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Animals Of Africa Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Animals Of Africa

Animals Of Africa is a puzzle game about African animalsю
User rating: 14 11 comments

Animals Of Africa was available as a giveaway on June 10, 2022!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Ice Pingvi Game is an exciting game.

Animals Of Africa is a puzzle game about African animals in which you don't need to drag and drop elements, just swap them by clicking on them with the mouse.
The game has 12 levels, each puzzle consists of 45 elements. In this version, buttons have been added to the panel: sound, mute, hint, next level and exit to the main menu.
With the right decision, you will automatically go to the next level, but if the passage of the level caused you difficulty, then you can skip it.
The game has a choice of levels and you can start playing from any level. There is a help button on the panel, click on it if the game caused you a problem and you don’t know where to put the next element, when you click on the button, a full image will appear, which will automatically disappear after a certain period of time. The game added an asterisk that marks the first element of the picture. The difficulty of the game is medium.

System Requirements:





File Size:

218 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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I'll add some images later
Animals Of Africa:

In Brief:
Animals Of Africa is another swap the pieces puzzle from GameRea. Swap the pieces until you've revealed the image. Each puzzle is timed; you get six seconds to see the whole picture then all the pieces are jumbled up. Click on two of the elements to swap places until the image is completed. All pieces are already oriented correctly. There are 12 puzzles, each with a 5 x 9 grid, i.e. each puzzle containing 45 elements.

Please see the introduction directly below the count down clock for more details..
Animals Of Africa, like GameRea's previous puzzle giveaways such as the first Puzzlemix, Silence Puzzle 2022, Architecture Puzzle and Road Puzzle 2022, is slightly more challenging than the usual Jigsaw puzzles we get from Game Rea and other puzzle makers; however, the puzzles are still relatively easy to complete, taking roughly 5 to 8 minutes per puzzle, depending on the complexity of the images. This should give you around an hour to an hour and a half's game play to complete all 12 puzzles depending on how fast or adept you are at solving this type of puzzle. :).








Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)


Notes on Security

I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game using Virus Total and it found 3 hit/s (VBA32, Ikarus & NANO-Antivirus) from 57 antimalware engines. Two of these are amongst only several antimalware suites that often tag Falcoware Games compared to most better known and more reliable antimalware engines; so, it's very likely to be a false positive. I've only seen NANO-Antivirus once previously in the last puzzle we got yesterday

You can see the results of the installed games scan via the following link:

The downloaded executable for installing the game 'may' include some low level adware that only opens your browser once to Falcoware's home page after the game has installed and also places four shortcuts onto your desktop (these can be safely deleted once the game has installed with no effect on the game).

The installation DOES NOT inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to Falcoware's home page following the games installation, it earns Falcoware games some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away for free. Once you've installed the game, there are no more browser redirections. This is because Falcoware removed their installer almost two years ago (that installer would show an advert for a game while the game was loading (which always took about 20 seconds to ensure you'd seen the advert). It would also always open your browser each time you closed the game after playing it.)
If you're still not convinced of the games efficacy and want to be absolutely sure that the game is safe to install, please use a sandbox program first, to check that the game is safe to install before installing it to your C drive or other drives on your computer (assuming you have more than one drive).

Personally I've never had any issues with any of falcowares games, even when the Falcoware installer was included.

There are free sandbox programs such as Sanboxie, GeSWall, BitBox, Windows Sandbox, Bufferzone (a six month commercial license was given away via the applications side of the project back in December 2009 HERE), Shadowzone, as well as others. (You'll find them all on the same page from Techwhoop.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)


You'll find (fairly) regularly updated details of all the reasonable game deals and freebies that I can find HERE. The following are the most recent changes that I've updated in the thread over in the game forums.

The latest free Epic game is Man Eater, which you'll find HERE - You start as a small shark pup tasked with surviving the harsh world around you, while eating your way up the ecosystem. To do this you explore a large and varied open world encountering diverse enemies - both human and wildlife. This game will cease to be free Thursday 4pm UK/11am Eastern Thursday 16th June when we will be getting Supraland, a first-person Metroidvania Puzzle game. The main sources of inspiration are Zelda, Metroid and Portal.

There's a new Capcom Summer 22 bundle available from the Humble site that for a minimum of £15.20 you'll get MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD, Devil May Cry 5, Devil May Cry HD Collection, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, DmC: Devil May Cry, Ultra Street Fighter® IV, Street Fighter V, STRIDER™, Bionic Commando plus two 50% off coupons for Monster Hunter Rise and to upgrade Street Fighter V to the - Champion Edition

Also available from the Humble site is the latest choice bundle that went live on Tuesday 6th June and for under £9 you'll get an Origin key for Star Wars: Squadrons (an excellent space shooter, but not as good as X-4: Foundations), and Steam keys for Phoenix Point: Year One Edition, Call of the Sea, GameDec, Pumpkin Jack, Siege Survival: Gloria Victis, I am Fish, and Superhot: Mind Control Delete. If you subscribe to the Humble Choice bundle you can suspend it from moth to moth if you don't fancy any or most of the games on offer, however, they always add a wide range of choice, so that's unlikely to happen.

If you have Amazon Prime you'll also have access to free games every month via Amazon Gaming. The June freebies include the following full games:

Far Cry 4 (uPlay code)
Escape from Monkey Island
WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship
Across the Grooves

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)


Jason posted the following information yesterday:

Capcom Arcade Stadium and a couple of the games that you can play via the Arcade Stadium i.e. Capcom Arcade Stadium:STREET FIGHTER II - The World Warrior are free on Steam HERE . With your download you also get a second game 1943 -The Battle of Midway- and game logo wallpapers free!

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Whiterabbit-uk, Venetica is now on Giveaway. https://www.gog.com/en/game/venetica The giveaway said its valid until June 12th 2022, at 1 PM UTC. I just claimed it. It was in the email. Usually GOG has huge sales too and during their big sales they offer stuff on Giveaway.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

sailorbear510 aka Jason,

I don't think its free here in the UK. Tried adding it to my basket and it was still it's usual price. I checked my email as well; no sign of an email from GOG' I always get an email when there's a freebie going, so it must be a regional thing.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit-uk, I have no idea about the regional thing :) I do know that I saw it in my inbox so maybe they locked out certain territories. Looking forward to the next giveaway which is in an hour :) It's the weekend so I can sleep in.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

sailorbear510 aka Jason,

When I follow your link, it does say the freebies has x number of hours left to run, but when try to add it to my basket it always says £7.99.

No real loss as I have far too many games still to play from my Steam backlog, and I've not even touched this months Humble Choice bundle (will have to see if anyone on my friends list wants that Star wars game, though it's not a steam key, but Origin)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm feeling a little bit under the weather this morning due to sinus issues so I'll do my best to try and give an accurate opinion (As a precaution I took a C*vid test and it came back negative)

If there is one thing I can credit Gamerea for is that they have high quality images in their games. Some budget puzzle games I've played before in puzzle game collections often found in stores have a degree of pixelation and they don't look good.

I think that Gamerea should fix the game so the timer starts after the puzzle scrambles. Better yet do away with the timer. Also have multiple options for the complexity of the puzzles. It would make it adaptable to all ages.

The game does make it easy even though this is a slider type puzzle you could easily click on one tile from the left hand side to the screen and click on a tile from the right hand side of the screen to swap them out. Something that I previously overlooked when playing these games and now feel pretty silly about it. I was just sliding tiles around left to right, up to down based on my childhood of playing these kind of wooden puzzles

One thing, if anyone remembers the game Touch Master from the local bars and pubs you had a touch screen interface to play the games on the screen. If one has a touch screen on their laptop it could make it for an even more enjoyable game.

In conclusion as I said Game Rea has high quality images but has a lack of options to customize the game so if you're tired of the repetitive nature of the format you may be able to find other games online that suits your puzzle solving needs.

Don't forget Capcom is still offering a free download to keep of Street Fighter 2 The World Warrior through Capcom Arcade Stadium on Switch, PS4 , XBOX One and Steam. The base game is free and you'll get one free game along with your Street Fighter download, 1943 a fantastic old school top view shoot em up.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

sailorbear510 aka Jason,

Just posted a reminder to the community about your post yesterday. :) I love 1943 - The Battle of Midway, takes me back to some of the arcade cabinets from the 1980's

Thank you for your positive comment about todays giveaway.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

FOOfooMOOmoo, You are welcome. Back in 2021 I got a good deal on a 6TB Western Digital Hard Drive and I told myself I was going to start playing these games even though some I may like and some I might not, I will have them on my external drive without worrying about space.

A majority of these games can be installed on those drives and run independently off them rather than your C drive so its a worthy option for investment if you play a lot of games.

I'm currently experiencing my back catalog of GOG.com games that I've not played in a long time since my laptop only has 64 GB storage but the games can be installed on an external drive. Save them to the same drive and install them to the same drive.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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