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Call of Atlantis Premium Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Call of Atlantis Premium

$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 471 95 comments

Call of Atlantis Premium was available as a giveaway on October 16, 2011!

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Atlantis is calling out to a true hero to save it from deadly peril in this long-awaited 3rd installment in the hit Atlantis Quest, The Rise of Atlantis series offering a unique blend of 3 popular gameplays. Set out on an exciting new quest in this spectacular mix of Match-3, Hidden Object and Adventure. Embark on a fascinating new journey around the ancient lands of Rome, Greece, Troy, Phoenicia, Babylon, Egypt and Carthage to acquire seven mysterious crystals of power. Appease Poseidon, the patron god of the Atlanteans, and save the legendary continent.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7


Xing Interactive



File Size:

56.6 MB



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Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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A simulation game about the life of a truck driver.

Comments on Call of Atlantis Premium

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Sorry this comment is late but I didn't get to play it for several weeks. Of the three Atlantis games I like this one best. The first play-through is fairly easy but when you have completed the game and go for second round it gets more challenging. Great time waster. Thanks!

.......................Moderator Comment....................

Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Cosmicpea  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've enjoyed this game. It's hard enough to be challenging, but not too difficult to move through the levels. thanks GOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Jo Ann  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I realized the date was different, however, seeing as how it was already gone from when I'd come to get it anyway versus having come back, it reminded me how much I wanted that game, so I came back to write about it.

someone really should look into the clock issue for the West Coast folks, however. It really isn't fair for those of us who live over here to get three hours less of a chance than everybody else would have at snagging a potentially great game. :-)

.......................Moderator comment..................

Hi Lisa, I thuought the time problem had been sorted. what time did the give away end for you last week? It should have been at midnight. If it is ending earlier than any other zone then I'll contact the owners to see if it can be rectified.

Reply   |   Comment by Lisa Williams  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Astounding game with mind-blowing game levels and background music.The price is pretty reasonable as well. Everything is great, but a part which may still have room of improvement would be graphics. They are lovely, and I like the concept of making them as screensavers but they can be more real and come in more variety, e.g. more than a scene for each kingdom for screensaver. Anyway, really good job, Playrix!

Reply   |   Comment by Denise  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Normally I would have written the review the same day as I downloaded the game, but health issues and other important items got in the way. So here is my review, even if it is a week late.

First time I downloaded this game and installed it on my desktop PC, it installed fine, but after that an issue popped up. I could start the game and it almost completes the splash screen logo when it completely throws me out of the game. Now given everything is up to date on the machine, but it turns out that the video card may not be compatible for the game. No worries, I swapped in another video card that I had laying around, and the game worked flawlessly.

Once I got the game loaded up on the computer and working properly, I went and turned the music off in the settings area. While playing the game, it starts off easy and then gets harder and harder to play as you move along. That is typical of any match 3 games out there.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rank this game a 9. I like playing match 3 games when I am not busy. I did test this game in my dual boot environment (Have Windows XP & 7 Installed) and it played flawlessly under both OS.


As to you Whiterabbit, I appreciate your time to come here and offer these games to us. I know how hard it is to do anything when you are having to deal with your health. Keep up the good work...

........................Moderator comment...............

I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for taking the time to write a review. It doesn't matter that you are late. as the developers (if they bother to check) will always check later anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by jradams350  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

REALLY people...I wish you would give us West Coast people a real chance at downloading the games, too. It isn't even midnight here and the game is gone!

......................Moderator Comment..................

It was last weekends game Lisa.

Reply   |   Comment by Lisa Williams  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A really excellent game. It doesn't seem full of unnecessary complications, but you have to work out a number of moves ahead. It seems to be what I would call an honest game - not full of silly traps, but a good test. The graphics are very attractive and the facts are interesting.

...................Moderator comment........................

Thank you for your feedback Margaret

Reply   |   Comment by Margaret  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good game up to 12 years old... very boring if you are older!

Reply   |   Comment by awinahe  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To the Moderator of #58:

Well said... I sincerely hope that the future brings a much less risky solution for the challenges that you have been left with... best wishes to you...

and to Diane @ #71 You Go Girl!! ;o)

..................Moderator comment..................

Thank you :)

Reply   |   Comment by Sooks  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Loved this game and played it right to the end! I am starting Journey 2 now.

Reply   |   Comment by turkishvan007  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am getting addicted to match three games. This one is especially good because of the story line. It's never a bad thing to review or learn history and have the bonus of being fun doing it. The graphics and music of yesterday's game are very enjoyable. I have always used the excuse that these games are more for my grandkids than myself, and while true, I'm getting more of them for me too.((-:

As for the color comments, I agree with 38. What you have right now works for me.

Thanks again for this great game which I probably would not have given a second look in the past until my new addiction.

....................Moderator Comment..................

Thank you for your feedback. :) You should check out the MyPlayCity link that I'v posted in my review @ comment #1 There's almost 60 free Match 3's to choose from, some of which are as good or better. They have the first two in the Atlantis series The Rise of Atlantis and Atlantis Quest as well as others such as Around the World in 80 Days (comes with several screensavers that unlock as you progress through the cities you visit - the first two are London and Paris) and one of my favourites which IMO is one of the best ‘traditional, match 3's called Treasures of Montezuma, (there's three in the Montezuma series now as well), plus others such as Finding Doggy and Fishdom. I say traditional to mean a match 3 with no add on games such as mini games or combining them with other genres such as the Puzzle Quest series which combine Match 3 with RPG and adventure elements (they are brilliant).

Reply   |   Comment by David Forness  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There was nearly 16000 downloads of today's game with 90% postive thumbs up out of 324 votes. That's a game downloaded every 5 seconds over a 24 hour period. 84 users commented which is 0.5% of the total who downloaded. Slightly above average (0.4% has been consistently the average since I started working out the stats). :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i never could get this game to activate. i tried all of the recommendations, to no avail, am i SOL?

......................Moderator Comment.............

Sorry to hear that Angie (strains of the Rolling Stones suddenly hit my memory), Unfortunately it's too late to do anything about it now as the giveaway is over. hopefully it will be available sometime in the not too distant future.

Reply   |   Comment by Angie Reon  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the game. I like it very much!
bye bye

Reply   |   Comment by Initra  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks Whiterabbit for trying to help me and sorry it took so long to reply. I spent all that time (almost) doing all of the above (Boot, re-installing x 100, GB Pro(GOTD), etc) to no avail. I finally managed to install it. Although I'm not 100% positive what was causing the problem I think it was Mamutu. When Mamutu came on to ask to "allow or not", the activation process was already gone. To make a long story short, instead of clicking on "allow this process", I clicked on "excluded from protection" and then it worked. My laptop is super slow lately ,which is a first and don't know why that is. Anyway, the main thing is that I have the game!!! Too late to comment on the game but next time. So again thanks for your help and have a great week. :-)

..................Moderator comment................

Hi Weezie,

That's great that you managed to get it installed before time out.

As for your lap top being slow; if you don't have a lot of RAM, and have been installing lots of the giveaways that would be a prime suspect. You need to turn off all those unnecessary background programs that are possibly running behind the scenes. Do a ‘Ctrl - Alt - Delete’ then click on the Processes and Services Tabs. Expand the Task Manager window so that the length is about three quarters of the monitor’s height. If you can't see the bottom of the last of processes and services you're probably running too many back ground programs behind the scenes.

You can turn some of them off by using Avir Task Manager. We've been given it several times as a giveaway, but if you don't have it installed you can get a free version that does the job nicely. You can also use Process Lasso, which has also been a previous giveaway. There's also a free version of that as well:

Avir task Manager:


Process Lasso:


Or alternatively you can use Windows own configuration utility which is accessible via the search field; though I've forgotten the command to access it. (Google it) I prefer Avir Task Manager, but Process Lasso is also excellent. Both do basically the same thing so it's really down to preference. (I ended up purchasing both commercial versions even though I only needed one, lol).

Both programs are really easy to use. They scan your computer then show you a list of all the things running on your computer. As with the task manager you'll find separate tabs for services and processes plus anything else. I 'd leave the services alone as most are Windows system services, though you could try by trial and error which to shut off. Or surf the web for advice.

All you need to do is check the boxes to turn off any programs you don’t want starting at boot up. Though you will need to reboot once you’ve completed the job as basically both are start-up managers.

Game Booster:


Many of the giveaways create a start-up shortcut which then activates when the computer is booting up. They take system resources and will slow your machine down if too many are running in the background.

You can use programs like Game Booster, which is also free to temporarily turn certain windows services off that are considered non-essential while playing a game and you can configure the program to turn off any other program. It comes with a toggle that enables you to switch the program on or off at the click of a button. So once you’ve finished your games just return the computer to normal. Please do PM me over in the forums if you need any other advice.

Ah yes remembered the command, it’s MSConfig.
Before you start eliminating autoloaders, though, make sure you can undo your changes. In Windows XP, Select Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Restore. Select Create a restore point, click Next, call your restore point something like before removing autoloaders, and choose Create. Click Close once you've created the restore point.

In Windows Vista, select Start, Control Panel, System. Under 'Tasks' on the right side of the window, click System Protection. In the System Properties box that comes up, click Create at the bottom of the window. I think Win 7 is similar. (I've not got used to my win 7 operating systems yet, but generally it's Vista with massive improvements.

XP users should now select Start, Run, type MSConfig, and press . In Vista, select Start, type MSConfig into the Search box, and press . Click the Start-up tab, and you'll see a list of all your auto loading programs, each with a check box. Uncheck an item, and it will no longer load at start-up.

I hope the above helps.

Reply   |   Comment by Weezie  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@Whiterabbit-UK. I read the comments posted since yesterday, and found the one from "Anonymous." The grammar and logic of this comment make village idiots seem smart.

I say that I know people trying to bring truth to the world via a group called "Anonymous." In recent years, the people who hate truth have been attacking Anonymous in various ways such as hacking their sites, threatening the members and their families (as they aren't so anonymous in public pickets), and leaving insulting, silly and idiotic comments on websites with the name of Anonymous.

Comments like these are designed to turn the public against the idea of "Anonymous" - people trying to uncover and publicise the dastardly dirty deeds being done around the world to 99.99% of the people around the globe.

In future, it would be great if you just deleted such nonsense. I know that you are trying to allow total freedom of expression, but the evil will always try to hijack that. Being a junior at a poorly run shop years ago, I took a lot of hatred and rude comments from customers. I learned to forgive these idiots who attacked me for the poor quality of goods and services over which I had no control. They usually had a point, but they failed to realise I only did my best and it wasn;t my shop!

GGOTD is GREAT quality. Well presented and with some of the best PC games I've ever seen. Your reviews are very helpful, and you've presented the solutions to problems such as the failed to connect. I and my family tried the games yesterday and Saturday. Both great, especially yesterday's! Supercubes last week is also a big hit.

Again, please try to forget about total free expression here and delete comments from those who could be beaten by a rock on an IQ test. Freedom of speech is great, but this website is NOT publicly owned or funded!!! Besides, our ILLustrious governments and puppet media censore much more than ever before.

We are very sorry to learn of your accident. You shall be in our prayers.

Thanks again for everything you've done here. Our children are smarter for having been exposed to a number of great puzzle and thinking skills games presented here over the years.

YES, you HAVE changed our lives for the better.

.................Moderator Comment................

Thank you

Reply   |   Comment by GGOTD is Great  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Morning all. Call of at Atlantis is an excellent game. Downloading and installation was without problem.

The intro was quite nice. A fanciful story about Atlantis. My 5 year old son and I enjoyed this.

Gameplay consists of match three rounds and separate hidden object rounds. Both play very well. My son was easily able to find most of the hidden objects, although they can be quit difficult to locate as they are pieces of objects.

The graphics, sounds and effects are awesome. It's a job well done.

We give this 10/10. Thumbs up. Thanks Whiterabbit-UK, GGOTD and PLAYRIX !!!

....................Moderator Comment..................

Thank you Mr Snoozles. :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. Snoozles  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

DUH... so sorry.... my little dinosaur of a ThinkPad has only 16MB of video memory... no wonder it will not work for me. I hope the Atlantis game is posted again soon, I will have my new desktop up and running after tomorrow. Just waiting on the power supply.

Thanks to all persons responsible for GOTD and making it possible for us to try new software. I always wanted to be a beta tester, but unfortunately sometimes just don't have the time to reply back or to test the product on the the same day. Is is okay to comment later?

....................Moderator Comment..................


Reply   |   Comment by Logic Gyrl  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My one real complaint about this program is that it changes my desktop resolution & then after the game is closed my desktop is a mess & I have to go change the resolution back, put my icons back in place etc..

Please make it so the game restores the desktop back to its original configuration upon closing the game.

....................Moderator Comment..................

Thank you for your feedback.

It's more than likely it's something to do with your computers set up and not the game. Most users do not have this problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Reality Check  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have had trouble since about 10pm trying to download this game. First it says it will take 16 hours to download, which it doesnt thank goodness but when I open it to install the game it says that its invalid. Why cant I get it to work and all of you have gotten it to????? Can someone help me before the time runs out in one hour 45 minutes????

...................Moderator comment................

Try using a different archiver such as 7 Zip or J Zip to unpack the program:



p.s. did you read review @ comment #1. There are some suggestions that may help such as making sure IE isn't offline, rebooting your modem etc. good luck.

Reply   |   Comment by Allison Willis  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

HUMMM! Don't know why, but I could not get this program to open. It would flash the command prompt screen try to run, then just close. Tried changing to run as admin or changing properties, but no luck. Strange thing is, I used to own this program when it first came out on 2 CD's, had problems with it hanging and closing back then also. Maybe I'm not meant to play this game.

I do not care for the advertisement shortcut that this company adds to your computer when you download the game... "Play More Playrix Games!" Not nice to throw unwanted stuff on someones computer without an opt-out to advertise offered.

....................Moderator Comment..................

Thank you for your feedback. Have you checked your system specs?

Reply   |   Comment by Logic Gyrl  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Excellent game. Not a usual fan of genre but this one does it right.
Plays 'fair', saves well. nice look. Win 7 x64 Ultimate. Fast install, no issues. Full screen Nvidia GTX 460.
Got the game super early in am ET but only getting to it now. Wow from
the huge list of comments & Like score that says it all. Even in the very am last morning the socore was lopsided declaring total winner.
Burn out the server ala Blackberry outage! Thanks guys. 9.5/10

....................Moderator Comment..................

Thank you for the feedback Beergas

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for info about checking
system requirements and other
The game requires 64 mb video
and unfortunately my HP has 32 mb video!
Oh well!! Maybe I add something!

Reply   |   Comment by Dido  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well got the game - started to load -
Crashed x 5! I adjusted compatiblitu mode
and game booster as suggest above with no
luck!! Maybe fiqure it out later?? I GOT
2003 HP with XP! Oh well, maybe get it to
work later! Thanks for all the other games
I got from you!

..............Moderator comment............

Try installing again; then when it crashes (if it does) type Event Viewer in the search field to see if windows gave any error mesages that may shed some light on the problem. Then search via Google using the key words that the event viewer suggested. Also post details here.

I won't be moderating again until about 30 minutes before the giveaways end, but will try to answer anything you post on the matter.

did you get any error messages when it crashed.

Does your computers specs support the game? You caan check the requirements via the following link:


Reply   |   Comment by Dido  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This isn't about the game (I already posted a very positive thumbs up on it).

This is in support of WhiteRabbit and anybody else who either plays these games or had any kind of problems.

That JERK (Anonymous) - is just that - a JERK! He/She (I won't guess the gender) is arrogant and obviously doesn't "Have a Life" because of all the time spent posting venomous garbage like that.

I never thought about the HOG parts of this game being a problem until it was posted about those with vision problems. That's a very legitimate complaint. Everybody had problems and even if we didn't, playing and commenting on a game is not wrong! Everybody deserves a break - regardless of what they do and what problems they have.

I have arthritis and have to watch what I do and some games I can't play because the motion required makes my hands hurt. Does that mean I "don't have a life"? NO!

I hope his/hers jerky posts are removed rather than approved so we can get back to the purpose of these posts - pro/con of the game itself and whatever problems and/or solutions to those problems crop up!

Thanks, WhiteRabbit!

.....................Moderator Comment....................

Thanks for your support Diane. Normally I wouldn't let such comments through, but the fact that they said they wouldn't come back to read any replies obviously means they would, so I wanted to make a point, which you did very eloquently.

Reply   |   Comment by Diane  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Whiterabbit, re colours of text. I am using Firefox and can see all colours perfectly well, although the first colour that you call green is a beautiful shade of turquoise/blue to me, lol.

As for the game, love this one, have had it for a long time and never get sick of it. Each 'Atlantis' game has one-upped itself and been better each time. I have luckily never had any problems installing and playing but then I'm still with good old XP SP2.

.....................Moderator Comment.............

Thanks for the feedback Nola. I just assumed because someone else told me they couldn't see the colors and they were using firefox

Reply   |   Comment by NolafromNZ  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi, I downloaded and installed the game and it looks awesome but it runs off the right side of my screen and I can't view what is needed on that side. It is so tiny if you don't use full screen. My recommended screen resolution is 1620 x 1050. I tried changing it to a lower one but it didn't help and it does not go higher than the recommended one. Any suggestions?

Reply   |   Comment by DeWitch  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for keeping GGOTD going, even if only on the weekends. I've gotten great games here! I've never posted though, but I'm going to try when I download a game. I want to keep this going as long as possible!

I love Playrix so of course I'm enjoying today's game. They are cute but also active. Match 3 and Hidden Object are among my favorite game types, so having them together is always a good thing.

I had no trouble loading and playing on Windows XP & 7.

Thanks for all your hard work :-)

............................Moderator comment...................

Thank you for commenting Melanie. I look forwards to more comments from you over the coming weeks. We have some excellent games in the pipeline over the next few weeks. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Melanie  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Spectacular graphics! I enjoy match games, and though they are not my favorite type of game, this is the best match game I've yet played! I find it hard to believe that it is given away. A truly fine game, from a truly fine game company. I have yet to find a Playrix game that I dislike. Thanks so much for the great game!

Reply   |   Comment by Craig B  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

First of all, I want to say how glad I am that your eyesight was restored, LonniL - and even bettered! I have glaucoma, and I can understand how frustrating it is to have to wait for the surgery to fix it.

Whiterabbit!, I had no trouble reading the blue text, but the green was impossible for me to read. Have you tried red or magenta yet? And, is there a way the poster's name could be "printed" in a color that contrasts with the blue background? I'm beginning to know some of the people who post frequently, but it's really hard to read their names unless the name is in a contrasting color.

I purchased all 3 of the Atlantis games and have played through all 3 at least four times. My husband is playing one of them now. Playrix, YOU ROCK!

Now, re: Caiman site. It was open until about 3 weeks ago. You can't download any games posted there unless there's a developer's link given to download directly from their site. If you're still downloading through Caiman, please tell me how to do it. As I said before, it's my favorite site for free games.


Hi Augustus, The owners of Caiman games are in the process of moving their site to a different provider. I don't know how long it's going to take, but they have said that Caiman Games will not die. I'll change the green text. I presume you are using Internet explorer? I don't think you can see any colored text if you are using Firefox. Thank you for your feedback. :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by AugustusPoirot  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed with no problem on Vista. This is definitely a good match three according the standard of what most of the audience is going to want. I played it through the first game and then started the second to see if it would get more difficult. It does. And the levels are challenging. The last match three board gave me lots of problems. However it was especially annoying to me because I was bored with the game by the time that I reached that level.

I like match three and I like hidden object but the story was boring. Don't misunderstand this is a well put together game and I'm giving it a thumbs up for its quality. However, I don't know if I will keep it.

Sorry, WR, I like to do a better review for the developers since they give us free stuff.

..............................Moderator Comment..................

Thank you for your feedback Lu

Reply   |   Comment by lu  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I play Match3 games from time to time and after reading some of the enthousiastic comments here thought to check this one out.

It's a nice mix of Match3 & HOG levels that you have to play through in order to collect all of the pieces to complete a location, though the part where the crystal gets shattered and you have to collect its pieces seems to serve no other purpose than to prolong the game.
The short info given between levels for every location is also nice and quite educational as it seems to be accurate (have played through Rome & Greece so far).

A few things that I'd like to be different:
* The pieces to be collected by driving them to the bottom should not be swapable - that way it would require a little more effort to finish each level.
* The locked tiles should not move until you unlock them - same reason as above.
* The playable board feels a little too small - it takes up less than half the screen.
* The voice telling you how "Excellent" you're doing gets annoying after a while.

All in all, it's an enjoyable game that won't hook you into playing it to death but will entertain you on your break.



...............................Moderator comment.......................

Thanks for your feed back Kate.

Reply   |   Comment by kate D.  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice change of pace! no problems installing this week on my Vista 4G 32 bit. I am not into hidden object games, so don't know how I will do, but it does break up the monotony of the match 3's. Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Cathy  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed with no problems on my Win7/64-bit. What a nice game! I like the mix of match 3, hidden objects, and puzzle solve. It's an easy game so far, but I find it very relaxing. My favorite of the Atlantis games so far. Thanks Playrix and GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by KatW  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Fun game. Installed & plays with no problems on my Win 7/64 home premium laptop. I'm enjoying this one & it's a keeper.

Reply   |   Comment by Terri  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@41 rebooted the computer & reinstalled, works fine, thanks Playrix & GGOTD team!

Reply   |   Comment by hag789  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great game. I've loved the earlier Atlantis games, and it is nice to have a new one to play.

Reply   |   Comment by LadyFolder  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Please giveaway hidden object and adventure games and go bac kto a game aday i used ot look forward to this site but since stoped a game a day this site has offered worst softwae i get 100 percent free software and better quality at freewarehome.com and freewarefiles.com and download.com

also no need to reply as i never check sites comment section after leave a comment as i dont' care what anyone thinks and i have a life

............................Moderator comment........................

Hi Anonymous, your comments are for some reason always ending with the phrase ‘Get a Life’, or ‘I have a life’, implying that the users and moderators here don’t. To be honest the reason I volunteered to moderate these comments and spend time writing poorly written reviews is because my life was cut short when a stupid motorist hit me at speed (over 50mph) and broke my back in four places, plus damaged virtually all of my other vertebrae. I instantly lost over 3 inches in height and since that accident have been virtually housebound due to constant pain. If I try to do anything physical the pain becomes almost unbearable. Helping on this site, plus laying games has been a great source of satisfaction and helps me to 'forget the pain for short periods. I’d love my life back, but the damage that was done is irreparable (according to two world renowned spinal surgeons). Surgery may help, but the risk of dying on the operating table is much greater than usual because of the nature of the operation. One of the surgeons I spoke to said there was between 25% to 30% chance of me not waking up following the procedure. (basically they have to remove three or four ribs, move one of my lungs and heart out of the way {two of the badly damaged vertebrae are at T11 and 12 plus two more at T6 and T7} then break the two badly damaged vertebrae, use the ribs and some material from my pelvis to shore up the vertebrae. The risk of becoming a paraplegic is even greater because the blood supply to the spinal cord is one of the smallest arteries in the human body and is prone to damage when such vicious surgery is carried out). I hope you feel smug about your comment, - ‘not’. I decided to reply because I know that you will check to see if someone has replied despite you saying you won’t. I think your comments are pathetic. Any more comments from you that are ignorant and childish will be deleted, so don’t bother posting unless you have something constructive to say. You couldn’t even identify yourself, which says a lot about a person when they throw insults.

Reply   |   Comment by anonymous  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Unfortunately Saturday & Sunday are the days I do most of my work online so I don't have time to actually test & write a review but I will try to add comments later, time permitting. Love Playrix & Match 3 and HOG so I am looking forward to this.

Quick note to 35: having suffered from cataracts which left me almost sightless for a while I found that using my mouse to highlight test often helped as it reverses the text coloring. I am so happy that my surgery restored my vision (and actually made it better than it had been since I was in Grade 5!).

Reply   |   Comment by LonniH  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Flawless installation and activation on Vista Home Premium 32bit.

Have only played a single level, but can recommend this as a very pleasant way to kill some time, with nice graphics and soothing background music.

Has so far not caused any issues on my PC, and the gameplay was smooth.

Thumbs up from here.

Reply   |   Comment by Sooks  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In my attempts to get the game running past the loading screen (see #39, thanks btw. Whiterabbit - it did unfortunately not solve it) I found a stupid little trick to accelerate the game's start a little. The following change will prevent the Playrix splash screen from showing up, thus avoiding another click or a few seconds of waiting time respectively: Go to the installation directory (normally something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Playrix Entertainment\Call of Atlantis\"), open the file "settings.ini" and change the value "1" in the line "numOfSplashes" to "0" (means replace 1 with a zero w/o the quotation marks). Please make a backup copy of the file before trying this in case something goes wrong. I know this is a rather stupid trick but maybe someone will find it useful. Thanks & have fun!


Reply   |   Comment by webdev  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've enjoyed all the game giveaways and particularly like the Atlantis Quest ones. This one seems very good so far. I did have trouble loading it, but could be my aging computer. I have read, but never had a problem loading any of the game giveaways previously. I agree with above could do without the hidden stuff, seems to be at child's level. but still a great game! Thank you for wonderful giveaways and helpwhen needed through players and forums etc.

Reply   |   Comment by Lee  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Back again. I am still unable to change to windowed from full screen on my win 7 64 bit ultimate machine with 2 ATI 5790 w/crossover.
I did install the game on my copy of windows 8 running in virtualbox and it plays and works fine with no screen problems.

I would like to play this (as I have the other Atlantis titles) on my basic box. Can the game be forced out of fullscreen or is there a keyboard way to get there? I dropped back to 1 monitor, it's running 1920X1200 and the picture still runs uphill. FYI - on windows 8 I did not see my pointer on the options screen - I had to guess where it was, but without the flipping it wasn't hard. Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Ande  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@ #35.....I also have some visual/color trouble with this game. But I absolutely LOVE Around the World in 80 days by Playrix. Very visually friendly.

Reply   |   Comment by dron  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is fun, easy to play and very enjoyable. It is relaxed, with simple rules, and interesting facts every time a level is beaten. I highly recommend this game to everyone.

Reply   |   Comment by Jeremy  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed without any problems, Great game..
Thank you GGOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Mary  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What a beautiful game! I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit and had no problem downloading, activating or installing Call of Atlantis. It plays smoothly without any problem. This may be due to me running Game Booster, I'm not sure. I run Game Booster all the time, whether I'm game playing or not, and I've never had problems with hesitation, buffering or freezing. The game is so beautiful to look at. The graphics and production values are amazing. And the music is perfect for a story of ancient cities, gods and goddesses. Thanks so much to Playrix and GGOTD. I'll be paying this game for a long time.

Reply   |   Comment by sragan5  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love the game but had a couple of problems. Same as #38, "process cannot access..." did not go away until I rebooted my WinXP. Also, system powered down (wth?) during 1st and 2nd HOG in Rome.. haven't gotten past that.

Reply   |   Comment by onepearl  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Love these games, but this one opens the activation box and stalls. Never had this problem before, running XP.

Reply   |   Comment by Ruth S  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My machine is old so I really wasn't expecting this to work but I was a bit surprised that nothing happened. I run Windows XP and when I click on the desktop icon, a black box pops up then promptly disappears. Nothing else happens. When I open task manager, there are no programs running. I do have internet explorer activated.

Reply   |   Comment by Cindy Sanner  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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