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Swap & Fall 2 Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Swap & Fall 2

Have fun swapping nuts with a squirrel, which can make you smile in no time. Enjoy new game mode, swap 4 tiles at once, and make strategic moves. Not enough? Then get new 8 bonuses, change the way tiles look and get hints to make the game even more fun.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 328 66 comments

Swap & Fall 2 was available as a giveaway on March 5, 2008!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

Have fun swapping nuts with a squirrel, which can make you smile in no time. Enjoy new game mode, swap 4 tiles at once, and make strategic moves.

Not enough?

Then get new 8 bonuses, change the way tiles look and get hints to make the game even more fun.

System Requirements:

Pentium 200 or higher, Win9x/ME/2000/XP/Vista, DirectX 3.0 or higher, 64 MB RAM, 2 MB Video RAM


Xing Interactive



File Size:

5.73 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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A simulation game about the life of a truck driver.

Comments on Swap & Fall 2

Thank you for voting!
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.

This game is great for my 4 y.o. son and for me.
Thank you very much!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Gennady  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just a quick note to check my sanity. I thought they gave this game away last week? Cute game but a bit too simple for me as it is very repetitive. I really like swap 3 games, when they have awsome powerups combined with lightning and loud booms, a good story line and cool graphics. I like more "eye and ear candy" in a swap 3 type game. I did keep this game though. Thank you kind sirs and ladies of GGoTD for the games and your efforts. Sharon H.

Reply   |   Comment by candleflame7  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You are so right funkymom....I agree 110 % ....People like that need to go away...and not come back...
No USEFUL info just personal attacks......NOT welcome here!!!
Keep up the helpful work Whiterabbit......we newbies need you!!!

Reply   |   Comment by qb7894  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 58 Peter!

How do I give a thumbs up on that review!


Reply   |   Comment by sukibabe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love match three games. This one had a cute theme, with nice graphics and relaxing music. It's probably better suited for kids, but adults that like these type of games will enjoy it as well. The game installed and ran smoothly. Thank you! :)

Reply   |   Comment by Lori  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

mrsmythbuster- wow! what a miserable human being you are. not only are whiterabbit's reviews welcome and appropriate to this comment section, he is being supported by the majority of this community and the administrators of the site.

i rarely comment in this section, because i don't feel i have much to add or contribute. but, when i see someone go out of their way to be hurtful to another human being ( even if it weren't a hero of this site), i get so mad that i must express it or explode.

go away, we don't want people like you here.

Reply   |   Comment by funkymom  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 31.....can we say transference?
By the way, the game is fun, but I've been playing it on mute. Now I want to hear the squirrel after all the other comments. hee hee

Reply   |   Comment by StellaVergyn  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i have never posted here but after reading todays post i just had to,i firstley want to give praise to everyone who stood up for whiterabbit,way to go everyone, if it weren't for his reviews i wouln't even give half the games i do a try or second look at,his reviews help a lot and i'm sure not only do they help me but they help other people as well, keep up the good work whiterabbit.

Reply   |   Comment by oria  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not a bad game, but not a great one either IMHO. But all in all the Realore offerings have been pretty nice. And let me be among the others to throw in my thanks to Whiterabbit aka Stephen for the HELPFUL and INSIGHTFUL reviews.

Reply   |   Comment by Craig  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Why is it that someone, every few weeks, feels the need to belittle Whiterabbit's work? If you don't like his reviews, don't read them.

Let me give you an example:

I don't give a shit about what you (#31) think. Therefore, I will no longer read your comments.

See how easy it is?

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really like a good match 3 game and have been patiently waiting for a new one.

But sadly, this isn't it. At least for adults, although it's simple enough for young children. There's needs to be an off button for that annoying squirrel. And there seems to be no point to the game other than scoring points. by matching endless streams of jewels. All versions are indistinguishable with the only uniqueness being you can swap 4 instead of 2.

I do enjoy several of Realore's games, but this isn't one of them.

Reply   |   Comment by Geek Grrl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To # 31 MrsMythbuster:

You honestly must be crazy. It has been so sad to read your today's comment.
I am sure that Whiterabbit, unlike you, is a respectful human being that will be able to forgive these misplaced words.
I am somewhat ashamed, thinking that he had to endure your awful remarks. This is really a terrible feeling.

For your information: while it is 3:00 am in US, it is 8:00 am in UK.
Read the time of my comment: you will see that it is written 8:23 pm, whereas it is now 2:23 am in France.
I suggest you to check this information with a 'Google search'...

Reply   |   Comment by Higgins  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is an ok Swap-3 game. Very nice graphics, and yes, the squirrel is annoying -- it would be very nice if games with such characters had a separate option for turning down the sound of the character, while still being able to hear the normal game sounds.

This game is not as sophisticated as The Treasures of Montezuma, or Age of Japan (then again, few are), but it has enough play options to keep things interesting. And being able to play without time constraints when desired is a definite plus.

I'm not sure what people are doing to be losing their place in the game, but to test that I just exited the game, and on return was asked if I wanted to resume the game I had already started. On answering "yes," I was right back in the same level with the score I had left off with, so saving a level is definitely possible. Maybe y'all are using "abort" rather than "exit"?

Nice game, thanks GGOTD and Realore.

Reply   |   Comment by SuzyD  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#31 - You obviously resent your current role in life, to some extent - perhaps you should enlist some help from the one you are helping, and reprioritize your life's 'responsibilities'. If you would do that then you would have time for some of life's pleasures; why you would even have time to go to the bathroom...;)

#35 - Rob - that was a rather nice comment to #31's comment; probably nicer than the one I was tempted to say...lol. I do, however, agree with your comment, as well as with #'s 36 and 37, and the rest relating to the commenter, and her 'target'...;)

Reply   |   Comment by RosnSC  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

MrsMouthbuster, (lol!) I would dare say that YOU are the one living in a fantasy world, coming here and criticizing a reviewer we all love and admire for his dedication. If you don't appreciate his in-depth reviews (which spare a lot of us from downloading things, and visa versa), with your high and mighty observations. Perhaps WE don't appreciate YOUR opinion. Perhaps someone is critically ill, or disabled with pain and is really into the workings of games and loves to share it and does it well. I'm not describing WhiteRabbit here, but let's just say we all wish him well for various reasons, enough said. Why don't you THINK before you mouth off to someone, or go back to your own fantasy world. Gee, you must be tops there.

And thanks, WhiteRabbit... I didn't download this one at first, not realizing it wasn't the same one offered earlier. So I'm giving it a go!

Reply   |   Comment by moo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@ richie

Post nummer 50 is voor jou bedoeld aangaande je probleem met je monitor

Reply   |   Comment by pluimpje  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Bij de FAQ vond ik het volgende

Q. Why I can NOT make any changes in the on-screen display (OSD) menu? A. The TV is in Showroom mode. The following steps will help you switch to Home mode.

Press Menu button from the remote,
Press Down arrow key until you see the word Picture, then press the Right arrow key,
Press Down arrow key until you see Mode, then press the Right arrow key,
Press Down arrow key until you see Power Up, then press the Right arrow key,
Press Down arrow key until you see Home, then press the Enter key,
Press Menu button four times to exit out from the OSD Menu.
***Showroom mode is designed for retailers to display the TV and to protect from shoppers changing the settings that are predetermined for shelf display environment.***

This FAQ applies to 2-, 3-, 4- and 5- series.

Reply   |   Comment by pluimpje  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great little game, thanks GGOTD and Realore!
Totally agree with #48, well said

Reply   |   Comment by Designs  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded and played this game last time it was offered as a download. Since then I've bought a new computer and no longer have the game. Thanks so much for offering the game again. :D

As for #31... Get over yourself. Nuff said.

I know I don't comment very often, but I do enjoy reading white rabbit's evaluation of the games. I have been praying for your (white rabbit) health, and I hope that everything works out for the best for you. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Leeuh  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks to the others for setting MrsMythbuster straight. Her comment was probably the most vile, and absurdly ridiculous trollism I've seen posted on this site to date. If anyone's comment should be rejected, it was hers.

Keep up the good work WhiteRabbit :)

Reply   |   Comment by Einhänder  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I installed this game early last year and still play it. The premise is simple, but the game is very entertaining and engaging. It is well worth the download. Thanks to Realore and Game Giveaway of the Day for it.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary Petersen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks to Realore and GGOTD for the game. It loaded and played well. I haven't played with all the different game options yet but I will soon. The squirrel hasn't annoyed me, YET. ;)

As for MrsMythbuster; your amazing conceit is exceded only by your offensive arrogance. :!: Who are you to question someone elses motives and integrity? Even if Whiterabbit were to exaggerate his medical condition (and I don't believe for a second that he is!), why would you care? Is he hurting you in ANY way? :!:

This page IS for game reviews and Whiterabbit writes some of the best reviews I have ever seen. (There are a several others here that also write great reviews!)

And as for "something that will be brought to the attention of the appropriate authorities", that is one of the emptiest threats I have heard in a long time! Who are you going to complain to, your Mommy! Get real and buy a clue!

I am sorry for the misuse of this page but I just couldn't help myself. - HOSS

Reply   |   Comment by HOSS  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

to #31 MrsMythbuster; Who peeed in your porridge? If you followed this site to any degree you would know that whiterabbitt is a RESPECTED, KNOWLEDGEABLE and VALUED assett to this community. Yes he tells us about his life and his health, but this is part of who he is and the fact that he spends his free time reviewing games for us is commendable. He does it because he enjoys it and we enjoy him and learn from him. We care about him and his wellbeing. He quotes his sources and provides images so that people like me with low vision, can view them and see if it is a visually accesible game and something I might enjoy. Without his detailed descriptions, I would not have gotten a 1/4 of the games that I have from this site. I learn far more from his detailed reviews than I ever could from the little blurb at the top of the page. I don't sit on my butt all day playing games. I play maybe an hour a day - if I am lucky and find the games a great way to relax. We are not all gamers. We come from all walks of life, varying incomes, abilities and live all over the world. If you don't like the reviews - then don't read them! You obviously have enough on your plate so please consider finding another playground!

Reply   |   Comment by dns  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you GAOTD and Realore for another 'cute' game (I love Turtle 1 and 2). The download/setup took under 3 minutes on my Windows XP, included a shortcut-to-desktop option, plays without any issues and doesn't 'run' slow either. The squirrel is cute for a short time, nice screen size and simple mouse-movements to play. This game is a typical match-3 - I plan to play this game for a while.

Thank you Stephen (Whiterabbit) for your daily reviews of the games offered here on GAOTD - I read your reviews each day, want to thank you for all your hard work, and welcome the alternative sites and opinions of others. That said ...

To the Comment #31: MrsMythbuster: This forum is for everyone and your personal-opinions were allowed by the site moderators. Thank you for your time/effort to express your personal feelings - a free-game can satisfy some area in your live that is currently unfulfilled, because you do visit this site and download offers, even "working to support my family and following up with household responsibilities, ect..., there’s hardly time left in the day for my husband and I to go to the bathroom ..." By leaving a comment on this forum, you have already "brought to the attention of the appropriate authorities".

Reply   |   Comment by Kim  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 31 Mrsmythbuster:

How dare you try and belittle Whabbit. I too look forward to his reviews! You evidently don't know his situation and your rude remarks were uncalled for!
Whabbit keep up the good work, I know the reviews help, not only others, but for keeping your mind off the pain!

I downloaded the game and played for about an hour. The squirrel reminds me of a dog bark when he says go in his chipmunk voice, lol.
It may seem slow to some because of the point and click, but otherwise ran fine on XP.
I would have preferred they sent (hint) Egyptoid 2, because I see this game more suited for kids.
All-in-All, will remain on my PC for a bit longer!


Reply   |   Comment by sukibabe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is just phenominal! Not only does it combine match-3 style gameplay with Bust-A-Move style bonus levels, but the graphics are fresh and crisp, the music is so gentle and soothing, and the squirrel is so cute!

I notice a lot of people complain that the game is too slow, but in my opinion, that's what makes it great - the relaxed pace of the game makes it something you can keep playing as long as you like, and even the arcade mode, which puts you against the clock, doesn't feel rushed at all.

But to me, what really makes this game a winner is how it can seem so childish, yet also be so professional. I don't have a way of explaining this, but if you play for yourself you can probably see what I mean. This game is so young-feeling, that playing it made me feel ten years younger - and no other game has done that before.

Please, try this game and don't knock it until you've had time to enjoy it. 10/10 from me, thanks GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by JJ Olnew  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't usually vote or write comments about games, but just had to on this one. I like match 3 games and enjoy mindlessly matching, but this one was REALLY stupid. The squirrel that pouts, laughs or cries at you is just annoying. I also didn't like that you couldn't save your game and that there are no instructions on what the goal of each type of game is. I uninstalled the game after about 15 minutes.
Thanks anyway GGOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by SaintD  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A wonderful game, 4 three year olds...

Reply   |   Comment by hernon  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Easy download and install on XPsp2

This is a very cool little game with several modes and ball selections. Good colour variations to allow my low vision to easily see. Love the windowed mode andthat I can control volume of music and sound effects.

As always thanks to whiterabbitt for your informed reviews and the link to the mp3 converter - I missed the giveaway a month or so ago and have been looking for something to convert some m4a's. The first one you listed works like a charm! :)

Thank you to Realore and the team of GGOTD for yet another keeper in my games library! :)

Reply   |   Comment by dns  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow @ MrsMythbuster. Someone really needs to take a chill pill and learn how to use Google. First hit..... Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday - March 2 in 2008)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother's_Day#Mothering_Sunday_in_Britain_.26_Ireland

You are absoulutely correct. A full-fledged game review on a page for a free full-fledged game that IS being offered is JUST WRONG. I can't even begin to count the ways. Who would've thunk it? Where are those "appropriate authorities" when you need them?

I know, I know.. Don't feed the trolls. So I will stop. But it so tempting...Naw..Not worth my time.

WR, you know how we feel about you. :) I won't download a game without your review.

BTW.. Great game today. Installed beautifully and the play is not slow to me. Running on XP. But I may just have to "off" the rodent. :)

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To #31 Mrsmythbuster. I enjoy reading Whiterabbits reviews everyday. He cites quotations...as opposed to "stealing" them as you quote. He points out ways of extending the games that would require alot of time for each of us. Thru time I have found his opinions at the end of the reviews to be closeley aligned with mine. To me this makes his comments most welcome and highly useful.

I'm not sure why you are picking on him. But your "facts" seem to me to be myths... I also just googled england mothers day. This was the first hit:


It clearly ids mothering sunday as March 2 2008 in the first paragraph... I guess you were too busy being a super soccer mom to actually read the first reference returned from google...

So why are you attempting to discredit a valuable resource with your own myths ??? If his comments bother you so much ignore them.... I guess you will now turn me into the appropriate authorities also

.,???;:, that is me shaking in my boots

My advice since you are so busy is to ignore the GGAOTD site. It is for people who enjoy playing computer games and find the time to do so.

Reply   |   Comment by cosmos  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#31 MrsMythbuster
The unkind remarks towards whiterabbit are unwanted, not his reviews & insight. He is a much desired contributer here for us folks that don't have the time to go from site to site searching for game reviews. From the way you described yourself & your tedious life you seem to fit into that type of grouping as well. I'm sorry if whiterabbit beats you to the punch with his indepth reviews so you can't give yours, thats no reason to try to berate him personally. I've been raised that "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all", so here comes the nice. You seem to be concerned for your childrens well being which I commend being a parent myself. Keep parenting, so many adults today want their children to be self sustaining from the womb. If their were more parents society wouldn't be in the shape it is today. To #1 whiterabbit Thanks for taking out the time in your physical condition to think about others who may be busier than you your reviews are greatly needed.

Reply   |   Comment by Rob  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Holy Krap, I get so sick of reading all of the whinning. What the He__ is the matter with you people, these games are been offered to us for FREE. Have you never heard of the saying "DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU",
If you don't like the game, wait for another day, and maybe it will be something more to your liking. But do you need to WHINE all the bloody time. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
I am grateful for having the opportunity to download free games.
Yea, maybe, they don't all suit my taste, but you just hang on, because eventually they will offer something that suits your style.
So even though I don't say THANK-YOU often enough, I am saying it again today.
And to you Whinners. Shut-Up.

Reply   |   Comment by Saskkat  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I rather liked this game. It is different in that it does not pop everything at once. It does them in sequence. The results in some matches you thought you had not being there but others forming as it cascades down.

It also does not have a "save" option. Each time you go into the game, it starts at level 1. This isn't necessarily bad. There's no story line so there's no reason not to build up the score.

I didn't find any instructions on how to do the bonus levels but figured them out pretty quick.

Some have complained about the slowness of the game. I didn't see that. Pausing to watch it catch up before you make your next move isn't so bad. It's kind of fun. The ability to click ahead would be more important if it was timed but this is not. I agree that a drag option would be nice but it's not a deal-breaker for me. It would also be nice if all the matches that are on the screen would complete when you finish a level to give you the points.

One of the nicest features is the number of moves below the playing field. When it goes to zero (you lose), the poor little squirrel cries! That made me laugh the first time.

It downloaded, installed and works great on my Vista Ultimate system. I gave it a thumbs up and give it about a 7.5 out of 10. It's fun and relaxing.

Reply   |   Comment by Diane  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for this match-3 game GGAOTD and Realore. I have been waiting for something like this after the four RPG-shoot-em up type games. You provide a variety for everyone. I enjoyed the puzzle game until it stopped adding up the accumulated puzzle star awards and prevented me from moving up in the game (only allowed me to open up two more puzzles and no harder piece sets).

This game is the type a younger person could play as so far it's not as challenging as Egyptoid. I haven't played all the levels or the different type games to this yet so I might still be surprised.

The levels I did do are just right for times when you just want to "veg" out and retire from adrenaline pumping work routines, etc.

A special thank you to WhiteRabbit for your write-ups and information. I always look forward to them. I've even tried games I might not normally try because of your write-ups.

Reply   |   Comment by turkishvan007  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

{Comment was deleted for using a personal insult against another commenter}

Reply   |   Comment by MrsMythbuster  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you Whiterabbit for the detailed review. I particularly appreciate the description of how it works and the links to similar games. And thank you to GGOTD for a fun game!

Reply   |   Comment by PCstudent  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded this game in January 07 and I absolutely love it! Thanks Realore Studio. Thank you GGOTD....you guys are great and I appreciate all the time you spend to make this FREE GAME site available.

Reply   |   Comment by Teri  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ref @ 23: "...when I run the game, “NOT SUPPORT” shows up on the monitor with a completely blue background. I did not see any game.ini file to change the resolution, which is how I got around this in the past. I have had this happen with a few games and I am relatively sure it is a problem with my monitor (Olevia 26″ widescreen HDTV monitor). I have been unable to find drivers for this monitor, but this monitor seems to work for most games and applications."

As an addendum to the above monitor problem with today's game, my video card is GeForce 7600 GS. I have tried changing resolutions in the nVidia control panel. Current resolution is 1280 X 768. I think the Olevia LCD monitor model number is LT26HVE (or HVX).

Reply   |   Comment by Rich  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not only is the squirrel just the cutest thing, but my little cockatiel loves him, too! LOL Silly little bird was singing with the music and nodding when the squirrel jumped up and down. This is a keeper for the bird's entertainment alone!!

Installed just find on Vista, including start menu shortcuts, without any compatibility issues, except choosing a folder other than "program files".

Reply   |   Comment by KristleBawl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great fun game to relax with and give yourself a break. I downloaded and played the game and did enjoy it. Thanks for all the games you give us, I really do appreciate them. I can't wait for my great grandson to play this. He will love it I am sure. Thumbs up GGAOTD. Also thanks to Realore.

Reply   |   Comment by PM  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Bejeweled... phase 367.

thanks anyway

Reply   |   Comment by vilulf  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

First and foremost - Thank you GGOTD and Realore. Every day a free surprise is waiting for me and a lot of work goes into making these games. Thank you.

Sadly, I uninstalled today’s game. The graphics are smooth and polished while the game play is chunky and clunky. It looks beautiful and the variations (swap 4 & bonuses) look like they would make this a winner but there were a few quirks that made it very annoying:

*) “Click-and-drag” is a requirement on this type of game as is being able to queue up the next move while a cascade is still going on.
*) And, oh my but the cascades are so slow here!
*) If a move is matches two separate rows at the same time, one expects them to both “resolve” at the same time to clear a larger area and introduce more change – this game does not behave this way.
*) Everything stops when the level completion is satisfied even though a cascade would have continued earning more points.
*) Lastly, with the above list of annoyances, it took me only 40-50 seconds before I wanted to strangle the chipmunk.

Thanks again, GGOTD and Realore. I look forward to tomorrow’s surprise.

Reply   |   Comment by Raul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Swap & Fall activates and installs fine, but when I run the game, "NOT SUPPORT" shows up on the monitor with a completely blue background. I did not see any game.ini file to change the resolution, which is how I got around this in the past. I have had this happen with a few games and I am relatively sure it is a problem with my monitor (Olevia 26" widescreen HDTV monitor). I have been unable to find drivers for this monitor, but this monitor seems to work for most games and applications.

Reply   |   Comment by Rich  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

downloaded and installed with no problems. played 6 levels in classic mode - love it - im a fan of swap games so its a keeper for me. ran fast on my system just a few second delay as with most match 3 games.
once again thanks stephen for your well written review - keep up the good work! thanks realore and ggotd for another great game!


Reply   |   Comment by shorty3963  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the nice game, which isn't slow at all on my computer as others have noted. Perhaps because I have a lot of memory and a big video card.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrea  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's a cute game with relaxing music, I think kids would love it.

Reply   |   Comment by James  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A nice game for children & it's free. Keep up the good work.

Reply   |   Comment by Bill  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

cant get the game to activate. using windows vista. said cant activate at this time , try later or turn off firewall. turned off firewall , still not activating. any help here

Reply   |   Comment by jeanie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

CinnamonPixie is right. The write-up justifies keeping this one, even if the game itself was lame. As the game is excellent, for a match-3, the write-up's a bonus.
Thank you to Realore and GGAOTD for this one. It downloaded easily and quickly, installed in seconds and was running in less than one minute. No problems of any sort.
Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by AlienSeed  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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