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Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age

Join Scarlett as she travels to the North Pole to check out a farm she bought!
User rating: 16 16 comments

Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age was available as a giveaway on December 25, 2022!

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Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

Chill out with an all-new Farm Frenzy adventure! Join Scarlett as she travels to the North Pole to check out a farm she purchased through a newspaper ad. When she arrives, she not only finds the property in a state of disrepair, she also meets two brothers who could use her help making ice cream. While whipping up chilly treats and having some frosty fun, you'll breed and care for penguins and other arctic animals, manufacture new products and enjoy fun Time Management gameplay!

  • Fun and fast gameplay;
  • Tons of levels;
  • Chill out with Farm Frenzy!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 800 Mhz; RAM: 1024 MB; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 95 MB





File Size:

89.9 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Comments on Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age

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If you decide to read my extra long review, I'd suggest getting yourself a coffee or a festive drink before starting; oh yes, and a few hot mince pies with brandy sauce on them. :)

Merry Holiday season to all who celebrate Christmas and all those who don't; may the festive season bring happiness and some nice surprises to all. :)

I have over twenty spare Steam keys to give away. Priority will be given to those who have previously posted comments about games over the last several years; but that doesn't mean you won't be considered even if you've never posted a comment before.

I'll start dishing out keys either tomorrow morning or on the 27th. We have guests coming on Boxing day, so I may not have time to sort them tomorrow. Please check out the game on Steam first to see if it is something you'd definitely play, thank you for your understanding. (I've linked each game to it's Steam store page). I'll send out the Steam codes to the email you use to post comments here.

Regards Stephen aka Whiterabbit-uk.
Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age:
In Brief:
Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age is a casual farming strategy game with a relatively easy time management theme; (at least in the early stages of the game). It's the sixth in a long running franchise from the publisher Alawar Entertainment and the developer Melesta with twelve titles released between 2008 to 2014 and a further title released in 2021; (Though there are some other variations released for android phones e.g. Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Domain).

I βeta tested the first four games , finding later versions were basically just re-hashes of the originals with different themes and skins. Still, it's a worthwhile game to download in my opinion; and, especially if you are into the Farm Frenzy franchise. (Steam has an amazing deal on all but the last in the series; see my conclusion for details)

The game was originally given away on Christmas Day 2016 where it received a positive 73% from 49 votes with 22 comments, which you can see HERE.

You can read some written walkthroughs of the game HERE, HERE and HERE and some Big Fish Community members feedback HERE.

You can also see some videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
The Game:
Whether you prefer the sunny beaches of Tropical Farm, or the icy landscapes of Farm Frenzy: Ice Age, one thing is certain – farming fans have no shortage of time management games to choose from. Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age is the third frantic game with the title "Farm Frenzy 3" to be released by Alawar (and as mentioned above, the sixth in the series), and it delivers much of what you’ve come to expect from the series.

The original Farm Frenzy 3 had you traveling across the globe, while Farm Frenzy 3: American Pie had you farming in the USA with robots. You may be wondering to yourself, "Why is each game is being called Farm Frenzy 3 instead of Farm Frenzy 4 or 5?" The answer becomes apparent if you’ve played more than one game in the series. Each Farm Frenzy 3 game is a variant of the original, with the same game play mechanics and feel, yet a slightly different theme.

As you might have guessed by the name, Farm Frenzy: Ice Age follows the protagonist called Scarlet as she runs a frosty farm way up in the North Pole. There’s a surprise guest, but his jolly identity should be a no-brainer given the location. Like always, the story is light and doesn’t offer much in the way of details or explanations.

The game play follows the same familiar format as the other Farm Frenzy 3 games. You need to keep your well full in order to provide food for your animals to stay alive. Animals drop produce, like eggs and feathers, and these can be gathered and sold.

The graphics have undergone a complete overhaul to fit with the chilly theme, so you farm is over a frozen pond instead of a green pasture. All of the animals are animated, so it’s rather fun to watch them waddle around the screen eating fish and amusing themselves. Since everything is Arctic-themed, you get to raise penguins, royal (colourful) penguins, walruses, and woolly mammoth. As usual, you can also buy cats to help gather produce, and dogs to chase away predators. Dogs don’t explode in this version, by the way…they just roll off the screen.

Polar bears pose a problem and will randomly attack and steal your livestock, but these can be captured with rapid mouse clicks whereupon they are caged and then taken to market to be sold for a profit. After the first few levels you will get more than one bear appearing at the same time. Until this has occurred I'd advise not buying a second penguin, because you'll almost certainly lose one of your penguins which may stop you winning a gold or silver cup. Immediately after capturing your first polar bears, get yourself a second penguin, then sell the bears. Bears may be dressed up in funny fancy dress later in the game and can be sold for extra cash. For another cute surprise, pause your game and leave it running for a while, and see what happens.

You can use the items you’ve gathered to produce processed goods like cookies and cakes once you’ve bought the right upgrades, and additional goodies can be paid for and airlifted into the playing field to help you meet your targets. Most of these processed goods are the same as in Farm Frenzy 3, and include cookies, cakes, fancy feathers, clothing, and ice cream.

As in previous games, sometimes processed goods are required to make other processed goods, leading to complex chains. For example, feathers can be made into decorative feathers, which can then be made into fabric, which can then be sewn into clothes, which can then finally be used to dress bears. Don’t worry about having to remember all of that, since everything is introduced very slowly and becomes second nature with repetition.

Your goals vary by level, and you earn a higher score for beating levels faster. Everything is done with the click of your mouse, so as you’d expect, it can get quite frantic as you advance. The fast pace and quick multitasking is part of the big draw in Farm Frenzy 3, and I’m happy to report that Farm Frenzy: Ice Age is just as hectic as its predecessors, while being less complicated and more user friendly than Farm Frenzy: Pizza Party.

Useful Information and game tips::
Pause, Restart, and Game play Time: Clicking on the sled, the helicopter, or the goals will not affect your completion time. These will also stop the current game play, so you do not have to worry about accidents happening while you are looking through the warehouse, or the items available to buy on the helicopter.

You can click on the "Menu" button in the lower left at any time to pause the game; this will also not affect the game play time. This will bring up a list of several options, including Continue, Map, Main Menu, and Restart Level. Do not worry; if you click on the wrong one, a confirmation screen will follow.

I have noticed, however, that in all of the Farm Frenzy games, just as you are about to finish the level, the timer appears to add 1 second before the screen changes to show how many stars, etc., you have earned. This section of the review takes the extra second into account, and the times indicated to get gold are the times shown on the completion screen.

Factory Upgrades: In this game, like American Pie, you will need to upgrade your factories to be able to start almost every level. You can go back and repeat levels to get more stars.

During game play, you can upgrade the factories even while they are making product. This is sometimes crucial and can save you a second or two that you need to make gold. Upgrading the factories makes them produce at a faster rate. Even though you may only have enough raw products to produce two items, upgrading the factory to be able to produce 3, 4, or 5 of the item will improve the production time of the two items.

Upgrade factories at the beginning of each level if you have enough stars regardless of whether they are currently producing or how many of the items you need to produce. The upgrades improve time. You can also click on the factories while they are producing to make them go faster. A bar will appear showing the green production rate, and a smaller bar that goes from light orange to red, based on your rate of clicking. If the red bar gets near the last bar before the top, and the factory itself is starting to turn red, it is almost maxed out, and only about 2 clicks from exploding. You do not want them to explode, so if they get to this level, just stop clicking on them for awhile, and the red bar will go back down. If they explode, you lose the product you were making, and have to buy the exploded factory all over from the beginning.

Upgrades for warehouse, sled, cat, dog, helicopter, and well: In Ice Age, you will have a sled instead of a truck to carry your wares to market. I like to get the cage upgraded as quickly as possible, because on some of the levels, you may need the bears before the dogs get to them. I personally don’t like to upgrade the dog right away, because in this version, the dogs don’t get stronger, there are more of them, and they don’t cage the bears for you, they destroy them. I also like to get the warehouse, sled, helicopter and cat upgraded quickly. The well upgrades can wait until the later levels where you will need more fish.

Map and Level Order: The map in this version can be very confusing at first, unless you have already played the American Pie version. At many of the intersections, upgrades will allow you to go to levels not in any specific order. For the purposes of this walkthrough, and so you can find the level you may need help with easily, I’ve written this with the levels in numerical order. You don’t have to follow the levels in order through the game to be able to complete it; you can go any direction at the intersections, provided you have the needed upgrades.

Mammoths, Hay, and Animals: This game introduces the mammoths, which eat hay, rather than fish. At any time you have mammoths and animals, be sure to have hay for the mammoths, and don’t forget to scatter fish for the animals. You buy the hay from the store on the helicopter. When it arrives, it will be placed randomly on the farm area. You cannot pick up the hay. The mammoths will go to the hay when they need it. The bears, however, can delete the hay if they run over it or land on it, so try to capture bears before they get your hay. If they do get the hay, be sure to replace it as quickly as possible.

Selling Products: Whenever you send the sled to sell your products, you want to look to see how much money you will need, and secondly, how full is your warehouse. My own "rule of thumb" is to send the products in descending order by how much they are worth. For example, cakes are worth $200 each, and cookies are worth $100 each, so I would sell the cakes first. Then sell the bears 1 at a time with each sled load. In general, keep the sled going back and forth with as full a load as possible for the maximum profit, while still getting the bears out of the warehouse.

Technique for Scattering the Fish: When scattering the fish, be sure to place the fish low on the screen, right on top of the warehouse and to the right of the farm area. This will keep your animals away from the bears, for the most part. The bears usually come down near the top and left of the farm area.

Their are optimum area's where you should place your fish. Check out the walkthrough for a screen capture of the best placement. The first bear has landed to the top left. You can see the shadow of the second bear that will fall in the middle. Although the penguin has wandered near the top of the screen, it will normally move to the right or will go back towards the fish. Get the bears that are closest to your animals first.

Be sure to scatter fish as needed to keep your animals alive. Fit scattering the fish in as you are comfortable with the "Farm Frenzy rhythm" for each level. For each level that needs animals purchased right away, I’ve found it easiest to buy the animals first, and then scatter fish. The extra few seconds may be the difference between silver and gold on some levels.

Starting a Level Over for Gold: Whenever a bear tosses an animal, simply restart the level. There are very few levels that you can achieve gold if an animal is missing, or you have to buy again. Even if there are no money goals, this can slow your production by a few seconds on some levels. There are some levels where gold is not affected by a few animals being tossed. I have indicated this in the walkthrough for those levels.

It can be very helpful when starting a level to take a good first look at everything you have, don’t have, and can purchase. Sometimes you can purchase items and do not have to buy the animals to make them. Then figure out your strategy for the level, and simply start over.

Getting Gold: Some levels have little to no time for error to get gold. On these levels, it is good to have a plan of what you are going to do before you start them. On these levels, and any others to get better time, you can start buying the animals, or clicking on the sled as soon as it has landed, or begin upgrading as soon as the sled, warehouse, and helicopter have landed; as soon as you click on start, as the buildings are falling to start the level.

There are also several levels where it is obviously easier to get gold when you have all of the building upgrades. This walkthrough is based on how to get the gold rankings without having to get all of the building upgrades first.

On some levels, you can make better time by having more animals than you have factory upgrades. There is sometimes a delay with the animals producing, and you may have to wait for the animals to produce for a short time while the factory is not running. On some levels, you need the factories producing at maximum speed. Therefore, you need enough animals producing enough products to keep the factories going. My own "rule of thumb" is to have one more animal than the factories’ production quantities. For example, if your Egg Powder plant produces 2 powdered eggs at a time, then you will want to have 3 penguins.

Endless Mode: This will be unlocked when you complete Level 45 in the Career Mode. In the Endless Mode, it is simply patience and getting the goals as quickly as possible that will get you through it. There will be more goals as you achieve the goals shown. You need stars and money to buy the buildings. You earn stars by achieving the goals and money by selling your wares as usual. You can click on the goals in the lower right of the screen to bring up a list of the current goals and how many stars you will achieve for them.

Edited reference originally accessed HERE. Origin review by Lisa Haasbroek, posted on the 6th January 2010. Reposted after some editing by Whiterabbit on Christmas day 2016 and reposted on the 23rd December 2022.

I loved the early Farm Frenzy games and was lucky enough to work as a βeta tester for Alawar when the first ones were released. To be honest, I wouldn't have even tried them but as a βeta tester I got access for free and basically tested any game they were releasing at the time and was pleasantly surprised when I played the first one. I'd always disliked Time Management (TM) games because I play games mainly to relax and most TM games are not noted for their gentle relaxing natures. However, the game felt quite laid back compared to all of the TM games I'd played previously with respect to the TM side of the game (at least if you're not bothered about scoring gold for each level, which I've never been). To me they are more a farming simulation and strategy game with overtones of time management. I tested the first four games, but left the βeta testing team just before this particular version was released. Plus, after playing the previous games in the franchise and generally enjoyed them, the formulae became a little stale. If you've only played a few of the franchise, then this and any one of the other games in the franchise are very good casual games and well worth downloading, especially for free.

You can get the first twelve in the franchise as a bundle via Steam HERE for the amazing price of only £1.49 (it's 90% off over the Christmas Sale). The last of that bunch was released in 2014. but a new one was released last year called Farm Frenzy: Refreshed which is on sale with 70% off at £1.85 during the sale. This latest version has had a graphic upgrade, but the game play is essentially the same as previous games. The graphic oddly reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch with my then young toddlers called Jellikins (1999 to 2003), and narrated by the amazing Rik Mayall (of the Young Ones, Comic Strip Presents, Black Adder, The New Statesman and Bottom fame).
The latest Epic Game freebies include all three of the original Fallout games, that are in an isometric viewpoint i.e. Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game, Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel.

Also, the Steam sale started on the 22nd December and runs until the 5th January next year, so lock up your wallets and purses before you bankrupt yourselves ;)


The latest Epic Game freebie is DEATH STRANDING an atmospheric post apocalyptic open world walking simulator with third person shooting and exploration elements. From 4pm tomorrow afternoon, the game will change to a new giveaway.

GOG's latest freebie Greak: Memories of Azur is live until late afternoon Boxing Day HERE

Also, the Steam sale started a few days ago, so lock up your wallets and purses before you bankrupt yourselves ;)

For other non Steam and Steam freebies always check Delenn's threads over in the game discussion forums HERE and HERE.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)


As a Christmas gift to whoever asks first (though I may give preference to those who have contributed to this comments section first, so if you've posted previously and someone else has already asked for the game who has never posted here before , do please ask. I'll send out most keys on Boxing day or the 27th (We have guests on Boxing day, so I may not have time to sort the keys until the 27th). Please check out the game on Steam first to see if it is something you'd definitely play. Thank you for your understanding.

I'll send the Steam codes, using the email you use to post comments here. Choose two as a back up.

Please reply to this comment via the Reply button rather than posting a new comment. This will keep all posts related to my giveaways in the same group of comments. Thank you.

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, a Narrative-Adventure game about traveling, sharing stories, and surviving manifest destiny. Featuring gorgeous hand-drawn illustrations, Where the Water Tastes Like Wine combines 2D visuals with a 3D overworld US map.

911 Operator - A realistic minimalist RTS game where choices matter - take on the role of an emergency dispatcher, who has to rapidly deal with the incoming reports. Your task is not just to pick up the calls, but also to react appropriately to the situation

Amnesia: Rebirth - An atmospheric story rich Lovecraftian first person interactive survival horror.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent plus Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs bundle - Both are atmospheric story rich Lovecraftian interactive fiction, first person psychological horror games

SUPERHOT - A violent cyberpunk fast paced bullet time first person shooter

West of Dead - A roguelite twin stick shooter. Step into the boots of the dead man William Mason (voiced by Ron Perlman) and descend into the grim and gritty world of Purgatory in this cover-based shooter which combines the fluidity of twin-stick controls and tactical cover usage.

Tooth and Tail - An isometric story rich RTS with procedurally generated levels. Lead the revolution with an army of flame throwing Boars, mustard gas-lobbing Skunks, and paratrooper-puking Owls

Driftland: The Magic Revival - A fantasy RTS city builder with resource management , survival and RPG elements.

Fury Unleashed - An old school roguelike 2D platformer with local and online coop. Explore the pages of a living comic book where ink is your most valuable resource and each room is a comic panel.

Neverout - An atmospheric Lovecraftian psychological horror escape the room like game with a physics based engine and also playable in VR (not needed)

NecroWorm - A 2D pathing puzzle similar to the classic "Snake"

Moon Hunters - An action roguelike hack & Slash dungeon Crawler procedurally generated dungeons with RPG elements.

Treasure Hunter Simulator - An atmospheric first person sandbox metal detecting simulation that gives you a chance to explore historically important locations worldwide.

Orbital Racer - A single-player racing simulator set in space. It combines the freedom of movement of 6DOF space simulators with the thrills of racing.

Ryse: Son of Rome - An atmospheric third person open world hack and slash adventure. Journey to the heart of the Roman Empire and experience the brutality of battle like never before

Book of Demons - A dark fantasy Hack & Slash roguelike deck builder dungeon crawler.

Rise of Industry - A strategic tycoon game where you build and manage your growing industrial empire in a living, breathing, and procedurally generated world set in the 1930s that is constantly evolving and adapting to your playstyle.

Little Nightmares - A puzzle platformer, story rich psychological horror - dark whimsical tale that will confront you with your childhood fears! Help Six escape The Maw

Iris and the Giant: Card Deck Roguelike - A fusion of a collectible card game with RPG and roguelike elements.

Super Meat Boy - A tough as nails platformer where you play as an animated cube of meat who's trying to save his girlfriend (who happens to be made of bandages) from an evil foetus in a jar wearing a tux. The developer also created my all time favourite platformer GISH

Gauntlet - A remake of the classic 4-player co-op action gameplay, in an intense monster filled dungeon brawler with a combination of both uniquely built and randomly generated levels to explore

Saturday Morning RPG - An episodic JRPG set in world heavily inspired by 1980s Saturday morning cartoons and pop culture.

p.s. I may add more titles later today if I have some spare time. Christmas day is always really busy.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

Oh ho ho, its christmas time! Santa Whiterabbit-uk has come! And what better presents than a game!
There are good games in the list. Please do give me at the last, as I already have many games from Epic gameStore and giveaway site to play, so backlog already full. That being said, I would like:
1) Neverout
2) West of Dead
3) Iris and the giant
Again thanks for the giveaway. And merry christmas!

Reply   |   Comment by skidboi  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)


Where the Water Tastes Like Wine or Rise of Industry.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Reply   |   Comment by Ken  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

merry christmas
1 - Little Nightmares
3 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent
much thanks and best wish

Reply   |   Comment by Alireza  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Whiterabbit-uk, Merry christmas to all!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Azael  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Merry christmas to all!!!!, well I would like the following games: it would be very pleasing on my part to receive them and I would be too grateful with you and happy for the games since I am of low resources and I cannot buy them (I am from Latin America) I am a student and there is no job, but still I try to go ahead. I wish you a nice and merry Christmas with friends and family.

The games I would like would be the following:

Fury Unleashed

Tooth and Tail

Amnesia: The Dark Descent plus Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs bundle

Sincerely, please and Thank you my friends!!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Azael  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Merry Christmas Whiterabbit-uk.
If you can spare, I would like to have:
1. Tooth and Tail
2. Driftland: The Magic Revival
3. Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
4. NecroWorm
5. Treasure Hunter Simulator
Thanks for your gifts.
In your email, if you can list a few games that you want, I can check my list and provide them to you if I have any spares.

Reply   |   Comment by EW  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


Merry Christmas
Thank you for the gifts

1-) Amnesia: The Dark Descent
2-) Tooth and Tail
3-) Book of Demons
4-) Iris and the Giant


Reply   |   Comment by Azael  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Merry Christmas!!

Any Amnesia game
Or any HOG you may have.


Reply   |   Comment by Todd  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Merry Christmas Steven,

If I could get the 911 simulator game for me and my daughter that would be awesome.


Reply   |   Comment by J & Pea Pod  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Thanks for today's game Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age. I usually don't play games like this but I find it enjoyable. Nice sounds and graphics. I will definitely be playing it more:)

If you are still giving away Steam keys I would like to try these games:

1)911 Operator
2)Orbital Racer
3)Ryse: Son of Rome

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Reply   |   Comment by Vill@in  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

A negyedik pályát nem lehet megcsinálni, a sütigyártó nem veszi fel a terményeket.

Reply   |   Comment by Némethné Túrós Ágnes  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Némethné Túrós Ágnes ,

Szia Ágnes,

Sajnálattal hallom, hogy problémáid vannak a játékkal. Nem volt gondom a játék ezen részével. teljesen jól működött.

Talán az ütközési háló a probléma. Próbálja megváltoztatni a képernyő felbontását. Ez megoldhatja a problémát. Ha ez nem segít, nézd meg az F.A.Q szálát a játék vitafórumain ITT

Üdvözlettel István

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Farm Frenzy 3 Ice Age is a winter time fast paced Time Management simulation within a small enclosed space. When you first start out the game you get the easy gist of things through the tutorials but when you go onto later levels and earn more gold the game tends to get harder.

I do admire the games tutorial as it's unlike some of the TM games we've received on the giveaway but I can't help but feel that the repetitive nature of the game with the same screen can make you feel bored in a hurry and you want to put the game down. It's basically different challenges on the same screen over and over.

The animals in the game are cute however I do have to give them that, but the repetitive click nature of having to capture the polar bear, some people may not be able to do this as fast.

Still this game does manage to capture some fun if you're into fast paced against the timer Time Management games where you have to achieve goals but it's something I would not play long term even with the multiple levels that were offered.

I liked Fill Up and Fill Up 2 that was previously given away they were more enjoyable.

Also, Merry Christmas to everyone! And Whiterabbit-uk thank you for your generous offer of Steam Games. I am fine at the moment on my library of games but I'm sure there are others that may want them.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Merry Christmas!

Reply   |   Comment by Bascha  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)
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