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Crossing 3D Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Crossing 3D

Crossing 3D is a funny, interesting and enjoyable puzzle game. The game is done fully in 3D and looks very attractive at modern standards. The rules of this logical puzzle game are very simple: find the block which will be a cross of columns and lines so that appear most of the quantity blocks of the same color. Click on it, and all the blocks of the same color lying on the cross will disappear.
$12.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 87 38 comments

Crossing 3D was available as a giveaway on June 15, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Dragons Puzzle is a fascinating puzzle game dedicated to fabulous dragons.

Crossing 3D is a funny, interesting and enjoyable puzzle game. The game is done fully in 3D and looks very attractive at modern standards.

The rules of this logical puzzle game are very simple: find the block which will be a cross of columns and lines so that appear most of the quantity blocks of the same color. Click on it, and all the blocks of the same color lying on the cross will disappear.

You will have points for them, and out of the top of the playing board will fall some blocks. Added sum depends on the level of the difficulty you've chosen, having prompts & quantity of blocks which were got out for a one click.

Fortunately for you, the game's getting scored with the help of Direct 3D and supports the majority of 3D accelerators. 3D effects, expressive graphics and sound atmosphere of the same level will not dissapoint you.

When you begin to play this game, you will not stop for several hours (or days). Just try it

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP; Pentium 200MHz; 32 MB system memory; DirectX compatible video and sound


Xing Interactive



File Size:

2.37 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Crossing 3D

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#29 Thank you so much for your lovely post! I am genuinely so thrilled that you rate my comments enough to mention me like that and am flattered to be alongside Whiterabbit and Swan! Thanks again X

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you GGAOTD. and software maker. This is a great time waster. I give it 8 out of 10. I like the music as well. Perfect, perfect.

Reply   |   Comment by Tom  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is actually a pretty decent little game. We're not talking about Halo 3, but that's not what it's intended to be. It's a simple concept that's works, and it's implemented competently. The only thing I wonder about is the sound effect when you're stacked to the top and in danger of losing: why does it say "Denny"?

Reply   |   Comment by ChrisW  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The (setup) download timed out after about an hour and around 50% downloaded. I had to restart and it is at 5% with an hour to go. After reading the comments, the fight isn't worth it. The actual download was fast, it's the setup that takes a long time to download. I can't rate it because I can't play it. Back to Alien Shooter which is very good. (I would think it better if more than 5 players could be saved.)

Reply   |   Comment by William  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Worth every penny I paid for it.

Reply   |   Comment by Labrat63  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

All the RealApex games I have tried from here have been very well done, and this one is no exception. But the thing I like most about them is their originality. RealApex is not a copy-cat outfit like DoubleGames and many others. Therefore, I salute them with two BIG thumbs up and congratulations for being a great, professional developer!

Reply   |   Comment by Gamer 9  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is a simple and fun time waster. I actually enjoyed the music :)

I was disappointed to discover that this game is not goal-driven (you do not advance levels, you don't get ranks... the only reward is your name on the top scores list). But I'll be keeping it as something to help me relax or fall asleep - that's not a bad function. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Jucati  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloads and installs without a hitch. I like the fact that you can choose your computer specifications for resolution and sound. I don't know exactly how, perhaps it helps folks with older computers? Others here have done an excellent job of explaining the game but I don't think it really needs much in the way of explanation. The game seems simple to understand after a few minutes of trial and error and is low pressure in the easy or normal modes. In hard, you really have to plan your moves carefully to build points before the blocks reach the top and end your game.

I'll keep this one as a good time waster for while I'm on hold or waiting for other life events. Heck! I'm still using Christmas Blox and Treasure of Persia for that. Thanks GGotD and Real Apex for the mindless amusement, I don't always feel like thinking.

Reply   |   Comment by Bonnie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not my cup of tea but,if I did like puzzle games,I'm sure it owuld be great.

Anyway,good game,I would however love a shooter or a GOOD breakout clone (ie:ricochet)

Reply   |   Comment by loki  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

SORRY NOT A REVIEW, just a comment to a few of you....

I just want to take the time to post a HUGE thank you to WhiteRabbit, Merril, and Swan. I found out about GotD and GGotD only about a month ago. I have quickly learned that if I want the truth about a game from both a non bias view and then some opinion to sum it up; to just scroll through and look for your reviews. I can't say thank you enough and PLEASE keep it up.. there are many of us who really enjoy and appreciate your reviews!


Reply   |   Comment by ibwebb  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thumbs up for ease of installation and degree of challenge! The mouse-over feature makes this game much more strategic than Collapse (all versions), Bejeweled or any of the other breakout games (which I play a lot). Also, the ability to control the speed, simply by "not clicking on anything," gives you all the time you need to determine which future move will be the most efficacious. And, yes, the name '3-D' is a bit misleading, but what the hey...you could name it 'Fred' and it would still be compelling enough to hold your interest for quite awhile. Thanx again, GOTD - you're a perfect daily companion for my morning coffee!

Reply   |   Comment by Wizard_of_Az  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

not a bad puzzle game, similar to, but not the same as Collapse and Bejeweled. Certainly not worth $15, and not really 3-D, but a challenging distraction nonetheless

Reply   |   Comment by LadyCerridwen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by me  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good morning everyone! ;)

Thank you Stephen (#8 whiterabbit's) for your most excellent review - I do look forward to them. :)

The game did activate and install well and clearly shows you the registration at launch of the game. This is a great move Real Apex and GOTD thank you!

I will say that the opening graphics are pretty stunning and yes they ARE 3D - in fact the entire game IS 3D! The (very smooth) animation and 3D presented so well (on Windows XP Pro with NVidia GeForce 6200,) that I began feeling nauseous as I closely examined the opening graphics for review.

I can't believe that I actually experienced motion sickness (I'm not prone to this!) as I concentrated on the animation.

When I first saw the playing field, I was a little disappointed in the graphics, even though (I repeat!) they are 3D. However, a lot more imagination and use of 3D could have been used.

It's almost as though they employed two different graphic artists - one for the opening screen and one for the rest of the game.

Game Play: Interesting. Strategic. Not for those without patience. Will make very young children happy in the earlier levels - and adults very happy in the later levels.

Recommended for those with strategic skills - game kept. :)


3 for graphics;

1 for original (to me,) game play;

1 for the ability to access 'Menu' from within the game.

2 for enjoyable game play.

-1 for really lousy music - I'd like to have had a choice of music, (as many new games of today do provide.)

TOTAL: 6/10 plus a thumbs up. ;)

#7 PierreP:

Entertaining but definetively not in 3D

Huh? You're kidding, right?

#10 ComputerChristmas

Maby i should write 50 page review, But i won’t be as waisting of time of the moderator would be sacrolidge for these people must be flat out reading comments.

Given your atrocious lack of spelling, I can understand your difficulty with reading. Either you're under 10 years of age, or you should stick to the one-liners and I'm sure you'll improve. ;)

#21 Bobby:

Grandma, let me show you how it’s done!’

OMG - I still have this to look forward to! Samara (my first grandaughter,) is just over a year old and it won't be long before I'm hearing the same thing from her!

I really do love your pleasant and humorous reviews Bobby!

Have a great day everyone! ;)
~ Swan

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Swan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To all those who are saying the game is too fast - it's not! It has no speed at all! It is NOT a clone of any other type of game and is not a Collapse game where you have to click against the clock, new blocks ONLY form WHEN you remove one/some - you can take as long as you like, it only goes fast because you start to click, slow down and think before making a move because it is a logical puzzle as opposed to a timed game.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Thank you, Merril! I was about to request the developers provide instructions ...at least give us old timers a chance to compete with the quick minds of the young!

Also, I think the less-favorable reviews are from those seeking a more challenging game and judging it in comparison to that genre.

Obviously, the game is not meant to be a brain bender; it deserves to be rated according to its own merits. To do otherwise is unfair.

Reply   |   Comment by Bobby  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

no #8 Chrono-ways is a well thought out and challenging game that is a great 3-D enhancement of the "collapse" game. This P.O.S is pointless and about as 3-D as a cyclops with an astigmatism! DoubleGames laughed at this one!

Reply   |   Comment by Keith Monson  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not a Bejeweled clone; not a Cubis clone; not exactly a run-of-the-mill brickbusting clone. Real Apex has some of the best new creative minds in the gaming business (if Breakout Shooting is any indication) and this game will their reputation very well.

I was playing my first round when a thundering herd of grandkids descended on computer room. Now, their ages vary from 7 to 14 and gaming tastes run from World of Warcraft to arcades and platform varieties. All of them wanted a turn at Crossing 3D, which speaks volumes for the graphics and gameplay.... ... and it is nigh on impossible to interest a WoW player in anything else, as some of you may already know.

Their reviews could say more than I possibly could; their expert opinions included 'It's FAST!' .. 'Cool Graphics!' and 'Awww, Grandma, let me show you how it's done!'

oops..never mind that last one ...

Just try it. But if you are over 30, you might want to lock the door to the computer room or risk hearing .. 'awww, let me show you how it's done!'

Reply   |   Comment by Bobby  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by BAB'S  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by BARBARA LASECKI  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The big hurdle for me is the poorly written and/or mistranslated text. If you're going to market to an English audience, get the English right.

And it's not an "Ugly American" thing ... it's a "Commitment to Excellence" thing ...

There's enough Collapse / Bejeweled / Arkanoid / Boulderdash / etc. clones out there that you don't have to choose between playability and good grammar. Personally, I won't even bother with the download if I can't stomach the description.

And yes ... it's free ... I know. Or should I say, "it be very much free for downloading you like much it."

Reply   |   Comment by Frank  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh, okey dokey!! I have found the instructions!!!! In my case they were located at C:\Program Files\RealApex\Crossing 3D\Readme.htm and are not in the usual place of, um, on the game's opening page. But they ARE there, on the first little screen that comes up with "Set Up" and "Play" on it, choose "Help" and the bad boys are right there!!

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

how many versions of Bejewelled are out there?? People people! Let's be original once in a while.

Thx anyway, GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by ballpeen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I check this site everyday and have yet to really find some good games on here. I know that yes we should be thankful that the games are free but geez, seems like these are games that you see at Walmart in the $5 bin. How about getting some good simulation games or games like the ones on http://games.yahoo.com - Burger Rush, Diner Dash 2, etc. I will continue to peek at the site everyday in hopes of something great appearing. Thanks for what you do..

Reply   |   Comment by Candyisit  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"Crossing 3D" downloaded and installed fine although on first opening the game all that showed on the screen was a white curved line floating sporadically from the top of the screen downwards, highlighting parts of black words where it overlapped them. After about 2 minutes ( :roll: Need. More. Caffeine.) I realised this was not part of the opening sequence and that something had gone wrong, reopening the game stopped the problem and it loaded as it should, although the errored version was still open separately and would not close without the assistance of Task Manager.

I like RealApex games as they have always had a unique characteristic about them. Breakout Shooting and Shine are 2 of my all time favourite downloads from this site, although it took me a few hours to fathom out what Shine was all about as there are no instructions. This is to me a big flaw with such games and I do not understand why they do it. I very almost uninstalled Shine as I did not have a clue what was going on but I am so glad I didn't as it is a really great game and one of my favourites. But this is potentially a big risk of developers who offer unique games without instructions of how to play them - unless you have the time or inclination to try and work out what is going on yourself then uninstallation is a real possibility.

This game, too, has no instructions so the first puzzle was working out what it is all about. The game is vaguely similar to "Collapse" games in that there are blocks on the screen that clicking on clears them away. But instead of clearing blocks that are connected to one another, Crossing 3D clears all blocks of the same colour vertically and horizontally to the block on which you are clicking and individual blocks can also be removed but with the forfeit of more blocks falling from the top of the board each time any are removed no matter how many that is. The bottom does not fill up one by one so you can take as long as you like, as such this is like the "Strategy" mode of "Super Collapse! 3" and it does take strategic thinking to progress through the game. Mouse-over of an individual block shows which ones will disappear when that one is pressed so you really can give it much thought and forward thinking is necessary.

It is unfortunate that the developers put "3D" in the title as this leaves it open to much criticism when if they had not done this, the game itself would have been given more focus. The opening page with the options on has 3D effects and very gorgeously so, it actually feels as though you are floating around. But the game itself is barely 3D with the cubes having some shadowing making them look as though they are a little 3 dimensional but not enough so to warrant naming the game about it.

Music is, like Breakout Shooting, atmospheric as opposed to being there to consciously listen to and is as such not monotonous or irrating. The resolution of the graphics do not bode well in full screen mode which is the default setting and cannot be changed once the game has been opened - to change the settings for this and the music, you have to click on "Set Up" before you choose "Play" and alter those settings from there - there are over 30 different screen modes from which to choose though so there is bound to be one suitable for each individual player.

The game shows itself as registered to Giveawayoftheday so no problems there and up to a plentiful 10 games can be saved and reloaded as desired, something that Real Apex do very well. The game play graphics and moving sky background are also good and the cubes are brightly coloured in contrasting tones.

With no instructions, there is no mention of what you need to do to to get onto the next level (assuming there are more levels as opposed to just one that you collect more and more points from to beat previous scores?) and this is not something that I have yet managed to do :roll: Personally, if I was selling the game I would rename it without the "3D" ("Crossing" doesn't really grab you either, I know it is because you can remove blocks in a cross shape but I think a better title would be something like "CubeQuest") and definitely add at least some rules and/or strategy tips. Overall it looks like a potentially good game that is as thought provoking as it is logic promoting, the addition of an explanation page though would instantly make it far much more playable and enjoyable.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Interesting. I didn't understand what it meant in the description, but when you highlight a box, all the boxes in the horizontal and vertical lines of it will disappear. That's different. Still, I was quite bored with the game. Wasn't enough to keep me distracted. Thanks anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by PLady100  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I think by 3D they mean that the squares look like cubes and stand out from the board - Is there another meaning?
Never mind. If you downloaded their free utility today at least you will know you uninstalled the game properly! but for goodness sake STOP MOANING - IT'S FREE (and yes, I AM shouting)

Reply   |   Comment by thassos  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

what to say , let us say that if I were to purchase this game and pay 14.05 and when I got it installed and started to play it , I would be a tad bit upset that I spent to much money on it . I feel that this game is a bit redundant and a price of more then 9.95 would be to much . games make the grade and some don't this one don't . but I also say it has some worth but it is more in the ten buck range and feel that they are strecchting it a bit to ask 14.95 for this game .
my advic3e to the makers of this game is charge 9.95 for it and they would sell enough to make back any investment plus some profit . better to sell more then not any .

Reply   |   Comment by Ken Roberts  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Maby i should write 50 page review, But i won't be as waisting of time of the moderator would be sacrolidge for these people must be flat out reading comments.
This game is in my opinion a very exciting and entertaining game for all ages who like playing non violent games, atleast the children wont be pulling out guns and knives and chasing there parents around the house after playing some of the game out there on the net i know my children will like playing this game and will be looking forward to tomorows game whatever it may turn out to be, hopefully like this one today so good on you GGAOTD im shure you's must be hard at work keeping all of us happy every day of the year, How long can this sought of Excellent work go on.
Well i hope that goes on 4 ever.
OK so now that i have raved on i think enough now and gave the team enough to read But atleast they will read how much of a hard working job they do.
Thanks :roll:

Reply   |   Comment by Comment by Computerchristmas  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

At #5: ROTFL. Stop clicking that frantically and start thinking. New blocks appear when you click! So it can go as slow as you want it.

Nice game, pretty challenging. But definitively not 3D, and has little to do with "modern" look. Yet, it's still nice for some time-killing.

Reply   |   Comment by yl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a collapse clone, similar to Super Collapse, Chroma Ways and Super Blocks/Blocks Annihilator (of a few days ago). The best of those would be Super Collapse or Chroma Waves, both of which have excellent up to date graphics and music, as well as better gameplay. This is a very poor excuse for a 3D game, with any 3D effects barely discernable. The music is of a poor quality as is the graphics, which I would equate to games of several years ago. It is Direct X 7.0 compliant which should give the date away to those who play lots of 3D games.
The minimum specifications for this game are 266MHz processor, 32Mb RAM *Mb Graphics card, Direct X 7.0 and any of the windows OS’s apart from Vista.

You basically destroy bricks that can be found in lines or columns. See in game images below) there is the ability to destroy one brick at a time to set up better groups of bricks, but the more bricks in a set the better the score for example:

1 brick = 10 points
2 brick = 20 points
3 brick = 50 points
4 brick = 100 points
5 brick = 170 points
6 brick = 260 points
7 brick = 550 points
8 brick = 745 points (I may have mis-calculated this one)
9 brick = 970 points

The scoring appears the same for both easy and medium settings whereas when playing in the hard setting the score is increased, for example:

1 brick = 10 points
2 brick = 30 points
3 brick = 90 points
4 brick = 190 points
5 brick = 330 points
6 brick = 510 points

Just an aside for those mathematically inclined, and because I have lots of time today……..It would seem that the formulae for calculating the hard score is double the low and medium scores minus 10, ie…… 2x-10 where x = the equivalent for low or medium scores. Okay I’m getting a little too involved here. I have far too much time on my hands, lol. Sorry.

Anyway the following images will give you a reasonable idea about the game:

First window:




Game overview:





Game Menu:


Game Options:


In Game images:



Summing up, you can save the game at any point, I can’t see much difference between easy and medium difficulty settings and apart from the scoring, the hard levels seem nearly as easy as the easy and medium difficulties. Both the music and sound effects are severely lacking, although you can change the sound effects with other .wav sound, of which windows has a reasonable library, or you can use one of the audio converters to convert a few sound effects to .wav, that is if you think you’ll keep this game and think it’s worth modifying. With respect to the music, there are four tracks of pseudo Techno found in the music folder. The music is .xm which I’ve never come across before, but those of you who have downloaded some of the audio converters, there may be a possibility that this can be addressed, however it may be too much bother for a game of this quality. The particle effects are virtually non existent and the toggle for graphic quality adds very little to the graphics apart from some slight 3D effects to the main title. I cannot see any difference between the actual game screens when toggling between high and low.

The graphics are in need of updating and the music could certainly be changed for something a little less tinny and dated, also I’d think about giving it a few more sound effects.

The game is as playable as the previous give away super blocks/blocks annihilator, with a slightly different game play, but if you have super collapse 2 and/or 3 then this game gives nothing new. IMO this game is worth 4 out of 10. If you don’t have any collapse games in your library I’d give it an extra 1 point making it 5 out of 10.

Thank you RealApex and the GameGiveaway team for another game. I’ll be keeping a copy of this one on my daughters computer (aged 6) because she enjoys matching color games.

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Entertaining but definetively not in 3D

Reply   |   Comment by PierreP  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

yesterday I played peggle Deluxe and burger rush.... when are you going to give away games like that??? lately the games that are given away, are a little bit "been there, done that"... the grafics are very 1998...

well... but a free game is a free game... so thank you!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Sara  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry, the game looks fine but, nice colors and so, but it was impossible for me to play it, even the easy mode. It is going too fast, my mouse cannot follow ... So I uninstalled it.

Reply   |   Comment by shirine  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

game not bad,to pass a level is not simple than appear.thanks gaotd

Reply   |   Comment by dado  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a refreshing change up from the usual 2d games offered...thanks GAOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Jack Pinoski  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Quote: "The game is done fully in 3D and looks very attractive at modern standards." If I look at the provided screenshot we can't mean the same game...

Reply   |   Comment by Mike  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ineteresting. Hope it isn't another remake >_> Thanks GGAOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Eric Blum  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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