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Destiny Architect Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Destiny Architect

This is a story of one small girl who obtained her powers occasionally. Her friends and relatives have turned away from her because of their fear before unknown. But somebody stood up for her and took her to the Magic Academy, where sheаmanaged to control her powers. Now the youngest state magician with young village soul will face thrilling adventures, hard tests and new friends who accept her as she is.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 87 52 comments

Destiny Architect was available as a giveaway on December 4, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
You have several attempts to correctly guess color, but will you choose it?

This is a story of one small girl who obtained her powers occasionally. Her friends and relatives have turned away from her because of their fear before unknown. But somebody stood up for her and took her to the Magic Academy, where sheаmanaged to control her powers. Now the youngest state magician with young village soul will face thrilling adventures, hard tests and new friends who accept her as she is.

"Once, somebody will come to the Earth, who will be able to help elves to control unruly wild Magic" - an ancient prophecy says. But who could know that this somebody will be cute village girl, who was rejected by her fellow-villagers who were frightened of her strange skills.

This Arcade Block build game with logic elements will make you think of how it will be faster and better to build difficult construction which consists of incredible forms of blocks. If you want to help the heroine to build her destiny, this game is for you.

System Requirements:

Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista; 600MHz or faster Processor; 128Mb RAM


Xing Interactive



File Size:

16 MB



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Comments on Destiny Architect

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You're correct, but it's funny that someone complaining about grammar and spelling would misspell grammar and say "uncoprehendable" when they mean "incomprehensible". I'm not being like Blackrabbit, I just thought that it was amusing.

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game play was not bad, although a little tedious at times. However, the grammer and spelling are extremely distracting. Some phrasing is completely uncomprehendable.

Reply   |   Comment by Steve  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I finished this game fully! I was in ecstasy!
A game contains interesting history about real life of girl in fary tales. About Love, hatred, spiritual sorrow and treachery. I don't notice he's "Broken English". However I read with a dictionary.

Your task as a player - move a falling block by arrow key or mouse to build some construction described on a plan. Be carefully. In fact where you will put a concrete block there will be depending what blocks will be you get next.

In this game a few maps with more than by 80 different levels, and a various endings.
Each time history is a different :)
And also various spells. Some of them you must build with yourself, and some will simply give at you. Like a present.

If at play you will see what or new element, and will not know that with him to do - push the button "Help". She in a right corner under the button "Exit" :)

PS: I'm verry sorry by my superficial knowledge English. I'm from Albania

Reply   |   Comment by KGM  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have played the game, but it break down, and now it is impossible to start the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Shem  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I like this game but the most frustrating thing about it is that you can lower the block where you want it, it will make a sound like it was placed, and if you move the mouse, it will still move! If it makes a sound, it should not move afterwards!

Reply   |   Comment by TNT  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


"So, my forceful suggestion to all the whining Yankees and Tommies out there is first to keep trying to improve one’s own efforts before blaming other people for EXACTLY the same thing!"

Uh, we're not the ones making games.

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#13 & 18, if you want good free single/multi player fps, then check out cube and its sequel Cube 2 (Sauerbraten) which can both be downloaded from here: http://www.cubeengine.com/files.php4

# 45, (and any others with antivirus issues, I recommend AVG, as I have never had *ANY* issues with, which has a free antivirus program, which can be downloaded from here: http://free.grisoft.com/doc/downloads-products/us/frt/0?prd=aff

Anyways, regarding the game, I give it an overall thumbs up, and like everyone else said, the English translation needs some work, but to me, that is not a huge issue. The game itself is more important. I liked the concept, but also like many people, after about 12 levels, the game crashed, popped up the email box to submit info to the manufacturers. In the future, Meridian93, please conduct more beta testing before releasing a product, and try to ensure compatibility.

One more thing, even though this is not a forum, regarding the "whiners", and "complainers," it is my belief that there should be ZERO of that nonsense. Like people have said on here a million times before, these are free, if you do not like "match three" games, when one comes up, do not download it. If you do not like "children games", don't download it. If you don't like shooter games, don't download it, etc. Very simple concept, yet it seems to be very difficult for many. This is a free service, and true enough, it is designed largely for public opinion on specific software, NOT on some irrelevant point (to the game itself being offered), for example, why a certain type of game is not given away. Lots of people have said basically the same thing, that just because it is free, doesn't mean we have to have inferior software, and that is true. However, you have no right to complain about it. Pretty much any software ever made has had bugs in it, including ALL commercial software. If you don't believe me, simply look at almost any game, usually on the developer's website, or in the game directory, and there is usually something called version history, or the like. It tells of all the different versions, and all of the changes that were made from the previous version, which almost always include "fixed xxxxxxx bug. The truth of the matter is you will find buggy software that you pay for, or that you get for free, and if you don't like to get it for free, then leave, don't download it, and do not complain about it.

Thanks, Mapsking

Reply   |   Comment by Mapsking  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Reiner, THANKS FOR THE HELP!!! ;o)

haalam, THANKS FOR THE HELP!!! ;o)

I didn't check in the right place in the forum when I went there before!!! ;o)

Hopefully, between Avira & GAOTD they'll get things ironed out!?? After this, I'm thinking on switching to Comodo AntiVirus...?!

Here's the response I got from Avira (AntiVir) -

Thank you for your recent inquiry.

We checked the files (links) you have told us and the AntiVir heuristic found the signature of 'HEUR/Malware'. The current version of AntiVir already detects these files.
The reason for the detection by our heuristic is that the setup.exe of both programs is a downloader which works exactly like malware downloaders.
The software producer shouldn't use such malware-like mechanisms.

We hope to have helped you with that.

Freundliche Gruesse / Best regards
Avira GmbH

Andreas Pohl
First Level Support

Avira GmbH
Lindauer Str. 21, D-88069 Tettnang, Germany

Reply   |   Comment by MagicMan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, all I have to say is that by the description I'm glad whoever wrote it seems to have majored in areas other than English! Obtained her powers occasionally? Because of their fear before unknown? Once somebody will come to earth? I could keep going, but come on! There are seventh graders who are able to write better than this. Simply the feeling that the makers of this game didn't care enough to write a decent summary is enough to deter me from downloading.

Reply   |   Comment by Sarcasm4  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I forgot to say, many thanks anyway, both to Meridian 93 and to GGOTD.
I look forward to trying this once it has its very few bugs fixed..nice game!

Reply   |   Comment by Merri  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really wanted to try this game; it looked quite interesting. Downloaded with no problems at all.
It started in full screen and music blaring; heart attack city.
Quickly changed this to windowed screen and NO music,(but the next time I opened it , it again was at full screen and music enabled.
#1 bug!)
Then I started to play (yes tons of story and DID they copy HP?
Anyway I proceeded to try the game and all was fine, when it crashed.
That, "Send a report about this matter, box" came up so off it went, this to be repeated not twice but about 5 times.
(I patiently tried it 5 times)
Uninstalled it, and the creators site jumps up, asking sadly why I was uninstalling.
Simply that it crashed my computer..
TOO bad as it could be a good game..


Reply   |   Comment by Merri  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My first impressions of this game this morning writing under the pseudonym ‘Heavy Water’ (I've just started to use this over on the giveaway side, lol). I only had a short time to check this out this morning, but once I’d returned home from the medics (a very successful meeting by the way) I slept until about two hours ago. I was in to minds not to bother as the voting and comments had not improved on this mornings comments, but to be honest, I was intrigued by this game. I don’t particularly like Tetris style games; partly because of an obsession with it back in the early days of the gameboy. It used to give me head aches playing it, but I still did for quite a few years until it was stolen. Anyway, not one to be put off by the not so complimentary comments I finally got to play this game about two hours ago and must say I'm hooked. I've not had any of the CTD's or game crashes that have been mentioned, nor did I find this a kiddie like game, despite the fairy tale like story, which I found a quirky but decent addition to the game. There’s more to it than just placing bricks in place. The power ups and ability to buy them from the shop when you have earned enough money to buy them adds to the overall game play as does the levels where you have to be very careful how you place your bricks, otherwise you lose some of your work; although this can be used to clear up previous mistakes as well.

It’s definitely a keeper for me. I would give it an average 7 out of 10 for playability and quirkiness.

For those having crashes, maybe you have the settings in the options menu wrong.
had all three options ticked. I’d check to see if you have the 3D accelerator activated as I did and this ‘may’ explain the crashes you were having. There are lots of other reasons that could cause this, a bad download, the computer needs cleaning up, for example clear out the temporary files and prefetch files. Carry out a defragmentation of the disc drive because if your computer is highly defragmented, which if you download, install and uninstall a lot of programs, (such as those who visit sites such as this), it will be highly likely that your disc is defragmented. When a new program is installed onto your hard disc, it isn’t installed as a tidy block of programming, but instead, it fills all the gaps left by previous files that have been moved or deleted. The less you defragment your drive, the more this is likely to happen. You can access your defragmentation tool from the start menu via the accessories/tools menus. I personally use a program called diskeeper that runs in the background all the time and whenever the computer is idle (for example if I’m reading someone’s comments) the program carries out the defragmentation tasks I’ve set it. My discs are always ‘virtually’ 100% defragmented. To clean out your prefetch go to the start menu, then click on run, type in prefetch and then click on okay. This will bring up the file containing all your prefetch files which can safely be deleted. Just click on Cntl + A; which will highlight all the files within the folder then right click and select delete. If you want to find out what prefetch files are just Google the word; it’s getting close to the next change over. To delete temporary files from your computer read the following tutorial:


Other things you could try would be to update your video drivers. See my post from yesterday or the day before for how to do that, by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page

Have a great Wednesday folks. :D

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've just checked back to read the comments and thought I'd make one more point.

First of all, these games and software offerings are free to us because the developers and publishers want to know what we, the general public, think of them and ideas for improvement for future version and games. It's not free to us solely for our pleasure.

I commented earlier on the story line and description because, if I were at a store and considering a game to buy, I would read the story line/description and view the screen shots before deciding whether to spend my hard-earned money on it. If the story line/description is not grammatically correct or making sense, I most likely would not buy it. So, that being said, story line/description on this site and others has a huge impact on whether a person would purchase it or not. Based on the reviews I seen so far, I still am not really sure what style of game this is.

Reply   |   Comment by single rose  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#4, #10, #16, #21, #26, #33

What's the use of crying about spelling and grammar mistakes like someone of this game's target group as is said repeatedly would do?
Behave like adults, utilize your brains and do something constructive not only just for yourself but for all.

Got what I mean? Probably not. I'll give you a hint: Look into the game folder named "data" and search for 2 files sized 98 KB resp. 21 KB ...

And last but not least, buddies: The "offending" negligence of bad translation/spelling is done NOT only to the English language but, and I know for sure, often enough to foreign languages by native English(!) speaking US developers thinking they could make it without the assistance of a native speaker.
So, my forceful suggestion to all the whining Yankees and Tommies out there is first to keep trying to improve one's own efforts before blaming other people for EXACTLY the same thing!

Reply   |   Comment by Blackrabbit  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, this game is O.K. ... the download was under five minutes and the pictures are cute; blocks of various shapes fall and you have to arrange them to fill-in the darker-shaped outline; I have not been able to rotate the blocks in the first two levels, but maybe later on? Would be a game for puzzle-types and older kids - great to have the option to use the mouse instead of the arrow keys.

Reply   |   Comment by KB999999  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

While the game installed and played without any problems, for a Tetris-type game the install took an extraordinary amount of time, as did game startup. Nice graphics, but overdone for this particular game. Bad English and spelling errors throughout monotonous, boring multipage story between levels which is way too long and too much given how little time it takes to complete each structure. There should be more to each level, maybe bigger structures, more pieces, etc., to make it more interesting and challenging. My six year old was bored after three levels. Also, dump the annoying, nagging mother/queen on the side, or at least make her smile or stop frowning and wagging her finger when the level is completed successfully.

Game still needs some tweaking before it's ready for the masses, but has a lot of potential, looks good, easy to play and offers more than standard Tetris-type games. I'd give it a 7 out of 10. Not really my thing, but that's what's so great about GGOTD ... you don't have to keep or like everything that's offered here. Just try it and provide constructive feedback if you like.

White Rabbit and other reviewers...really appreciate the comments.

Keep up the good work GGOTD ... you are the best! Thanks for giving us all an opportunity to tryout these games for free!

Reply   |   Comment by Aydazee  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I played several levels, and there are things I like and don't like about the game. I won't mention music, since I always turn it all the way down anyway. The storyline and text is too long and kind of silly, but it is easily bypassed quickly by hitting the forward arrow several times. I would say the most annoying part of the game is the wizard(?) off to the side wildly gesturing. I'd really like to throw something at him. Other than that, the game play is enjoyable if you like Tetris type games. I think I'll keep it for a few more levels at least.

Thanks, GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Wrenna  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game likes to crash a lot, and for some bizarre reason it starts my email program whenever it does. Crazy.

Reply   |   Comment by WNivek  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I did get thru there Revelation. Was wondering if you have figured out a way to go back into a building you left but wasn't finished with it? The flag is up but not flying like the finished ones but I cna't seem to be able to try again. Any ideas?
NOTE:::: I am very sorry if this is not the place to ask this question. Please forgive me if this is the wrong place.

Reply   |   Comment by fstrmomma  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I think the translation would've been much better had it been translated by someone who either speaks English as a native language or is rather fluent in it as a second language from the original text as opposed to translating to English from their own. The text would be smoother and we wouldn't be faced with the occasional grammar that doesn't make sense in English. It's not impossible to get through and I don't really know how much impact the story has on the game or what paths it provides.

I can live with the broken English. Numerous crashes are a different matter, but I'm not going to give up on Destiny Architect yet.

fstrmomma, that level (Sealed Passage, making deliberate holes) was the first one I had to try over so far, but not the last. The one that's available right it after really ramps up the difficulty. Tip: make sure you visit the shop. If you haven't already done so, exit the level and do a bit of shopping. The game doesn't penalize you for leaving a level and you can go back in and start from the beginning.

Reply   |   Comment by Revelation 23  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just a brief note on the issue of complainers. Just because something is free does not mean anyone should have to settle for an inferior product.
Free is nice but not at the expense of quality. My local supermarket offers free samples but I would not eat it off the floor. So I don't like to say complaining or whining just simply offering an opinion. Just like those of you whom have offered your opinion about other peoples comments. Have a great day.

Reply   |   Comment by Kimbertz  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is a lot like Flower that was offered here. Or that is what it reminds me of. The game play isn't the same but the story line is. As to being like tetris game yes and no. It is as to placing blocks but unlike tetris you have to be really careful and think where you are putting the blocks. I personally love this game. But, then I like tetris games too. I also like that there is a story line, yes it is hard to understand but if I read it carefully I can figure out what they are saying. I figure it would be like me trying to type in french or any other language they would never figure out what I am trying to say. I would give this a thumbs up if I could figure out where to do that.
Revelation and white rabbit I so look forward to your reviews you are great at helping us out.
Oh and revelation I also got the boot in one of the levels after the white castle but like you the game saved. I just went back in and started again, however where I was booted I can't seem to get back to finish the building. The one I am having the hardest time is doing the backwards one where you try to make mistakes. I try, but I keep forgetting to make mistakes. Oh well I will keep trying now since I can't go futher till I manage to destroy the secret passage. I feel this game is worth a try, if you don't like it just delete it. No BIG deal!

Reply   |   Comment by fstrmomma  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

can't complain either until I got through four or five puzzles..Game loves to crash like a bad driver in a car..Then after it crashes I get an email on desktop with game.dmp and game.log references of same ingame files..so where do we go now?? would like to keep game but common sense says to dump it..Do enjoy whatever games you all give away..thanks GAOTD

Reply   |   Comment by sycoone  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


"Note for all the complainers - a suggestion is fine but complaints for a game we are not even paying for is crossing the line. If you got every game available here, your hard drive would fill up and you wouldn’t be able to do anything else. Even a separate hard drive JUST for games would eventually run out of room. Be selective - take the games that interest you and you think you (or your family) will like and quit griping!"

We "complainers" have every right to be mad about two and a half weeks of free, pointless, boring, unimaginative clone games. The last time that I was actually able to "be selective" was with Hyperspace Invader, on NOVEMBER 16TH. Just because these games are free doesn't make them any more fun.

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't understand all the thumbs down. This is similar to tetris, but there are differences. You can't rotate the pieces and you aren't trying to make lines but rather fill shapes. If you like tetris, this is a nice twist on it. I didn't read all of the story in the beginning as it seems to have no bearing on the game.

Reply   |   Comment by TNT  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#8 and anyone else using Avira AntiVir:
I sent the Activate file to Avira. It is a FALSE POSITIVE meaning that it is NOT malware etc. Please see related posts on the GAOTD forum under the topic "report a bad file here", page 3.
Avira is going to fix this "in a future update" so hang on! In the meantime, when you unzip and use the Activate file, simply turn off the AntiVir Guard. Just remember to turn it back on when you are done.

Reply   |   Comment by halaam  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After reading ALL the reviews so far I decided to give this one the benefit of a doubt having endured horrid translations in the 8-bit days long gone by and unearthing some gems of game play.

Unfortunately everything is as said earlier with no option to skip the horrid text.
The game play seems interesting - I like puzzles that dont require hand eye co-ordination at an extreme level - but it keeps crashing on the second or third block. I do stop it from calling home with those full data dumps (never trusted them - TMI going out).

Anyone have a clue as to the why and wherefore?

Reply   |   Comment by Thruddirico  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Can't complain too much, it is free. However, I haven't found any of the recent offers remotely interesting. Thank goodness for Runescape.

Reply   |   Comment by Adam  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i've played destiny architecht 2x since i installed it. both times it shuts down with an error.

Reply   |   Comment by sharon  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I had no problems from the start, but late in the first area (sometime after White Castle and Secret Passage), the game would crash after clearing a level. Fortunately, it did save my game, so I could move on. I got sick of making tower after tower, so I moved on to the second area. After putting down my second piece, crashed.

For those who have downloaded, installed and are playing the game, are you having the same problem?

As for 3D Acceleration slowing the game down, my guess is the game was built before the current generation of cards (more like a few generations) and the setting is trying to do stuff that's now standard fare for video cards without any extra work; the setting might work perfectly for older chipsets. I'm not a programmer, so I could be wrong. Leaning more towards probably. I don't know how experienced the different developers are with the various offerings from ATI and nVidia, so it's just a guess.

I wonder how many people gave it a thumbs down without even bothering to download the game and give it a shot. "oh, the description sounds lame, it's a horrible game" or "oh it's just another tetris clone"

I like the game. It's certainly not my favorite and it got a thumbs up from me. Then again, if it keeps crashing, I might have to rethink that. I don't vote on every offering here, and I haven't even voted on every game I have wound up downloading. Of those I downloaded and tried, only one was unworthy enough of a thumbs down after I gave it a shot.

$.02 & a bit of pocket lint

Reply   |   Comment by Revelation 23  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This one looked a little different than tetris and I was ready to give it a try. However, I have to give this one a thumbs down. Why does 3d ACCELLERATION mean slow down? At least it always does on my machine. I had the same problem with both Arctic Quest games offered here.

A snail could crawl across my screen faster than the games with this setting! With this game, though, if I turn it off, it crashes! It works fine (with fast "writing" speed for the text) but as soon as it prepares to drop the first block, it crashes.

I am running Vista Ultimate 32 bit but I don't think that's the problem. It probably does not like my NVDIA graphics board.

I have uninstalled it.

Oh, welll! Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Note for all the complainers - a suggestion is fine but complaints for a game we are not even paying for is crossing the line. If you got every game available here, your hard drive would fill up and you wouldn't be able to do anything else. Even a separate hard drive JUST for games would eventually run out of room. Be selective - take the games that interest you and you think you (or your family) will like and quit griping!

Reply   |   Comment by Diane  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have been to meridian'93,s website and it apears that the developers of todays game are not fluent in english which would account for the strange language in the story line.

Reply   |   Comment by knightstar.aka.mike  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I personally would like to see less whining and more reviewing.

Half of you guys rate the game down because you don't like the description. That's not useful to anyone.

Reply   |   Comment by Secularsage  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a nice relaxing game with some nice themes .I use McAfee which no longer challenges downloads from this site as I have downloaded quite a few games and McAfee now recognises this site.

Reply   |   Comment by knightstar.aka.mike  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

One more thing...

Phil, I do agree. More variety in the offerings would be nice. There's a lot of puzzle games, match games, platformers and vertical/horizontal shooters out there and seeing the same kind of game over and over doesn't take long to get old.

But a lot of it rests on what developers and publishers are willing to give away and whether or not GAOTD thinks it's worth making available.

Me, I'd love to have a good free RPG or FPS, but I know I might not get that from here. Looking at what's been offered, most of it's stuff that's easily picked up and not overly challenging, the kind of thing more people can possibly get into than if a free shooter, RPG or strategy game were to be offered. Reading some of the comments in the past, a number of people are downloading these, with children in mind. And I think a more general audience shouldn't be ignored.

Who knows, maybe others will jump on board and we'll get to play some other kinds of games, and maybe have a better way to get those games to people who are on dialup or less than speedy broadband, not all high speed services provide the same speed.

Maybe a different type of game each day, or perhaps weekly?

Reply   |   Comment by Revelation 23  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi MagicMan and other AntiVir users!

I will try to explain why I think AntiVir is complaining now about Malware: Activate.exe is the suspicious file, not the "real" setup file, but the helper file to make sure you can install the setup.exe only in a 24 hour time frame. And Activate.exe offers to create a permalink in Firefox and bookmarks. And that are things that does malware. So I think Antivir is complaining because it detects the functions which can alter your browser settings: it might be browser hijacking.

There are three possible solutions:
1) somebody sends Activate.exe to Antivir, so they can improve their definitions
2) turn off the heuristics in Antivir
3) GOTD alters the Activate.exe: who needs every day a new bookmark to GOTD? One is enough for me!

(for clarity: Antivir does not say there is a virus or malware. Rather it warns you that Activate.exe is suspicious because it does/can do things malware does and might turn out to be malware. But Antivir does not know for sure...)

Reply   |   Comment by Reiner  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not bad. This isn't your typical Tetris clone, although at first glance, it seems so. Is is more of a put the piece in the right spot kind of game, but it's not quite as easy at it may seem. This game requires a bit more thought to it.

Laving holes in your building up of blocks is normally a bad thing, but there's place where you have to leave holes. There's also times when you can't place a block on top of something that's already there.

You also get spells to help you out. So far, what I've obtained is spells to take out some of the blocks that are already in place, useful when you can't get to a spot and need to get a certain piece to fit - or just to a lower area. These were quite helpful in the somewhat frustrating Secret Passage level, although I'm sure I'll need to use more than one or two spells again at some point.

The music sin't something I really care for, but it's better than stuff I've heard in some game. Graphics aren't bad, but the princess couldn't been done a little bit better. But that's just nitpicking.

Now, to the dialogue.

Yes, there's a lot of it. The game features a story. Unfrotunately, it's not well written or presented. First, there are a lot of errors. Some more time spent on proofreading would have helped. It's also pretty clear that English is not the mother tongue of either the developer (as a whole) or whoever wrote the dialogue. Some of it simply doesn't make sense, ans not in a charmingly funny way as you get with some of the best worst 'Engrish'.

One of the things that would have helped is something to be able to tell who's talking, be it displaying the text in a different color or using an icon for each speaker, or something else to break it up and make it easier to follow.

All that said, this isn't too bad. Broken English aside, this game in enjoyable enough. It's not just another cheap Tetris clone. There's more to it than that. Hopefully the story that's there will get better, and there are different endings, probably dependent on how well you do or what optional levels you do (such as choosing to fix the Widow's House or not).

Giveaway Of The Day, this needs a better description, not the one on Robin Games' site.

Reply   |   Comment by Revelation 23  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

ok played the first tutorial have a feeling this will get harder as time passes. Also my desktop link did save and was there i just missed it:) lol Also thank you for window mode meridian'93 and thank you GGAOTD for all the great things you bring us on a daily basis we do appreciate it.

Reply   |   Comment by bluhoteyes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Haven't played yet and did tick the create icon on desktop and it didn't put it on the screen . Thanks for trying anyhow meridian'93 :)

Reply   |   Comment by bluhoteyes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I know you gents are trying your best to bring us free games, and this I appreciate. But enough with the block n drop games, these are all children oriented. Please try to find some true "Action" games at least 100-300 Mb's in size. Heck with the dial uppers, they've had their share and then some. Find us some good Simulation, war or first person shooter games please.

Reply   |   Comment by Phil  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I echo some of the sentiments on comments of this game. That description is totally useless to anyone that wants to find out anything about gameplay. I'm also short on time or would grab this. In the future, please use the GAME DESCRIPTION to actually DESCRIBE the GAME instead of providing some feeble backstory?

I can't see how this is a Tetris-like game - where do the pieces fall from or move around? It looks like it might be more of a piece-insertion jigsaw game, maybe? It's impossible to tell without installing it!

-- Retro

Reply   |   Comment by Retroboy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the nicest tetris game I have played so far.
I like it a lot. I do not understand why there are so many thumbs down. The graphics are very good and the game is good to.
Much better than some war games with poor graphics which get a lot of thumbs up!
But the theme is maybe to soft for some men.
I think childeren love this game also because you can build houses in villages and that the story is a fairy one.
This game gets a 8 out of 10 from me.
Thanks GOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Flash  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There are a number of spelling errors in the dialog boxes and it makes for a very hard read. The plot needs to have more to it as well. Why tell about a mother who is not really part of the game? All the dialog between screens gets boring after the first 2 playing rounds. This game would be better with less dialog and better spelling.

Reply   |   Comment by Deanna  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by bozo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Can someone please explain how come I've downloaded from this site for a year now, always scanned the files with Anti-Vir, never had a problem, and now almost every program for a week now, has come up as 'Contains suspicious code HEUR/Malware'??!!??

And yes, my Anti-Vir is up to date!

Reply   |   Comment by MagicMan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Read the comments .....downloaded anyway.....might keep my 6 yr old granddaughter occupied for 5 minutes

Reply   |   Comment by Dee  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A new game from Meridian 93. Watch out for the select additional tasks window when setting up the game because if you just click to install you’ll miss the tick boxes, which you will need to tick if you want a shortcut on the desk top. However if you do miss it you can always create a desktop shortcut from the start menu programs list, by right clicking and selecting ‘Send to then Desktop(shortcut).

The Game presents with a good looking main menu, which I hope is an indication of the overall quality. The options menu includes the music and sound sliders as well as windowed mode, 3D Acceleration and Special Cursor. The special cursor makes the cursor look like a fountain of colored stars which will probably appeal to the younger kids.

When the game starts for the first time you will be prompted for a profile name. Then thereafter to create another profile you will need to click on the Click here button at the bottom of the screen.

The game starts with a short story, then a one page tutorial on how to move the blocks which can be moved left or right using the keyboards arrow keys or moving the mouse to the left or right. Once a block is in it’s correct line you can help it to drop quicker by pressing the left mouse button, or the down arrow key. The aim of the game is to build a tower. If you place a block in the wrong place early in the game you will get a tutorial message to tell you what you did wrong. I thought you may be able to rotate the pieces falling by clicking on the up arrow, but this cau7sed the shape to fall and a message said not to try and rotate the piece, which would lead me to believe that in later levels this may be accessible. The game seems to be an unusual Tetris clone. You can pause the game at any point by using the Esc key.

Unfortunately, I have to get ready for my appointment at the hospital, so cannot write a full review.

From what I’ve seen of the game so far though it looks promising. So my advice is, give it a whirl. I can’t give it a score though as I’ve not fully evaluated the game yet. I’m still at the stage where tutorial hints are popping up, so there’s obviously more to discover.

The lack of a proper help menu does spoil the game a little, as despite the tutorial screens, I personally think there is always a use for having at least a hard copy of how to play the game kept in the games folder, but better still accessible from the main menu. For example, when a block is initially falling you can see it has a particular texture which will give it a specific characteristic such as marble or brick. The towers you build look like their stability depends upon the correct placement of these blocks so it would have been useful to know from a help menu what each of these textures represents.

I’ve posted a few screenshots, but as mentioned above I’ve not completed the tutorial, so don’t think that what you see is all there is too it. Than you.

All on one Page:


As a slideshow:




To Meridian 93 and the giveaway team, thank you for a reasonable game. On first inspection it seems like it’s going to be interesting to play.

Reply   |   Comment by Heavy Water  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

yes very Harry Potter themed! rip off I suppose. Also old 90's type game....good for a flash back lol

Reply   |   Comment by Amanda  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Can somebody please explain the plot??? It makes no sense at all. Even the screen shots do not tell what this game is about. I've tried other Meridian 93 games and enjoyed them but I have no clue what this is supposed to be based on the description. Whoever wrote this is definitely NOT a native English speaker. Might be a fun game if I knew what it was. If I were to vote solely based on the description, it would be 10 thumbs down. Sorry guys, but the intro/description needs to be understandable.

Reply   |   Comment by single rose  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

worse than i ever thought!!!!!!!last few days i mean last month were full of cool games..this month its all stupid games!!

Reply   |   Comment by shravya  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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