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Aqua Mahjong Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Aqua Mahjong

Aqua Mahjong is a new-approach Mahjong game for those who wish to spend their time in the most relaxing way. Once you are into the world of Aqua Mahjong you are never out. It fascinates your imagination, trains your attention and brings relaxation to your tense feelings. With Aqua Mahjong you can forget about the outer world and plunge into the river of time that brings you the tiles of the ancient game. Your task is to match them to the tiles you are provided with at the beginning of every level.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 67 33 comments

Aqua Mahjong was available as a giveaway on October 18, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

Aqua Mahjong is a new-approach Mahjong game for those who wish to spend their time in the most relaxing way. Once you are into the world of Aqua Mahjong you are never out.

It fascinates your imagination, trains your attention and brings relaxation to your tense feelings. With Aqua Mahjong you can forget about the outer world and plunge into the river of time that brings you the tiles of the ancient game. Your task is to match them to the tiles you are provided with at the beginning of every level.

Aqua Mahjong is a bright, but not flashy, picturesque, but not loud-colored masterpiece of a game. The green scenery behind the tiles lets your eyes relax. Aqua Mahjong is a game where you never lose. You are competing against yourself, that is, the time you will spend for every level. The tiles for matching appear one after another in a constant flow.

As you move through the levels, the number of tiles to match as well as the speed of the river, bringing you tiles, will increase. If you are not fast enough, your screen will first be filled with 5 tiles standing far away from each other, then, as the other tiles follow, the tiles will start moving closer till 16 of them fill up the screen. Then they will disappear and give way to a new flow. This change of tiles will cost you no points, which means you can play Aqua Mahjong at your own pace. That is why the game is so relaxing.

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista


Xing Interactive



File Size:

1.65 MB



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Comments on Aqua Mahjong

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Please, pretty please....

Can anyone get me the activation-code ??
I lost the download, during an nasty pc crash, after downloadindthis nice game.
I would be very happy to play it 100 % full.
Thanks in advance !


Reply   |   Comment by porchlite  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

trying to install the game but I get ( invalid floating point operation ) does anyone know what that means? how to fix it? I didn't get that message when I down loaded other games. Any help would be appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by Melody  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The idea is okay for a little while, but isn't repeatable. No challenge. Too hard to lose. Needs variety--at least the background and tiles need to change occasionally. Should be able to match tiles on the field with other tiles on the field too, like in regular Mahjongg.

Game is boring because you have to just sit there waiting for a playable tile to come up. Attention wanders. Therefore, you need something to do while waiting. Such as?? How about...do something with the tiles that have already been matched and discarded. Have letters or numbers on the backs, perhaps. Make words to prevent getting too many tiles in a second conveyer. Or use numbers to fit in a premade equation to end the round. Whatever.

Anyway, needs more work. No good as is. Sorry.

Reply   |   Comment by R. Cade Bored  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just one final point…. as if, lol.... I think the game was made this way on purpose....more to fill the end of the day, or one of those stressful moments with something to relax to. The author does say you cannot win the game, and I admit I didn't read the introduction to this one when I wrote my review this morning; rather jumping in head first, with a view to writing up my review ahead of time due to family commitments.

To affirm what the authors blurb implied I decided to leave the stream flowing without picking up a tile and indeed, when the river filled up with tiles, after a moment, they all disappeared and it started over, which would indicate that this is definitely not a competitive game. Also the power up that enables you to see tiles in the stream highlighted if they match a tile in the pile lasts for quite some time, (more than several levels) and the other power ups are all positive ones that make the game even easier.

I have to agree with L A Hazard about sometimes needing something “boring”; although I don’t like the word boring as it conjures up images of something negative. Here’s an interesting example of what boring could mean (pulled from an alternate English usage web site)

“I know that BrEng uses "boring" to mean the same thing as AmEng
"annoying," but what is the reverse translation? If an American
thinks something is boring, what word does the Brit use: tiresome,
tedious, dull, or something else? Does it depend on the context?”

Probably I would say; that’s why I prefer to label this game as laid back or mellow; much more of a compliment to someone who has tried to be different.

On visiting the developer’s site I noticed there had been another arkanoid released a few days ago called Real Ball 2; I have the first one, which I also think was given away here some time ago. Not the best 3D arkanoid, but playable none the less. This new release has some great brick physics, but falls short on game play. I played out over 20 levels in the 30 minute demo, with no real excitement except the pleasure of watching some of the towers of bricks being demolished and falling in heaps. (That alone would not persuade me to buy the game though). It would seem to me that this developer is more into creating a relaxing non competitive game as opposed to the usual time constrained arcade games that abound these days. Which is perhaps a good thing in today’s demanding environment of ever increasing expectations and forced competitiveness.

I personally will be keeping this game as it does fulfil what the developer intended. I have too many fast and furious games, including the usual “Shooters” of various kinds Alien Wars, Clash and Slash, Crimsonland, Star Defender 4 and the very recently given away ArchMage. Or fast “Arkanoids” such as Reaxxion and Ricochet Infinity that although wondrous in their variety and excitement; constantly throwing stuff at you in a bewildering and non stop way’ keeping you on the edge of your seat; as well as “Match Three or More”: games such as Sproink with it’s cute little Sproinkers that need to be saved (a brilliant match three game by the way) ….I could go on all night :), but I’m sure some would absolutely hate that :) ..... (I don’t know how to do the little devil one yet lol)…

Snowy, (from a comment made by you 2 days ago), I also sometimes lose the comments I’ve posted…that’s why I save the comment on a word doc till it has been accepted. Judging by your comments there’s nothing insulting about them unlike some who comment that I’ve seen over the year this project has been working; so it must be that you may need to repost the comment. I generally send the same message twice in succession now and if I get a message saying that this comment has already been sent, or words to that effect I know it’s been received and will be moderated.

I've just returned to the game after a very busy day (for me anyway) and found no problems since the initial freezing I had when checking the screen resolutions that were quoted in the options menu.

I usually have my screen resolution set to 1152 x 864, but all the games I play will automatically adjust the screen resolution for you while in game, to the settings that have been selected, so I don’t understand how you could force the game to play in a resolution of 1680 x 1052 like comment # 17 suggests. (I didn’t hear any music either, and had assumed that the kids had been messing with the audio settings again, lol. However on hearing ‘the sound effect’, I also didn’t hear any music, so maybe the developer could fix this also. I’m assuming he will have put some mellow track in to complement the overall aim of this game. :)

It's a pity lots of people have had problems downloading the game. Maybe there is something inherent in the game that is causing so many people to have problems. I would suggest the developer attempts to find these bugs as well as reduce the price by at least two thirds. :D

Have a peaceful and relaxing evening (what’s left of it anyway) playing this very mellow game folks :) I’m sure it will help you go to sleep, lol.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This isn't on a stinkaroo level with a certain company that I won't mention (but its initials are DoubleGames), but it still gives Mahjong a bad name if you've never played it. Thanks just the same GOTD and ArcadeBird!

P.S.- Happy Birthday to WhiteRabbit's daughter!!!

Reply   |   Comment by headman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Pretty good game but it does have glitches that need resolved like the game time kept going no tiles came out. Thank you for the window mode though and the great games Arcadebird and GGAOTD i do appreciate this site:)

Reply   |   Comment by bluhoteyes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice design, nice tile set, game works well, but... boring. This game rather looks like a proof of concept. There should be different game modes, time limited game, generic mahjongg, at least a hint, how the score is calculated, ...

Reply   |   Comment by Wombat  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I also tried and removed the game. It was different. However, I never found a way to stop the game and save the "score". All I could do was "abort" and then it started all over again. Also, I had tiles suddenly gray out and be unaccessible and tiles refuse to be discarded. They even got separated from the mouse so it was even more difficult do do anything. I gave up. I don't need buggy software. I have other MahJongg like games from Moraff's Maximum Mahjongg and MahJongg Master to Solitile and I don't need this one.

I'll check back tomorrow for a game of hopefully better quallity.

Reply   |   Comment by Diane  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

File will not completely download from either link. Have tried two times each. Had the same problem with software of the day (2nd Speech Center). Am pretty sure I am doing it right as I have downloaded many freebies fro here. So what is wrong with giveaways today?

Reply   |   Comment by Amos  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#10 Game Seeker: Thanks for the tip, there was also a really nice Mahjong game that came with Vista that I play a lot. That one of the problems with this game is there are too many free versions--you have to do something to make it stand out. Which I give them credit for trying, but it just falls short.

What I thought it would do is the tiles would drop in the bin quickly and you would have to grab them up before the bin filled up or before something popped in to wipe it out. IOW, a fast action game.

Reply   |   Comment by Geek Grrl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I think Mahjong itself is a boring game. Even with many additional features, mahjong will not become less boring.
If you like slow-motion games, better try some serious board games instead of this.
But thanks to GOTD anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by Demon  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Boring? Yes, but as a nurse I will say that "boring" can sometimes be a welcome relief at the end of a wild day. I like the game. Problem for me with it, however, is that on my system a few bugs showed up in which I was no longer able to access the tiles. Didn't matter if it was full screen or windowed. And even when the trashcan was empty it occasionally refused to allow me to discard a tile.

Boring I can handle, as long as I can at least play the game. (While I may indeed be able to locate why the bugs showed up, overall the game is not that desirable to me to invest the time to do so.)

Reply   |   Comment by L A Hazard  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game downloaded, activated and installed, but it is a very boring game. I would like to see more games like Turtix, which I lost when I had to do a system restore :(

Reply   |   Comment by sheart  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's a nice little game.
The graphics are good and gameplay is smooth.

thanks GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by vilulf  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks GOTD and thanks to WhiteRabbit. I always enjoy reading your detailed descriptions. Your positive remarks, among all the negative ones, inspired me to download the game and try it.

Reply   |   Comment by Diana  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

looks stupid and boring.
yesterdays game really rocks !,

Reply   |   Comment by karen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#9 - You are wrong in your review about the resolutions that this game can display - I took it to 1680 x 1050 32bit but the tiles were still fuzzy! You did not mention the lack of music either. Did your copy perhaps have music?

Has anybody played long enough to see if the background changes?

Still boring though!

Reply   |   Comment by Terry Pardy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am an mahjong fanatic and was looking forward to trying this one out...but like ppmsommers, I wasn't able to get the game to open either. Very frustrating!

Reply   |   Comment by Janise  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love playing Mahjong. Can't get this one to work though. Downloaded, installed and game wouldn't open. Uninstalled and downloaded 3 more times with the same results. Anyone have any ideas before the 24 hrs are up?

Reply   |   Comment by ppmsommers  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm afraid this game is quite boring. Thx anyway GGOTD. Keep 'em coming.

Reply   |   Comment by flek  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Gameseeker, yeah your probably right, but I do try and look at the game from as many angles as possible. There are possibly thousands of people checking this site with widely differing tastes. I am actually quite easy to please. :) which probably means I shouldn't be reviewing these games, lol

By the way, thanks for the link to the Freeware Mahjong game. I'm always up for more games, especially when they are free. :) I do also agree that the price is far too high, and would not consider buying it unless it was only a few dollars.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After playing it for longer I would actually agree with Tatonka Woman comment #3 with respect to its audience. I didn't find the challenge increased as much as I thought it would, but will still be keeping this for my children to try out, and for me when i'm in a lazy mood.

Maybe if I keep playing it the boards will get successively harder, but then I would not be able to post the results of my review as early as possible. (I have a reason to get it posted as early as possible today, see below) Do check it out though if you have children or not, as it is very laid back, so if you are just looking for something to keep your mind ticking over, this game would probably suffice.

Geek girl comment #7 has also brought up a salient point about being unable to drop a tile back into the stream if you picked it up by accident. Maybe the developer could patch the game at a future date to correct this. I would also suggest, as already mentioned above that you should include the ability to increase the speed of the tiles, so that for those quick minded giveaway visitors, it will be more of a challenge. :)

I do hope the board do get larger, thus creating a more challenging game, as this is the easiest tile set I've found to play with that doesn't cause my eye to feel they are crossing over. Some of the tile sets in other games I have are so hard to see that I end up with a head ache, which defeats the whole point of playing one of these solitaire Mahjongs.

Have a great day folks.

My daughter is having her birthday party at a roller disco later this afternoon. She’s dying to try out her new boots with lights that come on when you’re skating.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game installed just fine. The game play is indeed a little boring, but gets a tiny bit more interesting after a while when the game gets a little faster and you get all kinds of tiles that do strange things like pauze the game, change the playfield and explode certain tiles. if you really want to relax, the game is just fine.

Reply   |   Comment by freebird31  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit, appreciate the review but you're being far too generous with this one. Honestly, it's one of the worst Mahjong games I have seen and should be freeware everyday, not normally twenty dollars.

#7 Geek Girl: If you like Mahjongg there are much better ones that are freeware. The one posted here today doesn't even have 3D tile sets like many freeware ones: http://home.halden.net/vkp/vkp/freeware.html

Reply   |   Comment by Game Seeker  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game initially opened in a windowed mode with the usual selection of options available from the main menu. The options menu enables you to change the screen resolutions from 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768, all apart from the smallest resolution are 16 bit only, which for today’s monitors I think is a ‘little’ limited; however looking at my mid range 22 inch wide screen monitor, the lowest resolution, although a bit grainy, isn’t too bad and once in game the game tiles themselves are easily seen.

Follow the links below for a series of screenshots. I’ve only posted the slide show link, but you can drop out of it when you’re actually at the ftp:


While checking the screen resolutions for the first time the game froze for about 3 or 4 minutes. Trying the task manager (Cntl, Alt, Del) indicated that there was no programs running, which couldn’t be right as I had the game and my screen capture software running. Anyway; after this incident, I restarted the game and it played fine.

The computers OS is XP Pro SP2 and is a medium to fast machine with a 3GHz dual core and 4Gb of memory, and an SLI DX10 graphics interface, with most background programs turned off for game playing, so I don’t think it was my computer that caused this problem. I won’t be testing any games in Vista from now on though; well not until a service pack has been released as since I installed it just over a month ago I’ve had nothing but problems. (This is a real shame as I won’t be able to enjoy the DX10 graphics when CrYsis is released unless I can find what the problem is by installing Vista onto one of my other computers).

The Help menu shows you the power ups available (5 in all) that help you to complete a round of the game. Some of the power ups are ‘one use’ only, others are time limited, but do seem to carry on to later levels if you picked it up late in the game, so use these wisely :) The seasons, winds and a set of stars as well as a universal tile (which as the name implies acts as a joker, enabling you to use it on any tiles) are also shown.

Eugene Kryukav, the developer has kept the help menu’s simple as is possible bearing in mind the language differences that are obvious, so I do hope no one makes snide comments about his grammar and single spelling mistake. Everything is clearly explained that is needed to be explained (IMO).

On starting the game I was initially dubious as to its entertainment value; maybe being used to crisp graphics has spoiled me. The playing area is simple and uncluttered, with the background photo/image showing through in places. However once I’d got through a few of the first levels and the boards started to get harder, I really enjoyed it. I have around 15 Mahjong games (plus a ‘proper’ bamboo and pretend ivory set) however this will definitely be a keeper. It is different from the run of the mill Mahjong games, with the running river of tiles coming at you at a steady but reasonable pace. It would have been nice to have had a slider to decrease or increase the speed, acting as a difficulty slider, but apart from that and the resolution deficit I think this game is actually quite good. Maybe have a larger selection of background images. I only saw one through the several levels I played and I suspect it carries on throughout the game. It’s probably the simplest one I have, but it’s ‘addiction value’ is quite high. The tiles are very clear despite the poor resolutions so this game should be ideal for those with sight impairments. The power ups are adequate and it is fully mouse controlled.

I think this is worth 6.5 out of ten for its playability.

Thank you ArcadeBird, and the developer as well as the game giveaway team for another decent game. :)

By the way, there seems to be a problem with the site today (and earlier this morning), I get WordPress database errors and it takes ages for the pages to load. I’m on a 2Mb broadband connection.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't like it, because:

- It's a bit boring ;-)
- Changing graphics mode don't change anything
- No Musik
- Pure gameplay (#7 tells better then I can)

But still thanks to GGotD for bringing us all that games. I now go back to yesterdays giveaway, that one was realy great!

Reply   |   Comment by Tiggr  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I like Mahjong and I was excited that someone had a new take on it. But like #4, it lasted two minutes before I took it off again. There was not a challenge to it that I could see, so it was boring. Also once you clicked on something in the bin you couldn't let go of it without either matching the tile or dumping it in the recycle bin. Also for some reason, tiles in the bin became unclickable--they dimmed out. Not sure if that was part of the game or a bug.

Reply   |   Comment by Geek Grrl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good diversion. *Very* glad I could play it in a window, as games without that option are one of my pet peeves. Pretty graphics and interesting gameplay. I don't know that I'd pay twenty dollars for it, but I'd be willing to pay ten.

Reply   |   Comment by Gessika  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

this is ok if you haven't played mahjong before as you can learn the basic rules, otherwise I think most people wouldn't find it challenging enough

Reply   |   Comment by ros  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Lasted all of two minutes on my computer before deletion! Graphics of tiles are fuzzy at 1680 x 1050, no music although there is a volume slider and the gameplay is simplistic!

Reply   |   Comment by Terry Pardy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry, just didn't like this one. The download went well. Had some kind of a glitch when installing. I got some strange error notice. Tried playing the game anyway and it played fine. The background is quite nice and the game is easy to learn, but a little bit too relaxing for me. This is one that a young child could probably do, but I'm not sure it can hold an adults attention for very long.

Reply   |   Comment by TatonkaWoman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not to bad. It will be fun I think.

Reply   |   Comment by Jim D.  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great, i love it

Reply   |   Comment by Petra  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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