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Animal World Puzzles was available as a giveaway on January 25, 2022!
A science fiction-themed puzzle. Each level consists of 12 elements that will need to be rotated so that they match all the elements. The game has 10 levels. With each level, the pictures become a little more complicated. If you are in a difficult situation, then click on the E button, and the game will tell you where to place the desired item. In the game, you can scroll through the levels without passing them, if they caused difficulties in passing, just press the left arrow. The game will delight you with nice graphics and calm music.
142 MB
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Looks like someone from the community doesn't like my reviews or other comment about other free software; saying neither comment was usefull by giving me a minus 1 I'd love to know why they thought the comments not useful? Thankfully the majority of the community still find them so.
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Whiterabbit-uk, A thumbs down cannot be considered without a comment. You have great reviews.
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Whiterabbit-uk, oh they are trollers. Don't mind, your detailed analysis is helpful to many.
Also there seems to be too many jigsaw puzzle free games. So even I have started ignoring such type of games. Better you too, as the first instinct after looking jigsaw game type is to ignore. Will save your time too, as we don't want your time wasted too.
But never stop your detailed analysis. Its really helpful.
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Whiterabbit-uk, RE: negative ratings...
IMHO someone(s) not liking the phrase: "Stay safe everyone" could be upset, thinking you have a well-meaning concern for others in a world that's still suffering through a pandemic that they choose not to believe in, &/or feel is the result of some conspiracy. And there are [sadly] millions of them.
Otherwise you might Google "psychology of online negativity" [with or without quotes] - a perhaps somewhat popular search resulting in 439 million hits, reflecting how so many find, or have found that behavior puzzling. As that sort of behavior has been spilling out into the real world, sometimes with terrible consequences, e.g. COVID deaths caused by belief in anti-vaxxer propaganda, the world is struggling to figure out how to deal with it.
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hatsontab, The trollers are still at work, I got 3 'No' votes in a few hours and I was only pointing out about an animal jigsaw puzzle being classed as sci-fi! They are obviously aliens themselves and object to there being alien animals.
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It's the first time I've noticed negative votes in over a year. There have been several trolls over the 15 years I've been doing this; some having been quite vicious and attacking other community members when they have come to my defense.
I still find it hard to understand such behaviour, but I suppose being anonymous, makes them feel safe it their little worlds. I just find it sad.
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Okay - an animal puzzle that's classed as sci-fi?
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Susan Ganiebny, sure! Don't you know that all Earth's animals have been brought here by aliens eons ago? ;-) LOL I too thought that was an odd classification. *Looks at her cat convinced he's not truly of this world!*
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Yes Susan : in a post-apocalyptic world...
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Susan Ganiebny,
lol. It was funny.
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