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Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows

Battle evil as old as time itself and save mankind from demonic forces in this thrilling hidden object adventure!
User rating: 275 53 comments

Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows was available as a giveaway on May 24, 2015!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

Battle evil as old as time itself and save mankind from demonic forces in this thrilling hidden object adventure! Packed with rich interactivity, stunning animation, and unique HOG scenes, Dark Angels will captivate you from beginning to end! Kate is a modern woman who still suffers from nightmares about her mother's death years earlier at the hands of a terrifying monster. After a visit to a therapist, her life takes a sudden and unexpected turn when more of the creatures show up at her apartment door, intent on killing her, too.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; CPU: 2.5 GHz; RAM: 1024 MB; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 942 MB


Xing Interactive



File Size:

866 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows

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This is a very, very late post. However, having installed it on the day I then quietly forgot about it until a couple of days ago.

So if the devs are taking any notice -- running under 64-bit Win8.1, newish machine, the game works fine and although it's not the most challenging ever there are a few things that don't work quite as well as they might -- particularly some of the "if you click here you're going to walk into the previous scene" stuff is annoying. But there's definitely some sort of bug: about one time out of three, when I start the game it pops up a warning about not being able to load the audio subsystem, loads anyway, says it's going to play without audio, so I exit and reload and the audio's there without any complaint.

If the audio bug wasn't there, I'd give it 7/10. The audio bug means it drops to 5/10. Hopefully it'll be easy for you to fix.

Reply   |   Comment by Tim  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can't seem to find an uninstall for this game! I've finished it and want to save some space for other HOG. It was a a decent game but now I want to uninstall. How can I do it? It does not have an uninstaller nor does it appear in the add/remove in the control panel. I use W7

..............................Moderator Comment..............................

Hi Labfish, most game giveaways don't come with an uninstaller. The uninstaller is removed when the game is wrapped in the giveaway wrapper. to uninstall just go to the games installed folder and delete. Most giveaways have very little impact on the registry.

Reply   |   Comment by labfish  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This had great potential, but it was finished much too quickly. I prefer games that require at least a couple of days of play to finish, not a couple of hours.

Reply   |   Comment by Jane  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game loaded and tried to run.
Screen went blank and machine shut off.
Tried reloading.....went to a dark screen and nothing.
Had to reset again.

Reply   |   Comment by Glenn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Never mind my previous comment. That was meant for today's game; Hopelake. Sorry!

Reply   |   Comment by Martine  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installs fine on my laptop with Win7 home edition. Only had a glance at the game, but I have a very good first impression.

Reply   |   Comment by Martine  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have been playing the game several times now and I still haven't finished it. I enjoy playing it. It is very diverse and the graphics are good. I was confused though when one of the hidden objects that I was looking for was described as a butterfly, and it appeared to be a bowtie.... But all in all a very entertaining game that gives hours of gameplay!

Reply   |   Comment by Martine  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Late post but I see a lot of folks had a problem activating the game yesterday. I thought it was my connection and just waited a few hours then tried again. It finally activated. Am thinking I must have a really fast connection as none of the games, no matter how large the file, has ever taken over 5 minutes and that was just when the server was very busy....this game downloaded in about 40 seconds. We just have a normal comcast router connection with an added on wi fi box. Using Win Pro 7, 64/32 b.

So I started playing the game and realized I have played it before....well shucks! LOL...it's a decent game, not the best but it's okay. Evidently I didn't think it was a keeper as I deleted it some where along the line, but will play it again since I went to all the trouble to get it activated.

Good luck to your son White Rabbit with his exams...sometimes it is hard to get kids to knuckle down and study...as a mom of 5 grown kids, I remember the feeling! LadyLei

..........................................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you Lady Lei, , please excuse the extremely late moderation.

Reply   |   Comment by LadyLei  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hate to see this game end; a perfect blend of challenge, engaging story, logical next steps (unlike that Revelations thing), and good production values. More!

Reply   |   Comment by hecate  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I always have my speakers off and click all sound and noises on games off cause I watch TV or talk while gaming and don't want to be interrupted.

Also so many pages us background music which surely is nice but so NOT when I am already listening to something.

You are not alone - I am kinda like you - maybe worse :-D

Reply   |   Comment by Anu  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Irony, Happy as a basket of kittens while mad as a box of frogs.

So I installed on two different win 7's 64 bit. Both worked fine. PRE install, I had installed this 64 bit file there was x86 version, I certainly didn't expect my C++ for dos 3x drivers to work so maybe I NEED to go back there again and look again then at the other three offers.. thats it.. troubleshooting while writing just perfect I need to watch out for that brick wall oops ooop. Hope I can find that site again..

Current File
Bytes 7,194,312
Attributes .a..
Date 5-24-15
Time 6:10:04

from Microsoft - For this game, but also for Hyperlapse Pro from Microsoft Labs (Out what May 14th?),

The games worked, happy as a bundle of kittens (Oh tell me you did find the broom and feed that kitten too!)

and then the mad as a box of frogs part kicked in since the DIYY cameras on sticks so far, have stunk the big stinks with microsoft's hyperlapse pro (WHO also ironically wanted that Victor Charley re-distribution first!) After searching in vain for a PC version of the Instamatic Instagram hyperlapse and tracking down some weird I don't even trust it "XPLapse kickstarter" of some sort which I CANT FIND Now (where do I surf the web sometimes?).., and concluding hyperlapse tricks are best left to either people with mobile phones or DIY hacking away on adobe after effects (Me on less lazy day)/or apple final cut I vegged out for rest of day heartbroken that there still is no drop all your tapes into the box and press the shiny button in front for your new $50,000 smash hit solid gold bike ride music video machine. All my awesome bicycle video dreams smashed upon the wretched floor, look there's no more pop tops from cans on the ground or in the trash anymore! A SAD DAY!

Not to leave confusion this game "Dark Angels Masquerade of Shadows" worked great on two win7/64bit's.

..........................................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for your feedback Fredward, please excuse the extremely late moderation.

Reply   |   Comment by fredward  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ditto to the fail to launch on XP....I was able do download the demo from BFG ...so sad the GOTD would do that, especially when the specs above say XP!
My Windows 7 Dell had no problem, but my other old workhorse Dell was made just for gaming and has dynamite speakers!

Whabbit, I believe you commented on Saturday that this site used to be fun, yes it was and underline "WAS"

I have enough games that I haven't played, and I am only getting older, and like you, family is more important now! I am expecting the arrival of my 3rd grandchild this September 14th...my Birthday and my deceased X husbands(the father of our son)too...

..........................................Moderator Comment..............................

Hi Suki, sorry for the late reply. The other moderator, one of the owners i believe moderated your and several others early this morning. We still get some reasonnable games, but for me i'm still struggling with a gaming addiction that has seen my backlog of unplayed games grow from perhaps 20 or so games a few years ago, to well over a thousand games now. My Steam account has approaching 5100 games in the account, my Desura account has around 1300, plus a couple of thousand arcade games from several sources as well as other games from places like Origin, Gamergate etc. So, most of the giveaway games hold no real charm for me at the moment.

Sadly the forums seems to be losing regulars at an alarming rate. there used to be a really friendly atmosphere with loads of community members posting every day. you used to be able to see who had visited each day, but that was closed last year. We ar elucky if we get one or two comments a day now, wheras a few years ago we'd get a full page daily. I'm still totally snowed under with things to sort at the moment. Once my son has completed his exams and we have finally sorted the legal issues with our builder i'm thinking of restarting the free games project. it sort of died a death over a year ago when i realized that the nmber of indioe bundles, where you could get several excellent commercial games for as little as a dollar made my postings of free games a little pointless, but there are loads of free games out there that are worth posting abput. I just don't have the time to devote to the forums like i used to. I hope that will be different once the above are sorted. :)

Reply   |   Comment by sukibabe  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey first of all thanks for the heads up on that first link/bundle. Pahelika: Secret Legends looks too good to pass up. I recognized the composer when I watched the intro. Worth the full price maybe just for that, but at least with this it can be shared easier. Shouts to Bjorn Lynne/Divinorum.

But yeah, I'll go back on subject to the game: Now this is a high quality-looking game. I note the file-size and see that at least during the beginning they put it to use. I love the look, the music, and the opening screen. Kinda freaks you out when you see the character turn towards the audience. There's a good mystery in here. I'd like to see how it ends up. Looks like somewhere after the opening area it reverts to a more traditional Alawar game, which that is fine too. I did like the sense of cutscene nonlinearity where you chose hot to react in the beginning, such as while in the cab the cab driver blaring the music asked if it was alright and you could even ask to turn it up. It's a cool program, and usually Alawar doesn't disappoint.

The game's look and feel kind of reminds me of Amanda Rose: The Game of Time in the glossy looking cutscenes that give that half hand-painted half-digitized look. All-around looks gorgeous. There seems to be a little bit of 3d in there, for fun I guess. I like the mix but prefer the first look. I'd have to open up the games again and compare the two but I'm sure there's a matching graphics credit here and there. They're a powerhouse team and they usually host one of their games up here and though I try to sway from the time management / match3 genres, they do a great job with those too. This one's a winner, and I thank the hosts again for the moments of entertainment. Cheers!

..........................................Moderator Comment..............................

Thank you for your excellent feedback jarkydrapdoor, please excuse the extremely late moderation.

Reply   |   Comment by Jarkydrapedoor  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I had no problem with 8.1 downloaded fast and opened easily. Used the easiest level to try and went through goals fairly fast.There
are a couple of harder to figure out moves especially if you were not on the easy level. The graphics are very good and as
with most of these types you go from one thing to the next, but need to to return also for other items. The hog is a little
different in that you pick up one item and then need to use that to get the next and so on.
Thanks for another great game.

Reply   |   Comment by Lee C.  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

okay, that would be my comment to the developers -- Yes, many levels and challenges and variations. BUT 866 MB????? What, is each object HD at 25MB? Each background 100? Where they even condensed? Takes up too much of hard drive, as well as data plan.

Running Win 8.1 on new Dell laptop, nothing running in background. Been 1/2 hour downloading and only at 10%. Battery will never last, nor will I not be able to use computer while working.

On AT&T yesterday, windows download. Tried 3 times over 2 hrs and each time started to unzip, had invalid zip file message. Turned out only had a portion of needed file size. Finally had to install File Download manager, 4 slots, also resume. Even the tiny regular give away took 20 minutes.

with 12k dls, too bad more people don't comment

................................Moderator Comment..............................

Sorry to hear you've been having trouble downloading re time.

Reply   |   Comment by cecile  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't know what Zemana Anmtilogger is.

So, I guess I have to pass the GGotD today. I am on Social Security and cannot afford to buy it from another website.

Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.

................................Moderator Comment..............................

You can get it free from MyPlayCity. I've linked to it in my comment (see comment number 1) If you do decide to download it from MyPlayCity, do make sure you uncheck any boxes during installation :)

Reply   |   Comment by Subhadhra  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Was going to take 60mins to download for a Win 8.1. Ended up downloading it from MyPlayCity in 14mins.

Reply   |   Comment by Suzanne  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm with TalkTalk Business, Stephen. Preiously it was Opal, previously Thus, previously Tiscali, and originally freedom2surf. The one took over the other and at some point I got 'upgraded' to business because the people doing the takeover didn't offer Web space on their 'consumer' broadbad.

................................Moderator Comment..............................


Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OK, we've played the game here for an hour or two and there are two niggles:

1) The on-screen 'down arrow' to leave a location is often annoyingly 'shy' and it can be hard to move the mouse to just the right place to make it appear.

2) Similar problem: when you go to a new location, the INVENTORY button is greyed out for a short time, just long enough that clicking it is misinterpreted by the game as clicking the 'exit location' arrow. Grrr!

I don't recall having that problem in any other Alawar HOG/adventure games? And I've played a large number of them (thanks, GGOTD!).

Also, this game is a little harder than some of the recent Alwar games offered here. The Potion idea is a nice touch, but it can often be very difficult to work out how the heck to use them (other than by clicking HINT).

Still another good Alawar game, and thanks to them for their offering today.

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Perhaps the reason this game doesn't work on XP is because the game was originally released in 2013? It certainly isn't a prolem related to an on-board Intel graphics 'card,' because that's what's in my wife's Compaq laptop which is running the game as I speak.

But it's still frustrating that it won't work on XP.

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My tired old XP machine gets the error “Failed to launch the program” after about 10 seconds.
I have installed countless GOTDs and this is the first time it happened. In response I copied the zip file to my other XP machine which is much fresher. It took more than 1 minute sitting there with the "Activating" box and eventually did continue and extracted the game.
I like the concept of GOTD, but the installation process must be simple and reliable or it becomes a big turn-off. Free software is nice but I do have other things to do with my time.

..........................Moderator Comment................................

Looks like a lot of community members with XP are having problems with todays game. I hacve ganes that will not run on XP, which is why I no longer install my copies of XP onto any of my computers. I loved the O.S. when it was king, and through until Win 7, which i think is a much better O.S. plus I can run any of the thousands of games I own including those requiring DX 11. I can see why many community members are still using XP. If you don't play the latest AAA games and those requiring more intense graphics memory and 3D graphics then XP is still an excellent operating system. I can remember grumbling to my wife when Vista was first announced. The only thing I liked about that O.S. was the improved look you got with aero and i didn't mind the side bar. I used to watch the NASA TV when I had vista installed, but reverted back to XP when I found several of my programs and games wouldn't work on Vista. Never bothered reinstalling the O.S. since, though have kept it just in case I needed a spare O.S.

Reply   |   Comment by The Claw  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed easily and quickly on Windows 7 64 bit...
I love these European atmosphere games. Great graphics, great voices and a great story which quickly pulls one in.
I have always loved Alawar games and am delighted to receive this great game. The HOGS are the interactive interesting type and occur seldom. It's really more of an adventure game which I adore.
Many thanks both Alawar and GGOTD!

..........................Moderator Comment................................


Reply   |   Comment by merri  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Like Subhadhra and Kate D., unfortunately it seems that today's game — at least with the Themida wrapper on it — isn't compatible with WinXP. I got the same problem, tried disabling Comodo Firewall and Avira Antivirus, tried running it as Administrator (even though my usual login as full Admin rights), and none of it worked.

I can confirm that the game loads on Win7 because it's on my wife's laptop. It's also the first game I can think of from GGOTD which fails on XP.

All I can suggest if you use XP and want to try this game, is to get it elsewhere. And I do hate to have to say that about GGOTD because I'm a big fan of this site!

..........................Moderator Comment................................

At least it's available via MyPlayCity for those who can't get it to work. Of course please do make sure you uncheck all of the checkboxes folks, or you may find your home page changed, your browser changer and tool bars installed. If that dies happen, it's quite a simple matter to get rid of them, more like an annoyance than anything bad. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

At first, I didn't like this game! I prefer games where the graphics are created rather than it looking like they just photographed some things. Plus, I had the press the hint button a lot at first, until I got the hang of it. When I heard mention of a Chakram, I just HAD to stick with it, ya know, as in "Xena: Warrior Princess". LOL Once you find a secret door in the Cafe, you're done with the plain ugly graphics.....so now I like the game. :-) Works smoothly for me on Windows 7, Home Edition, 64-bit. Thanks, 2 Adventure/HO games in a row, yahoo!

..........................Moderator Comment................................


Reply   |   Comment by DelennDax7  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh wow.

Well, maybe I am in a minority of one in thinking a song to introduce a game just feels Very Wrong?

..........................Moderator Comment................................

No you aren't. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thomas, sorry to hear of your troubles. As Stephen says, we're lucky here in the UK because we do have very good broadband in general.

Today's game took my computer something like 5 or 10 minutes to download, but admittedly I am (due to various ISP takeovers in the past) on a business connection, so I get a ludicrous 270 mbps (megabits per second) speed, but until recently, I had a much slower router (about 35 mbps I think?); even at that speed, it would have taken at most an hour to download a file like today's game.

..........................Moderator Comment................................

If you don't mind me asking, who are you with? I've been with Virgin since before it was virgin. Joined with Cable and Wireless that became NTL which then became Virgin media, not had any reson to change, though my in-laws left Virgin to go with one of the cheaper companies. Can't remember the name of it though. The last time I checked I was paying about £19 a month for my connection. I am consiodering leaving the TV side of virgin for sky as I want Sky Atlantic which Virgin don't have. (I want to see the latest season of Game of Thrones and Penny Dreadful, however, I'm weighing up the cost, and whether or not it may be just as well buying the seasons when they eventually released on Blu-Ray)

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whenever you're in doubt, it might give some peace of mind to head over to VirusTotal https://www.virustotal.com/

..........................Moderator Comment................................

I've used the site on occassion, especially when downloading from unfamiliar sites.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

FWIW I'm going to guess that the failure to launch had something to do with the game's setup.exe needing more than XP could offer. It is/was a large game, with most of the bulk in a single file. Once setup.exe unpacked it there wasn't enough resources left over for the WinRAR app that expands the individual files in C:\Game by default. I could well be wrong, & there might have been some small change with the WinRAR self-extractor. The wrapper itself worked fine with the regular GOTD in my XP Mode VM -- I would think if they changed it they would have changed it, rather than just for this game.

It worked fine in a win7 32 bit VM, but that one uses VBox, so has more resources available than the win7 Virtual PC host.

"so I have to assume that for some unfortunate and sad reason GAOTD decided to change the wrapper to exclude Windows XP."

Not being a smart a**, but Why? XP sad to say is so obsolete that it will only run on older hardware, where often enough 7 will not. No offense to anyone even hinted at, one reason people run old hardware is a lack of resources for new -- one reason some people visit GOTD daily is that they cannot afford to buy all sorts of new software. I would hazard a guess that if the GOTD team targeted XP, they'd immediately lose a portion of their loyal fans, which of course they would not want under any cirmcumstance.

..........................Moderator Comment................................

Thanks for your insights Mike, you could possibly be right about the lack of resources, especially if those that are having problems are running a lot of giveaways that run in the background. I'll consider this when next replying to such comments and suggest they check their background RAM usage as well as cache etc. Hadn't thought in those terms before. :)

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Mine is no where that fast - it took 53 tries (I don't have a downloader program) & 9.5 hrs - but it is finally downloaded. I hope it is worth the effort - talk later - thkx

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi Thomas, wow 9.5hrs, I've not has such lengthy downloads since pre 2000 when some firles took over a day (when I was on dial up) There are free download managers that would have speeded up the download for you. Also they have safety features that allow you to continue a download following a break in the download.

My internet provider, Virgin Media is increasing my broadband speed for free sometime over the next several months., I think it will be boosted to 100MB. We have it pretty good here in the UK with relatively cheap broadband.

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas Roberts  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I experienced the same problem as you did. Boot into safe mode with networking option and start the setup program.

Reply   |   Comment by Loserman's Friend  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Glenn,
The exact same thing happened to me. Unfortunately, I have not yet found out what is causing it or a way around the problem.

The game downloads fine and unzips fine.
But, when I try running the Setup.exe, it starts going and after about 15 seconds it issues the “Failed to launch the program” error.
It's the 1st time I run into such an error.
I tried re-downloading and re-installing this game several times; without success.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Check my reply to Subhadhra

Reply   |   Comment by Dark_Installation  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Same thing happened to me with Windows XP. Then I tried it under Windows 8.1 and it worked fine, so it's definitely not the download or my Internet connection. Yesterday's game giveaway using the same wrapper worked just fine under XP but not today's, so I have to assume that for some unfortunate and sad reason GAOTD decided to change the wrapper to exclude Windows XP.

I hope this change wasn't a purposeful decision, but perhaps an oversight that can be fixed. I never understand why things can't be left alone when they worked fine. Lots of people still use XP, and I will continue to use it until I'm forced kicking and screaming by lots of other software providers dumping XP. I can't afford to buy new OSes at $100 a pop for every computer I own every couple years when the new OS offers nothing new that I need. XP works just fine for me... at least until one by one each piece of software I use chooses to kick it to the curbside apparently in hopes of increasing sales and profits for Microsoft.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

I loved XP, but I much prefer Win 7. I had to change my OS because some of the games I wanted to play required Direct X 10 Vista and later DX11 Win 7 and 8 neither of which XP supports. (Crysis then Shattered Horizon)

Reply   |   Comment by Jerry  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Jzip corrupted. Tried 3 times.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Check the FAQ's thread that I've linked to in my comment - see comment number 1.

Reply   |   Comment by kplew  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After running setup.exe, after a long and fruitless wait for server activation, like Subhadra, I too see the error message "Failed to launch the program". I've tried rebooting my PC, etc, but the error persists. This is the first time I've ever seen this problem in many years of visiting GOTD. A pity. The game looks good.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Check my reply to Subhadhra

Reply   |   Comment by Julia  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Same here, downloaded three times so far, always get the “Failed to launch the program” error message.

I'm wondering if it's incompatible with Win XP or integrated Intel cards.
A pity Stephen's not around much, don't see we get a solution to this in time.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi Kate, unfortunately (and firtunately for him) I'm fully committed to my son at the moment. Check my reply to Subhadhra

Reply   |   Comment by Kate D.  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh man, the theme song is awesome! When the game played it the first time, I immediately located the song on YouTube and am listening to it on repeat!

Also, nightmares are now moved to the top of my list of things I'm most afraid of.

................................Moderator Comment.................................


Reply   |   Comment by Petr Hudeček  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh Lordy.

OK, ALL games developers, PLEASE listen …

It's bad enough having music blast out from the speakers the first time you start a game — especially when it's usually been heavily compressed to be as LOUD as possible — and forcing me to immediately find out how to kill it off.

But a SONG (as is the case in today's game) is really taking it too far. Yes, I'm sure it's a nice song. No, I'm not trying to offend the people responsible for the song (it's certainly sung better, and more in tune, than most of the Eurovision entries last night). No, I do NOT care whether or not the song does actually relate to the game in some way, or is trying to create a mood. IT'S JUST WRONG!

Maybe I'm alone in this, but a SONG as your game's intro. is Not Acceptable!

..........................Moderator Comment................................

Not sure whether Petr (comment directly below yours was taking the Mik?.

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

IF you can download it - isped the proper phrasing NOT "WHEN". I have tried 51 times to download & EVRYTIME - "NETWORK ERROR" & bumped. And before you start- I am a computer tech, and my rig sports an I7 proc & 8+ Gigs of ram & 2+ TB of HDD, - I JUST FINISHED downloading the newest build for Win10 (4.8 Gb +) & it managed (my poor proccessor) I really think what is happening, is happening on the provider's end.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi again Thomas Roberts, with over 12 thousand downloads and only a few community members mentioning this issue, I very much doubt its from the giveaway end. It may be your prvider or possibly something your computer is running i.e. a conflict. (just a suggestion).

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas Roberts  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Why post a game that is almost IMPOSSIBLE to download within the time-frame - is no one thinking clearly - or is everyone off for the weekend?

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi Thomas Roberts, over 12 thousand community members have downloaded this game in the last 12 hours of the giveaway . The problem with larger files is that more community members end up downloading at the same time. As the Giveaway servers only have a certain amount of bandwidth, it is shared amongst everyone who is downloading at that time, which impacts on download times. 12K equates to approx one community member starting a download every 3.6 seconds since the giveaway started to this point in time. I've just done a second test download and it took 4 minutes and 12 seconds using a download manager that was using 12 slots. The demand on the servers must be massive because I can usually download a game in a matter of seconds. My internet commection is a medium speed connection of 60MB.

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas Roberts  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

GOTD team, thank you for today's fantastic hidden object game Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows. Hard to believe that it's only priced at $9.99.

I've downloaded a few Alawar games from GOTD before and one thing i know for certain, Alawar games never disappoint, they always beatifically crafted, reliable and fun.

Thanks again.

Reply   |   Comment by Just_Passing_Through  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok - downloaded, installed - started and played through in around 4 hrs - love it - great game, cool story, beautiful graphics.

Thanks again

Reply   |   Comment by Anu  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another HUGE download . . . ! But it arrived safely. (Nowadays I use Down Them All for the big downloads - and I store the games on an external drive to keep some brain space available on my real machine. That works well for me. Usually.)

I haven't had time to get very far with this one today, but the background music is acceptable, and the graphics quality is good - nothing impossibly dark so far.

So I shall go back to it later, and it looks as though it could be an intriguing story. I like the way Our Heroine has a choice of how to answer the questions! That in itself allows for some variety, since you could replay it with a completely different set of replies.

Thanks once again to all concerned - and best of luck to Whiterabbit and family with those exams! You could always try tying him to his desk . . .

..........................Moderator Comment................................

Thanks Basilica, I think he's finally realizing how important his time is at the moment. Apart from a few instances where he's lost his temper (usually after a long day of revision, and when he's been denied an hours worth of gaming due to poor performances with his practice past papers):)

Reply   |   Comment by Basilica  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Gotten into the game; great graphics, works very well (Windows 8.1); challenging enough without being totally dense, good video walkthrough by YourGibs I've only had to use once, and that because I got impatient :). Thumbs up so far!

Reply   |   Comment by hecate  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have WinXP.

I tried D/Ling "Dark Angels" today and kept getting the same error message when it came to the Activating game... "Failed to launch the program", after waiting for a very long time to D/L it. I D/Led in on Firefox first, after deactivating my AV.

So, I rebooted my laptop, turned off my AV again and D/Led it in IE8. Same final result with same error message.

I went to the different sites you posted to see if there was a similar issue and I couldn't find one, hence, this message.

Please advise. Thank you.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi Subhadhra, it may be a conflict with something else running on your computer. apart from your usual security, have you installed the giveaway Zemana Anmtilogger? I had problems getting games when I had that running in the background. also, try again, if the same problem arises immediately check the event logs to see if any messages related to the download or activation are present. Often the messages posted there will give you an insight into what the problem is.

Reply   |   Comment by Subhadhra  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game downloaded.
Ran setup(3X).
Get message "Failed to load."
(Note: I'm a long-time GOTD user. First time I've had problems.)

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi Glenn, check my reply to the community member directly below yours. :) Sorry I can't be of more help at this time. Totally dedicated to my sons exams at the moment.

Reply   |   Comment by Glenn Norman  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You know, I downloaded yesterday's game but forgot to install it within the giveaway period: D'OH!!!

I won't make the same mistake today!

................................Moderator Comment.................................

I've done the same with giveaways from the other site. :( Easily done if you are busy.

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you Game GAOTD and much thanks to Alawar for their long time and continued participation here.

Reply   |   Comment by mahaal  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Would appreciate some insight from you guys about the BDStudios "walkthroughs" that are actually .exe files to be installed, instead of normal text and image walkthroughs. I'm concerned security-wise about installing an .exe just to see a walkthrough that could be posted on a webpage like a normal walkthrough, yet WR's recommendation twice in a row of these makes me feel they might be safe. Any thoughts? I really do prefer text/images to youtube videos since it's sometimes boring trying to find just the one little section you need help with :). Thanks, guys.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi Hecate, sorry for the very late reply. Too be honest, I didn't realize you needed to download executables. I haven't tested them, so, unless you use a VM I wouldn't risk it. sorry.

Reply   |   Comment by hecate  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm quite disappointed by Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows, and I'm going to delete it as soon as I've finished writing this comment. The game is, at first, impressive; there's lots of color and animation and a scary story line. I'm not going to start the game again because the scene kept jumping from place to place for no apparent reason, and there seemed to be nothing to be done at any of the locations. I've had the same problem with other Alawar games; there's something I don't know about playing this type of game, and I think figuring it out would be a waste of my time. Closing browser, deleting folder.

................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi Walter, thank you for your feedback. I didn't enjoy it either. Only played it for a very short time due to revision commitments with my son.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am unable to give you my user rating the normal way but I wanted to be sure to let you know that I am delighted to have TWO hidden object games in one weekend!!

................................Moderator Comment.................................


Reply   |   Comment by Lynne FitzGerald  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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