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Crusaders Of Space: Open Range  Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Crusaders Of Space: Open Range

Just when you thought the alien invasion was successfully fought off once and for all, new waves of alien scum come in numbers far greater then 5 years ago. The government is alarmed. An abstract from an official intelligence report: Our satellites have located as many as fifty alien interceptors rapidly approaching planet Earth. Detailed analysis of the digital image data revealed a larger object as well. Without a doubt, it's the Big Brain, thought to be killed 5 years ago. Looks like we should start a search for a new hero right now!
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 147 44 comments

Crusaders Of Space: Open Range was available as a giveaway on November 30, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

Just when you thought the alien invasion was successfully fought off once and for all, new waves of alien scum come in numbers far greater then 5 years ago. The government is alarmed.

An abstract from an official intelligence report: Our satellites have located as many as fifty alien interceptors rapidly approaching planet Earth. Detailed analysis of the digital image data revealed a larger object as well. Without a doubt, it's the Big Brain, thought to be killed 5 years ago. Looks like we should start a search for a new hero right now!

Who is going to win this time? Will the humanity be able to form a force capable of stopping the attackers? Or will all humans be enslaved by an alien civilization that came from a far away galaxy?

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP, 64 MB RAM, DirectX 6.1+


Xing Interactive



File Size:

14.5 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Crusaders Of Space: Open Range

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Quote Whiterabbit

"now takes you to the Direct X 10 download page, which unless you’ve bough one of the {still few} cards that support this amazing step forwards"

DirectX 10 is NOT an amazing step forward. Basically it's smoke and mirrors and a lame excuse to pawn off Vista on the unsuspecting public. To prove my point do a little Googling concerning the game "Crysis" and you'll find DirectX 10 is all hype!

Within days of the Crysis demo release clever people found that you were able to do nothing more than go into a config file and copy the Vista settings (DirectX 10) and paste them over the XP settings (Direct X 9) save the config file and guess what? Lo and behold the graphics are IDENTICAL in every possible way.

There was very little difference in the graphics to begin with; maybe the blacks were a little darker in DirectX 10 but that was about it and you'll find screen shots to support this if you care to look. Once the config file is modified there is NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL and again you'll find screen shots to support that as well and I'm not talking about fly by night websites. I'm talking about major gaming sites like gamespot.com and a host of others.

By the way I have an Asus EN8800 GTX and running XP with DirectX 9.0 with the aforementioned config file tweak there is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in the video quality as compared to Vista running DirectX 10 and you can take that to the bank.

DirectX 10 is nothing more than hype, smoke and mirrors and something to get the Kool Aid drinkers to shell out big bucks on Vista. I'm sorry but that's the truth and like I said above if you don't believe me do some Googling and you'll see the light! DirectX 10 is bunk and it cannot do anything that DirectX 9 doesn't!


John Palomina

Reply   |   Comment by John  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

$19.95 for this, it's like the old space invaders game of years back, I wouldn't pay 5 bucks for. I guess maybe Ok for young kids that don't know better... I'll leave it at that.

Reply   |   Comment by jaretep  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Treasures of Montezuma is one of the best games we have been given so far. I have already beat the Normal mode and now am about half way through the hard mode. Don't give up!

As for today's game, I didn't download it because I already have the first version and I figured one is enough. It was fun but not one I revisit often.

Thanks, Alawar and GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by single rose  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is after Defense Wall only worked as a trial despite activation saying it was successful. Back to this game issue, the forums still won't let me in despite resetting password and pasting the password that was sent. Maybe this is why some post issues here - they're unable to access the forums.

Reply   |   Comment by William  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

hmmm...Although dissing free stuff goes against my nature, I have to say I haven't enjoyed this game much. Played for a couple of hours and found it to be kind of plodding and redundant. I think the adorable voice over's were probably what kept me playing as long as I did. I sure wouldn't pay $19.95 for this game, and I think even children have come to expect a higher level of sophistication. That being said, I'm glad there are lots of folks out there who ARE enjoying it, 'cause that's what this site is all about- different strokes for different folks! ASTRO FURY, offered earlier, was a much better game of this type, imo. Note re. Treasures of Montezuma- I've been playing the heck out of this game, and I too am stuck on level 5-7. Found that sweet spot, just like the others, where things seemed to get easier for a time. Will soldier on, and continue to change the bonus combinations as I think that may be where the secret may lie. Good luck fellow addicts!

Reply   |   Comment by leelee  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To 30 and 31...I'm at 5-7, stuck again, lol! You do get better at the game the more you play it and as the levels increase, as you get more bonuses. It's truly an addictive game...sometimes it's just a random excellent bonus round...I got through 5-5 and 5-6 on same night one right after the other.....that was a week ago...still on 5-7, lol. Enjoy!

Reply   |   Comment by Sandy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Quick Review:

After beating the game in less then 2 hours (In Normal mode) I found that this was a pretty fun game. However, I felt that every time I finished one mission the next mission looked exactly the same as the past mission.

There are 2 episodes (Episode meaning "World") in the game. In each episode there’s 5 missions and in each mission there's 10 levels. There's also a good amount of power ups. There are bigger guns, missiles, shields, and money.



Gameplay: 8/10 - It’s a nice overall looking game. With the ability of using your mouse, keyboard, or a video game controller to play the game.

Graphics: 7/10 - OK graphics.

Music: 5/10 - The music was kinda boring.

Loading Time: 10/10 - Took about 5 seconds to load.

Installation: 10/10 - Installing the game was quick and easy.

Overall: 8/10


Final Comment:

If you’re any good at "Space Invader" types of games then this one might be to easy for you. But, I would recommend you downloading it just to give it a try.


User Talk:

bluhoteyes - Yes, I've finished the game along time ago. I still think it's one of Alawar best games :)

Moomphas - Same here after getting passed the half waypoint each level become a lot easier.

Reply   |   Comment by Brian aka Crash  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well! I've been playing Treasures virtually every day since we were given it and I've been stuck on level 2_4 (on both computers) for most of that time, I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong :(

Mabe I'm concentrating on trying to get the time bonus to often? I rarely get the gems near to completion before I run out of time. I've mixed and matched the power ups, (apart from the time bonus totem), with no real results.

Still the game has an appeal like Luxor 3 and my older favorite Atklantis Sky Patrol. All three will be staying on my computer for a long time.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Best game except rip 3,age of empires

Reply   |   Comment by TPM  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"Have You got the same feeling that the more You play Treasures of Montezuma the easier the game is?"
Have you got the feeling that you improve in anything that you do? But yes, the totems are really powerful, especially the orange one that gives extra time

Reply   |   Comment by bovi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a good game. Not excellent, but very good. The game installed and registered just fine. The game is of an older arcade style game, but still worth the download. Graphics are good, not great, but good. Played flawlessly on my XP machine. Works on my Vista machine too, but had to run in XP compatibility mode.

I am still having fun playing Trabi Racer. The giveaway a coupla weeks ago. My favorite game this year!!

Reply   |   Comment by chuck small  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is junk, just like all of the COS titles.

Oh no, please don't come down on me with your hammer of critique, geek-gurl!!!!!!! I quiver in fear!!!!

*eyes rolling*

Reply   |   Comment by Unrealschanges  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Now how are some people having problems running this in Vista i'm running Vista Home Premium 64bit and it's working just fine for me it's a good game too also one that i had downloaded previously when i was using XP and i was hoping it would come back! it's also much better than the past few games that have been given away here recently in my opinion welcome back Alawar!!

Reply   |   Comment by VT100  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

bluhoteyes - I passed it. Very good game, one of the best giveaways here. Have You got the same feeling that the more You play Treasures of Montezuma the easier the game is? It's caused by very powerful totems and other bonuses, but it's only my opinion

Reply   |   Comment by Moomphas  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

so how is everyone doing on The Treasures of Montezuma? i have finally made it to 4-1:) i am so proud to get this far very tough game :)

Reply   |   Comment by bluhoteyes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game of the year it's not, but it was good for a good 15 minutes. I found the audio commentary rather amusing.

Reply   |   Comment by TNT  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I liked the first game COS and I like this one too. I would definitrly vote this one thumbs up. Thank you so much to GGAOTD and to the publisher Alawar Entertainment... You have been so kind to us. Everyone here loves your games and greatly appreciate your offerings. I would also like to express my gratitude to whiterabbit for another excellent review. Just when we thought you had reached your top on your reviews you stepped it up to another level for this one. This is by far the best review I seen on this page.

Reply   |   Comment by gpc111  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I like Space Invader type games and I love Alawar games, but this one I don't care for. Too many mouse clicks to blow up one ship. Hard on your mouse!

Reply   |   Comment by Mary  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


This is absolutely nothing like Hyperspace Invader at all. Hyperspace Invader actually scrolled, had 3D perspective(which was its major selling point), and had ship selection. This is just a remake of a game made in 1979(!) with better graphics.

Why can't we have something good, like Star Blaze or DemonStar?

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

woo lots of comments, anyway i just want to say to GAOTD team to give out better games. It's just that i haven't seen any good game these day......soo ya........ i even say plzzzzz. XP

Reply   |   Comment by SomeGuy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Does not work on my Vista and so far, this computer with Vista is a bust anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

a great bit of nostalgia at Christmas time. Thanks for a great game. I tell my kids about the great games I played as a child, and now they're fighting over who's going to be next on the 'puter! Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by Jari  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi y'all.

This game was offered here back in February 16, 2007, You can go there if you need more info.

I downloaded it at the time and it seemed no different to the other CoS games.

This is a search for Crusaders of Space on GAOTD.

Who cares?

Reply   |   Comment by Who cares?  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I was very disappointed in this release as I've been very pleased with Alaware in the past. This game looks interesting on the surface, but only a few minutes of play reveals its overall shallowness. To answer #3, no this is not a vertical shmup (what I was hoping for), and #5, yes this is a Space Invaders clone.

This game has 2 episodes, each episode has 5 missions, and each mission has 10 levels. Every other 10th level (i.e. 1.10, 3.10, 5.10) has a boss with components you have to shoot. All other levels are composed of a screenfull of two or three kinds of ships, each with slightly different guns and moving in slightly different patterns.

The gameplay is very shallow and repeated. There was nothing to distinguish one level from the next with the exception of very slight variance in the ships, and the only thing distinguishing the missions from one another was whether or not it had the boss. The bosses themselves were nearly identical as well.

There is only one gun, and each gun has only five levels. There is only one type of missile. For some inexplicable reason, your gun is downgraded to Level 2 and your missiles reset to 0 when you face the boss. When you defeat the boss, your gun is completely downgraded and you get to start all over again.

I was very disappointed with the lack of new things to discover or unlock. I would have liked the option to choose between different gun and missile types (a la Raiden 2), or perhaps an upgradeable ship (Hyperspace Defenders), or anything at all to give the game a sense of progression from one mission to the next. The whole game feels like it is a copy and pasted version of itself.

What really put the nail in the lid, though, was the difficulty levels. I played through about 70% of the game on Easy to get a feel for it before I got bored and decided to switch to Hard (skipping Normal entirely). The sole difference between Easy and Hard was the enemy rate of fire.

The redeeming feature of this game was the audio. I'm not sure why, but I simply loved the Russian pilot singing "I've got armor, I've got armor" when he picks up a power up. There are about a dozen total different things he says depending on which power up he grabs, and I loved them all.

This game is alright for short periods when you really need to blow something up, but if you play for more than 10 minutes at a time, you will get either so bored or so frustrated that you will end up uninstalling. If you got Hyperspace Defenders a couple weeks ago, you have no need to download this game.

Rating: 4/10

Reply   |   Comment by Iceman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

With respect to any viral presence in this game. I use F-Secure that is updated every day as well as the giveaway Prev-X, which I've found to be an excellent product and will be buying just as soon as the licence runs out (In January I think)</em). Both of my antivirus programs gave this game a green light. I’ve never had problems with anything else and I download from the internet on a daily basis, not just from the game giveaway site (where all the giveaways are tested by the giveaway staff using several anti virus programs), but from many other sites as well. I do take precaustions though and steer clear of those sites that pedal everything under the sun, and those that promise things for free that are too good to be true, Anyway I digress (as usual). F-Secure is an industry standard that ‘I know’ is used at many colleges around the UK. Neither of these anti-virus programs has flagged up any problems despite scanning then. So I would tend not to be scared off by what is probably a false positive.....

however as a safeguard you can always run the game in one of the sandboxes that have been given away over the past few months e.g. Returnil and Buffer Zone, so if there was a problem you just have to delete the virtual image. I'd consider using the activation module to activate the game out of the buffer zone as well though (unless this was showing a positive as well with a restore point carried out first, then if you are satisfied that the game is indeed clear of any viral infections later, you can get rid of the virtual image of the game and download the non virtual file :) I’m not sure whether a virtual activation would work with a non virtual file as I’ve not checked it out. Can anyone else comment on this as I’m no expert.</blockquote

Provided you’ve got the game activated you can then use the file downloaded directly from Alawars site:


You can also check out what others have to say about the game from Alawars comments section:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a pretty good game. Someone else claims it contains malware and is probably getting a false detection. It does NOT contain any malware!

Reply   |   Comment by Old-Game-Player  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Decent game. Not sure if I like this of COS2 better. Haven't gotten too far yet. I wish the game wouldn't have taken my missiles away when I got to the boss. But then, it probably be too easy.

I noticed my ship jumped to the other side of the screen a couple times at the start of a level. Nothing major though. If it had done so while dodging enemy fire, I would mind. I didn't notice a clear indicator of how much damage you can possibly take, I'm guess how many weapon upgrades you get (which do carry over, I think) has something to do with it.

"I've got armor, I've got armor..." - best line I've hear the pilot say so far. Well, the way he sang it made it better than the other stuff he says when you get powerups.

Maybe it's just me.

Reply   |   Comment by Revelation 23  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The first time around in mid February this year this sequel to the first Crusaders of Space (CoS) received 94% of 156 votes with 40 comments, some of which were concerning problems with running the game. See the end of this review for a return to that issue plus an expansion of it if you wish to follow it up. Others concerned the activation process, which, if you click on the link at the bottom of this page to Froggy’s Adventures, or follow the first hyperlink below and check out my comment # 8 I went through the basic procedure again for any newcomer that may have joined the project: :D


This game is the sequel to the first CoS game which has now been given away twice. Apart from some slight differences such as different level sets and some improvements in the graphics which include stationary background graphics to give it more atmosphere, this is still basically the same as the first one. Both this and CoS are okay, but the third and final one in the series, which has also been given away twice is the better of the three (IMO), with some obvious improvements in graphics, however the game play remains the same throughout the three games. Rather than spend the next two to three hours dissecting this game (my first review only mentions the gamma control problems) I’ve copied my last review of CoS, with some slight omissions and changes as it is just as valid for this game. I hope you don’t mind, I’ve also included the main parts of the read me and help html documents that can always be found in any Alawar game, which describe the main features of this game as well as list the controls etc:

This is one of the earlier of the more up to date space shooters (does that make sense lol), and despite what previous comments say throughout the whole of this series, if you like space shooters this is worth the download. As for comparing it to the 8 bit graphics of yester year, which a few did in the last giveaway of CoS you’ve got to be joking. I’m sure we all know that we see things through rose tinted glasses when we look back on such things. The reality of those early games are, very pixillated graphics, and line diagrams representing the space ships and explosions and no colour, just white on black. The game play is, I agree, very similar to some of those games, but great game play in conjunction with better sound effects and more importantly, better graphics really adds to the atmosphere of these games. I know I repeatedly say that graphics aren’t really that important, but I make an exception to the rule with games such as space shooters because all those colourful explosions and weapon blasts really do make a big difference to the enjoyment :D I’m sure if I was left with only an old Atari, or my old Einstein computer, I’d still find any of the old games as good to play now as then. But given the choice between then and now, I know which I’d choose ten times out of ten.

The following is the main information found in the read me and the help html documents that comes packaged with the game (and as previously mentioned can be found in the games main folder:

Program description:

Just when you thought the alien invasion was successfully fought off once and for all, new waves of alien scum come in numbers far greater then 5 years ago. The government is alarmed. An abstract from an official intelligence report: Our satellites have located as many as fifty alien interceptor’s rapidly approaching planet Earth. Detailed analysis of the digital image data revealed a larger object as well. Without a doubt, it's the Big Brain, thought to be killed 5 years ago. Looks like we should start a search for a new hero right now! Who is going to win this time? Will the humanity be able to form a force capable of stopping the attackers? Or will all humans be enslaved by an alien civilization that came from a far away galaxy?

Game objects and controls:

Main Menu:

Start game: Click here to start the game
Top ranks: Click here to see the top ranks
Options: Click here to choose options
Help: Click here to see game help
Credits: Click here to see game credits
Exit game: Click here to quit the game.


Basic keyboard controls:

Moving - Left / Right Arrows
Secondary weapon (rockets)- Space Bar
Primary weapon - CTRL
Pause & menu - ESC
Lap-top - F1


Launch setup.exe in the game roller

- Brightness: move scrollbar to change brightness
- Rocket smoke: activating this parameter may slow performance.
- Splinters: decrease this value for better performance.
- Bumpiness: if this option is activated, the screen will jitter right after an explosion.

- Sound Fx volume: sound effects volume level
- Music volume: music volume level


- Device: select a device (mouse, keyboard or joystick)
- Configure keys: configure controls for keyboard.

You can start the game with new options (save and start game) or exit (quit)


Alawar STRONGLY recommend installing the latest versions of the drivers for your video cards.
(When installing new graphics card drivers, use the Windows Uninstall program to remove previous drivers)
- NVIDIA based cards must have latest NVIDIA drivers (www.nvidia.com)
- ATI based cards must have latest Catalyst drivers (www.ati.com)

- Alawar recommend closing all applications when playing the game.
- Alawar recommend not installing the application in the Windows folder or in the root of the C: drive. (that means directly into the C: drive and not in a folder.
- DirectX Latest Runtime: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/downloads

Installation Instructions:

All you have to do is to run the downloaded CosOR.exe file. The installation wizard will guide you through the setup process. When the setup is completed, run the game by choosing the "Crusaders Of Space: Open Range" item from the program group in the Start menu.

Hardware requirements

• Windows95/98/ME/2000/XP
• Pentium processor
• DirectX compatible video card with 16 MB
• 64 MB RAM or above.
• 18 MB free hard drive space. (+ 200 MB for swap file)
• DirectX 7.1 or higher
• Sound card

The options menu gives access to the control menu which allows you to select between keyboard, game pad and mouse, which should satisfy most people’ I hope’. The usual sound and music sliders are present, but apart from a gamma control slider there is little else to adjust the graphics. On starting the game you will be able to select the difficulty setting, and then you will see that there are two episodes; Star Gates and Alien world. The second one is locked until you complete all five missions that make up the Star Gates episode. Each mission comprises 10 levels, making a total of 100 levels. At the end of each mission you will encounter a level boss in the form of either a space station or a giant ship. Don’t bother accumulating your missiles for this encounter because any that you have left from the previous levels will be taken away. It’s fairly important that you make it through with the highest level of primary weapon which is the fifth upgrade. Once you attain full strength you will also be offered bombs which send out an arc of explosive charges when you catch them. Weapon upgrades are carried through till the end of each mission where you have to start afresh.

Although this particular space shooter doesn’t have the upgrades of some of the more recent games of this genre; it is still a worthwhile game in my opinion. It’s an ideal introduction for your younger children as well because the ship you control and the attacking ships are larger in size than most space shooters apart from perhaps hyper space traveler.

See my post comment #22 from the last space shooter Astro Wars, given away as I added a link to a free shooter called Alien Wars, which is similar to Astro Wars.


Also check the comments from the previous giveaway of this title. Check out Game Seekers comment #24, which is probably the most in depth:


I’d give this 7 out of 10 for playability (slightly better than it’s predecessor that scored 6.5. The sequel that was given away earlier this month is much better especially, which oddly received a lower thumbs up percentage than this one despite being better; then again there were fewer voting, so the result would be skewed a little. :)

Thank you Alawar and the Game Giveaway team for another good give away.

Check out the following links that compare the three games Crusaders of Space, Crusaders of Space:Open Range and finally Crusaders of Space 2:

Crusaders of Space:Open Range:


Crusaders of Space:


Crusaders of Space 2:


or my original screencaptures: (Crusaders of Space and Crusaders of Space 2 respectively) slideshow only links:



You can see the difference between this game and it’s sequels as there are images of all three on the pages above, although Crusaders of Space 1 shows more images of it’s sequel than itself. .

Remember folks this is one of the older of the modern shooters. If we are just looking at tied to the bottom vertical space shooters then I personally much prefer the Star Defender series, especially the last one Star Defender 4. If you were to have only one of this genre and decide to purchase one then Star Defender 4 is really the most recent and the most graphically inspiring of this small niche in the larger Space Shoot Em up genre, although they all have basically the same game play.

I almost forgot:

This game will require some graphic emulation, (which is mentioned above in the hardware requirements section, though unless your computer is pre millennium, you shouldn’t have a problem as the video memory requirements are only 16Mb. You can see the read me file with the minimum requirements on this provided you leave the box ticked when the installation has completed.

If you want to change the music you can simply by choosing your favourite MP3’s and swapping them for the ones in the music folder contained within the data folder within the main games folder. They are MP3’s so you can swap them directly. However you must rename the tracks to the ones that are contained within the folder, ie Menu, Boss and Main. :)

You can also find the help menu within the game folder as well. (This is different to the in game help screen). It does mention that there are toggles to switch off specific effects for those with slower machines; however I couldn’t find these anywhere.

Finally, once you’ve completed a mission, you can replay it in any difficulty setting without starting from the beginning of the game.

I do apologize for all the links I’ve provided today. My heads spinning just checking them out, lol.

The following is my reply to some queries that may still be valid for some regarding Gamma Controls and DX compatibility.

Quote (with some changes):

However if you don’t have a Gamma control you can get a freeware controller from the following address:


Basically it allows you to adjust your screen brightness and colour to give the best possible look for your personal taste, as well as to increase the brightness of games that have dark backgrounds, much like the Crusaders games. I’m no expert so I hope someone else can help a little more on this one. However installing the controller just may solve the error. You can always delete it if it doesn’t work.
I would also suggest making sure you have the latest video and monitor drivers. There are lots of sites that you can download drivers from. Depending upon which graphics card you have, for example ATI or NVidia, or others, you can go to their home pages and get the latest drivers for your graphics. With respect to monitor drivers; Windows XP has an adequate supply of drivers that should be okay, provided you have the installation disc but again you can find specific drivers for whatever monitor you have by going to a drivers site.. I use the following


If you don’t know what your graphics card or monitor are called you can use the dxdiag command by clicking on the Start menu, then click on run and type dxdiag in the space provided then click okay. You’ll get a screen appearing called DirectX Diagnostic tool, click on the display tab and you’ll see the name of your particular graphics card and lower down it should tell you what display you have. You can save this report if you wish.

You may have to download a copy of Direct X if you have no 3D games installed such as first person shooters and simulation games like Microsoft’s flight sim’s. Again it can be obtained free from the following address:


(the original address I posted:

now takes you to the Direct X 10 download page, which unless you’ve bough one of the {still few} cards that support this amazing step forwards in graphics eg NVidia 8600 and 8800 series of cards and the Radion HD2900 XT & HD 2600XT cards amongst others and are running Vista you will not need to bother with for some time to come. (most of the DX10 cards are still ridiculously expensive and for the top of the range models you could buy a decent computer with a dual core cpu, a reasonable TFT monitor and bags of HDD space) although the NVidia 8600 256Mb cards I bought to run in SL1 Mode only cost ~ $240 for the two and a NVidia 8800GTS 640Mb card for $400; I consider myself a medium to serious gamer and only bought those cards because I’d pre-ordered Crysis a DX10 ready game, nearly a year ago and it took me all year to pluck up the courage to spend such ridiculous amounts of money on just a few graphics cards. I could have purchased a reasonably cheap lap top for my son for the cost of those, but my son enjoys watching me play some of these games) . By the way they were all wasted in he end as neither of my two compatible computers will run Vista properly, so I can’t enjoy the ground breaking quality of DX10 yet…sheds a tear

If you are interested in the DX10 debate check out the following article which explains some of the mystery surrounding Direct X 10 as well as making a comparison between the two leading manufacturers of graphics cards. (Thankfully we still have two decent competitors which keep the edge to the market boiling and also keeps the prices down somewhat ( lol in a sort of sarcastic way considering what I’ve just said above)


end of Quote

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Will Not work with Vista Ultimate 64

Reply   |   Comment by Moss  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yup - I've got a virus flagged by Sophos Anti-Virus on Activate.exe. Could be a false alarm, but it might be unwise to presume so.

Reply   |   Comment by Phil Hackett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game good

Malware on activation BAD!!!!!!!!

don't any of you folks use an antivirus?

Reply   |   Comment by vilulf  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#11 and #4 It works fine on my machine with Vista but as I keep repeating - that's Vista for you, it's crap!! Programs work fine for some and not for others!

Anyway GGOTD, it's a nice game, thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Terry Pardy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

can someone confirm whether this come before or after crusaders of space 2? anyway crsuaders of space 2 is graphically better and more addictive than this... though CoS 2 is very hard and I stuck on lv 94 with 2 lives while there's a total of 120 lv to finish .>.<

Reply   |   Comment by madz  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the 3rd game I've downlaoded and tried to run on Vista Home Basic and each time I get the error message that the .exe program has stopped running and quits. Can anyone tell how or why this happens and how to get the game to load. BTW - I did run the Activate file first in all instances. Hopefully thanks in advance.

Reply   |   Comment by Richard W  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great! I like it! Thank you

Reply   |   Comment by Federica  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

finally something halfway decent, thanks GGOTD

Reply   |   Comment by scott  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Probably one of the best games in a while.

It is essentially a Space Invaders clone but the enemies are harder to kill.

Great power ups but you lose them between levels.

Excellent graphics, sound, and music.

I give this one 10/10.

Well worth the download and fun to play.

Reply   |   Comment by Antonio  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A quand des jeux qui fonctionne sous Vista, car sur 20jeux, 3 fonctionne sous Vista
Merci a se site

Reply   |   Comment by ddtiti72  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looks professional. Very dark graphics though. Not a ladies game, so I won't get it, but I sure love the variety we get!
Alawar & GOTD team ROCK!!!! :)

Reply   |   Comment by Skye-hook  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Isn't it just a different version of space invaders; The one that was made in the 80+? Will wait for other comments before downloading and using.

Reply   |   Comment by Ricardo Torres  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

any 1 get this to work with vista? i get a blank screen. any help would be great. thanks

Reply   |   Comment by cali  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is that a vertical scroller or a space invader thing?

Reply   |   Comment by Mike  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

looks a lot like 'Hyperspace Invader' which was released on the 16th..

Good, by the way.

Reply   |   Comment by GiacJr  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not to complain or anything, I love this service, but I got the last "Crusaders of Space" that was posted and was under impressed. It plays like the old Space Invaders (yeah, that one, with the 4-bit graphics, if your at least 25 you know what I'm talking about) only in 3D. I mean, come on, at least make it a scrolling shooter and let me purchase bigger badder guns between stages. If you like Space Invaders, go for it, and enjoy, it's the best Space Invaders your ever play. Just don't get fooled into thinking this a a scrolling shooter, it's not. This is a hyped up version of a VERY old arcade game (kinda like making a 3D version of Pong.)

Reply   |   Comment by JohnCrenshaw  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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