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Border Of Insanity Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Border Of Insanity

Border Of Insanity is a dynamic hardcore shooter with elements of parkour.
User rating: 8 5 comments

Border Of Insanity was available as a giveaway on December 26, 2018!

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Border Of Insanity is a dynamic hardcore shooter with elements of parkour, where you have to make your way to the most inaccessible places of the empty city. Clean the city from the dead and save your life!

How fast will you go insane knowing you are the only person left in the entire world? How fast will you realize that everything is lost and life will never again be as it was? Feel the atmosphere of a post-apocalypse world in this game. Try different kinds of real weapons to kill the walking dead and dangerous bosses. You have to pass a long way looking for a trace of mankind. Do it and survive!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10





File Size:

563 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Border Of Insanity
In Brief
Border Of Insanity is a dynamic hardcore action adventure shooter with elements of parkour, where you have to make your way to the most inaccessible places of an empty city.
This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Frequent Violence or Gore, General Mature Content

Border Of Insanity downloads to a 563 MB zip file that unzips to three files, (a setup.gcd security wrapper, the set-up file and a read me). Those with multiple hard drives can save games on any drive they wish by replacing the C drive with whatever drive letter they wish the game to be installed to or if you have multiple hard drives you can save games on any drive you wish by replacing the C drive letter in the path with whatever drive letter you wish the game to be installed to. The newly installed game is 1.38 GB in size. The game installs to the following path by default:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Border Of Insanity
However, if you prefer a different path for installation for example I use G:\Games\ name of game instead of 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MyPlayCity\name of game'. You can edit the default path when the Setup - Border of insanity - Select Destination Location window appears.

Five shortcuts are installed to the desktop, four of which can be safely deleted (i.e. Falco Space - Online Game!, FalconLine Online Games Website, FalcoGo WebGL Games! and Free Games Downloads!). If you don't want to install the games shortcut to the desktop during installation, just make sure the install desktop shortcut is unchecked when the 'additional task's window appears; you will still get two of the other Falcoware shortcuts installed (i.e. FalconLine Online Games Website & FalcoGo WebGL Games shortcuts). Also, if you don't like icons installed to the quick launch task bar, make sure you also uncheck the appropriate checkbox when the 'additional task's window appears (after the Select Start Menu Folder window).
Border of Insanity is a dynamic hardcore shooter from Falco Games, with elements of parkour, where you have to make your way to the most inaccessible places of the empty city. Clean the city from the dead and save your life.
Feel the atmosphere of a post-apocalypse world in this game. Try different kinds of weapons to kill the walking dead and dangerous bosses. You have to pass a long way looking for a trace of mankind. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walk through and game play for the game.
Reference accessed HERE. 26th December 2018

The Game:
Border of Insanity is another game from Falcoware, made using the game engine Unity. The main menu is basic with just a play and quit button plus three image effect toggles that includes 1) ... SSAO i.e. screen space ambient occlusion, which approximates shading with respect to ambient lighting, 2) ... Motion blur 3) ... other effects (not stated).
The game starts with a fly-through of the city, with a radio repeating an automatic message Saying ''Warning to all alive'', and telling survivors that they will find food and water in Jamestown. Then the character of the story says ''Oh Gosh, I can't believe it! Jackie we are not alone'' turning to a basketball with a smiley face drawn on it. (shades of Castaway with Tom Hanks), he says ''Did you hear it? We need to Go''. Then you are asked to take Jackie and get out of the city.

There are no instructions on which key bindings to use. I think the developer assumes that anyone who plays will be familiar with the usual key bindings for such games.

E = Pick Up
W or forward arrow = move forwards
S or back arrow = move backwards
A or left arrow = move left
D or right arrow = move right
Mouse = turn left or right
Hold Shift + W or A or S or D = go faster
Space = jump
Esc = to menu and pause
Iron Sights = Right Mouse button
R = reload
The first part of your journey could be considered parkour as you have to find a way across the roof tops walking across narrow pipes and jumping gaps between buildings. when you encounter your first zombie a gun will appear in your hands. There is an ammo count indicator in the top left corner of the screen (assuming you are playing in full screen. The initial load window when you click on the games executable does give you the option to play in windowed mode). The game gives the impression of being open world, but it is basically linear in form. You should find some 9mm ammo boxes on the fourth or fifth building along which you can pick up by walking over them; there are 80 bullets in each box). You'll find other ammo boxes scattered around the location. A fully reloaded automatic pistol allows 16 bullets. Be sure to keep your weapon fully loaded after any encounter to be sure of maximum defenses from any zombie attack. They only need to touch you a couple of times and you are dead. Thankfully there are save points.

Your character will come out with the occasional exclamation such as ''What a wonderful world'', while spying several zombies on the next rooftop. . Overall at this point I'm quite impressed with the game despite its budget price. Buying (or getting free) such budget games you cannot expect graphics and game play immersion as cool as games like Dead Island, Left 4 Dead, Killing Floor, Silent Hill, Dying Light, Dead Rising , Dead Space, Seven Days to die and loads more, all of which usually cost much more to buy. Though there are exceptions for example the two Necrovision games, which were originally released as AAA titles, but have over the decade since release come down in price to less than a pound (while on sale).
The graphics despite looking a little dated, fit in with the post apocalyptic story. The lack of some movement controls that you find in more expensive games of this type (as listed above) such as lean, crouch and prone don't make any difference in this game because you can shoot a zombie at over 100 meters with an automatic pistol and kill them easily (usually two shots to the head should drop one). However, there is no health indicator, so I was surprised when I turned a corner while navigating a fire escape, and died almost instantly after walking into a zombie that had been partially hidden. Thankfully there are save points in the game, though these are not obvious, nor indicated when you pass them. When aiming at a zombie using the Shift key the iron sights are used. Letting go of the shift key places the gun back into its default position unless you've managed to kill a zombie. The iron sight will then remain without having to press the right mouse button until you press the button again, then the gun reverts to the default position.
While finding your way down to street level, killing zombies is easy because they don't react to you until you are close. However, once you.ve found your self at ground level and having navigated through several streets, you come to an area where all the buildings have been virtually destroyed, with just a few concrete pillars and piles of concrete left. Once one zombie is disturbed in this area you get a whole horde of them running towards you from much further away than previously. I've not been able to get past this area yet, having died 'umpteen' times already. So, I cannot say what there is further in the game, but, will endeavor to pass this area sometime in the future.
Whiterabbit-uk 26th December 2018

Overal I think this game is worth downloading; however, if you already own most of the top notch zombie games that I've mentioned in my review above as well as medium priced games such as Seven Days to Die, you'll probably think this is a load of junk, but I do think it is one of Falcowares better action games. It's got some challenging game play, looks decent enough and is free today (or 24/7 if you get it from Gametop). when I returned to the game later in the day, all the progress I'd mad epreviously had gone and I had to start from the beginning. Grrrr.
Other Reviews, images (slideshow) and Videos of Border Of Insanity:
You can see other comments (negative) for Border of Insanity HERE and a slideshow of almost 50 in-game images HERE. You can also see several in-game videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE (русский) and a written walkthrough HERE (how to install without errors & HERE.
After you've had an opportunity to play today's giveaway please take a few moments to give some positive or negative feedback; for example, what you liked or disliked about the game, or how it could be improved. If you don't like the genre at all, please explain why and if any, what improvements would change your mind? If you don't have time to post a comment today, please do so at your convenience, thank you. If you wish to post a review or comment about the game later, you can access the comments section by going to the game giveaways home page, then scroll to the bottom of the page where it says Archives and select the date the giveaway was live (giveaway days are in bold type). This will open the appropriate page for you to post your comment or review. Alternatively, you can google the name of the game and include Gamegiveawayoftheday in the search. This should give you a list of links to whenever this game was given away.

If you miss today's game giveaway you can always get the game via Gametop (one of the first free game sites I found over 12 years ago) 24/7 HERE; or via your browser HERE. If you prefer to purchase the game you can get it HERE via Steam for only £040 at the moment (its on sale with 84% off until the end of the winter sale on the 3rd January 2019.
Problems getting the game to work:
If you're having problems installing or activating or getting Border Of Insanity to work please visit the FAQ's Thread HERE and read through the communities comments because sometimes fixes have already been posted, for example, a common issue seen since the Themida wrapper was introduced three years ago is that some community members installation of the game are blocked by their security because Themida code has been known to hide malware, (usually an error message is flagged for example 'The executable is corrupted' even though in reality it is not); so as a precaution some anti malware programs will block and even delete the suspect installation files even though the files (i.e. the setup, read me and setup.gcd files are actually totally free from malware. This issue can be solved either by rebooting your computer in safe mode with networking or a quicker method is to temporarily turn off your security software to allow the installation. You could also try whitelisting the setup.gcd file. In the almost 12 years this game giveaway site has been operating there has 'never' been a game given away that was infected with malware.

If for any reason you want to contact the giveaway team, for example, you have a game to offer the community, or are unable to download the latest game or other issues that the FAQ's thread or these comments don't cover or solve you can do so HERE
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Falcoware for giving away Border Of Insanity and also to the game giveaway team, as always, for securing other ways to get free games.
Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway:
If Border Of Insanity doesn't interest you, but you still hanker for something new to play, you'll find details of some game deals whether they be sale items, indie bundles or games being given away for free HERE (I've not updated the thread in a while, but most of the links still take you to the latest deals).
The rest of the information that used to be posted in the game review can be found in the forums HERE. Finally, check out Delenns threads for details of other free games and offers HERE and elsewhere in the game discussion forums HERE, (usually on the first page of the game discussion forums).




Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I've begun playing, and I saw the instructions for movement in "The Game" section here. However, I can't figure out how to TURN left or right. I can MOVE left or right but how do you TURN left or right?

..................................Moderator comment.....................................

Sorry, forgot to add that one. You turn using the mouse. B.t.w. there appears to be no save function. I played to a certain point where I kept dying, but it would always put me to a save point, but when I rebooted, I had to start from the beginning.

Reply   |   Comment by Gus Rivera  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

What pain this game is. Seriously. The graphics appear to be ok however you cannot skip the intro, the controls are less the helpful, you simply wildly press keys until you find the right one! When you start, you have an option to change a few but *not* all. There are in-game messages that are disappear within seconds making it impossible to read them. The spoken English is less then satisfactory. It isn't "Se" it is "The". The author needs to address the basics before even considering selling this crap on the market. Good thing it is free today or I would have demanded a refund!

..................................Moderator comment.....................................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by JSG  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

JSG, "What pain this game is. Seriously. The graphics appear to be ok however you cannot skip the intro, the controls are less the helpful, you simply wildly press keys until you find the right one!"

Well then it sounds like the game is working as it has you on the Border Of Insanity !!

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Joe, this is not Border Of Insanity, this is just poor game design. And defending it, indicates you are unwilling to look into correcting this. Further information on Stream indicates other say the same.

I wouldn't recommend this 'game' to anyone, and with it being given away here, it appears to be a last ditch effort to get customers.

..................................Moderator comment.....................................

Hi JSG, It's a budget game and at the moment (until Jan 3rd) it's only £0.40 on Steam *or free here today and 24/7 over on Gametop) and although its not a very good game if you compare it to the likes of Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising and other AAA games of the same ilk, all of which will undoubtedly have had millions invested in their development or Seven Days to Die and even the low priced NecroVision, both of which are lower priced zombie games; (the former has been in early access for over 5 years), whereas Borders of Insanity looks like a game cobbled together by a small development team using lots of free assets plus the unity engine over a much shorter period and with little invested money wise. . I've played a lot of zombie games over the years including all of the ones mentioned in my review as well as lots more and although I wouldn't rate this anywhere near as good as most of them, it is still a playable game. I didn't encounter the issues that one of the reviewers over on Steam mentioned. It's basically a cheap survival game, where you need to avoid contact with zombies otherwise you die. I found it quite challenging and will return to it sometime in the future just to see what the end game is like. Even when on sale via Steam, it only costs as much as a large cup of coffee from one of the large major coffee houses. Some community members cannot afford to waste money on the more expensive and better games, so these have to do. Still each to their own with respect to their opinions of this game.

Reply   |   Comment by JSG  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)
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