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Boom Ball Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Boom Ball

Boom Ball is an original, author's game with unusual design, made in surrealistic style. The game field represents a landscape made of bricks. The aim of game - brick after brick to destroy the toy landscape. It is necessary to destroy not only base elements of a game field, but the trees, vehicles and even the penguins, that are made of the bricks as well. Use rockets, guns, explosions and other unique, different bonuses that will enhance the Boom Ball.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 158 69 comments

Boom Ball was available as a giveaway on March 7, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Your task is to overcome the hedgehogs who are trying to stop you.

Boom Ball is an original, author's game with unusual design, made in surrealistic style. The game field represents a landscape made of bricks. The aim of game - brick after brick to destroy the toy landscape. It is necessary to destroy not only base elements of a game field, but the trees, vehicles and even the penguins, that are made of the bricks as well. Use rockets, guns, explosions and other unique, different bonuses that will enhance the Boom Ball.


  • More than 60 levels
  • 16 different bonuses
  • Original sound and music

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP, Pentium II 450 or higher, DirectX 8.0 or higher, 64 MB RAM, 8 MB Video RAM


Xing Interactive



File Size:



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Boom Ball

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This is the worst wepsite I have ever visited because it does not let you play any game.
From so long I'm trying to play Dx ball 2 on free online games but I'm not able to play it.

Reply   |   Comment by Shriya  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great game, fun to play. Kids love it as do I! Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by JIM  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded Boom Ball FREE from zerodaydeals.com and immediately installed game on my son's PC which will not even start the game. It immediately fails with one of those errors where you send the info to Microsoft and nothing ever comes of it. I know there is no support for the game, but I figured that we had the reasonable expectation that it would at least work. Me being a tech for the last 20 years and knowing I have a small time window in which to work installed it on a 2nd PC to see if maybe it was a problem with my son's PC (which by the way I also downloaded and installed the latest video drivers from NVidia on and tested again with no luck). The 2nd PC failed even before my Son's. I got nothing but a black screen on it. At least on my son't PC I got to see the first screen before the fatal error struck.

I don't expect support, but since it failed to work on 2 completely different PC's there must be something wrong with the game/dist file and maybe you are aware of the issue. It would be appreciated if you could advise me what to do and/or if there is a known issue with an easy solution.

Thanks anyway,

Steve and Jonathan Taylor

Reply   |   Comment by Steve Taylor  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

These type of games aren't too bad. My daughter just loves them and I do like a few of them myself. I've been playing this one for just over 1 1/2 hours and I can not get it past level 16. Suppose to be 60 levels? I also am unable to change the resolution. The graphices aren't all that bad and it is a little different then most as you have to knock down multi tier objects. I just wish I could change the resolution and get past that darn level 16. I am glad that I didn't have to buy this game for sure. One thing I like about try before you buy software, but again How would we know that this game doesn't go past level 16 if say it was programed for trial version of 12 levels??? Will keep looking for the good stuff to come along. Thanks for the site, it's very much appreciated for someone like me who is on a very limited budget and am unable to work due to medical problems.

Reply   |   Comment by Jack  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I keep getting a black screen and music like one of the other customers here. Well you can't win them all. I heard that said before. Anyway I'm not going to complain because I have recieved so many great programs from this site that it would be ungreatful and rude to say anything else but thanks. So Thanks, Keith

Reply   |   Comment by Keith Phelps  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#42 , jardinians rocks!

Reply   |   Comment by laura sierra  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

downloaded and installed beautifully! i love the controller, it reminds me of a frog. its a fun difference! i like breaking up the dark to get the picture. i must admit, hyperballoid and neoball are my favorites, but this games pretty alright.

Reply   |   Comment by laura sierra  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nope, only available from Realore. Pity. I've followed Larry B's example and posted in their comments section and send a mail to their tech dept. End of matter no doubt.

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've downloaded and played the demo up to level 16 and the same thing happens with the one from Realore, so it looks like it's a global thing. I'll post a comment as well. This isn't good, as this game has been around for a while and no one seems to have complained. Odd.

I'm going to see if it's available from any where else and see if it does the same. Sorry for all these posts.

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Comment #56 Game Seeker, I agree. I'll have to check with them first as I definitely wouldn't buy it if it didn't work. I'll download the demo again from Realore as I'm using different computers now. I'll see if I can get past level 16. Pity there isn't a separate activate key for this one. Too be honest I can't remember having this problem previously, however after playing 400 levels of MB2 I doubt I would have got to level 16. I would have expected consumers to have complained about it if it was a problem though.


PS thanks for your concern :D

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

How disappointing! Does anybody else have sore eyes from playing this game? The graphics are so poor I have eye strain. And stuck on level 16! I'm sorry, but WTF? This should be a freeware game, they have some nerve charging for this crap! I am so sorry I came to this site today! BIG THUMBS DOWN!!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Kim  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"Game Seeker" I have already posted a "comment" on the Realore BoomBall webpage. "Buyer Beware" :-) Noted Level 16 problem. It would be nice to get a response ...

Reply   |   Comment by Larry B.  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just wanted to let you know that I loved yesterdays game!
Off to check out todays game!!

Reply   |   Comment by jane  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dee, Larry B, WhiteRabbit:

Not being able to get past level 16 is a programming bug rather than a download problem. Continually repeating the same successfully completed level is certainly a frustrating bug for players.

WhiteRabbit, saw your quip about just buying the game but suggest contacting Realore first or you're likely to end up paying for the same bug. Realore's site doesn't mention any later versions than the very same version 1.0 that's here, so doesn't look like there's any bug fix.

Reply   |   Comment by Game Seeker  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice 3D graphics nice music yes its like magic ball or boom voyage or even balistik and even strike ball I never seen this one before it looks like it could be a good one I have lots of these type of games this one will add to the collection keep in mind people these are just small games that you play just to look at graphics and play around with the weapons and break bricks with nice looking explosions its a arkanoid style game but much nicer looking with better powerups and colours these type of games can be fun if you let yourself get into it.

Thumbs Up on this one all the way good give away!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Rogers Torbram Bus 14  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

for more free games, try here: http://www.caiman.us/

Reply   |   Comment by 666  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very fun and very awesome! Very challenging, yet another amazing game of the day! I look foreward to these :) Keep up the awesome games (( might I suggest medieval games? People like those! )) Thanks again for this, another game to add to my collection :D

Reply   |   Comment by ZShadow  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very nice but why all these type of games all the times? There all the ones that people wouldnt usually just say OH YHEA I'LL BUY THAT! But you think putting it free for a day will change everything. Stop with these type games than i might visit more often

Reply   |   Comment by YoshiX  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well i download all successfully, but this game isn't for me. Thank you much GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Pamela  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"WhiteRabbit" & "Dee" - Un-installed & re-installed. Same issue with level #16 repeating. "More than 60 levels" doesn't do any good if you cannot access them. I can scroll "Pick Level" and see higher levels. There must be a problem that "Realore" needs to address. Too many people experiencing the SAME problem. I am glad I didn't purchase this game. Thanks; but, no thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Larry B.  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've also tried with the mirror link and that also will only let you play up to level 16 then it just repeats level 16 over and over. I noticed you can select any level up to level 12, also, even if you do progress to level 16 then close the game down and try to re-enter any level after 12, you can't.

You can only collect up to 3 lives in this game which is another plus with respect to game playability. Making it harder to win. Not that you can, with only 16 levels to play, lol.

Any ideas GGAotD.....?

I may just buy it if the team can't sort it. :D

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I also get the same problem. The game stops at level 16 and just repeats level 16.

Another plus I found was that your rockets can be carried forwards to the next level. Unusual for an arkanoid. Capturing the speed up ball will test even the experienced arkanoid fan. However this game is useless as it stands with no way to progress to level 17 and beyhond.

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i really enjoyed the game the graphics arn't the best but its still fun! the only downside is that the "you win" and the "game over" screens stay up for a long time and there is no way to make them go away until there timing is up...

Reply   |   Comment by kt  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dee #36 - I am experienceing the same level #16 repeat. Download-Activated-Installed using "Un-offical GOTD Launcher" with no problems. Received GOTD "Activation Confirmation" page & pop-up "Actviation Successful" block.
I have completed level 5 times with no change. I would welcome any ideas. Has anyone else played past level #16 ? I'm going to try download again.

Reply   |   Comment by Larry B.  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

please, redownload the game and try again.

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day project team  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Agree with #34 Larry B, the lacking options and graphics in today's game aren't up to Realore's standards which are usually excellent. Not a keeper for me but suspect extreme arkanoid fans may like it for the extra bonuses and challenging game play. Still, I think Hyperballoid Complete was the best 2D arkanoid clone offered here.

Re: # 5 Red & #29 Semicolon:
The trouble with large and in-depth games is that the files would be huge. So many people access GGOTD everyday, huge files would strain the site's download servers. People would be VERY upset if they could not get access within the 24 hr. time limit.

Going to bit torrent for very large files would not be the answer, it would shut out too many users. As it is people have problems figuring out how to run activate.exe or where/how to enter serial numbers, just look at the multiple posts every day from people who need help with registration. They'd be completely lost with bit torrent! Others who wouldn't have problems may not like the idea of bit torrent. Due to security concerns some people refuse to use it at all.

Reply   |   Comment by Game Seeker  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looks like another child's game.
How about offering a game of Mahjong?
Or has that been offered already?

Reply   |   Comment by ra  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I agree with Grey Wolf comment #18that DXball 2 knocks spots off this game, but it is a 3D as opposed to a 2D arkanoid. (you can't really beat 2D arkanoids, except maybe Magic Ball 3 and Incrediball:The Seven Sapphires)

With respect to this game, I still think it's slightly better than Magic Ball 2 simply because the ball speed is 'much' faster, so there is more skill involved. Also I like the power ups better although Magic Ball 2 does have a few more, but these are boring, such as simple ball. Oh yeah, Magic Ball 2 does have the ability to select screen resolution, but I've never been overly impressed with just graphical quality, as the game play has to be the most important. This definitely beats MB2 in that respect (In my 'experienced' opinion, lol).

By the way comment #35 by 316....My 6 year old found this particular game too hard, because she kept missing the ball. I'm 50 and love this game. We all have our preferences.

Re larry B. comment #34. No they arn't free unfortunately. You have to pay nearly $15 for each expansion pack. and the MB2:New worlds is $19.99. There are lots of games that do offer free levels though, or better still levels editors. I must have at least 20 arkanoids with levels editors. For free levels packs or editors there are some free arkanoids such as Kasbrik, which has some great particle effects. The levels editor for Kasbrik is available from the McKy website. http://mcky_boyz.tripod.com/mckysbreakout/

you'll find some freeware arkanoids in the freeware library now. I sent Victor a big list of worthwhile freeware arkanoids last week, so they may have appeared on the list by now.

Just searched the list I made: Here it is. Yiou download any of these games at your own risk, but I've not had problems. There are some missing cos I can't find the games at the moment.

Arkanoid Freebies:

Arkanoids aka bricks

Beat Ball:

Bonk out


Frozen Fruits...there's also a frozen fruits 2 but I haven't the link. Google it.










Zero Bricks


Jarkanoid 3
There’s extra download packs that you can download from this site as well.

Jarkanoid 2

Of the ones above I personally like Beatball, which was made a mucician, hence the long techno track. I actually paid for this particular game, but I think he must have made it freeware when Beatball 2 was released. I bought that as well because was impressed with the first.

Jarkanoid is another great freebie. The third version is the best, but I’ve included links to the second version as if you’re an arkanoid freak you’d probably think it’s worth keeping.

I also think I sent a link for the following game, however you can get a level expansion pack from the following address: Also you need direct X v9 to play the 30fps version, however there is a slower version if needed.


You’ll need to scroll down the page to find the game.


Breakout in space
Near the bottom of the page

Make sure you download the right version. There’s 3

Breakout and Breakdown in space (2 games)

Astrorix Gold

Mcky Breakout 2
Includes a levels pack on the same download page


Includes a levels editor available from the second address (same as Mcky Breakout 2 address




DX Ball
The original which is now available as a sleeker looking game called DX Ball Deluxe

14th from top of page

15th from bottom of page

5th from top of page

Smileys Breakout

Found at the bottom of the page from the VReal out preview

Free arkanoid v1

Frozen Fruits part 1

and I’ve just discovered several on the Giveaway site as well:



you can also get a psudo 3D arkanoid called Brixout from the following address together with at least another 20 arcade games, however there is a link which takes you to the sites home page when you quit the game. I've not had any problems whatsoever with this though. The game and others which I listed a couple of weeks ago are worth the hassle of cancelling the page. Running my adware and virus programs shows nothing has been off loaded onto my system downloading these games from the sites mentioned above, however as I said above you do so at your own risk. Enjoy.

By the way if you've got a copy of DXBall 2 there are some free level packs to be had from their home site....Which I can't find at the moment, but you can get a free music pack from the LDA games site....


Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Mine keeps saying that the compressed file is empty! Where did the download go???

Reply   |   Comment by madie  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"Boom Ball is an original, author’s game with unusual design"

I'm sorry but there's nothing original about this game. Thanks though GGOTD, keep up the good work!

Reply   |   Comment by Marcelo  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Jimbo, it appears the rez is locked at 1024x768@ 75hz, if your equipment can't do that then thats why you're getting that issue.

Reply   |   Comment by DVD536  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can't play with this game :(... lost 2 dll. (Windows 98)

Reply   |   Comment by János Tigyi (Hungarian)  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Neat game my grandkids will like it. Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Linda W  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am finding the game sticks on level 16, keeps playing that level again and again. Have tried to go to a higher level from the start but can't.

Reply   |   Comment by Dee  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#1 totally agree, how bout some games that people older then five can play.

Reply   |   Comment by 316  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

While not up to the usual "Realore" standards, it does have new bonuses. Gameplay is like "Magic Ball" as mentioned previously. I'm adding it to may library of games as a change from repeating the same games. Thanks Realore & Gotd.
(Off topic question - Are "expansion packs" free to anyone who has paid for the original "Magic Ball - 2" ? )

Reply   |   Comment by Larry B.  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It is the third game I downloaded from realore and it do not work.
I can see only a black screen and nothing else.Something is very wrong with Realore (maybe they put spybots and/or malware in the products uploaded on this site.... BE VERY CAREFULL)
I have downloaded games and other software from this site and work fine so it is nothing wrong with this site.

Reply   |   Comment by DoruHush  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

And yes, we have yet another Arkanoid clone! This one with terrible graphics, and irritating music! By far, the best game of this genre offered here, still remains Hyperballoid... Thanks GGAOTD, but will uninstall this one, and wait for tomorrow's.

Reply   |   Comment by GPavlos_gr  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i am unhappy my sister downloaded gamd and works fine i download game and it does not work. wassup with that

Reply   |   Comment by sue beane  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 22. Why are you disappointed. You get these softwares for free, so why not be happy, as the rest of us.

Reply   |   Comment by Diller Daller  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Couldn't agree with #5 any more.

This site has brought us some pretty fun stuff, but everything is more of a minigame than a full fledge game (and in every case, so far from worth what the producers actually make people pay for the game otherwise.) I'd like to see some more in-depth games that I'll come back to for days trying to beat.

Reply   |   Comment by Semicolon  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not brilliant graphics but I love block breaker games!

Reply   |   Comment by Cameron  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love these kind of games, ty........

Reply   |   Comment by Kerry  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Terrible graphic.. hands made? lol.

Reply   |   Comment by asio  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love these types of game's, but this one is getting deleted. After playing for one minute, that was enough for me.

Reply   |   Comment by ckk  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Controls in this game didn't work correctly on my computer. Paddle was slow and jerky when responding to mouse movement.

Reply   |   Comment by Justin Case  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is there no originality left in games anymore? to many of the same type.
But nobody forces us to play them atleast.

Reply   |   Comment by OnceBitten  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

just another crappy pong game :( how disappointing

Reply   |   Comment by fredagar  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

another great game !!!!!!!!!!ty ggotd.
why not some golf games?

Reply   |   Comment by lunarcub  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

every so often there are some decent games here. magic ball was entertaining. egyptoid had bad physics, but the graphics were nice. played tiny cars for about 10 min etc. this game has almost unusable control. thumbs down.

Reply   |   Comment by foobar  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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