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Froggy's Adventures Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Froggy's Adventures

An army of plant-munching monsters has invaded Froggy's forest home and is threatening to clear the woodland of its beautiful foliage! Guide our hero as he hops from platform to platform, gathering all of the plants before the invading creatures gobble them down. To help, he can blow bubbles that can trap the trespassers and collect powerups that grant him special abilities. All that work makes our hero hungry, so watch for the candy bonuses that appear when you beat a level quickly.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 127 30 comments

Froggy's Adventures was available as a giveaway on November 29, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

An army of plant-munching monsters has invaded Froggy's forest home and is threatening to clear the woodland of its beautiful foliage! Guide our hero as he hops from platform to platform, gathering all of the plants before the invading creatures gobble them down.

To help, he can blow bubbles that can trap the trespassers and collect powerups that grant him special abilities. All that work makes our hero hungry, so watch for the candy bonuses that appear when you beat a level quickly.

Can you help Froggy save the day? Find out by playing our exciting new arcade adventure!

System Requirements:

PII-600 / 64M RAM / 16M Video 3D, Windows XP, DirectX 9.0


Xing Interactive



File Size:

13.3 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Froggy's Adventures

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niceand awesom

Reply   |   Comment by grace  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I tried several times also around 11pm cst, same problem, the wikifortio link gave a file not found message and the mirror link didn't work at all. Frustrating. Can we get another chance to get these?

Reply   |   Comment by nc10  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

geek_gurls ignorance makes me laugh so hard I cried.

You think you know who is a regular here and who is not, well you're wrong.

Oh and by the way, the word you're looking for is ADDICTIVE, not "addicting".

This game is TERRIBLE. I am stating my opinion just like everyone else. My comment does not require a critique.

Download this at your own risk.

Reply   |   Comment by Unreals  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

sure would have liked to gotten this one tried several times and both ther wikifortio and mirror link and it wasn't up at around 2am EST . Guess i can hope they will repeat it again :) ty anyhow alawar and GGAOTD!!!!

Reply   |   Comment by bluhoteyes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I finished that game in one day ^^ I like game like that game. Thx for sharing it :D

Reply   |   Comment by Arti  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Actually, that would be "[Not everyone] likes shoot them up and kill them games."


You're right, they do have shooters - about every three weeks. We're not mad that they have match-threes, we're mad that they have so many of them.

And the word is "gall".

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's probably too late, now that the giveaway period has ended for this particular game; however just in case the activation itself worked, try turning off your fire wall temporarily and install the game again. I hope it works for you. let us know :)

You can set up your firewall to allow specific sites to work without being blocked. How to do it is dependent upon which firewall you use. Check out the help files associated with your firewall, or google it for more information. i'm no expert on these matters otherise I'd have been more specific for you.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I activated it but for some reason it had a problem. A firewall preventing it from working. It didn't activate...how do I resolve the problem please. Thanks

Reply   |   Comment by Angel  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Really cute, fun game for kids & even adults who want to pass some time without getting too involved with a big-deal game. Thanks very much!

Reply   |   Comment by Skye-hook  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#17 - Oh shut your pie hole. Firstly it takes a lot of gaul to complain about a FREE game. I'm sure you could find plenty of games to your liking--you've just got to buy them.

Secondly, obviously you aren't a regular or you would see the games pretty varied between scrollers, puzzles, shooters and even a racing game. Not all of them are to my taste either: but if it's something I don't like I either don't download or delete it off the hard drive. I have a couple I didn't think I'd like, but are totally addicting.

This game reminds me of a cross between Turtix (although not as good) and Ozzy Bubbles...maybe with one of Snowy Bear's scroller thrown in. It's cute...probably more for the younger kids than side-scroller gaming adults. Nice graphics and music as usual. One thing I wish is they would give you the option of playing the tutorial or not. For those of us who know how to play these things, can find it boring and don't care for the pop up interrruptions.

Reply   |   Comment by geek_gurl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

looks like a cute game,,,it reminds me of the game i have now,,"Turtix",,,,,"turtix" is a alawar game,,,,,after a few levels it does get harder.

Reply   |   Comment by karen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Froggy's Adventure game required my computer to compose Visual C++ program,therefor it can't activate

Reply   |   Comment by dAO vAN bONG  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No 17 save it for the judge sheeeesh...I think this is a great game for children and adults. Those who do whine about it in a not so kind language are just people that have nothing better to do then type up complaints just to pass the time. They need alot of prayer too.

Reply   |   Comment by Bokabear  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Cute little game. I find these very relaxing and destressing. So what if there are similar games, don't download if you don't like them OK? Loaded well easy to use. Everyone doesn't like shoot them up and kill them games.

Reply   |   Comment by Phoebe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Could we please give it a rest with all these stupid fixed platform games? If you didn't change the graphics and sounds the games would be identical. Foxy Jumper, Froggy's Adventure, what's next, "Paintcan's Quest"?

And to all of you who think it's necessary to critique the fact that I do not appreciate every single offering GGOTD has offered since the beginning of time - SAVE IT. We've simply had ENOUGH comments of people regurgitating the same completely uninsightful opinions about how if something is free and not appreciated, it shouldn't be downloaded. WELL DUH. I don't download the titles I'm not interested in, so your arrogant ideas that you're somehow putting me in my place my making a beyond obvious suggestion disguised as a command well do nothing but make you look like a fool.

It really isn't anybody's business if someone else doesn't like a game they like. Different strokes for different folks. Accept it.

Reply   |   Comment by Unreal  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Sounds like your antivirus program thinks that it's a keylogger. I wouldn't worry about it, though, considering that even if it was, it would only log arrow keys and spacebar.


Llama Man(and several others who have posted in the past) have said that many of the games here are overpriced. He's not saying that he's paying too much, he's saying that it's not worth the price that the company charges. It would be like having someone buy you an ice cream cone for $50 - you didn't pay for it, but it was definitely overpriced.

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I wanted to say this game isn't the best one i've played, and it's sorta like granny's adventure (is that it? with the oldwoman which u had to collect cats).
Also, i wanted to suggest to GGOTD, please will you put immortal defense ? i know it was in july, but i missed the giveaway and it's one of the best games i ever played. thanks

Reply   |   Comment by Psycho  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To #3 Uku: I used to run Avira antivirus, but I soon deleted it after I kept getting bogus virus warnings on several apps that I knew were virus/spam-free. I also got tired of the add page that pops up after each daily update wanting you to purchase a plethora of different programs provided by the publisher. Just a note, not a disclaimer for Avira....it is a good app overall. So, I would say that the game download was OK, there may have just been something within it that Avira didn't like. Sorry if this was way off topic, but I wanted to add my .02!!

Reply   |   Comment by Jim  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ma esistono italiani in questo sito??

Reply   |   Comment by titti  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Figured out why it takes a while to install, it's because all the images unpack intro .bmp files which are huge. The final installation takes 110Mb! They should have used pngs or jpgs!

Reply   |   Comment by Jake Birkett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It didn't work on my computer. I have Vista, not sure if that is the reason why it won't work.

Reply   |   Comment by Tanya  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#7: Llama Man.. remember that it's NOT costing YOU the 20 bucks you refer to... it's free. If you don't like it, delete it! Games like this are great if you have young'uns to help them with coordination and gives them something to do, even though adults might find it boring.

Reply   |   Comment by copMom  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The downloaded zip file consists of the usual three files; a read me document that all new comers should read as well as the activation module and the game set up file. Please click on the activate module first to ensure that the game has been registered. Once the message pops up that says the game has been activated you can then install the game to wherever you wish to place it. As usual, if you are lucky enough to have more than one physical hard drive, or have a partitioned drive I would advise installing it to any drive other than the boot drive (usually the C: drive).

The game consists of 85 levels plus four tutorial levels, divided into four worlds all of which have a boss to beat at the end of the level set, before you can enter a new world. There are six different power ups available to help you accomplish this task and there are five unique monsters to avoid or kill. :) Believe me that is enough as any more and if you’re anything like me you’d never get through the game. ;)

Here’s what others had to say on the Alawar comments section.


When booting up the game the first window gives you the opportunity to play in either full screen or windowed mode by checking/un-checking the tick box. By default the game will start in full screen mode. The main menu allows you to change the user profile by clicking on the change player below the welcome message; however on booting up the game for the very first time you will have to enter a profile name before you can proceed to the games main menu. By default the name chosen will be whatever name you have called the computer.

The options menu consists of the usual sound and music sliders as well as another toggle for window or full screen mode and also the key bindings which by default are the left and right arrow keys for movement, the up arrow key for jumping and the space bar for blowing bubbles. You can change these to whatever you wish by clicking on the wood effect buttons then selecting the key you wish to bind to the command.

The help menu outlines the modus of the game and lists the various power ups such as the monster freezer, rockets, monster cleaner and the thunderstorm clouds. There are six power ups in total. You will find several bonus items with different values for example the large sweets are worth 1000 points whereas the water melon is worth 100 points. Also the key bindings and monster types are listed.

On starting the game for the first time you are given the choice of three difficulty settings easy, medium and hard, and then you can select any level that has already been unlocked. There are four tutorial levels and 85 game levels to play. All but the first tutorial level are locked at the start of a game. If you choose another profile you do have to start from the beginning as all the levels previously opened by another player will not be accessible to you (obviously).

Bonuses and power ups are collected by popping the balloons that appear frequently. (depending upon what difficulty setting you play on) Once a bonus appears you must collect it within a certain time otherwise it disappears. However ballons are appearing frequently on the difficulty level I played the first time around. I only managed to get to level three on my first attempt. You definitely need to be adept at using your key board. I prefer a mouse to the key board, but am not averse to playing with a keyboard when I have to. You can change the difficulty setting using the same profile once a game has ended. When ending a game half way through a level all progress in that particular level is lost but all completed levels are saved as indicated above. The main difference I could see between the different levels of difficuly was the number of monsters you had to contend with. The more monsters the more flowers were eaten. To end a level you have to collect all flowers. Those eaten by monsters you have to wait for them to grow back before you can collect them. Some monsters are restricted to a particular platform, so are easy to contend with, but those that can move from level to level are more difficult, although with some practice you can see particular patterns to their movement.

I found the game entertaining and will be keeping this game. Although I don’t think it is worth the asking price of nearly $20. My children both like platform games and no doubt will be more adept than me at progressing through the levels. I’d hoped to complete at least one world before I completed my review, but it’s already 90 minutes past my dead line, so you’ll have to discover the rest for yourself. Comparing it to other platforms we’ve been given I’d say this is a little more challenging. So despite my own aversion for the common type of platform game, which I put this particular game into, I think it would be worthy of a 7 for playability and family fun value as I enjoyed playing the levels I managed to survive in.

If you are a lover of platform games may I recommend the following, all of which come under the umbrella of platform, and in my opinion far out shine today’s game for playability and originality, but these in my opinion are far more entertaining than today’s giveaway, and in my opinion worth the asking price, especially the first one I list:

Gumboy Crazy adventures:


Wik and the Fable of Souls:




All of the above three games are unusual platforms and well worth at least checking out. The first one comes packaged with a full free level that introduces you to all the different power ups that can be found within the full version and is called Gumboy Crazy Features. The cost of the full version is only $9.95 which compared to today’s offering of nearly $20 is a steal. Gish is one of my favorites and has a cult following. There’s a level editor included and you’ll find loads of extra levels to download from the Chronic Logic web site. I promised to write a better user manual for the editor as the one that comes with the game is not really a manual, but I’ve been too busy to get the project off the ground yet.

Today’s game was developed by Butterfly iSoft and is distributed by Alawar amongst others.

Check out the screen captures:

All on one page:


As a slideshow:


Googled images:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is boring, ugly and sounds bad (the music). The graphics are halfassed and could've been done loads'a times better without too much hassle. The music was boring and i didnt like it. The gameplay was the worst. It was playable the first 5-10 levels, but then it just got BOOORING. All you do is jumping around, collecting flowers and avoiding getting your ass kicked by monsters. Every single level is the same deal, except the boss battles. I only managed to reach the first boss before my patience ended, but that too was boring.

This game is absolutely not worth 20 bucks, i can even say that its not worth the trouble downloading it.

Reply   |   Comment by Llama Man  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

downloaded for my grandchildren, think they will have fun with this, but am concerned about this alarm notification from Defensewall HIPS:
Process "C:\Program Files\Alawar\FroggysAdventures\Froggy.wrp" reads keystrokes via RegisterRawInputDevices
Is this a problem?

Reply   |   Comment by Granma  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Quick Review:

After beating the first world I had to stop playing so that I can write this quick review. The controls are very simple to use. All your using is the arrow keys and the space bar. The arrow keys moves the Frog around and the space bar shots bubbles so that you can attack your enemies.

In "Froggy’s Adventures" you have to save every single plant in each level. But while your collecting all the plants you have to watch out for hungry monsters that will eat your plants. But, you can attack them by shooting bubbles. It won’t kill them but it will stop them from moving around for about 5 seconds.



Gameplay: 8/10 - It's a nice overall looking game with 80+ levels.

Graphics: 8/10 - Decent graphics.

Music: 6/10 - The music was kinda boring.

Loading Time: 9/10 - Took about 10-15 seconds to load.

Installation: 8/10 - Installation was a bit slow for an Alawar game.

Overall: 7.8/10


Final Comment:

This game is very simple to play but can become very boring after a few hours of playing.

Reply   |   Comment by Brian aka Crash  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just wondering since it's already been given away here(12 November 2006- cannot find the link) before and I still have it...

Has it been updated/upgraded in any way?

Reply   |   Comment by Hadeda  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For some reason, my Avira AntiVir reports a malware upon unziping the packadge when it comes to the point of the activator. So far, for a about 40 times of downloading from GOTD this has not happened. Should I blame Avira for being oversentsitive?

thanks for the nice stuff so far, btw

Reply   |   Comment by Uku  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Probably a reasonable starter game for the very young. It may useful for a few that need something to do for a bit just to take their minds off th the mater at hand. Not long though.

same old as so many but a new face that is rather pleasing.

Reply   |   Comment by Kelly  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice..... :P

Reply   |   Comment by Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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