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Fairy Island Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Fairy Island

Fairy Island was a magical place untouched by human hands. But when Pirates wash up on shore, it spells trouble for everyone. Now the poor fairies are trapped inside magic crystals, and it`s up to you to break them out. Follow your fairy guide, Ariana, on a breathtaking and brain-bending journey across Fairy Island.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 294 52 comments

Fairy Island was available as a giveaway on November 23, 2014!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

Fairy Island was a magical place untouched by human hands. But when Pirates wash up on shore, it spells trouble for everyone. Now the poor fairies are trapped inside magic crystals, and it`s up to you to break them out. Follow your fairy guide, Ariana, on a breathtaking and brain-bending journey across Fairy Island. Remove matching groups of three or more stones to clear the board and free the trapped fairies. Play the way you want with three great game modes and four unique gameplay options. Collect golden acorns and spend them at the Fairy Fare on upgrades, bonuses, and more! 4 different game modes and hidden object mini-games will keep you hooked to Fairy Island! Escape to Fairy Island before it's too late.

  • 4 Unique Modes of Play;
  • Explosively Fast-Paced Puzzles;
  • Hidden Object Mini-Games;
  • Group Colors to Cascade Wins!

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8; CPU: 800 MHz; RAM: 512 MB; Direct X: 9.0; Hard Drive: 19 MB; Video: 32 MB


Xing Interactive



File Size:

22.3 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Fairy Island

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I like the game; I like the game play, but it plays like crap; uninstalled. OH! I guess I need to explain crap. The game is way sluggish and I need to click on things three of four times to accomplish one action; way frustrating and ruins what seems to be a good game.

Reply   |   Comment by JonE  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#20 No I'm using bitdefender

..................................Moderator comment.................................

Ah! ... OK!

Did you check out the FAQ's over in the game discussion forums? You'll find them in the sticky section, which you can find via the following link:



Reply   |   Comment by bricolou  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A configurable game is always good, I usually like to play in a window and enjoy the stress-factor of the timer.
One odd thing was noticed on first on first launch. I went to options, turned off the custom cursor, then turned off fullscreen. after the game switched to window-mode, the custom cursor was selected again and I was unable to deselect it. restarted the game and went into options again and this time I was able to deselect the custom cursor. My OS is Windows 7 Enterprise X64 running on Lenovo ThinkPad T500/ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 (Switchable graphics is disabled and so the ATI card is the only display adapter in use) AV solution: MS Security Essentials/MalwareBytes antiMalware Pro

Apart from the first startup, the game works great.
like others have mentioned I did enjoy the fact that the tiles pops up from the bottom and not from the top.
As far as sound goes, Music is usually turned off before first play and sound effects set at 25% of system sound, which means I hardly ever get irritated by repeated sounds like others have mentioned.
It does get hard at the higher levels and frustration comes as part of that, but when finally clearing a "impossible" level, it's rewarding enough in itself to keep going. I do agree however that "Times Up!" would be better than "You Failed!".

Another thing I enjoyed that must be mentioned is the fact that the game is small in size 15MB installed is a big plus when compared to other comparable games which "eats up" 100-200MB hard drive space and that is one of the considerations I do when comparing games before deciding which to buy.

................................Moderator Comment...................................

Thank you for your feedback Egil, much appreciated. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Egil  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Downloaded easy. Set up fine! Graphics are good! Typical fairies, lol! I thought it might be good being Playrix and have liked their other games. I chose to start in the continuous mode and soon became bored. I will try again in story mode, which might be a bit more interesting. I switched to a regular pointer, because there was a slow tightness with the game's pointer.
Thank you for another game and Happy Thanksgiving week all!

................................Moderator Comment................................

Thank you for your feedback Lee, hope you have a great Thanksgiving week. ;-) :D

Reply   |   Comment by Lee C.  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I realize it's late in the day,, but I just remembered to check GGOTD, and found this is a game I played a few weeks ago, just browsing for some free games to try. My comments are pretty much the same as everyone else: too quick with the hints, and silly giggling fairies. Also, #42--jgf, I'm so glad you mentioned the "YOU FAILED" statement at the end of each segment. That's not very encouraging for a kid playing a game, no matter which game, or the age of the kid (I'm 61, much to my dismay.) I uninstalled the game near the end, when the levels just got to hard for me. But I did really love the graphics, and I had no problems with the acorn shoot. Nice to know my marksmanship ability hasn't caught up with my age. Yet.

................................Moderator Comment................................

Thank you for your feedback MaryLee

Reply   |   Comment by MaryLee  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Windows XP SP3, installed and running fine.
Different twist on the "Match 3" game, so far, so good.
I really hate timed games so I'm glad to see this one incorporates a "relaxed" mode.
Thanks GGotD..!

................................Moderator Comment................................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by BobR  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Addendum: The acorns are too hard to click. There seems to be only one small tiny point on them that you can click.

Oh, and I agree with a previous comment, the giggle is annoying.

Other than that, I like the game. The puzzle option is nice.

............................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your extra feedback. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Matthew  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Win7/64bit - no problems installing, but whenever I pull the game up, it doesn't come up right away. The screen blanks and I get the chime for hardware being unplugged. I use the "window" key to get back to desktop and I can usually get into the game, but I have no cursor. I have to move the mouse around until it hovers over "options", which I can only tell because the pop-up comes up. Click and I then have to move the mouse around until I can hover over the box for the cursor (which is unticked). This is the hardest part, because the box is really small and I have a whole screen that I have to keep mousing over until I by sheer luck end up over that one place. Then I have a visible cursor and can play again. Sometimes I don't have to go through this. Usually I do.

There was one other game from earlier this year that I had the same problem with, but I can't remember the name. It was another not-quite-match-3, but similar. More of a medieval theme and the cursor was a hand in a chainmail gauntlet.

Other than that, this is a nice game that can be as brainless or as challenging as you want it to be at any time. Just want to click on matches of colors? Do that. Want to play a level of something more challenging and requiring more thinking? You can do that without losing your place in the "storyline". I don't really find the music boring, but I tune out a lot. The giggling... yeah, if it had more of a variety, that would be better. The Normal levels are getting more difficult at a quick rate. Tried the Puzzle - by the second level, realized it required more thinking than I could quite handle without either more sleep or a lot more coffee. Is this a game I'd spend hours on and want to run back to the computer to play? Probably not. Is it one that might make me growl when I can't complete a level? Probably. It's an ok game. And it's free. Makes it cool. I'll probably have fun with it until the cursor thing bugs me too much, like the other game, and then I'll go on to something else.

.............................Moderator comment..........................

Thank you for your excellent feedback Stealthbunny. It's possible that the resolution you have your monitor set to may not be native to the game. this can cause problems. Just to check to see if this is so, try changing your resolution temporarily to see if the game runs correctly. If that doesn't work, try going into compatibility mode (by right clicking on the games shortcut or executable and selecting Properties. Then click on the compatibility tab. The try disabling the scaling on high DPI settings. also make sure you are playing as Admin.

I'm not sure whether any of the above will work, but it's worth a try.

Reply   |   Comment by StealthBunny  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


1. The bonus needs to let ME decide when to use it. I love to make large patterns, and when I get one nearly done, the stupid bonus blows them up and denies me my bonus points.

2. The little mist effect when you break blocks keeps me from seeing what I'm doing. Get rid of it or make it shorter. I would prefer it be gone.

3. Put a button for buying bonuses, don't take me there after each game.

4. Let escape close the window. If I get a call and need to switch I have to alt tab out. Also, letting a keypress skip screens is much nicer than trapping me in the game.

............................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your feedback Matthew, much appreciated. Always good to get a list of suggestions. hope the devloper reads these comments. If they do, it's more likely that they would include the suggestions in a new game rather than redo an old game. This game is at least 5 years old now..

Reply   |   Comment by Matthew  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello White Rabbit, thanks for the games you give us the opportunity to play. Fairy Island is another cute, relaxing game (if you play untimed) from Playrix. Thanks to Playrix for their prolific game selection that covers many age groups and style of play. On Windows 7-64 bit and using Kaspersky I once again had to install through SafeMode. Just a minor inconvenience for the safety offered. I have played 3 rounds and have just unlocked a new mode and so far find it to be entertaining (minus the giggling fairies). Your efforts in obtaining enjoyable games as always is much appreciated. Best regards.

............................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your feedback Snow. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Snow  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Enjoyable game though on the higher levels it's a bit hectic for my taste. But I don't like when the clock runs out instead of a simple "Time's up" you get the insulting "YOU FAILED!".

............................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by jgf  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game is OK but not great. The bits of the "map" you have to click on twice to clear are unnecessary, the power-ups spoiled my point scoring! It would be nice to be able to select them rather than them being automatic. The puzzle game selections were fun and some were quite tricky. I preferred those (though there are only 50 of them) as the power-ups weren't part of the game play.

I agree with another person who commented on the music and the giggle getting very repetitive.

I'd give it a 6 out of 10

............................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Foolish1  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

this is a variety of match 3 that i often forget about. it's a refreshing change.

i like the variety of challenge. the different game types keep it interesting and playable. when i get stuck in one mode, i switch to another mode to play the next level.

the difficulty seemed to take a quantum leap in both the Normal and Locks modes. i have played to level 42 mostly using those modes, so perhaps the same increase in difficulty just has't happened yet with Shifter and Puzzle modes. i also like the mind-bending shift in physics of the Shifter mode.

my suggestions:

- make it easier to see the color of locked tiles. the locks obscure the colors and slow me down.

- i agree with Mac (comment #12) that there should be an option to turn off hints. i happen to like them because they help me keep up the pace.

thanks ggotd, playrix, and whiterabbit!

(System info: WinXP Home SP3 on a red :) Acer Aspire One D250, 2GB RAM, 1.6GHz, 1024 x 600 resolution)

............................Moderator Comment...........................

Thanks for your excellent feedback tinyearl, much appreciated. :D

Reply   |   Comment by tinyearl  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

None of the modes seemed to offer much of a challenge. The game was very quick to point out what you've missed, without giving you a chance to figure it out. I also had problems with the acorn catch bonus levels; each acorn took several clicks to get caught. Couldn't get rid of the Custom cursor (The box would not uncheck on the options screen).

Kinda buggy for a Playrix game. Glad it was free.

............................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your feedback Dawn :)

Reply   |   Comment by Dawn K  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded and installed fine on Win 7 X 64. I'm underwhelmed. I have played and enjoyed many Playrix games over the years. A few of them are still favorites that get played often, but this won't be one of them. The cursor control is sloppy at best, which makes it impossible for me to play it fast enough, the game is repetitive as is the music and the the fairy stuff is just plain irritating. (Yes, I know you can play in a non-fairy mode and shut the music off too.) Good game for little kids maybe but I was just bored. I hate to be so critical of something that's a gift but there you have it. Thanks though. As always, I appreciate the time GGOTD and Whiterabbit put into this.

.......................................Moderator Comment..................................

All feedback whether positive or negative is useful to the developer. Don't feel bad abiout your negativity towards the game. Not everyone is going to enjoy the game. At least you have put forward negative points that for you spoiled the game play in a constructive way instead of saying this game is c**p like some community members do. Thank you. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Pea  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Quite a challenging game. I've failed to catch all the acorns twice and have changed from story mode to the lock mode. It's all a bit confusing but fun all the same and so far providing me with much enjoyment. I'm looking forward to achieving level 100. Thanks Playrix and GGOTD.

.......................................Moderator Comment..................................

Glad you're enjoying the game :)

Reply   |   Comment by DJ  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just wanted to add another comment since I have played a bunch more levels. The difficulty ramps up as you go on, and I'm not sure why I miss some of the levels but it does get a bit frustrating. The game allows you to keep replaying levels until you "pass" and the acorn game seems to be optional as I haven't noticed that I get any penalty for not being able to complete any of those mini games. The other nice thing is that the acorn games are short enough you can just pause and wait for all of them to finish falling and move on to the next level.

.......................................Moderator Comment..................................

Thanks again for more Feedback Therese, much appreciated :)

Reply   |   Comment by Therese  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Overall, it's not a bad game. I find the gameplay simple, and it is nice to have variations available, once you have unlocked them. The downside is the music track, which is too short and jumpy. I installed it on a Dell laptop running Windows 8.0, and it works great. Thanks to GOTD and Playrix!

.............................Moderator Comment..............................


Reply   |   Comment by Laura  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#30 - Ok, thanks.
Here we go: http://forum.kaspersky.com/lofiversion/index.php/t289067.html

The workaround suggested by "orion999" works just fine for me. A big thank you to him/her.

............................Moderator comment................................

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks Higgins. :)

Reply   |   Comment by higgins  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really like the quality of Playrix games. I downloaded this game and even remembered to extract and activate on the same day! This does not always happen. I have the sound muted on my Windows 7 PC so I can not comment on that or the music but played the first 10 levels. It is a good game. Yes, Barbara, I see the similarity to Collapse. I loved that game though it took me months to get past level 100. Anyway, this game is fun even though I can't hit those durn acorns. I will keep it and play it often enough to keep sharp on it. Yes, that bobbing arrow is a bit too much, but to get a free Playrix game, I'm OK with that. Thanks again, White Rabbit.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for the feedback Stonebec. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Stonebec  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Horrible Pirates trapped all the fairies in... plastic bottles, possibly selling them as Procter & Gamble product. And now we have to free the fairies! It is very good that we don't have to fight for the sake of Toilet Ducks!

The game is funny but it is very difficult to make proper choice bying your bonuses. The shop is not awailable on demand. For instance, I did not noticed that I have two acorns to spend. One has been used, and then it is impossible to use another one until the end of round.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for your feedback. :).

Reply   |   Comment by Vladimir  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Cannot install - getting message there's a trojan.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................
Hi Linda, there's no Trojan. Your anti malware may be picking up the security file that's packaged with the zip file (setup.gcd). The project has been running since the beginning of December 2006 and no game ever given away has contained malware, what you are getting is called a false positive. To install the game, configure your AV sotware to allow the game to be installed, or, temporarily turn off your AV softeware until the game has been installed, then delete the set up files then turn your protection back on. I must say tohugh that you do this at your own risk. You can get the same game from all four of the sites I link to, but these also have their own issues such as toolbars, home page hijacks, browser changes etc. you can avoid them by unchecking the boxes during installation, at least most of the time.

The game has received a lot of positive reviews here. It's up to you what you decide to do. Hope you managed to get it installed. It's a good time waster.

Reply   |   Comment by Linda  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#2 and #18 - Do you by chance use Kaspersky Internet Security 2014?
If you do, then that's why the issue. There's a workaround, not sure I can give a web link to the Kaspersky forum here...?

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Post the link and I'll check to make sure it's safe. Thanks for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by higgins  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded/Installed/Activated with no problem on my Win7x64 machine. I seem to remember playing this game before. I see where its been offered here in the past so thats probably when. Anyway, its from Playrix so you can be assured of decent if not outstanding graphics and gameplay. Its a match 3 type of game and thats probably my least favorite game style. Having said that I'll be keeping this one because 1- Its from Playrix , 2- it has other elements included. I've only played a couple of levels so far but the hint arrow should be able to be turned off. I dislike "hints" when playing a game and this one is extremely fast to offer them. Maybe a little further in the game this will stop. I hope so anyway. Overall this looks like a game that will appeal to many and will offer a nice diversion for short periods of time.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for your feedback. Yes the game has been given away a few years ago.

Reply   |   Comment by indianacarnie  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OK, not a bad game but not very good in some aspects for laptop without a regular mouse. The acorn game does not work for me at all, as I can't maneuver fast enough to catch any of them. No biggie, I'm not going to bother my head with it. The other complaint is that I'm not able to turn off the custom cursor, so that program bug needs fixing. While they fix it, they could make the acorns slower. Meanwhile, I'm playing in story mode and the match 3 part of it, which is why I decided to try the game, is not bad. I haven't seen much of the story being told while I play the game, so don't know if that part is fun or not.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for your feedback Therese :).

Reply   |   Comment by Therese  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded ok, installed ok but won't run on win 8 64bit
tried running it with admin priviledges still won't run
got BSOD every time

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Works fine on my Win 8.1 operating system. Are you by any chance running Kaspersky? Check out the game FAQ's thread found over in the game discussion forums sticky section. I think I've linked to it in my review at comment number 1.

Reply   |   Comment by Coliwobbles  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey fun game. Win 8.1.1 x64 Pro. Makes icon, played from D drive. Loads fast. Played Story Mode first level nicely. Per comments I suspect will get harder as goes alongs. Good general game for most players who enjoy this genre. Clean graphics compared to some of this type. Thanks GOTD.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................


Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game was on an old computer that died from the last time it was on GGOTD. The game is a nice match three time burner. I do remember that at least one of the acorn hunt mini games was hard on a bifocal wearer.

It would be nice if hints could be turned off. And I don't know if it is just me but after the first few fairies are rescued that fairy giggle gets annoying and creepy. I start to understand why the pirates trapped the little buggers. Unfortunately, the fairy giggle is part of the sound and if you turn it down to block them out you won't hear the other beneficial game sounds.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for the feedback Chris. Yes it is annoying. Pity we don't have access to the sounds files. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Chris  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game is enjoyable. One thing bothers me: clicking the tiles rather sticky - it's taking several clicks for the game to respond sometimes, a bit unfair for a timed game.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Hi Nell, I don't have any problems with clicking tiles. works first click every time. Try updaying your graphics drivers. If you're not sure how to do this, ask and I'll post how too. :).

Reply   |   Comment by Nell  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Music: extremely annoying, repeats the same thing over and over
Gameplay: after 7 levels wanted to keep playing
Graphics: work well for this game
Sounds: the fairy giggle gets a bit old, would be better if there were 4 or 5 different giggles picked at random. Other sounds seem fine.

I don't understand the "frenzy", seems like there's nothing extra I can do, still waiting on tiles to enter the board.

I finally figured out it's best to match everything you can as soon as possible, the "diamond" tiles seem to appear after so many matches. You get more points if you wait for better matches but the diamonds don't appear before the timer runs out.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for your feedback Dave, much appreciated. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Mr.Dave  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the new game. This was a new twist on an old game for me. I liked the different modes you could play in. That is a nice change from similar games. This was also the shortest and fastest game download I've gotten from you. Like zip, zip and it was downloaded, installed and ready to play. I particularly liked the puzzle mode.
Graphics are nice, music and sound not bad, (including the giggles in the background).

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for the feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Sharon  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No problems installing on my external hard drive, win7/64. An interesting match 3, but for some reason I can't change the cursor icon (the screen size changed successfully). I always untick the special cursor icons, they make the game harder for me to play (too big and clunky). Would be interested to hear if anyone else is having the same problem.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for the feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by hummer  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

finally i found the game free at GameTop site and i use a french file "strings.sbs" from bigfishgame french...Nice game from now. only 4 levels done but i will continue with pleasure.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

It's free at all four of the free sites that i have linked to in my review, though you do have to watcho ut for browser hijacks, tool bars and home page changes. also, every time you close a game down from those sites, it will open your browser to the said site. Still can't figure ahat was wrong, tohugh someone has since suggested that it may be your anti malware suite. Do you use Kaspersky?

Reply   |   Comment by bricolou  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Of course I used setup.exe

This thing happened once time before for me, but all programs given here are ok. I come every day...
(I'm french)

.............................Moderator Comment..............................


Reply   |   Comment by bricolou  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've downloaded this twice to have the same issue as irene above.
Error message for corrupt files.
Tried 2 different extractors & running as administrator as well.
This is on WIN7 64 Pro.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Hi Hezeus, after trying to install the game, check the event log immediately after. Often error messages are recorded in the event log. These messages may give a clue as to what is causing the corrupt file message. Around 4000 community members have so far downloaded this game with only two mebers reporting this problem. From that it would appear there is something wrong at your end. :).

Reply   |   Comment by Hezeus  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is this the same Fairy Island as in Giveaway of the Day on 23/09/2012?

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Yes. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I had no problems installing, either. Off to give it a test run now. It looks fun!

Reply   |   Comment by bethany  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Setup does not work. Nothing happen when i try to install...Three times...

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Are you using the orange colored file or the setup.gcd file? To install click on the orange key file.

Reply   |   Comment by bricolou  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I haven't commented much in the past, but your plea for comments a few weeks ago made me realize I need to start. This game downloaded and installed quickly and with no problems. I love match 3's, but this one is different from most of the others I play. I like the fact that the tiles come from the bottom instead of the top. It reminds me slightly of Tetris in appearance. I haven't played much of the game, but I do like it and recommend that people download it and give it a try since it is unique in its game play and variations. Even if you're not a fan of match 3's, give this one a try.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for your feedback Lucky W. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Lucky W  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No trouble installing(window 7);no trouble playing.
Interesting match 3 with a difference. Thank you very much!!!
- and special thanks to you, Whiterabbit, for all the work and the time you spend for all of us :-))

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you mad.

Reply   |   Comment by mad  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

would like to... suggest an idea get rid of the arrow which in continuous mode kicks in after a very short length of time to tell the player which tile to click. If I am playing a game then that's what I want to do not have some stupid hint tell me what to do. Hardly worth playing the game at all.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for the feedback Mac. I agree.... hints should be able to be toggled off.

Reply   |   Comment by Mac  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you Playrix and GGOD so much for this enjoyable game :) It loaded and works great with windonw 7-64bit. While playing with it, it awaken the little girl in me.... The graphics are great and the sounds was unobtrusive....Love this game... hopefully more of these come in the future.
Thanks :)

.............................Moderator Comment..............................


Reply   |   Comment by Shelagh  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Файл установки заражен.Антивирусник говорит - ТРОЯН!

Reply   |   Comment by Галина  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice game. Thank you!!

Reply   |   Comment by Pamela  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game installed fine (Win7 64bit). I nearly did not bother with it, fairies & acorns put me off, but thought I would anyway.
It starts with match 3 type games, where you get new rows from the bottom. I used to have a game back in the day called collapse, and it is like that. As I am a match 3 addict I was so glad I installed it thank you, I will enjoy this. Why though do so many game creators make the games so twee with fairies, and such like, I do not like them and I am female (but never girly and now fairly old!)
Thank you to the giveaway team for bringing us so many good games over the years. When I have a computer re-build or a new computer I look forward to the old favourites coming up, but have bought the paid versions of a couple of games I first got here.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for yuor feedback Barbara. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Barbara  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded without any problems.

Reply   |   Comment by Pam Merrill  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice looking graphics and the music is pretty good. The game downloads and handles well.
Game play gets very boring after a while. But excellent for hand and eye coronation.. lol.

Rated A for clarity with directions and graphics...
Rated A for ease of play...
Rated C for wanting to play again and again...

Thank you GGAOTD for keeping all ages in mind when giving us new games and software!

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for your feedback Joanie. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Joanie  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded and installed just fine. Only played for a few minuits as I have to go to work. Nice colors and music. Can't wait to play again later today. Thanks Playrix & GOTD.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................


Reply   |   Comment by Baker Bob  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@2: The setup file is ok - but the game is trash. Deinstall after 5 levels...boring fast-klick-game. Thank you - not required.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Hi noneed, can you give other reasons why you think this game is trash. Most community members quite like it. There are several different game modes, which you obvioulsy didn't try. How would you improve the game? :)

Reply   |   Comment by noneed  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very easy download and installation on both Windows 7 and 8.1. Beautiful graphics and sound. Thanks so much to Playrix and GGOTD!

.............................Moderator Comment..............................


Reply   |   Comment by Buster  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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