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Candy Madness Giveaway

Candy Madness

Join the crazy adventure into a world of candy match and switch.
User rating: 3 12 comments

The competition is over.Visit our main page for more free licensed software.

Join the crazy adventure into a world of candy match and switch.
Experience the delicious adventure with both family and friends.
Taste numerous game levels with various objectives.
Battle for higher achievement and scores.
Use a completely new and unique mechanism for gameplay.

System Requirements:






The game is available for $1, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.

GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Overwolf
Play Facebook games in your browser without logging in.
Developed by WinDS PRO Central
Developed by Valve

Comments on Candy Madness

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Dear users,
The developer is aware of the installation issue.
As soon as fixed, we will report to you.
We apologize for the inconvenience

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thanks Alexa

Will check back later.

Reply   |   Comment by Alexa Bennett  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I've re-downloaded the executable from my itch.io account every hour, but am still getting the missing data folder message. /again I will check back later this afternoon.

You should still carry out the two tasks to claim a key for the game. Like Steam, once you've claimed it, it is tied to your Itch.io account and can be downloaded at any time as a free standing DRM free game. I'm sure the issue with the data folder will be fixed soon, hopefully today, but it doesn't stop you getting the game

To those securing one of the 10 000 copies of Candy Madness (via Itch.io), please only post comments about the game; other comments either not appropriate, or not about the game will be deleted at the moderator or administrators discretion; however a little light banter among community members and with the moderator to keep this a friendly place to visit will be allowed, and will be judged by the moderator as to whether it is suitable or not to be left.
I am posting this in light of the massive increase in negative comments not related to the game being given away, inappropriate comments and spam (Almost 700 spam comments were posted last Saturday 14th Jan 17) that have occurred over the past several months since the site was updated and in particular since the site started to give away games from the Steam world and since they started using Facebook.
I truly believe that if we get lots of decent feedback about the games we get here, more developers will be happy to give away their games. Seeing lots of complaints (and spam) instead of feedback about the game given away will not persuade other developers to give their games away for free. So please bear this in mind when posting your comments. Any comment not about the game for example complaints, or if deemed unfriendly or inappropriate, will be deleted or added to the spam folder, which automatically black lists the IP address you used. Although I have enjoyed responding to many of those comments, I will no longer waste my time answering comments from community members who should have read the moderation policy.
Negative feedback about the games given away are always welcomed because they can also be very constructive for developers, however, complaining about the way the site is operating or problems about downloading or installing the games should be directed to the giveawayoftheday contact form which I've linked to HERE; alternatively, if the problem is game related and it is late in the day (I can't moderate 24 hours a day), please also post your issue in the forums where you may get a response from the community. Often, such problems are related to your computers set up. i.e. your security may block the installation (for example quite a few game giveaways I've installed have been blocked by my copy of Zemana Anti-malware suite) Also please read the moderation policy which can be found HERE and if you do have a problem please check the FAQ's thread HERE. Thank you.
Candy Madness

Join the crazy adventure into a world of candy match and switch.

Experience the delicious adventure with both family and friends.

Taste numerous game levels with various objectives.

Battle for higher achievement and scores.

Use a completely new and unique mechanism for gameplay.

Reference accessed HERE. 21st Jan 2017

You will require an itch.io account for this game. We have had a game from Itch.io via the game giveawayoftheday previously, so you may already have created an account, which can be found HERE.

Unfortunately I was unable to install this game. After activating the link I received after completing the two tasks i.e sharing the giveaway page on Facebook and helping Smart Olive Games to get one of their other games; a strategy, RPG platformer called Zapp:escape from hollowcell Greenlit. Windows smart screen threw up a warning, which I ignored, then received a second error message apprered saying that there should be a data folder next to the candy madness executable. (see image below)

windows smart screen2
Candy Madness

I was unable to find any videos of game play on You Tube and no images of the game via a Googles image search. There were lots of similarily titled games such as Candy Crush, Monster Candy Madness etc, but no Candy Madness images apart from the three images posted on Smart Olive Games web site and the Itch.io entry, which i'd posted above. Unfortunately ot having access to the game means I can't write a review, but i will continue as usual with moderation throughout the day. tomorrows game is a MyPlay city game.

Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway:

The problems section that used to be posted here in the Game review is now included in the Game Discussion FAQ's thread; which you can find HERE.

I've updated the games section that used to be posted with the review. The thread is now called 'Weekly round up of game deals', formerly the games section of the weekly reviews. You can find the new thread (which I've posted in the sticky section of the game discussion forums to make it easier to find if you are perusing the game discussion forums) HERE.

If tCandyMadness didn't appeal, you may find other games either free or for less than the price of a cup of coffee via the 'Weekly Roundup of Game Deals' thread which I've posted a link to above, or HERE.
The free game over on Origin is still the excellent atmospheric Sci Fi RPG third person Shooter Mass Effect 2, but it will be ending very soon. If you've still not got a copy, this will be your last chance to get it free. It usually costs £19.99/$19.99 (though I paid the pre order price of over £30 prior to it's release back in January 2010) . You can get it HERE. Please note that you do require the Origin game platform to be able to download and install the game.

There are 851 games on sale over on Steam at the moment, with up to 91% off. Game prices range from as little as £0.12p and there are almost 300 games and dlc less than £1. You can find all of the deals HERE. If you spend more than $3 in the Indie Gala Store you'll also get a free copy of the atmospheric point and click horror adventure game 'Between Me and the Night' worth $14.99/£9.99. There's also a sale on over on the Humble Bundle site featuring Telltale games (The walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Back to the future, Jurassic ParkPuzzle /agent 1 and 2 etc), plus lads more games on sale. There's also lots of games on sale over on the Bundle Stars and Indie Game Stand (IGS) stores.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Whiterabbit-uk, After reading your comment, I am starting to wonder if this legit or not. It been uploaded like 6 days ago so I don't know if it just new or being updated. Downloading now to see what's up but yeah something not right to me.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Daniel

The giveaway team wouldn't jeopardize their business by doing anything illegal. They have always paid developers a retainer for the games to be allowed to be downloaded. They would also not want to lose their good standing with the major search engines.
The game was only uploaded by the developer several days ago. As I've not seen any videos of game play on You tube, nor any images posted on Google Images; it looks like the giveaway community are the first to download this matching game. Hopefully the developer will fix the issue soon.

Reply   |   Comment by Daniel  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Whiterabbit-uk, Just uploaded to virustotal and it coming up clean: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/3cad8b9a97f9e19e583405840b0267fa1d50f000b106af5794c2a966f7fb8b75/analysis/

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Daniel

Thanks for taking the trouble to check. Hopefully the file will be fixed soon.

Reply   |   Comment by Daniel  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

This is the first time I have seen this game and it looks quite interesting.

Reply   |   Comment by Sandi Davidow  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Every time a game becomes available, which isn't from "My Play City," by the time I get it, "The Contest is Over." Trouble is, I'm on very early in the morning, the day the game is offered! So, there really is no "Game Giveaway of the Day," is there?

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hello Marivan

We are limited by the number of keys a developer will give to us. We are no longer using commercial game distributors like Playrix and Alawar who can afford to give away unlimited numbers of keys becasue they know a small percentage of the community will purchase other games from them. Instead we are dealing with very small developers who have at the most a couple or more games in their portfolio. I doubt they could afford to give away more keys.
As for the title game giveaway of the day. The team cannot change the name because it is linked to their good standing with the major search engines. If they changed their name to say Weekend giveaways, they would have to start all over a gain. It is advantageous to retain their good standing, because it means they get more hits, which in turn means a larger community, which in turn means the possibility of more and better games. Sadly at the moment we have been getting far too much negativity, especially considering when games are available they are free. Developers on seeing all those negative comments will run a mile instead of considering giving away the games they have put many hours into creating. Would you give away a game to thousands of community members, if all you ever saw was bad comments, complaints and spam posted in the comments section reserved for comments about the game?

Reply   |   Comment by marivan  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

You really expect me to trust a .io website? A website at a domain I have never once heard of. A domain connected to the British Indian Ocean Territory? Yeah. You really have to think we are all stupid. Well, they might be. I'm not.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

That's up to you Gunther. All I'll say on the matter is that the giveaway team vet all distributors of games they allow on this site, they have a very good standing with all of the major search engines. associating themselves with bad sites would seriously compromise that position, which in turn could compromise this site significantly; something they would not do as i know they care about it too much to ruin a decades worth of hard work creating a safe environment to download free games and applications.
Itch.io are also associated with some of the reputable indie bundle sites such as Groupee's and Indie Game Stand, both of which donate some of their profits to charity. They would not use rogue sites to boost their indie bundles. Not all sites from the other side of the world are rogue. If they were Europe and America would be up in arms over it. It's your choice not to use Itch.io, but then again it's also your loss. Please refrain from posting such nonsense unless you have actual proof that the site was corrupt/bad/ a security threat. Thank you, regards W.R.

Reply   |   Comment by Gunther Payne  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)


Oh, wow. Talk about "fake news"...This is how rumours start.

RPS (I am gonna guess) gets about 90% of their games from itch.io for their weekly article "Free Loaders". https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/?s=free+loaders It is a legit site. You really need to research before you make a blanket statement like that. They don't deserve a comment like that.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Delenn

Exactly. Said to the guy he had no proof. One of the problems with the internet is people can say pretty much they want without backing their so called opinions with genuine truths. I've bee using Itch.io for at least 3 or 4 years now and have never had any problems with them. Thank you for your support.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

P.S. To: That Wrascally Wabbit,

Can't comment on the game. It was gone before I got up this morning. I would not have known at all there WAS a game if I hadn't got the email from GGOTD.

Huggles to you and your family.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Hey Wrascally Wabbit,

This is just a thought...Your security measures are not enough. These people/bots are making money off you and causing your real customers frustration.

You might want to check out what IndieGala does https://www.indiegala.com/when they offer free keys for steam/or other sites with a limited amount of keys. They use a captcha. Not the one that uses letters..but the one with pics of different foods you have to choose, pics of numbers, pics of lakes, houses etc. You might want to check into that. Just a suggestion.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thanks Delenn. Hopefully th4e giveaway team will consider that suggestion.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

7:30 am Florida USA time and all 10,000 keys gone already.....hmmmm

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hello RatDog

It's possible that the game has been put on hold until the developer has fixed the issue with the missing data folder. If we were getting a Steam key I could understand all key being mopped up by now, but with the issue posted right at the start of the giveaway (I received a key before the giveaway went live), it's unlikely so many community members would have bothered to apply for this game, also, itch.io keys are not valuable like Steam keys. That said, you may be right. Hopefully the giveaway team will announce something later

Reply   |   Comment by Ratdog  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Whiterabbit I basically got the same message you did and tried it several different ways to get it to download. Came up with the same or simular problem each time. Seems to be missing a "Data File" next to the ".exe file"! Will have to try it again later. I tried your link for Shooter Mass Effect 2 but when I tried to download got a pop up message that the site is currently closed. Will try that one again later also.
Thanks for everything!
Sincerely, Ron Dunn

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Ron

I've tried several times as well over the last four hours, but the issue hasn't been sorted yet. I presume the developer isn't aware of the problem yet. Hopefully it will be sorted soon. Thanks for posting.

Reply   |   Comment by Ron Dunn  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)
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