page. At this point if you have a Facebook account you can if you wish post details of this giveaway to share among you friends, or just close the log in page without logging in.

Forge of Gods 4
Once close you will get another large green download button that says Thank you for your assistance! Now Click the ''download now'' button below to get your giveaway.

Forge of Gods 5
Below the green button it says in blue ''Share this GiveAway through a different social network'' Click on the large green button which takes you to another page that says ''To get game key, please authorize through Steam''

Forge of Gods 6
Clicking on that button opens your internet browser to the Steam log in page where you need to log in with your Steam account.

Forge of Gods 7
You may at this point get a small window opening asking you to input a code sent to the email you've used to create your Steam account. (I didn't get a screen capture of this, but it will be obvious if it pops up; it usually appears if you've not accessed your Steam account via that browser for a while. Get that code and input it in the field provided. Once done log in as normal and the browser is redirected back to the game giveaway site where it says Thank you for authorization.

Then it says fill in the form below to get your Steam key for the game and instructions on how to download and activate it.

Forge of Gods 9
Click on the green Get the Key button, which then opens up another page where it says successfully submitted (in green) and in black ''The Steam key was sent to the given email address. check your inbox and spam folders.

Forge of Gods 10
From there open up your email where you should see the following entry and on opening up the email you will see your Steam code (the one I've copied was for my daughters account. She posted a short comment below after playing Forge of Gods for several hours).

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Forge of Gods 12
Applying for more than one code

You can only get one key per Steam account. We have four Steam accounts in the family, but only two of us play the game, so we have only applied for two codes. You cannot apply for more than one key on the same computer, but if you have more than one Steam account in the family, you can get a second key so long as you do use a different Steam account to authorize the request and you use a different computer and email. If you try to apply for a second key using either the same Steam account, the same computer or the same name and email, it will fail.

The 'authorizing via Steam' step was included to stop unscrupulous community members from applying for unreasonable numbers of codes so that they could trade or sell them on. This occurred when the first Steam key was given away several months ago. Which was really selfish as it did cause the giveaway to be stopped when all of the keys had been exhausted; consequently many genuine community members missed out on a code (including me). Someone later that day reported one person trying to trade off a number of Steam keys for that particular game shortly after it had gone live on one of the Steam trading sites.

They have also included other measures to stop these unscrupulous members, for example as a Steam account is free, a member could potentially create lots of Steam accounts, but the other measures also limits applications to one per computer. I'm sure there are ways around those measures, but it would take a lot more effort that negates the trades they could make on each key they secured.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

To community members who had problems progressing past a certain point in last weeks game, LadyLark posted that she managed to pass that point. and on request has posted how she did it. Just check last weeks giveaway page Infernal War Pack. See comment 45 by JB and the replies made by Lady Lark, hopefully that will solve the problem.

Forge of Gods: Twilight Destroyers Pack

In Brief

FORGE OF GODS is a multiplayer card strategy RPG! Collect and train as many monsters as you can to assemble the greatest team and fight through hordes of enemies. Todays game giveaway is the fourth dlc pack we have been given i.e. the Twilight Destroyers Pack dlc that usually costs £6.99/$9.99. For those new to the game giveaway, todays game requires a Steam account and for you to download the free to play main game Forge of gods. The dlc packs add extra content to the game. The following is a list of the extra creatures you get by adding this dlc pack:

Petulant Pumpkin

Winged Vixen

Solar Nestling

Raven Transform

Three-headed Dog

Damned Lady

If you like or don't like today's game please give some feedback detailing why you like or don't like the game; for example, how it could be improved from your point of view. If you don't like this genre at all, please explain why, especially if you give it a thumbs down. There are still thousands of subscribers to the game giveaway of the day every weekend which makes this an ideal forum for giving developers ideas as to what their consumers (i.e. you) would like to see in a game. For example, you could suggest extra content such as mini games, or a level editor that you would like to see or improved graphics, changing the menu system, adding camera controls or some other aspect of the game that would make it more appealing to you. Giving such feedback instead of saying nothing or just saying this game is rubbish may bring more developers to the site, which could mean more and better games. would you give away thousands of copies of a game away to a community that complains all the time instead of giving useful feedback. It only takes a few moments of your time. this site could be transformed if only the community would be more forthcoming ion their opinions of the games they are getting for free.

If you miss today's game giveaway you can still get the dlc pack via Steam HERE for £6.99/$9.99.

Four of the six Forge of gods dlc's are on sale for 75% off:

There are six dlc's for Forge of Gods, we've so far been given five of them. If you missed the previous four giveaways three of them are on sale with 75% off at the moment i.e. Infernal War Pack for £1.74, Team of Justice Pack for £2.24 and Winter's Gasp Pack for £1.24. Also the most expensive and the only one so far not given away is on sale as well, i.e. the Spring Rush Pack which normally retails for £18.99 and is on sale for £4.74. (I'll be buying that today as a thank you to the developer for giving us all of the others, especially as it's 75% off. Today's giveaway Twilight Destroyers pack isn't included in the sale nor is the the last forge pack given away earlier this month i.e. the Fantastic Six pack.

You have to install the main game Forge of Gods via your Steam client first. if you don't have a Steam account you will first have to download and install the Steam client via THIS link, then create a Steam profile. Once that has been completed you can install the main game free of charge (because the main game is Free to Play), then input the Steam code that you've received (after completing the form filling) via the game button along the top of the Steam client. From the drop down menu select Activate a product on Steam (see image below)

Ashampoo_Snap_2016.08.20_11h23m18s_001_upload pics
Then follow the various prompts. Once the steam code has been accepted the dlc pack will be permanently associated with your steam account.

If you have a problem installing or activating or getting 'Forge of Gods' to work please visit the problems section, which I've now incorporated into the FAQ's thread, and which you can find HERE, or alternatively visit the steam forums HERE. If you can't find anything in the forums, check the reviews via the link above or contact Steam support for help.

The Game:

GODS are not born, they are made by YOU! Join the action in this highly addictive multiplayer card strategy RPG “FORGE OF GODS”! Collect and train as many monsters as you can to assemble the greatest team and burst through hordes of enemies in thrilling, addictive and fast-paced game! Conjure powerful dragons, sturdy warriors and exotic beasts to fight for you in the land of Pangea! Are you ready for battle? You start the game by playing through a single player introductory campaign that introduces you to the main aspects of the game as well as earning you some in game goodies.

Kill enemies -> Capture souls -> Evolve them -> FORGE an army of GODS -> Be no.1 !

Forge of gods is a unique “rearrange and move” battle system that is simple to grasp and very tactical. It will constantly test your strategic skills! There is a huge tree of creature evolutions, where you can mix different types to breed to create legendary creatures!

There are over a thousand creatures, each with unique skills and hundreds of upgrades, giving you a massive potential to create an almost unlimited supply of different creatures. There are also over a hundred locations to visit with three difficulty levels in each location, where you'll find with towers, runes and spawn points where you can fight and capture elite creatures to add to your growing army. On your way you'll unlock treasure chests and pick up bags of gold and gems which can be utilized throughout the game.

Forge of Gods allows you to duel against thousands of real people in skill based PvP battles with rankings, streaks and tournaments! There are active guilds with chats, leaders, officiers, upgrades, raids and guild wars. Group up with your friends to be №1 on the server, or just enjoy the game no matter what your skill!

There are loads of quests and achievements to complete, all with good rewards. You also have a castle that you can improve with mines, barracks, sawmills, shrines and beast's camps. Go Forge your own Gods in this huge and dangerous fantasy world of Pangea! Enjoy spectacular new challenges every day you log on!

Forge of Gods is completely free to play. However, some in-game items can also be bought for real money. Todays game giveaway dlc is one such way to acquire in game items that usually cost real money.

Reference accessed HERE. 20th Aug 2016

Other Reviews and Videos:

You can read other Steam users reviews about Forge of Gods HERE. The Steam community is mostly positive about this game. You can also see some videos of game play HERE, HERE and HERE

I rarely play such games as Forge of Gods, but the time I've spent playing it so far I've actually really enjoyed playing it and would recommend the game to anyone, even without the extra dlc's. So far we have been given four of these dlc's with two more available, we may be seeing more in the not too distant future (fingers crossed). Rewards are gained during and at the end of every battle, game play is very easy to pick up, though as you build up your army you'll need to use your head to decide which creatures in your army you'll use in the many battles that await you. If you enjoy strategy and multiplayer games this is a game you will probably enjoy.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Panoramik for giving us yet another of the dlc packs i.e. the Twilight Destroyers dlc pack for Forge of Gods, and also to the game giveaway team, as always, for providing a safe environment to download free games.

Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway:
The problems section that used to be posted here in the Game review is now included in the Game Discussion FAQ's thread; which you can find HERE.

I've updated the games section that used to be posted with the review. The thread is now called 'Weekly round up of game deals', formerly the games section of the weekly reviews. You can find the new thread (which I've posted in the sticky section of the game discussion forums to make it easier to find if you are perusing the game discussion forums) HERE.

If today's game was not to your liking, you may find other games either free or for less than the price of a cup of coffee (from your favorite coffee house) via the 'Weekly Roundup of Game Deals' thread which I've posted a link to above, or HERE.
The latest free game over on Origin has now changed to the excellent (though now dated) RPG Dungeon Keeper. You can get it HERE. Please note that you do require the Origin game platform to be able to download and install the game.

Also available via Failmid's site is Totem Tribe II: Jotun Ultimate Enkord Package which you'll find HERE. the deal ends Monday afternoon (UK time) and Ubisoft has been celebrating 30 years in the business by giving away games every month since June. Octobers game is the excellent Beyond Good and Evil. You do need a Ubisoft account which is free and the Ubisoft uPlay client, both of which are free. You just have to sign into your uPlay account and look for the Ubisoft turning 30 link HERE, or if you don't have a uPlay account create an account HERE. Click on the green Join the Club button, get your free account, then get your free copy of Beyond Good and Evil. There will be other games coming next month and beyond

The Indie Gala store has some fantastic deals on at the moment, for example you can buy all three of the Sniper: Ghost Warrior games for only $1.99, plus you get a surprise gift. Other games for example buying CT Special forces (for less than a dollar gives you a surprise gift plus a second game called Horizon shift for free. There are loads of games with 90% off and it seems there are hidden deals for example the Daedalic Armageddon Bundle worth almost $150 for under $16, depending on which games you purchase. You can find them all Angel Express

DIG are still offering free Steam keys for Hacker Evolution Time Dimensions and Crystals of time, though you cannot access the deals directly from the main site anymore, but they are still live via the links below. To get keys for these two games you will have to do similar activities as you do for those Steam games that have been offered for the past several months over on the game giveaway site. You can find those free Steam key deals HERE (Hacker Evolution: Time Dimensions and HERE (Crystals of Time).

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

;) need it

Reply   |   Comment by Nubski_PL  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

hi,, thank you & for this giveaway

Reply   |   Comment by ninou souala  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

it seems good, but i cant acces to the DL page...

........................................Moderator Comment...................................

Hi Reekoo, did you read both of my comments at the top of the page? The first tells you how to get a key for the downloadable content. The actual game is not downloaded from this site. It is a 'Free to Play' game available directly from the Steam client. HERE, (If you've not got Steam, I do explain how to get the client. You also have to create a Steam account, both of which are free. The Steam community generally say this is a very good game to play. You don't need the paid for dlc, but having some of them does give you more powerful creatures and other items, so, if you get into the game are probably worth having. I managed to get four of the dlc given away here, and will be buying the most expensive one while it is still 75% off (only £4.74/$6.24)

So far we have been given all but the most expensive dlc for this game over the last four months, totaling almost £30/$45. Basically you get the key by following the instructions I give in my first post, then once you've got the key (which is sent to the email you give, follow the instructions I gace in the installation section of the game review. It may seem overly complex if you've not done it before. Unfortunately the giveaway ended just under an hour ago. If you like the game, until this evening (about 9 hours from now, you can get 75% off four of the dlc's including the one we've not been given. It's unlikely we will be given that one becasue at full price it usually retails at £18.99/$24.99, whereas the other dlc range from £4.99 to £6.99 (though the four that are on sale can be had for £1.24/$1.49 to £2.24/$2.99 ). You can find all six dlc via the link I've provided to the main 'free' game.

There is a section of the giveaway community who seem to hate Steam. I personally think it's brilliant. You can get hundreds of free games via the client, a lot are the free to play variety where you can also purchase dlc to expand on the game; some of those are often classed as Pay to win,m becasue those buying the extra content tend to have an advantage of those that only play the free content. they are usually games such as first Person Shooters, where paid for content gives you more powerful and accurate weapons, plus armor that the free weapons have difficulty penetrating, so it's hard to kill those who buy into the game. That said, there are also well balanced Free to play games, where paid for content is basically skins that give no advantage to anyone, and just serve for appearances. then there's a whole bunch of single player games that are free covering most genres. Steam is definitely worth getting if you don't already have it. apart from the games, there's a thriving community, a great store with regular sales, and a market where you can exchange or even sell content that you've received free from various games. Many games on Steam now drop trading cards which can be swapped or collected. creating full sets and converting them to badges also gives you other items that you can sell on the market and also discount vouchers towards other games. Over an 18 month period I sold thousands of trading cards 9I have a very large library of games numbering over 9000, so have earned many cards. I earned over £1400 selling cards on the Steam market. You get money deposited into your Steam wallet which can then be used towards other market purchases, or to buy games from the Store. I sold one item, (a Counter Strike operations ticket, which originally cost me less than £3 for almost £40. People pay high prices for some items dropped (all drops are random and cost you nothing) from that game and from Team Fortress 2. The rarer the item, the more you can get.

Reply   |   Comment by reekoo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have Started the Game already can I input the Key now?if Yes . Then How??

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Read the installation section of my review above.

Reply   |   Comment by AliveG  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Good Game

Reply   |   Comment by KaiserCano  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

download still doesnt work, page just reloads over and over again
and YES, ive read the tutorial...

Reply   |   Comment by jan vandam  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

jan vandam, Same with me. The page reloads. I doesn't go to a facebook prompt as shown in the tutorial.

Reply   |   Comment by Anita Simpson  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The download now button isn't working, it just keeps looping back to the same page and not opening anything

Reply   |   Comment by Brendan Mendonca  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Not even a game today, just an addition to a Steam game.

This site is becoming a subsidiary of Steam.

Reply   |   Comment by dpg  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The "Share and Download" - window does not open. Not with firefox and not with Microsoft Edge. Can you help me, please?

Reply   |   Comment by fatfreddy  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Thank you GOTD and developer for yet another content pack for FoG. Although I am not a big fan of the game myself when my nephew is around he likes to play it and so far I have been able to surprise him with new content each time he was visiting us. It's good to see keyspamming is not possible anymore (or rather to see my suspission about it not being possible being confirmed)
As one of the YAY sayers I can only hope for MORE Steam powered games, I bet some early access games would be fine material to be handed out here (GOTD...hint hint)
But as I have seen in the past... please don't let us vote for greenlight games, Digitial Homicide has shown us why this can be a bad idea and causes Steam to be flooded by bad "game maker" games (not saying "Game Maker" users make bad games by default but many do not really try)

Reply   |   Comment by Mavadelo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

why the hell do i have to authorise through steam?
Enough with the data collecting !

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

See my comment in answer to your previous comment plus an extended explanation below the How to tutorial.

Reply   |   Comment by Chri  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

first u send one one email ,them the nonsensical steam authorisation ,then another email !!
come on !

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

If it's a game you actually like, I don't see the problem. Opening up a couple of emails takes little time and at the end of it you get a product that usually costs £6.99/$9.99 for free. As for the 'nonsensical' Steam authorization, that step was added to stop unscrupulous community members from applying for countless keys, which they could then trade off for other games, Steam trading cards or even cash via the many Steam trading sites and groups that are now available. Authorizing via your Steam account stops community members from applying for more than one Steam key for each Steam account they own. They have also included other measures to stop these unscrupulous members, for example as a Steam account is free, a member could potentially create lots of Steam accounts, but the other measures also limits applications to one per computer. I'm sure there are ways around those measures, but it would take a lot more effort that negates the trades they could make on each key they secured.

Reply   |   Comment by Chri  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

I know this will not be helpful for those who hate Steam and Steam powered giveaways.

(Fair enough. As the old saying goes - turnabout is fair play. The ongoing complaints and whining about anything Steam related is not helpful for me. Doubly so when the whining demonstrates a total lack of understanding as to what is actually being given away.)

I still want to take time to express my thank you to both GOTD and Panoramik. These giveaways for dlcs for Forge of Gods have made a FREE game so much more enjoyable.

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for your feedback Louis. Got to agree with you on the extra's these dlc's have added to the free game. My daughter has really enjoyed playing the game, especially since she's now got three of the dlc's free. We missed the first one (Winter's Gasp pack) and I didn't think to ask my daughter when the second one was available.

Sadly there will always be naysayers when something new has been introduced, even when it's free. I must admit, when I was 'forced' to install Steam after purchasing two Steamworks games (Galactic Bowling and Defense Grid: The Awakening) via Direct to Drive back in January 2009, (becasue I'd not realized what Steamworks meant), I was quite angry. When I found that I had to install Steam I complained to direct to Drive as I'd always avoided game clients. I even tried to get a refund, but at the time refunds for digitally purchased games were not possible; at least not via the provider I purchased from. Because I really wanted to play both games (Defense Grid is still one of the best tower defense games I've ever played) I ended up installing Steam. Within a few weeks I realized I could save quite a lot of money on games via Steam because they had weekly sales, which later became daily sales, plus weekend deals. My first purchase directly from Steam was about a week after I'd installed the first two games. Until I found that you could configure the client to open directly to the Steam library, it used to always open at the store. I remember seeing the weekly deal, which was five or six indie games, most of which I'd had my eyes on buying, and what amazed me was the price. They were selling all six games for less than the usual price of one of them. Now I swear by Steam and wouldn't have it any other way. The services they offer are the best I've seen (I have several different game clients such as UPlay and Origin, but they come nowhere near Steams client for usability. Sadly many of those that say they detest Steam seems to be partly because they think you cannot play any games you've purchased via Steam or any other game that has been added via other providers to your Steam account offline. This is not true. I've played many of my Steam library without even booting up Steam, and if a game does require an internet connection as all multiplayer games do, I can still boot it up out of Steam. You can also run the Steam client offline as well. Of course there are exceptions where you have to play via the Steam library, but those games cannot be played without Steam, so those who won't install Steam will never be able to play them. Some of those games include Iin my opinion) some of the best titles released over the last few years; for example, the last six Total War games i.e. Shogun 2, Rome 2, Napoleon, Attila, Empire and Warhammer. Also with Steam you now have access to some fantastic games that were previously only available in Japan, for example several Shmups, loads of Anime games and of course the amazing NOBUNAGA'S franchise. (similar to, but better than the total war series, though based on Japanese folklore and ancient battles. (I'm probably biased on that particular game because my favorite Total War game was Total War: Shogun 2.

Reply   |   Comment by Louis Hazard  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

offer works in internet explorer but not working from firefox or chrome.

Reply   |   Comment by Chri  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I like it , thank you

Reply   |   Comment by samuel  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for this, already got a couple of the dlc's and really enjoyed the game. My dad introduced me to the game over the summer and I've played it for several hours so far. It's ideal for those little breaks i've been taking in between my homework.

Reply   |   Comment by Emily Ashcroft-Brown  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Have steam and the game previously installed, launched it from my steam account from a browser.
Played for about a half hour, it did not link back for the code.
This seems to be for only new accounts on steam and the game because it does not work as stated.
It's been some time from the last game giveaway I even attempted at getting, this will probably be the last.

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

The code is not for new accounts. i received a key for both myself and my daughters Steam accounts. mine is seven years old and my daughters is five year sold. I've activated four of the five dlc's already given away (I missed the first one) and my daughter has activated the last three dlc giveaways.

Have you seen the How to post I've added above? hopefully that will help to guide you through the various stages to get a free key.

Reply   |   Comment by kjl56  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

Your download button links to


which only reloads the page. This makes your tutorial pretty useless after the second step.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

It worded for me and thousands of other community members. a;most 5000 keys have been given away so far. You're possibly doing something wrong?

Reply   |   Comment by bo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have a steam account and the game was previously installed, so how does this work because when clicking the download now button on the top right here just reloads the page again.

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

I've posted a step by step tutorial showing you how to apply for a Steam code. See the top of these comments.

Reply   |   Comment by kjl56  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Your step-by-step tutorial doesn't work, I tried it. The link behind the download button is


which only reloads the page.

Reply   |   Comment by bo  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Nice game!

Reply   |   Comment by Diggedi Kronber  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Thx for the DLC!

Reply   |   Comment by Lynda Smiles  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

how get it?

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

You firstly require a Steam accont, which i've described in the installation section of the review above. If you already have a Steam account, click on the Download now button, this should take you to the log in page of Steam via your browser. Log in using your Steam account log in details. At this point you may have to verify that you are who you say you are by checking your email where you should find a code that allows you to open Steam via a browser. Get that code and input it in the appropriate field. once done you should be logged into your Steam account via your internet browser (as opposed to the installed Steam client). The page should then be redirected back to the giveaway page automatically, where you need to fill in your giveaway name and email. Once done you should get a message saying the Steam code has been sent to your email. check the email, retrieve the Steam code and add it to your account. I've also described how to add the Steam code to your account via the installation section of my review, which you can see a the top of the comments section. hope this is clear enough. if you continue to have problems please don't hesitate to let us know. thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Siara Kucharz  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)

when i click "download now" page reload

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

Please read the how to section I've posted above. You'll see screen captures of every stage of the process from first opening the game giveaway page, to going to your email for the Steam key, with a brief explanation of each stage. I hope that clears up the issue?

Reply   |   Comment by Siara Kucharz  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This had been happening for too long now.

clicking the green button just causes the page to reload.

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

Check out the tutorial I've posted a the top of the comments (either the first or second post), hopefully that will help.

Reply   |   Comment by Chri  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Siara Kucharz, what browser are you using?

For some reason Firefox was not cooperating for me with this giveaway and I was having the same problem you mention. I switched to Chrome and had no further problems..

Reply   |   Comment by Louis Hazard  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Louis Hazard, I used chrome, and work fine on incognito mode.

Reply   |   Comment by Siara Kucharz  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

i like it

Reply   |   Comment by Oliver Queen  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Steam give away of the day

Kleiner Fehler in der Beschreibung

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

Was ist der Fehler?

Sprechen Sie über die tägliche Werbegeschenke und die Tatsache, dass wir nur ein Spiel am Wochenende jetzt? Wenn ja, ist der Grund, wenn die Website verwendet, um Spiele zu verschenken jeden Tag, bauten sie einen sehr guten Ruf mit den wichtigsten Suchmaschinenanbieter. Wenn sie nur an Wochenenden gingen, wenn sie ihren Namen geändert hätten, hätten sie den verdienten Ruf verloren. Auch haben sie immer behauptet, dass, wenn die Bedingungen stimmen, sie zurück zu Spielen jeden Tag gehen würde.

Reply   |   Comment by Udo Deimer  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

Udo Deimer, no - he means that this site is now mostly only promotion for STEAM and so it is no "giveaway" any longer!

Reply   |   Comment by itsajoke  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Again - again - again !! How often does the game come back??

.....................................Moderator Comment..............................

For those who enjoy such games, today is an opportunity to add even more special creatures that would normally cost £6.99/$9.99 to the game. So far we have been given 4 dlc's totaling £29.96/$43.96. Each of the four dlc's given away have added different items to the free game.

Reply   |   Comment by Trixibrix  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)
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