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Battle Snake Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Battle Snake

Based on classical snake games Battle Snake introduce a new genres combination. In this game you as always control the snake which eats different food to grow. In same time you growing not for scores but with growing you gather "ammo" that you need to strike robots which levels have in myriad number. This hot combination of the snake game and the shooter or the arcade game and the action game creates unique gameplay.
$12.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 128 36 comments

Battle Snake was available as a giveaway on May 29, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
An interesting game for your skills in driving vehicles on unrealistic tracks.

Battle Snake it is not an ordinary snake game. Based on classical snake games Battle Snake introduce a new genres combination. In this snake game you as always control the snake which eats different food to grow.

In same time you growing not for scores but with growing you gather "ammo" that you need to strike robots which levels have in myriad number. This hot combination of the snake game and the shooter or the arcade game and the action game creates unique gameplay.

In Battle Snake you there is enter in fight with 14 various types of robots which have a unique ability each. But each enemy's army must have a general and in Battle Snake you met 2 bosses and the SUPER BOSS in the end. Enter in fight with spiteful robots very dangerous so take your friend with you. You guess right Battle Snake have the multiplayer! Don't forget funny sound and nonstop action music.

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP; Pentium 266MHz; 32 MB system memory; DirectX compatible video and sound


Xing Interactive



File Size:

5.75 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Battle Snake

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I only played the demo. but ILOVE IT

Reply   |   Comment by Brent  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great Game.. Gets boring after level 10 though.

Reply   |   Comment by Andrew  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks, nice small game:) My kids like this.

Here's a 10% discount for those who want to unlock it's features:


Will be back with more discounts next week:)

Reply   |   Comment by DiscountLover  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

thank you

Reply   |   Comment by linda savino  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oooohhhh!!! Love this! It is a great company... can we get Platypus tomorrow?

Reply   |   Comment by Guppanui  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#21 ---

Only 4 points for "excellent, professional graphics?" What do they need to do to get, say, 9 for graphics?

How can they get 2 for "ease of game play methods and tactics," yet -2 for "inept responsiveness of the keys" for a keyboard-controlled game?

How about this for фразеология? It is accurate, at least.

How many people do you know who have 2 keyboards hooked up to 1 computer?

If you're gonna set yourself up as some kind of "expert," can't you at least explain your rating system? "Total: -2" means what?--less than nothing times 2? The original "Pong" should be worth at least a +1 rating even by today's standards, don't you think?

Sorry to be so critical. But if you're going to give an opinion, at least make some sense.

(Just "my" opinion.)

Reply   |   Comment by Clarence  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Quite a nice game. Cute amusing graphics, a variety of enemies and powerups and a nice menu system.
Some of the help file is under the "about" section and the English isn't great, I'm guessing it's the authors second language.
It would be better if it was a little more difficult, but overall a fun little game.

Reply   |   Comment by rob  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@18 Mary J:

Please don't let anyone else know this, but the reg code is "twelve dollar and ninety-five cents."

Reply   |   Comment by Tat L. Talle  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello again! ;)

#25 Jacob:

how do you insert the smileys like that? Does GotD do that automaticly or is there some code for that?

There are standard combinations of certain keys that most discussion boards, some email programs etc., will interpret, such as:

: + ) gives you a big smile;

; + ) gives you a wink and a smile;

: + p is poking your tongue out;

8 + ) shows a smiley wearing glasses.

If you're really into the smiley rage - Smiley Central has a toolbar that you can install right into your browser for easy access to over 1,000 smileys - it's totally free and malware free.

*sighs* I just tested some of the Smiley Central code over in the test forums and it appears that the GotD software doesn't know how to interpret it.

Here are all the smiley codes that you can use here, as long as you manually type them in.

I hope that's helped!
~ Swan

Reply   |   Comment by Swan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

When I start the game play I just get a blue screen with a small 2 inch wide section across the top that I can actually see the game and play it. It looks fun and I know my children would enjoy it. If anyone has any idea why mine isn't working. I downloaded it, tried it, uninstalled it and then did it all again but it still doesn't work. Please help......Thanks and thanks to GGOTD also for letting us try these out. I love this site! By the way I have XP Home Edition. Thanks - I will check back later tonight and see if anyone has any ideas.

Reply   |   Comment by Patsy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very fun game. Graphic is not fancy, but kinda cute. It is especially amusing when the snake bumps into the wall. It allows saving at every 5th level, so as addicting as it could be, I can stop and return to it at any time. Thanks GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by jm  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looks fun. I'm guessing it's based on Snake like on cell-phones. I'll try it out.

By the way, #8, 9, 12, 16, and 21, how do you insert the smileys like that? Does GotD do that automaticly or is there some code for that?

Reply   |   Comment by Jacob Ford  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

to #21- your total comes to -1 not -2 even though i think it deserves another -2 for price and another -3 for simplicity and boredom

Reply   |   Comment by C.J.  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is very amusing, RealApex games are not like Halo, Age of Empires 3, but their games are worth playing. Graphics are nice, the shooting is a nice addition to the old game snake.
This game is worth downloading, RealApex has done a great job!Worth buying!

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Aim width #17 comma kandt get patss the queebord theng dot
Thancs away giv-away-tuday dot

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. Dictionary  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good morning everyone! ;)

First of all I'll say up front that I'll never buy a game that has keyboard-only controls. It shows lack of foresight by the software developer and lack of research when developing the game.

There are many people who simply don't like controls other than joystick/gamepad or mouse controls - in fact there are many people who are unable to use a keyboard and actually need other control options.

To bring this game into the 21st Century, control options should be supported and given.

The game downloaded/activated and installed easily with no issues at all. Kudos to GotD who seem to have simplified this process for us.

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised when I first saw the graphics, as they are truly professional, I'll even say outstanding.

The graphic artist has had a lot of fun conceptualizing the graphics for this game and even the animation is smooth and a pleasure to watch (except for the rising smoke in the opening screen.) The colors are bright and crisp, the fighting expression on the snake is hilarious and attention to detail is obvious - and appreciated.

The opening options screen is as you'd expect, separate volume sliders for both sound and music; an option to configure your keyboard controls - which is great if you're only left handed; and a toggle on/off button for something called "easy food." This isn't explained, but after watching David play for a while, I think it refers to the appearance of good food (as opposed to bad food,) on the playing field.

The game also comes with save/load capability, enabling you to save your game and load it again upon next launch. It's my opinion that ALL games should include this as a matter of basic game design - and saving your game shouldn't be a 'feature' but a logical expectation of the player.

The 'About' link, isn't what you'd expect it to be - I originally checked it to see who the game was now registered to - but it refers to information about the power-ups and anti-bonuses: explanations about certain traveling methods for the snake and descriptions of good/bad foods.

These two screens are crucial to successful game play and it was a big mistake of the game developer to name this section 'About' as many players will just ignore it. These screens should be named 'Help' to bring it in line with all other games AND the players expectations. The game developer definitely needs to address this again.

Once you click on 'New Game,' you are presented with yet more options for Easy, Normal or Hard and single or double player. Double player action however, is supposed to be played on the same keyboard - one using the arrow keys and the other using letter keys to the far left of the keyboard.

This method would be useless for many kids since they would crowd each other out with they're boisterous movements, or yells of "I got you!" or "Here I come!"

For a two player game - this would work better if the developer had built in the functionality for two players to play against one another using their own computers and their own keyboards. This is something else for the developer to consider for future releases.

Entering the game - you're immediately aware that perhaps the developer's first language is not English. Some spellings are incorrect and phrasing can sometimes be confusing - especially if the player is young.

If the game developer were at all interested, I'd be happy to help out with this - I just hate seeing bad spelling and phrasing appear in a product that is supposed to be for sale.

Game play: Collect as much good food as you can, while at the same time collecting various bonuses and avoiding anti-bonuses and tanks. The good food helps with better weapons, more ammunition and game points.

The bad food, takes points away. The foods, both good and bad, bonuses and anti-bonuses keep appearing and disappearing from their positions, so you'd better get to them fast, because no sooner have you sighted them, that there's a chance they'll be gone by the time you get to them - and even moreso if you've picked up a slow anti-bonus.

Higher levels introduce other things like various terrains, dirt; quicksand; ice etc; that each have their own abilities to slow or speed you up.

David couldn't play any further before work this morning - but he even said that using the keyboard was like going backwards, instead of game development moving forward - a telling comment by a software programmer.

One sees the irony, when your only option to move from one menu to another can ONLY be achieved by using the mouse and the player cannot use the keyboard to perform the same functions. You have to laugh.

David did say that the responsiveness of the keys to intended movement is terrible. I watched the frustration on his face as he continually couldn't get the snake to turn at exactly the same row as he was pushing the left or right keys.

He said that because of this, he couldn't feel any excitement with the game and that he wouldn't miss it if we uninstalled it.


4 for excellent, professional graphics;

2 for ease of game play methods and tactics;

-2 for lack of controls choice;

-1 for wrongly naming the options screen as 'About;'

-1 for incorrect spellings and confusing phraseology;

-1 for not building in capability of at least using separate keyboards for two player game;

-2 for inept responsiveness of the keys.

Total: -2


Thanks go to Real Apex for bringing us this game today to review - you'll always find me grateful, whether I keep the games or not. Once in a while there will be a hidden gem to keep!

Always, thank you to GotD for this fabulous initiative and the benefits that it brings to software houses, game developers and players alike.

Happy playing everyone!
~ Swan

Reply   |   Comment by Swan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The gameplay is okay, and despite the ingame menus not functioning it would have got a thumb-up from me simply for being cheap. But the music riles me up. Why use the Future Crew's excellent music at all if you're only going to use 3-7 seconds of it in a loop?

Reply   |   Comment by bovi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Although it looks simple this game is really kinda addicting and a fun twist on the old snake game...Thanks RealApex and GGOTD~

Reply   |   Comment by Jack Pinoski  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok, I LOVE this game!!!! Could someone help me though? I am trying to register the game, so I can use the full game. But I don't seem to have the code. Could you please tell me what the registration code?
Thanx in advance for your help.
Mary J.

Reply   |   Comment by Mary J  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I just have to say... again..... I don't like to use my keyboard and wouldn't pay for any game that didn't give me options.

Reply   |   Comment by PLady100  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Before even downloading, the image of the cartoon snake with his meaningful glare made me giggle and having thoroughly enjoyed the previous 2 RealApex games offered over the weekend, I was sure that this would be similarly enjoyable - I was not wrong!

Downloading and installation went without hitch and the game opens with the cartoon snake drawing surrounded by the smoking evidence of his victories whilst suitably morale boosting music plays whilst you choose from the full array of menu options with your bullet shaped cursor - they've really thought of everything! Notably this is a game that you can either play alone or with a partner and the keyboard is used for dual controls during game play. There is no indication that the game can be played using anything but the keyboard which, having read recent comments from users who are unable to use the keyboard to play, is a real pity. Hopefully comments about this on sites such as these will encourage developers to add extra control options that can be played by a wider audience.

Games can be saved and reloaded up to a maximum of a plentiful 10 games. Based on the popular game "Snake" which saw its revival more recently on mobile phones, you guide your way around the board eating food, shooting enemies and collecting ammo - listen out for the noise of disgust the snake makes when he eats red (bad) food - for that reason alone the game is a joy!!!!!!! :-D

Getting more difficult by the level, the basic yet gorgeous graphics are a lovely backdrop to albeit rather slow game play. Although seemingly not intentional, it also made me smile that certain objects to collect along the way are called "God", although from their colour I suspect there is an L missing in the word!

Although this is indeed a game that has been around for a good few years, this does not detract from it being a fun game and one that today's children deserve to have the chance to play as we did. Whilst it is probably not a game that most adults would find thrilling or engaging enough to play regularly, the higher levels are tricky to master and if nothing else, this is worth keeping in your computer's game folder for school holidays, wet weekends or to while away an occasional few minutes as a change from games of more frequent personal usage.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is my first time to review a game but thought it was time.

I was pleasantly surprised by this game. I can see killing some time with it and I think my grandchildren will enjoy it also.

It is rather simple graphics, but graphics aren't what makes a game enjoyable for me. I only care about the game play itself.

Thanks GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by PegM_4  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks GGOTD..Tried the game out..seems the snake has a problem responding to some of the move commands but otherwise a neat game.My grandkids will get a kick out of it.Hey How about some more space shooter games...My kind of action...Thanks for the goodies(y)

Reply   |   Comment by dddinahs  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game looks O.K. sure so the graphics are not he best, and ok the game is not the most original, but is a fun game. saves me 50cents in the Arcade. Thx again GGOTD

Reply   |   Comment by HellFire  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#8 -- Retroboy, why don't you download it, give it a shot, and let us know what you think of it? I'd be interested in your take on the game, too, as it seems you put thought and effort into your assessment of the games offered here.

GGAOTD, today's game looks super fun. I'm DLing it and trying it right away -- thanks for all you offer, I enjoy a great deal of the games and look forward to more time sappers! :D

Reply   |   Comment by Belladonna  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice, but how about an RPG game.

Reply   |   Comment by Albino Coelho  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Has been available since Aug 2004 for 12.95

12.95 USD for a variation on a theme that hasn't been new since the VIC 20 days (=25 years ago) is silly. But then again I haven't seen any game offered here that was worth anywhere near it's price.

The only game of the last couple of months that wasn't a variation of one that you could find all over the internet was Hackersevolution, and that one was so riddled with faults, spelling errors and lack of decent gameplay that barely a week after offering it here it came out with a new version addressing the faults and spelling errors.

Time and time again the offerings here have been lack luster and are at best a little time waster good for a day or two at most.

Reply   |   Comment by Belgian Dude  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

hmm sure looks nice :D

Reply   |   Comment by Robbert  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#2 - I have a tendency to ignore the first few votes and let them build up a bit before I have a sense of how the game will go according to the general reaction. There's no way that someone voting five minutes after a game was posted has actually played the game enough to give a good assessment, unless they tried to get the game working and it crashed the first second. That's why I look for the longer reviews that some people are kind enough to post and that provide a really good analysis of how it pans out. :)

This one's an "iffy" download for me, as I like the idea but the graphics are a bit primitive. But I've been pleasantly surprised by good games that haven't looked that hot graphically from the screenshot (like the fairytale tile placement 7-realms game a few days ago, which is superchallenging at later levels). Often, bland graphics are just a misleading container for excellent gameplay. So I'll come back here later today, read the comments, and decide if I want to grab it then.

Thanks, GGOTD, for mixing them up a bit lately.

Reply   |   Comment by Retroboy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

VIC 20 Lives! We used to buy a dozen games like this on a floppy for our C64's for only ten bucks. $12 for ONE? I don't think so.

It plays OK, I did not see anything worth mentioning either way.

I'm not going to keep it, but some may really like it.

Here I vote thumbs down, for the price. But I won't vote at the top.

Reply   |   Comment by Hempman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Think I'll skip this one...still playing nuclear ball from the other day...

hey, how about a RPG, fantasy d&d style?

Reply   |   Comment by Kados  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

LOL! Thanks, GAOTD... you guys never cease to amaze me with your variety of offerings. And for those who want a specific game... go buy it! I've always loved these snakey-poo games... thanks again. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Mamoo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by OnceBitten  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Don't know what to make of this one :)
Seems a little well........

Reply   |   Comment by OnceBitten  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Interesting - It's 3:35am here, and there are no other comments as I'm typing this, but there are already five thumb's up showing in the ratings.

Reply   |   Comment by DownTheShore  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, I feel like I'm back playing on a Vic-20!

Reply   |   Comment by TheBlindBat  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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