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Cemetery Warrior 3 Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Cemetery Warrior 3

An exciting 3D first-person shooter with lots of weapons and monsters!
User rating: 9 6 comments

Cemetery Warrior 3 was available as a giveaway on December 27, 2018!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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A unique memory game where you remember the card that you pulled out before.

Cemetery Warrior 3 is a dynamic and exciting 3D first-person shooter with great graphics, lots of weapons and various monsters.

You will explore an ancient monastery and its dungeons. On the way you'll meet crowds of monsters and giant bosses. As always, your faithful companions - a machine gun, shotgun and grenade launcher will help you drive on!

Hundreds of years ago the Holy Order of Friars built a monastery above a portal that connects our world with hell. They vowed to pray every day to restrain the forces of darkness, to keep them from escaping to the outside. For many years you were the leader of the Order, and when you became an old man, you fell asleep and went quietly to the Lord, leaving the holy craft your brothers. However, after a couple of years the monks betrayed their oath.

They made a pact with Satan for worldly pleasures and enjoyments. Now their prayer is directed to the call of the son of Satan – Zeksus, and they themselves are turned into hideous creatures. Sacred power brings you back, so you can get things in order! Almighty has bestowed upon you again youth and strength! And this time, the weapons! Lots of weapons!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10





File Size:

54.1 MB



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Cemetery Warrior 3


In Brief
Cemetery Warrior 3 was a Greenlight project released on Steam Feb 2017. It's a Doom like First Person Shooter, with updated graphics, though some of the Steam community reviews say it looks more like an android game. You don't get a Steam key, instead you get an executable file (with no security wrapper), which can be installed on any computer any time. On the Steam page you get a warning that the contents of the game may not be appropriate for all ages. Although released on Steam, this is not a Steam game and is run as a free standing game with no registration necessary. It was originally given away December 29th 2017 last year where it received a 52% approval rating. with 20 comments which you can read HERE.
Cemetery Warrior 3 downloads to a 54.1 MB zip file that unzips to two files; (a set-up executable file and a read me). Those with multiple hard drives can save games on any drive they wish by replacing the C drive with whatever drive letter they wish the game to be installed to or if you have multiple hard drives you can save games on any drive you wish by replacing the C drive letter in the path with whatever drive letter you wish the game to be installed to. The newly installed game is 117 MB in size. The game installs to the following path by default:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Cemetery Warrior 3
However, if you prefer a different path for installation for example I use G:\Games\ name of game instead of 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MyPlayCity\name of game'. You can edit the default path when the Setup - Cemetery Warrior 3 - Select Destination Location window appears.


Five shortcuts are installed to the desktop, four of which can be safely deleted (i.e. Falco Space - Online Game!, FalconLine Online Games Website, FalcoGo WebGL Games! and Free Games Downloads!). If you don't want to install the games shortcut to the desktop during installation, just make sure the install desktop shortcut is unchecked when the 'additional task's window appears; you will still get two of the other Falcoware shortcuts installed (i.e. FalconLine Online Games Website & FalcoGo WebGL Games shortcuts). Also, if you don't like icons installed to the quick launch task bar, make sure you also uncheck the appropriate checkbox when the 'additional task's window appears (after the Select Start Menu Folder window).
Cemetery Warrior 3 is a dynamic and exciting 3D first-person shooter with great graphics, lots of weapons and various monsters. You will explore an ancient monastery and its dungeons. On the way you'll meet crowds of monsters and giant bosses. As always, your faithful companions - a machine gun, shotgun and grenade launcher will help you drive on! Hundreds of years ago the Holy Order of Friars built a monastery above a portal that connects our world with hell. They vowed to pray every day to restrain the forces of darkness, to keep them from escaping to the outside. For many years you were the leader of the Order, and when you became an old man, you fell asleep and went quietly to the Lord, leaving the holy craft your brothers. However, after a couple of years the monks betrayed their oath. They made a pact with Satan for worldly pleasures and enjoyments. Now their prayer is directed to the call of the son of Satan – Zeksus, and they themselves are turned into hideous creatures. Sacred power brings you back, so you can get things in order! Almighty has bestowed upon you again youth and strength! And this time, the weapons! Lots of weapons!
Edited reference accessed HERE. 27th December 2018


The Game:
Initially found the game very frustrating. with no health packs apparent in the first stage, that is until I managed (after a few attempts) to pass the control point once I'd cleared the first room. I died numerous times so never progressed very far, so cannot say what the later levels look like apart from those posted on YouTube (see videos links below). At the start of the game, your only weapon is a chain which feels really sluggish to wield. You have to get close up and personal to kill the attacking enemies. If you manage to clear the first room, you then need to walk onto a control point that looks like a group of glowing flames with skull faces. Your enemies seem to have a much longer reach than you, so trying to avoid getting hit seems really hit and miss, which probably explains why I kept dying.
The game is Doom/Wolfenstein/Painkiller like in its appearance/weapons etc, but any resemblance to those games ends there. Your health is regenerated when you pass a control point and once you've got your first weapon ammo becomes readily available. Other weapons include a shotgun and rocket launcher. Your first gun, a weird looking machine gun (probably Painkiller influenced) is awarded after you've cleared the second room. Once you've earned a gun, avoiding losing health is much easier and progress is swifter, though enemies do spawn from more points so you need to watch your sixes (back) to survive.
Whiterabbit-uk 27th December 20182018
If you've played the original Doom, Wolfenstein, Painkiller or the early Serious Sam games, you'll probably enjoy playing this game. I've played all of them and still do occassionally. Sadly this doesn't come close to the enjoyment I got out of playing any one of the above named games, perhaps it's almost as good as Wolfenstein, which for those not in the know was the first commercially succesful game of this type; released way back in the early 90's (though the original Wolfenstein games i.e. Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein both top down 2D games were released in 1981 and 1984 respectively. For free, and even if you decided to buy it via Steam (it's on sale over on Steam at the moment for £0.39/$0.49) it's an okay purchase. I wouldn't feel ripped off for that price. Whether I'll return to the game in the near future is another question I cannot answer at this time. I did buy the game via Steam when it was released last year. Overall I would score this a generous 6 out of 10 and that's only because I'm a fan of those early retro shooters that Cemetery Warrior 3 was probably influenced by.


Other Reviews, Slideshow & Videos of Cemetery Warrior 3:
You can see other comments of Cemetery Warrior 3 HERE (mixed reviews on Steam). You can see several in-game videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. I've not wached all of these videos, so don't know whether any innappropriate langauage has been used? You can also see a slide show of almost 50 in game images HERE.
After you've had an opportunity to play today's giveaway please take a few moments to give some positive or negative feedback; for example, what you liked or disliked about the game, or how it could be improved. If you don't like the genre at all, please explain why and if any, what improvements would change your mind? If you don't have time to post a comment today, please do so at your convenience, thank you. If you wish to post a review or comment about the game later, you can access the comments section by going to the game giveaways home page, then scroll to the bottom of the page where it says Archives and select the date the giveaway was live (giveaway days are in bold type). This will open the appropriate page for you to post your comment or review. Alternatively, you can google the name of the game and include Gamegiveawayoftheday in the search. This should give you a list of links to whenever this game was given away.


If you miss today's game giveaway you can always get the game via MyPlayCity 24/7 HERE; or If you prefer to purchase the game you can get it HERE via Steam. It's on sale at the moment for £0.39 (usual price £0.79.
Problems getting the game to work:
If you're having problems installing or activating or Cemetery Warrior 3 to work please visit the FAQ's Thread HERE and read through the communities comments because sometimes fixes have already been posted, for example, a common issue seen since the Themida wrapper was introduced three years ago is that some community members installation of the game are blocked by their security because Themida code has been known to hide malware, (usually an error message is flagged for example 'The executable is corrupted' even though in reality it is not); so as a precaution some anti malware programs will block and even delete the suspect installation files even though the files (i.e. the setup, read me and setup.gcd files are actually totally free from malware. This issue can be solved either by rebooting your computer in safe mode with networking or a quicker method is to temporarily turn off your security software to allow the installation. You could also try whitelisting the setup.gcd file. In the almost 12 years this game giveaway site has been operating there has 'never' been a game given away that was infected with malware.
If for any reason you want to contact the giveaway team, for example, you have a game to offer the community, or are unable to download the latest game or other issues that the FAQ's thread or these comments don't cover or solve you can do so HERE
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Falcoware for giving away Cemetery Warrior 3 and also to the game giveaway team, as always, for securing other ways to get free games.


Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway:
If Cemetery Warriror 3 doesn't interest you, but you still hanker for something new to play, you'll find details of some game deals whether they be sale items, indie bundles or games being given away for free HERE (I've not updated the thread in a while, but most of the links still take you to the latest deals).
The rest of the information that used to be posted in the game review can be found in the forums HERE. Finally, check out Delenns threads for details of other free games and offers HERE and elsewhere in the game discussion forums HERE, (usually on the first page of the game discussion forums).

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I'm not really a player of this type of game but I do like the price of only 51 cents. It's good to see software dropping in price.
I don't think this game has a purpose except to keep on killing the enemy.

Reply   |   Comment by Brian  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Hello; ty for all those games, even those from Falconware.
For people who cannot rebind the key, use Maj + space keys to change your keyboard in english.
It's very fast, works even in the game and all your fingers will be to the appropriate place (i'm french).
Best regards.

Reply   |   Comment by dec  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I was hoping for a nicer, friendly game during the Christmas periode. A funny HOG for instance :-)
What a pity that that these agressive shooter games have been chosen...
Oh wel, there is always next year :-D

Best wishes everybody!

Reply   |   Comment by tiscrea ©  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)
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