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Amanda's Sticker Book Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Amanda's Sticker Book

An exciting match-3 puzzle game that's fun for both kids and adults!
User rating: 56 30 comments

Amanda's Sticker Book was available as a giveaway on February 20, 2016!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

An exciting match-3 puzzle game that's fun for both kids and adults! Put your matching skills to the test as you swap stickers and use power-ups to clear each puzzle. The annual sticker book competition is just around the corner, and Amanda's masterpiece is almost complete. The $5,000 grand prize is just enough to pay for a dream vacation to Hawaii, all she has to do is win! Help Amanda straighten out her masterpiece so she has a shot at the grand prize! Match as fast as you can. Amanda can't do this without you!

Key features:

  • 79 levels to complete!
  • 20+ upgrades!
  • Five rooms to explore!
  • Three useful tools to learn and use!
  • More than a dozen elements to gather!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; Processor: 800MHz; RAM: 256MB; DirectX 8.1; Video Card: 32MB


e-FunSoft Games



File Size:

40 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

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Amanda's Sticker book

In Brief

A quirky match three game ideal for all levels of skill. The game gets very challenging as you progress through to new rooms. Watch out for the boss levels

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Amanda's Sticker Book is an exciting match-3 puzzle game that's fun for both kids and adults! Put your matching skills to the test as you swap stickers and use power-ups to clear each puzzle. Amanda is counting on your match-3 talents to make her dreams come true!

The annual sticker book competition is just around the corner, but Amanda's masterpiece has been ruined by her haphazard little brother. There isn't much time to fix it and Amanda will need all the help she can get. To restore the sticker book, you'll complete 79 puzzle levels spread across five different rooms, each one filled with stickers to swap and match. Special power-ups let you clear out those tough to reach stickers, and with each stage you complete, Amanda's sticker book will be one step closer to perfection. Match as fast as you can. Amanda can't do this without you!

20+ upgrades!

Five rooms to explore!

More than a dozen elements to gather!

Reference accessed HERE 20th Feb 2016


If you wish to see the installation and problems section, which I've now incorporated into the FAQ's thread you can find it HERE and the recent games deals (now called The Weekly roundup of game deals) is HERE

A quirky match three game with cartoon like graphic, that is ideal for the match three beginner and enthusiast alike, though it also has a few surprises that may appeal to the seasoned match three player. The usual options are available, i.e. toggle full screen to windowed (defaults to full screen), sound effects and music sliders and a toggle to turn off a tutorial, power ups, locking elements and elements to collect.

I thought there was nothing new with this game initially (partly due to being called away early into my game play and draft review); it was only later, after I'd played it further that I realized there were some elements I'd not seen in a match three game before such as the rotating element surrounded by a bubble that enables you to select which element you want and the end of stage boss level where a creature guards the room; you have to beat the creature before it absorbs all of the time available to complete the level, so that you can then progress to the next room/stage. The game should definitely appeal to the younger player, with it's cartoon like graphics, it's simple (though not so simple at times) game play and happy feel to it, but for those who consider themselves experts at this genre, don't let the simplistic look fool you; there's some hidden depths to this game that I didn't see at first. I've had to re write (and rethink) some parts of this review once I'd played it for a couple of hours.



To help get through the more difficult levels you've got three different power ups, the hammer for removing a single tile, a bomb for removing a small group of tiles (4) and the collector which enables you to clear/collect all of the same element; it also removes brown tiles under those elments and unlocks ropes. This is a very useful power up for collecting elements that you need to collect to complete a level. For example, in level 1-5 you can use the collector (for the first time) to clear all of the watch elements on the board; of which there will be 45 to collect. Using the collector immediately clears 26 of the tiles, making it easier to gain three stars. Each level is awarded one, two or three stars depending on how quick you complete the level, this does add a little stress to the game if you are a player who likes to attain the top grade in each level, but those of you who are not as bothered, the game can be very pleasing in what it throws at you. Because I was constantly looking for screen captures and stopping to write notes for the review i usually take much longer to complete a level so rarely got three stars, but i never ran out of time and never felt like i was going to run out of time. you can see how much time you have via the indicator to the right of the game board.

Each level has specific requirements to complete; you have to collect the elements shown at the top of the board, sometimes only two types of element, but sometimes more. At least one of those requirements will be to clear away all the brown tiles that are located beneath elements, which appear to comprise of several different elements depending on which level you are on. Later on there will be more layers added, making it harder to complete that requirement, but that's only to be expected in this genre. The further into the game you progress, the harder the levels become to complete. Some of the elements you'll see early on in the game include animals such as the panda, sweets, ice cream, watches, diamonds and spiders. more elements are added as you move through the rooms. Creating matches fills the mana meter/power meter, which in turn unlocks one of the three power ups. When you create a match of four you fill the energy meter slightly faster than with match three's, and if you create a match 5 or more you get a double energy bonus filling the mana meter even faster. When the meter is full it unlocks a power up. From level 4 onward you can collect elements such as diamonds (looks more like a heart shaped ruby), that you have to move to the bottom of the board to collect. If there is a locked element below the diamond heart you will need to clear that locked element first before the diamond will move down. Also introduced around level four are locking elements. You will see ropes across some of the elements, these can be removed by creating a match with the locked element. Locked elements can be removed using any of the power ups. Double locks are introduced from level 7 onward; these can be removed in one go by using a power up.

Five kinds of elements are needed to buy upgrades, these are non candies, animals, diamonds, brown or green tiles and spiders. Animal elements are not as common as the other elements and may require a different strategy to collect. To purchase certain upgrades you do need to collect spiders, which appear from level 7 onward. These are collected (or defeated) in the same was as the diamonds are by creating matches beneath them except they move around freely on the board. Once you've created a match under them they will fall off the board. Spiders also leave spiders webs that lock elements in place like the rope and are also cleared in the same way as a rope by creating a match with them. If you clear a web before the spider has been removed the spider runs off and you won't get the spider added to the spider counter. When a star appears above the elements counter list to the top left of the board it indicates that you can afford a sticker book upgrade. There are five rooms to explore in Amanda's Sticker Book. To progress to a new room you have to complete all tasks in that room, for example in the first room you have to remove pizza and ketchup from the sticker book, clean away the glue, erase the scribbling/drawings and wipe off the foot prints. To attain each one of these you have to collect specific numbers of elements that are recorded in the elements counter. At the top of the sticker book illustration is a progress bar that rates your progress and indicates the condition of your sticker book.

Other points to note: You can create matches while the previous matches are still under way, you don't need to fill the mana meter to gain the hammer power up (it usually appears when you've filled about a third of the indicator), and the bomb power up looks like it's ready to use, but you can;t until you see a glow around it. Sometimes it seems that there are not enough elements to complete the requirement, for example the brown squares, however, new ones appear when you've cleared them to ensure you can complete the level. If you decide to leave a level before it is completed, when you return you will have to start that level from the beginning. Finally, it's not easy to attain three stars in most levels unless you are very focus and like a challenge.

...........Video footage may contain SPOILERS.......

You’ll find videos of Amanda's Sticker Book game play HERE & HERE

You can also see a slideshow of 36 images, including the tutorial screens HERE


As mentioned above, don't let the cartoon like graphic lul you into thinking this is a basic and easy match three like it did with me initially. When i got down to playing the game properly later in the day I realized some of the conclusions I'd made in my first draft of my review were totally wrong. I've amended those now and hopefully have covered all of the bases. I've actually only played the first two rooms, so more surprises may appear later in the game. If you do find those, please do let the community know.

I highly recommend this game to all levels of expertise from the rank beginner to the expert match three player. There's something for everyone in this game. Although the graphic lends itself to the younger player, i do think they will struggle to complete later levels unless supported by their parents. Overall a very satisfying game. This one is definitely a keeper for me. I'll probably buy it eventually. hoping to see it on Steam soon.


Game play: 8

Graphics: 7.5

Audio: 7

Re-playability: 8

Originality: 7.5

Fun Factor: 8

Overall Score = 46 out of 60 = 7.67 out of 10

Extra information

You can find the problems section that used to be posted here in the Game FAQ's thread now, which you can find HERE
. I've updated the games section that used to be posted with the review. The thread is now called 'Weekly round up of game deals, formerly the games section of the weekly reviews. Yoiu can find the new thread (which I've posted in the sticky section of the game discussion forums to make it easier to find if you are perusing the game discussion forums) HERE.

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You can see comments about Amanda's Sticker book from the Big Fish community HERE. There is a forun section over at Big Fish as well, but there are no comments to see yet. If you wish to post comments about the game you can find the forum HERE. If you have any technical issues running amanda's Sticker book, apart from the FAQ's thread over in the game giveaway forums, which you can find HERE. You can also find other issues specific to this game HERE

If you miss todays game you can get it 24/7 from MyPlayCity.


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Just decided to install the game, and when I started it, the screen went all wavy, and I couldn't do anything. I've had this problem with eFunSoft games before. Maybe they just don't like my old XP3 system. Although most older games run just fine... Ah, well, I'm still stuck on a level in The Spell (can't find any level numbers or other identifiers to post which one), so it's not like I'm out of games to play. Thanks anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another game that I have downloaded and it won't install. This is the 5th consecutive game over the last 3 weeks that have not installed. I download the game file, extract it, and click the setup.exe; the key wrapper window appears to check validity, it is open for up to 1 minute, then it closes and the install window NEVER appears. I have tried several times with each download the past 3 weeks and not been able to install on my Win7 Pro laptop.

Reply   |   Comment by JacksonAndersen  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded it a 2nd time, but with the same results. There is still no "Activate" folder. When I do a system search, the game still doesn't show up at all. This is the first time I have had this kind of problem with a game here.

Reply   |   Comment by M. Aronson  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


It downloaded quickly on 8.1 and loaded fast. Play is quick and smooth. I had absolutely no problems. As for the game itself I was skeptical about it looking like a child's game and felt as I progressed it is more suited to teens or older children. The sticker theme really doesn't interest me. But tried. Instead of being told the catsup is gone etc. I might make it more interactive having another screen open for children where they could wipe it away, which would just be time consuming to adults though. Perhaps later on it has more interest, but does not for me the few levels I played. Whereas it does not really appear as stickers to me. The children going to a sticker book and placing stickers they won, might interest children. Has possibilities, but I would definitely build on it to hold interest!
Thank you and have a great weekend!

.........................................Moderator Commment..............................................

Thanks for your feedback Lee :)

Reply   |   Comment by Lee C.  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I did succeeded to load the game a little bit in Win8.1:
I installed the game in a subfolder of the root
It stops at the black arrow.

Reply   |   Comment by Ootje  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Cute little game, more geared to children, but still fun little time waster.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

I though the same initially, but the game gets quite complex as you progress. The graphic does ooze child like, but this game is also for those who consider themselves expert match three players. Don't let the graphic fool or put you off this game.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I'll do my shopping at GAMETOP today. Thanks anyway!

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Don't let the graphic fool or put you off this game, it's actually quite decent and will challenge and match three aficionado.

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Game only opens a white window and freezes on Win10 - tried some compatibility modes but to no avail.

But no worry, I will the try the next one I like.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Hi Anu, it does work in Win 10. Maybe something in the background is conflicting with the game. check the FAQ's thread, and maybe check these comments later, before the giveaway is over.

Reply   |   Comment by Anu  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I always am anxious to check to see what GOTD has but for the last 3 weeks the games have been somewhat undesirable IMO. So I'll be skipping this weeks again.
But thanks GOTD.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

What sort of arcade game do you like terri? today's game make look child like but is actually quite a challenging match three game with some quirky game play. Great for the whole family.

Reply   |   Comment by terri  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There's no way to exit from the "map" or stickerbook screen. You have to start a round to exit.

Reply   |   Comment by Michael Summerset  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Michael Summerset
It would also be nice to be able to go back and replay levels after you've moved on.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

I agree. Maybe they will update it. It's actually one of the better match three's even though the game exudes easy, child friendly :)

Reply   |   Comment by Michael Summerset  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Got to expect troubles as, once again, they want us to run Cell-phone games on our COMPUTERS. My screen popped out to something like 480p resolution, then went all "fuzzy" and wouldn't run. Can't expect much when they are forcing us to try to play games meant for a 5" screen on our 34" monitors. It was fun while it lasted, GGOTD, but I suspect that you are steering more and more toward the "Android" games, and away from aanything for PCs. Looks like the Hipsters win! Thanks White Rabbitt for your guidance and assistance over the years, but I can feel your frustration with GGOTD is as strong as ours. Let us know if YOU ever set up a free game site ... THAT would probably remember where our roots are, and some of us will be die-hard PC and MAC useers forever!

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Hi Rixxter, I had no problems playing this game with my monitor (a BenQ 24'' monitor) on 1920 x 1080. It didn't appear fuzzy, instead the graphic was crisp and clear.

Reply   |   Comment by Rixxter  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

From what I googled there is no relaxed play mode, for those asking. There are video problems for some people and no one on other sites say it will work at all on Window 10 machines. You could try right clicking the icon, Properties, Compatibility and switching to one of the XP versions. Since Stephen's not had time this morning I looked online to see if there are any videos or better explanations of the game than the description. This game is okay if you just want to waste time but it's very simple match three candies, you are given stickers at the end as a reward and you use those to clear the ketchup and pizza off of your sticker book. You can earn things later like glue to fix things in the book that were broken by your little brother so you can win the contest and go to Hawaii. It's cute for your kids but adults will be easily bored. I'm sure most of the thumbs down comments are about the layout or that they will not be downloading the game rather than the game itself so don't take all of those to heart. :)

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Thank you for the feedback Keisha, sorry my review has come so late. (posted the final draft just before 1am in the morning 17 hours after it went live. Although the game looks like it's been made for children, the game has some quite complex mechanics, which would be more appreciated by match three aficionado's (IMO)

Reply   |   Comment by Keisha  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Game System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
CPU: 800 Mhz
RAM: 256 MB
DirectX: 8.1
Hard Drive: 42 MB

Reply   |   Comment by 79nibo1978  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Rogue program , claims to be a free program , would not register , it is just a trial program , timewaster . Tricky,

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

There has never been a demo given away here. since Dec 2006 the giveaway team have given us well over a thousand full version games. If today's game was only a demo, you would see a lot of comments complaining about it. Apart from yours there isn't any. Maybe your computer clock is set wrong. If it's set earlier than today's date (which is possible if the motherboard battery is almost dead), though I don't know whether the date would affect the version. Try installing it again. If it happens again, maybe it's your security software that's causing the issue. try turning off your security temporarily. Just to assure you, there has never been a game infected with malware given away here.

Reply   |   Comment by leftey  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

I have Windows 8.1 and this Game runs very slow.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Try turning off some of your background programs. you can do this by opening up Task Manager and then right clicking on the processes you don't need running and select 'end task' from the drop down menu. You can also turn off some background programs from the task bar next to the clock. Click on the little arrow to see what there is running in the background and do the same thing as with the task manager i.e. right click etc. There is another way to help boost RAM. Download Game Booster from razer. It's free and will free up to around 33% of your RAM. You could also try changing the screen resolution if the previous suggestions don't work.

Reply   |   Comment by 79nibo1978  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have some time ago played "The Enchanted Islands". This game runs very slowly. Other users have the same problems with "The Enchanted Islands".

Reply   |   Comment by 79nibo1978  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

At the negative voter: This game is from e-FunSoft Games, too

Reply   |   Comment by 79nibo1978  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Have you considered downloading a program called Jetboost? It can shut down a ton of unnecessary programs and boost your computer's performance.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Thanks for the info, though it's not necessarily required as you can do the same using Ctrl - Alt - Delete to shut down programs. Adding Jetboost would actually add to the RAM usage. That said, I've never used the program, so don't know if it's a good alternative

Reply   |   Comment by Jim  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Installed and registered on Win10 x86 system, but only gives blank white screen when run either from icon or directly running the exe file.
(also scrambles the icons on my desktop when rebooted. Help

Reply   |   Comment by 4BunnyRabbits  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


Here are the right Game System Requirements from the bigfishgamespage:

OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
CPU: 800 Mhz
RAM: 256 MB
DirectX: 8.1
Hard Drive: 42 MB

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Thanks for posting. I neglected to post the requirements.

Reply   |   Comment by 79nibo1978  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

DX 8...

I wonder if those having problems in 10 have installed DX 9? While the newer version of DX that comes with 10 is supposed to work with games requiring DX 9, it's common to have to also install DX 9 to get many of those games working. While DX 9 is not 8.1, it's closer to it & more compatible.

That said, the display tech in 10 has advanced a Lot since DX 8, & not all graphics drivers include DX 8 support, so at least on some systems, adding DX 9 may not do it.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Good point! Although I have Win 10 installed, I have also installed many games that come packaged with older versions of DX 9.0a. If I look at my hard drives there are at least 30 DX9 installations (seems a lot, but I do have thousands of games installed on the six HDD's I have on my main computer.. The game works fine on the two computers I have Win 10 installed to.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Maybe try "Run as Administrator" or running in XP SP3 Compatibility Mode?
Excerpt from:
Windows includes compatibility settings that can make old applications functional. To access these, right-click an application’s shortcut or .exe file and select Properties. In Windows 10’s Start menu, right-click a shortcut, select “Open file location”, and then right-click the shortcut and select “Properties”. Click over the Compatibility tab. You can click the “Use the compatibility troubleshooter” button for a wizard interface or just adjust the options yourself.

For example, if an application doesn’t run properly on Windows 10 but did run properly on Windows XP. click the “Run this program in compatibility mode” for checkbox and select “Windows XP (Service Pack 3)”.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Thanks for the feedback Avid Game :)r

Reply   |   Comment by Avid Gamer  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I did try the game in a WinXP VM and it did not work.
Also I did install it in a Win10-64 with a good graphic card.
And again it did not start at all: just white/grey screen.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Works for me and others. Check the FAQ's section for possible fixes. Try in compatibility mode..

Reply   |   Comment by Ootje  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

This game is NOT compatible with Windows 10.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

It works with my win 10 computers. check the FAQ's thread for fixes.

Reply   |   Comment by lisah  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

lisah worked fine for me Win 10 Pro.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got an email showing the game requirements which only showed it working up to Win 8.1 but at the top of this page it shows Win 10 as being ok. Seems someone made a typo

Reply   |   Comment by 4BunnyRabbits  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I'm not seeing any references to a Relaxed Mode. Does anyone know if there is one?

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Hi Delilah, sorry for the very late reply, been extremely busy sorting some family issues out.

No there isn't one, but the timer is quite a long one and even if the timer runs out you can still finish the level and continue. Whether you lose some of the bonus's if you run out of time IDK. It would have been nice to see a relaxed mode, even though from the time I've played the game, I've not felt I was running out of time, even with the boss levels, where the boss eats away at the time you have to complete.

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

It doesn't seem to have one. The meter on the side is for bonuses but you can still continue to play after it runs out.

..........................................Moderator comment..................................................

Thank you for your feedback Michael

Reply   |   Comment by Michael Summerset  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)
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