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Dragon Keeper Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Dragon Keeper

The kingdom is cursed! An evil witch interrupted your wedding and turned your beloved princess into stone! The castle became a prison for all the guests at the wedding and you have been banished from the kingdom, forever! Travel deep into the mountains and find help in Dragon Keeper, a fun and exciting Time Management game!
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 294 41 comments

Dragon Keeper was available as a giveaway on February 2, 2014!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
1001 Jigsaw World Tour: Europe is a puzzle game and a fantastic tour guide.

The kingdom is cursed! An evil witch interrupted your wedding and turned your beloved princess into stone! The castle became a prison for all the guests at the wedding and you have been banished from the kingdom, forever! Travel deep into the mountains and find help in Dragon Keeper, a fun and exciting Time Management game!


  • Breed, feed and take care of your dragons;
  • Hire variety of monsters to help you within a cave;
  • Cast funny dragon spells;
  • Forge, upgrade and sell magic jewels!

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, 7; CPU: 1 GHz; RAM: 256 MB; Direct X 9.0 or higher; HDD: 138 MB


Xing Interactive



File Size:

55.5 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Dragon Keeper

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Maybe our grand-children may explain what one have to do with this game.

I am getting lost in playing the 3. day, and miss help and instructions. All dragons are sleeping, I can't knock the eggs, and getting out of the game is even hard to find.

Reply   |   Comment by peter  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Bear with me for the newbie confusion, but I'm not an experienced gamer with these kinds of games. I'm a tad frustrated with the lack of help files to explain some things. I've managed to get a bunch of dragons (about as much as I can handle right now!), collect the gems pretty quickly, fend off the invaders ok (haven't been robbed that I notice) and keep the dragons fed. But under creatures, the only one available to me continues to be imps, which I don't know why I need (I have two), and under objects, only feed trays and jewel chests are available (I have enough now). I make all the jewelry I can after every day, but there's still a lot left over, but I have neough money right now.

How do I progress to being able to get more creatures, and what are each for? I'm still stuck on the same scene, even though I'm up to day 68 (though it is getting harder with more invaders). And as the end of the day is approaching, am I better off feeding the dragons or collecting the jewels? I've been afraid to leave any dragon hungry lest he die, though that hasn't happened, but feeding them all means less time to collect jewels. Although I'm picking up tons of jewels each day, the quest (to get 8 of a certain gem) is never won.

How do I earn helpers, and what does each do? What are my goals? I have tons of gold but it doesn't do me any good since I can't buy helpers and don't need more chests or trays. Any ideas? Any help files? Thanks.

........................Modertor comment.....................

thank you for your feedback hecate. i presume this was sorted via the iveaway forums?

Reply   |   Comment by hecate  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi guys

I really liked this game.
If I were to make it even better I would add more levels.
Another issue is, sometimes I have a lot of money in the day 16 or 17 but my dragons haven't matured enough yet. and I have to wait until the day 20 or 21 for them to mature and create the requested items. Also I have a ton of hard-earned money (by lots of clicks)!:) at the end of each level that is completely useless in the next levels.
If you would allow me to use some of that money in next level I would greatly appreciate it! even better if I was allowed to buy something to expedite the growth of my dragons so that I don't waste so many days just waiting for the dragons to mature. Thank You

Now I want ask the moderator to let me rant about a subject that has bothered me for the past weeks regarding relax mode:

Start of Rant :
IMHO there are two types of games:

Type a:
Games like: Palyrix Fishdom or Brickshooter Egypt that I can play only using my monkey brain. I actually really enjoy them because I can listen to a podcast with a sometimes sophisticated subject while playing the game. And when I’m tired of thinking yet I can’t sleep and I want to go into a deep drug-free-trance-like state that creates an unbreakable distraction from thinking and everyday problems.

Type b:
time management type of games like My Fram Life and to lesser extent Island Tribe and Dragon Keeper. I personally play them when I'm bored but my brain is not tired and want to have an intelligent fun.
If I try listening to something while Playing these I end up doing neither. I mean I will miss parts of what I'm listening and also lose the game most of the time. This makes sense because the margin of error is narrower in these games and you have to Actually think and plan the order of your actions.

Now when I hear a uniform complaint about lack of relax mode in management type games, it irritates me because you guys are asking the developers to make all the games playable by our monkey brains. Where is the fun challenge in that if you can finish the game even with wrong course of action? And doing no actual management and making intelligent decisions?

I understand the business justification of adding the relax mode but I prefer them the way they are. And I'm almost certain that everyone here can easily finish them if they play them the way they are designed to be played and avoid multitasking.
P.S I recognize I might be wrong but I shall conveniently digress from mentioning the possible counter points. :)
End of Rant

..........................Moderator comment........................

Thank you for your excellent feedback. :)

Reply   |   Comment by aleksandr gennadievich  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is such a cute game! My kids and I love it!

Reply   |   Comment by Makabaer  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

...................Moderator comment................

Please excuse my poor moderation today. We've had some issues to sort urgently. Basically a builders nightmare, with loads of problems coming to light after we checked the building plans and contract. We discovered the builder had skimped on virtually everything from not putting insulation in walls that were supposed to have insulation. Using sub standard insulation where he did insulate, charging for 10 replacement radiators but only replacing 4, not laying the correct thickness of tarmac in the sub layer (a significant difference to what we paid for), the ensuite bathroom window should have been 1.2meters wide, but is only 0.5m wide, balcony should have been 4 meters wide and 2 meters in depth but is only 2.6meters wide and 1,6 meters in depth, loads of electric points put in the wrong place and things not done, damage to the cooker hud (chipped the glass shroud) plus many more omissions and cost cutting exercises. Thankfully we had a decent contract signed by him that states that he should follow all building plans unless authorised by us not too. We were very easy going with him and because he lived nearby and had been recommended by our local estate agent we had trusted him; so hadn't kept as close eye on his work as we should have done. It was only when the builder tried to put some significant amount of unfinished work onto a good friend of ours who had volunteered to help with the tiling (the balcony and patio), then went on to say he was no longer responsible for the work, that we started to take a closer look at the contract and the building plans. We are glad we did. :)

scuze the rant; its been quite stressful day, with the builder hassling us. he's brink=ging his full crew over on Wednesday to discuss all of our 'snags', trying to intimidate us. After battling for nearly nine years to get compensation following an accident, we are hoping this battle will be much easier. :-(

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm surprised that only one person, Jason Carver, mentioned the free games offer from Playrix when you install today's giveaway. We've had Brickshooter Egypt given away here at GGOTD, but not Fishdom-Harvest Splash, to my recollection. Thanks, Playrix (and GGOTD)!

Reply   |   Comment by Litemotif  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The first time I tried to play it but some bug caused one pop-up window in the game to appear over another to point I couldn't read anything. I quit and it seemed normal when I resumed.

This looks like a cross between Magic Farm and Grimm's Hatchery.

Reply   |   Comment by M.I. Summerset  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you GGOTD and Playrix, I love this game!!

Reply   |   Comment by Mystical Rose  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


It downloaded without problems and set up easily! The graphics are great and moves easy, although kept clicking in the wrong spot to enter name. Does seem a bit simple with the eggs, but I am at the beginning. I think the chidren will enjoy it more. I did receive the offer for 2 free games and sure will enjoy them, since from Playrix!
Thanks for another good game!!! Have a great week,

Reply   |   Comment by Lee C.  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What a fun game! I love this type and games like Magic Farm. I am not a fan of farm frenzy so this I was thinking was just like it and for me it is not. I love the graphics and the sounds. I wish there were more different types of changes for the dragons. I love the upgrades through making the bandits run away. This is quite fun.

Thank you to the giveaway team and whiterabbit for doing such a great job for us and most of all thank you to Playrix who has been a wonderful support of this site. I buy games from them often.

Ps since it was the first time that Kingdoms of Amluar was on sale on steam I grabbed that right away!! =) score!!


Reply   |   Comment by Pixiey  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#23 -- Thx for the heads-up about the extra games from Playrix!

I go in more for Match Three than for Time Management games, and "Fishdom -- Harvest Splash" is the only one of the five earlier games in that series that I didn't have.

As for Dragon Keeper: I may be in over my head. Couldn't even find the "Exit" button, let along figure out what all I was supposed to be doing in the cave.

Reply   |   Comment by FeAudrey  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

All I get when I try to start the game is
DragonKeeper.exe has stopped working
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: DragonKeeper.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 50603bf8
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.18247
Fault Module Timestamp: 521ea8e7
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000222d2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: 3cb8
Additional Information 2: 3cb8e6f8ec6e0487adee96d4644dd4ce
Additional Information 3: 0107
Additional Information 4: 010761908b8e11ec59a86d4581f5fb44

...........................moderator comment.....................

Have you recently updated your graphics drivers? apparently this has happened using Nvidia updates; so, see if you can roll back to the previous driver, or update to the next one. Hope this helps. sorry for the late reply; been asleep for almost 12 hours.

check the following links:




Reply   |   Comment by Theresa  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In reference to comment 8 by Foolish1. I think he hit the nail on the head in regards to the error message when unpacking the game. I was having the same issue with a previous giveaway. I tried a different archiver to unpack the file but it didn't help. I too have Kaspersky AV so I'm thinking this was causing the issue. I ended up downloading the game on a different computer and it installed with no issues. I was then able to copy the game folder over to my original computer and it worked fine.

.......................Moderator Comment...........................

Thanks for your feedback Randy. I always tend to forget AV software. To be honest (I'm sure some will be horrified at what i'm about to admit) I've rarely used them as I always found them more trouble than they were wort and feel that they are actually a big rip off. I'm usually pretty careful when surfing the web and do have a tool set for sorting problems out if they do occur. I back up most of my data on both external drives and DVD/BluRays, so, if I do have problems due to an attack (which thankfully has only occured to my knowledge three times over the 20 years I've been online), I just format my infected discs and re install windows. I do this as a matter of course at least once or twice a year anyway to clear my discs of accumulated junk. :)
Occasionally i'v epicked up adware, which i usually get rid of by deleting all registry entries associated with the adware as well as any installed programs. sometimes I use free software to sort the problem out, for example, due to my recent move i've misplaced l a box of back up discs that contain a blu Ray recorder, so I installed the free Image Burn, that allows me to burn to Blu Ray. I was keen to back up about 20GB of data, it was very late, and was getting frustrated at not finding the software I'd previously purchased, so installed Image burn as i'd used it previously to create blu Ray backups and knew it worked well and was simple to use. I ended up with the conduit toolbar and it changed my search engine, so I downloaded a free removal tool that got rid of everything in less than 10 minutes (from searching the web for the removal tool, to installing and removing the conduit rubbish(actually the tool unpacked to the executable so there wasn't anything tp install). Once sorted I deleted the tool.

Reply   |   Comment by Randy A.  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Fixed ...just resigned up for newsletter and received both free games

Reply   |   Comment by Unruly  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 23 I too signed up for their email but never received the two free games....I am assuming they came in email as attachment files????

Reply   |   Comment by Unruly  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After playing a bit, I'm disappointed in the instructions.

"I have to go into the woods to see the dragons." is followed by "Collect gems, feed the dragons, here's a page with a bunch of gold that isn't going to make sense to you until after you've played a bit longer and magically realize that you need certain types of gems to make certain jewelry, oh, and there's something about you needing a dagger which hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, but I'm just throwing this out there."

There's a lot of great elements in this game, but very little instructions. It seems the player is supposed to already know what to do in many instances. I can understand why toohard above is having difficulty.

What's this about needing a dagger?
Who is this larger dragon that is speaking and why didn't it eat me when it first saw me?
Food costs how much?
There's a Rat In The Kitchen, what Imma Gonna Do??? And why would I care?
I accidentally clicked on the mushroom and got money, but where did that come from? And now I'm clicking it all the time wondering if it will spawn more money.
The imp eats the bushes, but....why do I need him to eat the bushes again? There seems to be plenty of room around the board for more dragons so far...

I figured out by chance that if I go back out of the jewelry section and then go back in, then the possible jewelry I can create has randomized again, unless I was in the process of making one and left the jewels there before I left. I think it would be more helpful if either there was a button I could select on that screen that would auto-randomize or if all the options just stayed on the screen and cleared off back to null when one was completed.

I still gave the game a thumbs up, but it's got a hefty learning curve and a lack of instructions/story that are a bit more frustrating than I'm used to in these kinds of games.

Reply   |   Comment by TrickyKitty  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Mr. WhiteRabbit. Great review and great game.

I usually hate TM's but I'm loving this one. It's not too hectic and the dragons are all so cute. I'm a dragon freak. ^^ The best thing is using the essences to nuke another hero having pummeled one. That saves you time for sure.

Only thing I don't get is how to upgrade the cave or the jewelry box. I sold the one I had thinking they wouldn't let me play another day with it, but no joy. Can you only upgrade in response to the big Dragon's quests? (That one is so awesome looking by the way!)

I have to start over since I can't collect the gems now, but it'll be better now I have the hang of it. I too opted for the 'extra' free games and I'm sure to love the Harvest theme of the Fishdom one. Halloween is the best, most colourful holiday to me.

Hm. Hope all is going well with you. Thanks for the review and the link to Dragon Keeper 2. I'll finish this one, before grabbing the other though. Hope the rest passes pleasantly. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Dana  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Also got the same error re corrupted files. I downloaded it at least twice, tried unpacking using three different programs-native to Windows 7, WinZip (latest) and 7-Zip.

This is the second time I've left this comment-the previous one was subject to moderator approval and never got posted. Don't the mods want people to know about these problems?

Reply   |   Comment by WalterGuy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Todays giveaway is like 3 games in one, upon installing Playrix told me if I sign up for their newsletter I would get two free games, they delivered on their promise, I got Fishdom Harvest Splash and Brickshooter Egypt. A darn good deal.

Reply   |   Comment by Jason Carver  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello, Stephen,

Based on looking at your review and the videos, I think this is a really cute game, and very suitable for children. I have not been very interested in most of the time management games, but this looks like it would be an exceptional exception (tee hee). We've got quite a few things going on today, so I may not get a chance to download it, but I am still giving it a thumbs up. Thank you to Playrix and GGOTD, as well as you, Stephen.


Reply   |   Comment by Cara  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've only seen the opening so far, and I expect the game play to go as smoothly as other Playrix games.

I'm going to state the objection that I have with just about any game, especially when it is geared more towards kids. The opening scene requires the player to read pretty quickly. Despite there being a "Next" button, I can barely read the sentence fast enough before the writing automatically forwards to the next lines, and I'm an adult with good reading skills. Stop making those auto-forward! Especially if you are gearing your game towards kids, they need time to read the sentence, and it would also be nice to have enough time to look over the artwork that goes with the intro story. I really don't see there being a point to having a "Next" button if you're going to program the text to auto-forward so quickly.

I'm always requesting that any screens that require reading text should not be timed, but allow the user to decide when to select "Next" in order to forward the script.

Reply   |   Comment by TrickyKitty  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok Win 8.1 x64 Pro. Semi full screen, usual Options, makes shortcut. Played a few sets of gem collecting. At first I tried clicking on bandits to stop them. Bit later saw the little blue cicles act as a zapper whick is easier to get most of them. Prob going to lose a few gems but no real loss. Watch your dragons & when tilts head back it lays gem. Haven't experimented with adding more than the given 2 dragons. Also not fully sure of what the jewelry function does. All in all I give it an 8/10 just for being free and not overly Time stressed.
Thanks guys.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded this and it does work on windows xp3; I tried playing it but the hint board messages are to scrambled for me to read, will wait for my grandchildren to try before I decide to keep or uninstall thank you Whiterabbit and giveawayteam.

Reply   |   Comment by Maurice  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@Moderator: Thank you for the answer - but it is´nt so! Farm Frenzy I play without problems - but this: NO! It´s more difficult to understand. OK, I collect the gems - but for what? No helpfull hints in the game. The short instructions at the begin help me nothing because most of the words I don´t know - what is the target all in all? Sorry, this game I can´t play because my knowledge of english is not enough and to say this is like Farm Frenzy - never ever!

Reply   |   Comment by toohard  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Fun little game! Was only going to play it for a bit but boy, where did that hour go?

Reply   |   Comment by garbski  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi, Thanks for this cute Game from Playrix! I haven't play it yet, but it looks like fun and something different to 'show off' next time our little Crew is here:)

I can see some Users might be struggling with unpacking this zip File and installing the Game. Here is my suggestion that I mentioned not for the first time and mainly on Daily Giveaways - get this tiny extractor (free) called 'ExtractNow', go to: http://www.extractnow.com/releases/ and choose v.462.exe from the List. There is newer one, but I use this one for all my zip Files and in my view it's least complicated to deal with. Tell this app to extract to Folder on Desktop and you cannot go wrong!:) All Files will always be in one place and Folder will have a name of that zipped File. Aha, you can either open 'extractnow' and drag zip File to it's little box, highlight, and press extract, or right-click the zipped File and (Win7) use 'send to' (extractnow), NOT 'open with'. It's portable. Have a nice Sunday!

Reply   |   Comment by fran  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Surprised to hear many play these games as pain management therapy. I thought I was only one who did so. do find it helps get my mind of my muscle pain which has become far worse this past winter.
I too like the relaxed mode better.
I have this past week been playing MY Farml life in the so called relax mode. However I it still cuts me off after a certain amount of time and I cannot finish some levels.

Reply   |   Comment by MYRNA  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi there, I also got the message "failed to launch" the first couple of times I tried to run the program. However when I turned off my Antivirus software for a few mins (Eset NOD32 Anitvirus) The setup ran fine.

So I suggest anyone having the above issue give turning off your antivirus software a go.


Reply   |   Comment by Atrak  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm also getting the corrupted file message and I downloaded it three different times and tried three different extractors (native Win7, winzip and 7zip). Giving up.

Reply   |   Comment by WalterGuy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I purchased both games but have only played this one so far and love it! Although it is only timed, I was able to finish it with EXPERT on all levels and won all trophies except "500 gold coins". For those who need some help completing this game, here are the strategy notes I have from playing the game. Not sure I could expand on any of these strategies since it's been a couple of years since I played but hopefully you can figure it out.


• Play only when enough time to finish island; otherwise QUESTS are lost and have to start over
• Click on the pulsating mushroom or crystal at cave opening to get 100 coins (once per cave)
• Replay island 1 until all the upgrades are bought in the shop
• In 1st 5, be sure to get Imp and set him on bushes first (easiest to clear)
• Try to get 2+ dragons per Imp until 3 Imps are working
• Don’t use Trolls; instead hit 1 attacker and then click on whirlwinds until all are gone
• Buy Gnomes if all gems are not being collected
• Be sure to have enough food racks and gem boxes (2 of each is plenty)
• To replay islands, click on REPLAY and then island; DO NOT CLICK PLAY (it will start over from the beginning)

Reply   |   Comment by TopazMystique  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

will not run on Windows XP for me. tried installing twice both times when i tried to run it it says it has encountered a problem and must close... too bad I was looking forward to playing it.

Reply   |   Comment by BooN  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded it was not sure what to expect, i do like your other games 3 match puzzles etc this was a new one on me a tad complicated, normally there is a sense of achievement ie a beautifull tank with fishdom but this one i found was complicated especially the part of making of the jewelery this was not specific enough and in the end i just gave up could not understand it, normally a game i like to be self explanatory but this one i found difficult as i say feeding collecting but after that i found it confusing and dificult not really enjoyable wonderful graphics - sorry

Reply   |   Comment by Sandra mg  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

same as one I posted before with corrected spelling and some missing text sections have been filled in

This really does look like a bit of fun. I will give it a good college try in playing it. Just as long as I feel no stress & or pain while playing it, it will become another great Playrix Game. Almost all of their games are worthy of keeping.

I hope to be able to manage to deal with this game. Just as long as playing this game brings on no extra stress or pain in my life I will make some free time to play it.

This game looks complicated enough that IT WILL REQUIRE SOME HEAVY FORETHOUGHT AND REAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS. Games that require real hard thinking and actually require us to put our brain pan to heavy use can be great.

When a game can keep me occupied by distracting me, it helps me by making me think of other things and by taking my mind off of the pain I am in.

I find some types of games can help keep me free from pain more often than other types because some games keep me concentrating on the game more than the pain I'm in.

Unfortunately some kinds of games, Most of which are the timed games that do not let me turn off the games timer. I hate it when they do not allow me to play games in a relaxed mode.

I also find it is mainly the time management games that tend me to stress out the most. So it is often better for me to ignore the time management games than for me to play them.

Unfortunately to much stress when I am playing a game can cause me to suffer more pain in my life. All because my muscles tighten up and those tight muscles then cause spasms. Tight Muscles and Muscle Spasms which can lead to Migraines and or other types of pain I actually end up in more pain than what I started out with.

I can often get hours of pain relief just by playing some kinds of video games more than others. I am still learning what games help me out the most. Games like Pitfall are great for pain relief. Then games like farm frenzy cause more pain. ...

For those of us who need to keep their minds very busy to help them in dealing with chronic pain I find that I must give huge barrels of thanks to GGAOTD and to Playrix games for producing the games and for providing the game free to Give Away Of the Day

Because of that kindness by Playrix and the Dedication of Game Giveaway/Giveaway of the day these two company's have helped me deal with thousands of hours of pain by providing me with thousands of hours of game play that keeps me distracted there by providing me with much needed relief from the pain I live in .

over the past few years I can not even begin to count the thousands of hours of relief that they have helped me through

Thank you once again Playrix and GGAOTD you have both brought me thousands of hours of pain relief

I have high hopes that this game will help provide me with enough distractions by keeping my mind busy enough on how to play the game for me to get the best times possible without bringing on to much s but if it causes to much stress it will hit the retirement list quick enough...

Over the years I have come here to Download games there has been many games that got deleted due to causing me to much stress and in creating to much pain in my life. Thankfully there have been just as many games that have gone on to the wall off fame for providing me with thousands of hours of pain relief.

Thank you all once again
Rick The Flatulent Frog

Reply   |   Comment by Rick Frog  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Steven, I've sorted out the problem with the exe not working, it was either or both Ghostery and Kaspersky stopping something working in the exe. It worked fine on the laptop which doesn't have those.

Thanks for the game!

Reply   |   Comment by Foolish1  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This really does look like a bit of fun. I will give it a good college try in playing it. Just as long as I feel no stress & or pain while playing it, it will become another great Playrix Game. Almost all of their games are worthy of keeping.

I hope to be able to manage to deal with this game. Just as long as playing this game brings on no extra stress or pain in my life I will make some free time to play it.

This game looks complicated enough that IT WILL REQUIRE SOME HEAVY FORETHOUGHT AND REAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS. Games that require real hard thinking and actually require us to put our brain pan to heavy use can be great.

When a game can keep me occupied by distracting me, it helps me by making me think of other things and by taking my mind off of the pain I am in.

I find some types of games can help keep me free from pain more often than other types because some games keep me concentrating on the game more than the pain I'm in.

Unfortunately some kinds of games, Most of which are the timed games that do not let me turn off the games timer. I hate it when they do not allow me to play games in a relaxed mode.

I also find it is mainly the time management games that tend me to stress out the most. So it is often better for me to ignore the time management games than for me to play them.

Unfortunately to much stress when I am playing a game can cause me to suffer more pain in my life. All because my muscles tighten up and those tight muscles then cause spasms. Tight Muscles and Muscle Spasms which can lead to Migraines and or other types of pain I actually end up in more pain than what I started out with.

I can often get hours of pain relief just by playing some kinds of video games more than others. I am still learning what games help me out the most. Games like Pitfall are great for pain relief. Then games like farm frenzy cause more pain. ...

For those of us who need to keep their minds very busy to help them in dealing with chronic pain I find that I must give huge barrels of thanks to GGAOTD and to Playrix games for producing the games and for providing the game free to Give Away Of the Day

Because of that kindness by Playrix and the Dedication of Game Giveaway/Giveaway of the day these two company's have helped me deal with thousands of hours of pain by providing me with thousands of hours of game play that keeps me distracted there by providing me with much needed relief from the pain I live in .

over the past few years I can not even begin to count the thousands of hours of relief that they have helped me through

Thank you once again Playrix and GGAOTD have

I have high hopes that this game will help provide me with enough distractions by keeping my mind on how to play the game to the best times possible but if it causes to much stress it will hit the retirement list quick enough...

Over the years I have come here to Download games there has been many games that got deleted due to causing me to much stress and in creating to much pain in my life. Thankfully there have been just as many games that have gone on to the wall off fame for providing me with thousands of hours of pain relief.

Thank you all once again
Rick The Flatulent Frog

.................................Moderator comment.....................................

Thank you for your feedback Rick

Reply   |   Comment by Rick Frog  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dragon Keeper
the game does not works !error...

……………………..Moderator Comment………………………

Hello lucaci, can yopu describe the error? check the event viwer to see if there are any other error messages.

Reply   |   Comment by lucaci  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am getting the message failed to launch the program. First time this is happening for me. I not know what is the problem. Please help me.

……………………..Moderator Comment………………………

Try using a different archiver to unpack the executable. Check the game FAQ;’s which I’ve linked to in the problem section of my review.

Reply   |   Comment by biju abraham  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The first time that I throw away a playrix-game! My english is not good enough to understand it...

..........................Moderator Comment...........................

If you were able to play Farm Frenzy, which was given away a few weeks ago, you should be able to play this. Instead of hens dropping eggs you get dragons dropping gems which can be used to make various jewelly items. When the hens were hungry in Farm Frenzy you grew more grass, Dragon Keeper you feed them when they get hungry.

Reply   |   Comment by toohard  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Steven, I've tried downloading this twice but on running the exe keep getting a message saying "the setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program." Any suggestions?

Cheers and happy Sunday to you!

..........................Moderator Comment...........................

Try using a different archiver to unpack the executable. Check the game FAQ;'s which I've linked to in the problem section of my review.

Reply   |   Comment by Foolish1  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hiya Hopping friend and other faithful viewers of GGOTD :0
When I first noticed this game there was no review yet by our friend the Rabbit so I had to do with the GGOTD desription and the 3 screens. My first thought was ..."mehh, breeding dragons. what is this..pokimon??" but I decided as usual to give it a try and I must admit that I found it to be a fun little game. Not to difficult... hatch dragon, let it poop out gems, make jewelry, follow some simple quest lines. Played through the first chapter and I can see myself finishing this game during some fun and relaxed game hours.

mind you... no relax mode as far as I can tell.

thanks for the fun game Playrix and GGOTD

..........................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your feedback NoName

Reply   |   Comment by NoName  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dragon Keeper:

In Brief:

A time management game similar in mechanics to Farm Frenzy, with a Dragon theme.


Dragon Keeper downloads to a 55.5 MB zip file that unpacks to a read me and a wrapped setup activation file (the orange colored file with the key symbol), plus there's a setup file with security (setup.gcd) that's protected from being hacked. This file may case some security software to alert the user to a possible malware attack, but it will be a false positive. The game giveaway team check all game giveaways for malware using several well known anti -malware suites. There has never been a game giveaway infected with malware since the project started back in Dec 2006.

The installed game is 144 MB and installs to the following path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Playrix Entertainment\Dragon Keeper

There is a shortcut installed to the desktop and start menu/programs folderand there’s an uninstaller installed to the start menu/programs folder, which you can also find inside the games installer folder. Once the game has been installed you can delete the giveaway setup files and read me instructions.

Dragon Keeper 50

Dragon Keeper 47

I've only tested the game on Win 7 and Win 8.1 , and Dragon Keeper works okay. My other operating systems are not available at this time due to updating my older computers, but, according to the developer this game also works on XP and Vista


This game has never been given away here before.

If you miss Dragon Keeper today you can get it from MyPlayCity (MPC) or Jenkat Games 24/7 but do remember the toolbars/home page changes and browser changes via MPC that you get if you don't uncheck the check boxes during installation. MyPlayCity games are particularly aggressive, and, at the moment and I’ve been told that they force you to follow one of the negatives before you can install the game (i.e. allow a toolbar or home page change); fpr this reason I recommend downloading the Jenkat version. By the way, MPC hit a thousand free games the other week.

If you really like Dragon Keeper you can also get the second in the series from Jenkat free 24/7 HERE

Dragon Keeper 46

Dragon Keeper 44

Developers Introduction:

The kingdom is cursed! An evil witch interrupted your wedding and turned your beloved princess into stone! The castle became a prison for all the guests at the wedding and you have been banished from the kingdom, forever! Travel deep into the mountains and find help in Dragon Keeper, a fun and exciting Time Management game!

Reference accessed HERE Jan 26th 2014

The Game:

When it comes to pets, some people might opt for a couple goldfish in a tank, perhaps with an accompanying snail and plastic palm tree. Others, however, prefer their very own cave full of three species of jewel-laying dragons, imp construction workers and human-pummeling trolls. If the latter is more your bag, put your virtual pet ownership to use in the strategy-sim Dragon Keeper.

In Dragon Keeper, gameplay is similar Insane Aquarium: Manage various creatures, feeding them occasionally (thus leveling them up into adults who yield more valuable rewards), add helpers that provide various special skills, and ward off disruptive enemies. You’ll play four chapters, with each providing you different types of baby dragons to rear. You’ll have to feed the scaly buggers a nice hock of meat every so often, and in return, they’ll squirt out shiny, money-catching precious stones. And, plus, y’know, they won’t starve to death.

Dragon Keeper 43

Dragon Keeper 34

The goal is to complete a series of objectives—collect 15 of a certain color jewel, for example—in order to unlock magical artifacts that will combat a wicked witch. You’ll receive a different artifact in each chapter. For an extra challenge, the game sets a time limit to obtain the artifact and achieve “expert” status, usually 20 days.

In a single day, your dragons will grow, eat and produce jewels. At the end of each day, you’ll have the chance to sell different combinations of colored jewels for profit. But, like in real life, colorful, resplendent gems fetch a pretty penny, so you’ll have to deal with thieves infiltrating your cave trying to steal the goods. You can click on them at lightning-fast pace to dispatch the goons, or use some of your income to hire a troll bodyguard. You can also use the gold to buy extra dragons, goblins that will help collect your jewels, or a cook who’ll serve up dragon feed. Finally, imps help clear the land to make room for your burgeoning magical menagerie.

Dragon Keeper 33

Dragon Keeper 32

The graphics are cute and colorful, and the Greensleeves-inspired soundtrack is an appropriate, medieval-sounding backdrop. In-game instructions and tutorials are painless, and all the necessary information is weaved seamlessly into gameplay. Nothing feels intrusive or repetitive. It’s also not boring. Things move quickly, and if you’re not paying attention, your cave can get downright hectic. With a bevy of intruders to combat, a sea of jewels to collect, boulders and bushes to clear, and an army of famished dragons to nourish, tasks can add up lickety-split, if you’re not careful enough.

It would have been nice, however, to be able to play with ten more different species of dragons in any given chapter. (There are only three per chapter.) Additionally, the only real difference between dragons are cost, jewel value, and slight differences in appearance. A bit more effort in ensuring a variety in the critters would have been appreciated, but it’s not a big deal. More levels would have been nice, though. Honestly, gameplay is so brisk and enjoyable that the addiction factor is high, and you will likely get sucked in. But when the game is beaten in a couple of hours, some players will probably be left wanting more.

All in all, though, Dragon Keeper is a charming, fast-paced take on the breeding-strategy genre that balances accessibility with just the right level of complexity, even if the adventure ends a bit too soon.

Dragon Keeper 24

Dragon Keeper 16


? Breed, feed and take care of your dragons

? Hire variety of monsters to help you within a cave

? Cast funny dragon spells

? Forge, upgrade and sell magic jewels

? It’s free today

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
CPU: 1.2 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 221 MB

Dragon Keeper 14

Dragon Keeper 11

Video & Images

You can see a slide show of around 50 images, showig the tutorial s, menus and options HERE' you can also see some game play videos HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE


Similar mechanics to the Farm Frenzy game we got a few weeks ago, but with a different theme. You could easily have called it Farm Frenzy: Dragon Keeper. :) I've said many times befpre that Time Management games are one of the least liked genres for me, but as with the Farm Frenzy games, i actually enjoyed playing this one. I never felt stressed for time, and enjoyed progressing, and winning achievements. (See image above for details of all achievements.

I tend to turn music off when i'm playing games, but the music isn't overly annoying. The game play misic fits with the theme, so have scored this reasonably.

I’d give this game 7.5 out of 10 for family entertainment and fun factor. I'm sure the young 'uns will love the cute dragons, tohugh parents will need to help. :)

Pros ..... Lots of different creatures to oversee. Fast-paced. Great attention to detail. Vibrant, cute, fun, and not overwhelmingly nuanced.

Cons..... Could have been a bit longer. Might have been cool to include more than three types of dragons in any given level.

Dragon Keeper 03

Dragon Keeper 02


Gameplay – 8
Graphics – 9
Audio – 6.5
Re-playability – 7
Originality – 7

Total = 37.5 out of 50 which is equivalent to 7.5 out of 10


If you are posting late in the day I would also suggest posting in the main giveaway forums in the game discussion section. If you’ve installed the game but it won’t work for some reason, it should still be registered, so someone may be able to help at another time. Unfortunately if your problem is actually installing it then once the giveaway period is over there’s nothing that can be done until the game is given away again (though that isn’t guaranteed. It’s always worth checking out the free games sites as sometimes the games we get here are also available for free from them as is Fropsty Splash from Gametop, MyPlayCity and FreeGamePick.

If you have any problems installing or getting to work today's game please go HERE for help.

Games, Games, and yet more Games plus Download, Installation & Game play Problemsl>:

If you're looking for something other than today's game check the didimatic site via THIS link for some brilliant deals.

There are loads of other deals available from Steam (The weekend deals are 66% off the Tom clancy Splinter Cell franchise and 70% off the RPG Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (also 70% off all dlc), plus the superb parkour game Mirrors Edge (84 game son sale) as well as many more from Gamersgate, Gamestop, GameFly Greenman Gaming and GOG; all of which you can find via the Didimatic site, which I've linked to above (apart from Greenman gaming and Gamefly).

If that's not enough, check out the Game Discussion forums HERE for details of other games either free or on deals such as the Indie Game bundles (Humble Bundle, Indie Gala Bundle, Indie Royale bundle,Grouppees bundles, Bundle stars) or the four day sales at IndieGameStand. There's at least 14 + game bundles live at the moment (most are from Bundle Stars) and all of which are amazing deals. The latest IndieGameStand deal is Multilytheus a difficult abstract first-person puzzle game about exploring and understanding space. A Desura key is included. This deal ends Wednesday morning around 5am.


A Request for helpl>:

Developers rely on good feedback to improve their games. If you download this game please take some time once you’ve played it a while to leave some constructive feedback either positive or negative. The more constructive feedback we get, the more likely developers are going to give more games away. The giveaway site already has a very good standing with the search engines. Developers want their products out there on the WWW, this site has the potential to do that. The game giveaway project gives away on average between 9 to 17 thousand downloads for each game depending upon what genre and how obscure the game is. That’s a lot of homes these games are being downloaded into and a lot of 'potential' cash that’s being lost by the developers. If we get better games because of better feedback, the community are likely to continue to benefit from the generosity of the developers. Satisfied community members are then more likely to visit the home sites of those developers and purchase games that they may not have bothered with before they discovered the developer via the game giveaway site, thus giving the developers more incentives to give away even more decent games.

Please leave some feedback once you’ve checked the game out. It can be positive or negative, but please explain what your reasons were for the feedback you post. You could also leave suggestions for improving the game, for example, this game could do with more block types for the levels editor, add more power-ups, describing the ones you think would be suitable, add some mini games (which seem all the rage in some arcade games now) or enable the user to be able to change the in game music easily.

Thank you in advance to all those who take the time to post a constructive comment.


Whiterabbit aka Stephen


Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit-uk  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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