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Bato: Treasures of Tibet Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Bato: Treasures of Tibet

Help the young master of an ancient Tibetan game hunt for amazing treasures!
User rating: 28 9 comments

Bato: Treasures of Tibet was available as a giveaway on April 22, 2017!

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Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and MyPlayCity! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

Help the young master of an ancient Tibetan game hunt for amazing treasures in Bato: Treasures of Tibet. Search out and make stones of the same color collide to clear the entire game board and continue your awesome journey! Meet curious characters as you partake in an awesome adventure full of Match 3 fun. Master the incredible power ups to make it to the end of your travels and accumulate treasures!

  • Gripping gameplay;
  • Awesome power ups;
  • Find the hidden treasures!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 1.0 GHz; RAM: 256 MB; DirectX: 8.0; Hard Drive: 29 MB





File Size:

29.1 MB



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Comments on Bato: Treasures of Tibet

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...........................................Moderator comment...................................

To the Giveaway Team

The list of winners for the Forced Showdown competition from the 10th April that ended last weekend have not yet been announced????

To the Giveaway community

Check the end of today's review for links and details of some free games from GOG and Steam. The main freebie, i.e. Saints Row II (similar to GTA III) ends 10am Pacific time 6pm UK time today. Also, Delenn has posted details of more free and heavily discounted games over in the Game discussion forums HERE (e.g. the original Starcraft from Blizzard, Cake Shop 2, Fantasy General etc)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Please only post comments about today's game giveaway; other comments either inappropriate, or not about today's game will be deleted at the moderator or administrators discretion; however a little light banter among community members and with the moderator to keep this a friendly place to visit is acceptable and welcomed. All comments not specifically about today's game giveaway will be judged by the moderator and if deemed not appropriate, will be deleted with no explanation. Please see the end of this review for a link to more details about posting comments, other game deals and links to the teams contact form , moderation policy and the FAQ's thread, thank you.

Bato: Treasures of Tibet aka Bato

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In Brief

Bato is a marble popping game on the lines of pool where you have to shoot a colored marble and hit a marble or two of the same color to remove them from the arena. Similar to Zzed, Mythic Marbles (ads included from freeride games) and another game called Breakout Shooting which we were given back in May 2007.


Whether you like or dislike Bato: Treasures of Tibet, please give some feedback about your opinion of todays game giveaway, for example, what you liked or disliked about the game, and how it could be improved from your point of view. If you don't like this genre at all, please explain why. What improvements would change your opinion? There are thousands of subscribers to the game giveaway of the day every weekend which makes this an ideal forum for giving developers ideas as to what their consumers (i.e you) would like to see in a game. For example, you could suggest extra content such as better or more original mini games, or a level editor that you would like to see that would make it more appealing to you. Maybe you think the graphics are a little dated and are in need of re skinning, or maybe you've just had enough of the genre and want to see something different or something with more originality? Giving such feedback instead of saying nothing or just saying this game is rubbish or good may bring more developers to the site, which could mean more and better games. Would you give away thousands of copies of a game (or extra content for a game) away to a community that complains all the time instead of giving useful feedback? It only takes a few moments of your time. This site could be transformed if only the community would be more forthcoming in their opinions of the games they are getting for free instead of complaining about the way this site has changed or that they don't like Steam games. If something isn't for you then move on to the next giveaway, or check out the extra's section at the end of this review; you never know, you may find something that interests you..

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If you miss today's game giveaway you can always get the game via MyPlayCity 24/7 HERE. It's also available from most of the other free game sites.


Bato downloads to a 29.1 MB zip file that unzips to three files, (a setup.gcd security wrapper, the set up file and a read me). Those with multiple hard drives are able to save games on any drive they wish. The newly installed game is 30.5 MB in size. The game installs to the following path by default, but can be changed by the user if you prefer:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MyPlayCity.com\Bato

Four shortcuts are installed to the desktop. three of which can be safely deleted (Play Online Games, MyPlayCity Games and shortcuts to a free online game which vary each week). Also, if you don't like icons installed to the quick launch task bar, make sure you uncheck the box when the additional tasks window appears (after the Select Start Menu Folder window)


Bato is a sacred game that originally came from the Tibetan mountains. It is a form of meditation and communication with the spirits and space. With the help of Bato you start to understand the essence of the universe as the game opens the secret of enlightenment and ancient knowledge. Not everyone can reveal these secrets. In Tibet there are special Bato Academies in which young people study all aspects of meditation. One of these students who reached the highest level of development went on a journey via villages and through the desert to find the lost treasures which, according to a legend, is hidden in a cave high in the mountains. Bato is a puzzle which is solved on a flat table with round colored stones on it. You should move the rocks and knock them together. When they crash they turn into magical dust that is transferred to the arms of two gods. You must remove all the stones from the board to fill a arms. But be careful to avoid careless movements or you will empty the arms. if the latter happens you will lose. Impartial gods will be watching you. If you show respect to their demands you will be rewarded with useful bonuses and prizes. From your native village you will travel through the ruins, deep forests and mountain tops to the cave, on the way, collecting various trophies awaarded for your achievements. There are many of them on your way and they will be very useful. If you wish, you can disable the time mode and relax to the pleasant music thinking over each move. Discover the mysterious world of Tibet!

Edited reference accessed HERE. Edited and added to by Whiterabbit-uk April 22nd 2017

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Main Features:

⦁ complete challenging levels by knocking stones of the same colour together
⦁ play quickly, strategically, and accurately to clear the board
⦁ receive help from your great mentor and the famous multi-handed god figurine
⦁ earn points, blessings, and mana for upgrades that can help you during levels
⦁ You get more than 70 amazing levels for free!
⦁ Play a 8 game bonus locations in the Tibetan valley
⦁ Collect various kinds of stones and dodge obstacles
⦁ Please the 4 mighty gods with their own tasks and blessings
⦁ Win 6 valuable trophies for skilled players
⦁ ethnic music score included

If you have a problem installing or activating or getting Bato: Treasures of Tibet to work please visit the FAQ's thread HERE

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The Game:

Bato is an arcade style game with a Tibetan theme, originally created in Tibet. You click (using LMB) on a coloured marble like stone, aim it at another same coloured stone and pull back with your mouse and then release the left mouse button! It like an advanced game of marbles, or a weird game of pool without pockets. When you have two round stones hit each other, they both disappear. Your goal is to make all of the stones disappear in as few moves as possible. If you have more than two stones of the same color hit each other, you get bonus points and all of them disappear. You also get extra points for ricocheting off another stone or the walls and if you make speed shots, i.e. successive succesful shots at different pairs or groups of marbles before the first pair finish moving. As you progress in the game, levels get more complicated with bugs moving stones around, a magnet in the middle of the game board that pulls all of the stones in toward the center and rocks that don’t move on the board that you have to work around. The stones start in a different pattern on each level and there are always new challenges, new bonuses and new goals to deal with to keep the game fresh!

The game is lots of fun in small doses and ideal for those mid morning coffee breaks from house work (I don't advise playing it on your work computer). The simple point and click interface is ideal for this particular game and extremly easy to pick up and play straight out of the box. The bonuses offered; for example, the line of sight bonus adds an extra dimension to the game and useful for those not as confident in lining up their shots, especially angle and richochet shots. There are two modes a normal mode that is timed and an un-timed mode. The timed mode is determined by the amount of dust you collect in the dragons located to both left and right sides of the playing arena. When you score points by hitting the marbles, create ricochets of walls and other marbles the dust levels increase, but the level also decreases with every launch.

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The game includes tips, which can be stopped by unchecking the hide tips check box. The idol of creation, located in the bottom left of the game screen creates new stones for every move at the expense of the dust you have created in the dragon indicators. If you manage to complete a level before the stones in the idols dragon arm are at the end you will win a prize. You can also gain extra points when the dragon indicators have filled before the end of the game, any extra dust collected gives you extra points times 3. The idol of times dragon arm is were you lose your dust as you take time to ponder your shots. Dust is continually pouring from this indicator while you play. If you don't complete your game before the dust runs out, you lose the level. When a level is completed you are given the time it took to complete, the points earned and the quality of your game play, which is determined by the number of times you take to complete the board, whether you've made ricochet shots how many points you scored etc.

You pass the level if there is any dust left in the dragon (a kind of timer) regardless of how accurate your shots are. I ranged between 55% – 100% efficiency. The graphics are are okay. The game was created back in 2009, so the graphics look a little dated, but the game is still very playable. Menus are basic, but easily navigated. The marble like stone colors are bright and colorful, but there are some similar colors for example dark & light blue, bronze & yellow, etc. which could cause problems for those with failing or poor eye sight, especially as you get to the more complex boards. Those with various colour blindness issues may also have problems playing this game, but give it a try via one of the links to the free online versions of the game I've provided HERE, HERE or HERE (you have to wait at least 25 seconds for this game to load) to see if it's worth downloading.

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There is a story to follow throughout the game where you learn to play Bato through several levels, then, once your training is completed at the Bato university, you travel to various villages to earn a living playing the game. Then you head out to use your game skills to locate and win treasure high in the mountains.

If you play billiards, bowling, pinball or other games that require angling your shots and hitting what you are aiming at, you'll probably enjoy this game a lot. Also, this could be a fun game for younger kids to play as it is pretty forgiving and fun to learn colors, matching and angles.

Review by Whiterabbit-uk 22nd April 2017. Original game released 2009

Other Reviews, Videos and Walkthroughs of Bato: Treasures of Tibet:

You can see community reviews of Bato: Treasures of Tibet HERE and more information in the Big Fish forums HERE.

You can see some videos of Bato game play HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. You'll also find a slide show of around 40 images that include most of the information from the initial tutorial levels HERE.

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Bato is very easy to pick up and play and if your like me hard to put down once you start playing. Well worth a download if you don't own other games of this type for ecxample Breakout Shootingand Zzed. My own personal score for this game would be an 9 out of 10 becasue i love marble like games.

You can also get Bato game free from FreeGamePick and Gametop. As with games downloaded directly from MyPlayCity, make sure you uncheck the toolbar, home page changes and browser changes check-boxes during installation. You browser will still open to the appropriate free game site when you close a game down. this is so that the site earns cash to pay the developer for allowing them to give the game away for free. Stopping this browser from opening can compromise future free games.

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I'd like to take this opportunity to thank MyPlayCity for giving away Bato: Treasures of Tibet and also to the game giveaway team, as always, for securing other ways to get free games.

Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway:

The problems section that used to be posted here in the Game review is now included in the Game Discussion FAQ's thread; which you can find HERE.

I've updated the games section, now called 'Weekly round up of game deals', that used to be posted with the review HERE.

The rest of the information that used to be posted here can be found in the forums HERE. I haven't had the time to update certain sections over the last few weeks due to my extended stay away from home (trying to catch up with stuff I should have finished weeks ago including sending out those steam keys to community members that are still owed keys. some members have still not responded. Please check the thread HERE to see if you are a winner. Most of the information posted is still valid and the links that take you to certain deals that no longer exit will still take you to the places where new deals are now live. There are some free game offers over on GOG (thanks to Delenn for the heads up), one of which is a Grand Theft Auto like game called Saints Row II which you'll find HERE and HERE and which ends at 6pm UK time or 10am Pacific time today. This game is also available on Steam for free for a limited time HERE, tohugh I don't know when it ends, probably today as well. Also available free from GOG at the moment is Fantasy General, available via Indie Game Bundles HERE After clicking HERE, click another HERE on the Indie bundles page to go to the correct GOG page using the code FB200KGIVEAWAY (should be already loaded). Finally check out the Important Information section via the first link in this paragraph,especially if you have an account at DOT.emu, which is closing down in June

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Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Win10 64 bit Home. I was surprised this was advertised as Win10 but as with all games I will give it a try. I have had this game from years ago. It downloaded quickly and it open to a workable screen. I did have a problem with jittery mouse movements. Got out of the game and reloaded As Administrator and that seems to have fixed it. All in all a great game if you like pool with a twist. My old brain spent most of the time trying to work out which way the arrow should go. LOL

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you for your feedback Suzanne.

Reply   |   Comment by Suzanne  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

so many reasons from the Comments making me excited about this game - snooker, sacred, meditation...

...........................................Moderator comment...................................


Reply   |   Comment by wyrwolf  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

This game was not like I thought it was and was going to pass it up. Now glad I didn't. It is way different than the other marble games I have on my pc. I want to Thank everyone for this game. I wouldn't change any thing about it. Again Thanks !

...........................................Moderator comment...................................


Reply   |   Comment by Mary  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Good quality standard games are welcome, but something different is also welcome here. Nice choice MPC/GGOTD. Thanks!

...........................................Moderator comment...................................


Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hey Wabbit,

This looks like an awesome game..Will download later..Don't have time now. It's Spring here and a weekend. Need I say more.

But I wanted ppl to know I have posted some info on GOG Connect. You can get downloadable games if you have the STEAM keys.Right now they are offering Saint's Row Games. They do this every few months with different games.


...........................................Moderator comment...................................

I've had quite a few games added to my GOG account since using GOG connect. Just followed your advice and had three more games added, Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, Saints Row III and Sints Row IV: Game of the Century. Don't know exactly how many games have been added from my Steam account since it first started, looks to be over 30 so far. Thanks for reminding me. i tend to forget about visiting GOG especially since I've been trying to cut down on buying games over the last several months.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

want to know how come I cant seem to download any of your games. I tried to download this game but cant seem to find it anywhere on my computer to play it please explain what i am doing wrong I have been with GOTD for many years and never had any problems with any games until recently thank you

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hello Roz

Try installing the game in safe mode with networking, or make sure the giveaway files are white listed with your security, or the easiest way is to temporarily turn off your security until you've installed the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Roz  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Well this is a pleasant surprise. Todays game is something I don't think we have seen before. Todays game reminds me of a game I play when in the coffeeshop (you know, the Dutch kind of coffeeshop) called Carroms, a "billiards" type of game where two players need to sink each others discs into pockets. In this case instead of sinking the stones you are meant to removethem from the play field by pairing them up with stones of the same color.

There are 2 modes. "normal" and "No Time" . I just played the first few levels due to lack of time to play it more. I did however play about 10 levels because due to the screenshots I was thinking there would be a match3 type of game and/or a bubbleshooter. However I only encountered these "carrom" levels so far.

Challenging game that can be a head breaker if you want to play levels at 100% "quality" but can evolve in "mindless" stone shooting when nearing the end of a level. I can see this becoming highly addictive especially for those that llike billiard type games. This a match3 as the description says? heck no, in no way shape or form. This being a great game giveaway... heck ya.... 9/10

p.s for those interessted in what the hay I am talking about

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thanks for your feedback

We did get a game similar to this almost 10 years ago called Breakout Shooting. There's also a similar game called ZZed, which is freely available via MPC HERE and another one on steam that I've totally forgotten the name of

Reply   |   Comment by Mavadelo  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)
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