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Alien Shooter - Fight For Life Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Alien Shooter - Fight For Life

2026 AD. One year passed since aliens invaded planet Earth. These monsters have captured large districts of the Earth urface, and now all the humanity arises against them. In this part of the Alien Shooter game, you will find 5 new absorbing missions.
$12.50 EXPIRED
User rating: 327 66 comments

Alien Shooter - Fight For Life was available as a giveaway on June 7, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

2026 AD.

One year passed since aliens invaded planet Earth. These monsters have captured large districts of the Earth surface, and now all the humanity arises against them.

Among secret government research projects there’s a virus which can help people survive and avoid total annihilation.

You must get into the secret research-and-development center and save the virus. Yes, save the virus, because it’s in danger now...

In the new part of the game:

  • 5 new missions, put together in a plot line
  • vivid prehistory
  • even larger crowds of monsters to wipe out before you reach the goal

System Requirements:

Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP, 500MHz processor, 64 MB RAM, 3D accelerated video card with 16Mb RAM, DirectX sound card


Xing Interactive



File Size:

27.2 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
Play Facebook games in your browser without logging in.
Climb, dive, jump, kick, punch, and slide with your friends to dodge.

Comments on Alien Shooter - Fight For Life

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#59 (Hempman)

In response to your response on #43, if it was that easy they would have done it. Their installer gets messed up if you do not install to the default directory. I installed to my D: drive and the install log points to the C: drive. There is also no Alien folder in my start menu, so I do not have an uninstall link to follow. And even if I did the install log is WRONG. That and there are additional registry entries that are not included in the install log, so I doubt it will remove everything.

Reply   |   Comment by Spg  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#64 Jeff, I had the same problem trying to run it from the shortcut on my desktop. As soon as I hit play on the resolution option screen it would just crash with that error log. I finally got it to run by going into the game folder and running the AlienShooter.exe from there.

Reply   |   Comment by xerty  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After I downloaded and installed the game("Alien Shooter-Fight For Life",I played it for a while then shut off my computer.When I went to play it today,it won't load.I was given the following error message. ------------
Enum display modes 1024x768 X8R8G8B8 D16
Enum display modes 1024x768 R5G6B5 D16
Enum display modes 800x600 X8R8G8B8 D16
Enum display modes 800x600 R5G6B5 D16
Enum display modes 640x480 X8R8G8B8 D16
Enum display modes 640x480 R5G6B5 D16
Selected display mode 640x480 X8R8G8B8 desktop X8R8G8B8 zbuffer Unknown
SetViewPort (0,0) - (640,480)
Op=mod Arg1=tex Arg2=cur AOp=sel1 Arg1=tex Arg2=cur
Op=mod Arg1=tex Arg2=dif AOp=mod Arg1=tex Arg2=dif
Pitch=4096 zPitch=1280
!!!ERROR 06:39:05!!!RES '' '#': 0x0 Couldn't open 'objects.res'
!!!ERROR 06:39:05!!!MAP: 0x0 Couldn't open 'resource file'
Player release
Sprite release
Menu release
Average fps=0
Script release
Vid release 393216 0
d3dDevice release 1
d3d release 0
ase 0
What did I do wrong? Please help.

Reply   |   Comment by Jeff  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

All I got have to say is thanks for this awesome game......

Thanks GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by MarioJ  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Can anyone get off level 2 of campaign 2? I get stuck and don't know how to continue the game. I blow up the 2 transporters and where do you go from there? No power to turn on and no cracks in the walls to blow a hole through anyone?

Reply   |   Comment by TC  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks, #20. Thanks, G-men. It would be nice if you could have the massive games available through something like wikifortio. They take a long time to download on dialup. My sister only connects at 26k, so no chance I could download at her place.

Reply   |   Comment by William  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the first really big game of giveawayoftheday.com. It's not only attracting but also developed with much effort as a truly completed software. I'm very glad to play it. Thank you very much.

Reply   |   Comment by jupiter  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#49 white rabbit, you have no idea of just how terrifying the image of me doing a happy dance actually appears. Some who have witnessed this terrible display have actually had thier hair turn white at the sight, small children run screaming and have horrible nightmares for months, and even rabbits have been known to become sterile.

#43 gutlaugh, I had the demo of this before. It does not show up on the Win Add/Remove Programs list. The uninstaller is on your start menu, in the folder for Alien Shooter - Fight For Life".

Click on the uninstaller and it comes out cleanly. If you want to check to be certain everything gets removed, first open the directory where the program was installed and print install.log. It gives the location of every file and registry change. Once you run uninstall, you can use the print out to check that everything was completed.

Reply   |   Comment by Hempman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For the last couple of days I've had a hard time connecting to the site in order to download the games. I click on the link and it send me over to a long url that never succeeds in loading up.

Has anybody else had this problem

Reply   |   Comment by Yehuda Alexander  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Loved this game ROCKED! woootage!

Reply   |   Comment by Byte  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As mentioned, this is actually the original Alien Shooter PLUS the Fight For Life expansion, bringing it up to 15 levels of mindless violence total. Great fun. Not deep, not flashy, but as much fun as you can have with an oversized machinegun and a million expendable aliens.

Equal parts Serious Sam, Crimsonland and Gauntlet, this is probably one of the best games to become free on this site. Not as high-budget or polished as Alien Shooter 2 (Vengeance), but faster and more arcadey.

Reply   |   Comment by Dominic  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Super game! I've missed it the previous time and had to play it by a friend. Now I have it myself. Thanks GAOTD! No bedtime for me anymore... :-)

@ Kados (#40) try to play with a mouse instead of the keybord, that's easier and you can chance weapons with your other hand (keys 1-9). Good luck.

Reply   |   Comment by Ellen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks so much, GAOTD and Sigma... I'm just a little confused. It starts out exactly the same as the one I got from you earlier, where you have to find out why communications stopped in the lab. So you get in, turn on the electricity, shoot the little green monsters, etc. Does this one have more levels to it? I think it wrote over the one I had when I installed it. Thanks for any clarification. Love your site!

Reply   |   Comment by Mamoo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

nice game...but i had nightmares last night about the aliens after playing a few minutes >:(

Reply   |   Comment by leah  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Bert: Long, perhaps, but unfortunately a lot of it is chatter.

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great to see you back "WhiteRabbit"
You sound better than ever.......
Can you tell how you were missed by
all the greetings you got today...
I know I missed your reviews....

Reply   |   Comment by carole  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have this or have a different version that starts out the same.
I would love this if, it had something other than those ugly creatures, something more human/monster looking and if they didn't just keep coming and coming. I get tired of shooting the things.
I'm sure some will really love it. If your looking for non stop shooting this is it.

Reply   |   Comment by themagician  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I LOVE the Alien Shooter series of games! Thanks to Sigma Team and GOTD!

Sadly, though, it took me a long time to get into the game as I could not shake the image of a jubilant Hempman(#20) doing a "happy dance" from my horrified mind.

Reply   |   Comment by lapin blanc  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I forgot to add that movement is supported via the mouse, by right clicking, so those of you with problems using the key board should be able t play this game.

Thanks for all the kind words above. I have the time to write the reviews usually so it's not a problem, although it's nice to see others reiews, such as Swan and Merril :) By the way are you still around Game Seeker? I miss your reviews. I always though they were more objective than mine.

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

doesn't anyone think that there are too much many alliens attacking ?

This game is free ,though i might need a new left button for my mouse :)

Reply   |   Comment by vipolo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Gentlemen, What have I done incorrectly? I followed the usual procedure, unzipping, activating, setting up, and all the folder does is loop. when I attempt to open it, it goes back to step one, over and over. I have yet to catch sight of the game, itself. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by JJC  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great game. I've played the first version of this and Theseus and I greatly enjoyed both of them. I would have to say that while I do enjoy shooters, I would like to see an rpg game on this site.

Reply   |   Comment by Mike  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks G.A.O.D

Reply   |   Comment by Krish  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No uninstall, too violent for my house. Any suggestions on how to get this off my computer?

Reply   |   Comment by gutlaugh  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#32 Chris. I was quoting the SNES and ZNES (as well as a couple of other) emulator developers. They report that certain parts of the MAC OS are kept proprietary, and it is exactly those parts to which they need access in order to continue to develop emulators FREE for MAC. Apple wants them to pay to get the information to continue devloping these emulators for MACs. The developers simply have no reason to continue to develop ACTUAL open source software that is provided for FREE, while Apple will charge them for the needed information.

Apple shoots themselves in the foot once again.

Your protests mean nothing when faced with the reality that key parts of the OS are NOT open source, and if you actually have an MAC you should know that and be ashamed for making your spurious claim. Apple is notoriously close-handed with certain parts of thier OS (is the lack of MAC saturation in the market place an effect or result?).

Your credibility is wavering. Will we watch as it crashes down? Show me a FREE online resource that makes the COMPLETE MAC OS available as open source code that the emulator developers need. If you provide to me FREE access to the open source code for the OS (including those parts the emulator developers require), I will be happy to contact the emulator developers and encourage them to do more work. Otherwise, it is your credibility.

My continued search (which has included contact with many emulator developers) only serves to demonstrate that there are no new emulators for MAC (for at least the past two to four years.).

There appear to be NO emulators for MAC that do Dremcast, Xbox, PSP, any edition of Playstation, or Wii (there are a couple coming for Win XP and Vista). Not one developer I contacted was interested. Every single one said that key portions of the MAC OS are proprietary and Apple wants way too much money to provide that information.

Reply   |   Comment by Hempman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Exelent game!!! Thank you!

(and No.35 for cheats :)

Reply   |   Comment by totimato  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Actually a very fun time waster of a game!! I do not like the controls though, just need to get used to em.

Good Job GAOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Kados  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good game, enjoyed it and will at least try a couple more times before I give up against the endless hordes. I recommend playing survival a few times before starting the campaign, to get into how to aim.

Reply   |   Comment by bovi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for Alien Shooter-Fight For Life. I don't usually play games. But this looks like it will be a great game.

Reply   |   Comment by Clickguru  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you yet again for a great summarize whiterabbit and also Happy Birthday to you

Reply   |   Comment by bluhoteyes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice! Good graphics and responsive action. Recommend it. Now, if only I wasn't so uncoordinated in these games maybe I wouldn't keep running in circles firing away. Tho' it is sorta funny. :)

Reply   |   Comment by nants  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

the adjusted cheats page: http://www.sigma-team.net/fightforlife/cheats.htm

Reply   |   Comment by a  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not my thing, but my boyfriend enjoyed the last one, so I'll hang on to it for him

Reply   |   Comment by LadyCerridwen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I Love your review Whiterabbit. I could not figure out what to do with the files that presented themselves after the down load. I will try again. Thanks again GAOTD for the game. You should hire Whiterabbit to write your copy. All in favor say "Aye". Regards Heln

Reply   |   Comment by Heln  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Apple is not 'closed with their OS' at all. As a matter of fact, much of it is Open Source unlike Microsoft's OS's. Please gain some actual knowledge before spouting such inaccuracies. BTW, before I get flamed for being a Mac-fanboi, I use both systems as well as Linux, and I dislike inaccuracies being spread about any of them.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another great site for ROMs is http://www.rom-world.com/

Reply   |   Comment by zipzap  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#21 Whiterabbit aka Stephen

Based on a unanimous, overwhelming vote
today we proudly announce:

You, Mr Stephen Whiterabbit,
are hereby
the appointment for life

"Longest and Superior Postings Author of GGOTD".

Welcome back to the living!

Reply   |   Comment by Bert  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Welcome back, Whiterabbit aka Stephen!

Reply   |   Comment by zipzap  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

oh fun, a more 3D version of the old Alien Breed games. nice!

Reply   |   Comment by Xelioth  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is extremely fun. Similar to Alien Syndrome and those other top down alien shoot em up games.

Reply   |   Comment by supremespleen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi. Good game. I really love this site. For the record, I went to emurussia and downloaded tons of games as well as two new emulators that I did not have and couldn't find.
So far so good.

Keep it up gotd! I can't wait until the next game is out.

Reply   |   Comment by naturalcommander  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Gosh I hate these stupid DoubleGam...oh wait. Sorry...force of habit.

FINALLY...a decent game. Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by BMoss  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded and set up were a breeze, played for about 1/2 hour , worked great, graphics are great, thank you GAOTD team and to the Sigma as well. More like this and i'll be downloading like mad lol.

Reply   |   Comment by Randy W  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Damn! Finally a descent looking game and my home hard drive crashed. Help is coming on Saturday but too late for Alien Shooter. Have to wait for part 2, I guess.

Reply   |   Comment by Bobbo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

p.s. Thanks Hempman, i will definitely be checking your links sometime soon. :) Much appreciated. By the way do you use hemp ? :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game has the same set up as Alien Shooter and Theseus, both of which were given away a few months ago. In fact this version is basically the original version plus an extra campaign. You’ll find two campaigns, the first of which is exactly the same as the campaign in the original giveaway. The second is more of the same stuff, but you get a story line of several pages before you start, then more of the same aliens and buildings to enter and create havoc :). Which is okay if your into this genre. The Survival mode is also the same as the first game (Alien Shooter), so this give away is excellent if you missed the first give away. If you've already played out the first give away, the additional Campaign (Campaign 2) is worth the effort of downloading it, but if you didn’t enjoy the first one, or got bored quickly, there’s not much else added to this version of the game, apart from the introduction. (That’s IMO; but remember, I’ve only tested it for a short time so there may be surprises within :) )

After extraction and set up of the game, you will find a folder that contains a short cut to the installed games folder but there’s not a short cut directly to the game installed to the desk top, you will have to make one yourself.......Within the folder on the desk top called ‘Alien Shooter-Fight for Life’ you will find a short cut to wherever you installed the game. Click on this and then find the executable file which is represented by a pistol, and is called ‘Alien Shooter’ Create a short cut from this by right clicking on the icon and scrolling down the menu to the ‘create a short cut’ and click. Drag or copy this short cut to the desk top, or wherever you keep your game short cuts. If you have the original game and intend to keep this one, then I would suggest you rename this short cut to ‘Alien Shooter-Fight for Life’ There’s no conflict between the original games short cut and the one you have created even though they have the same name. You don’t really need the original once this is installed unless you don’t want to lose your progress in the original one; however if you do consider deleting it, remember that I’ve only checked the beginning of each of the modes, so even though Campaign 1 and the survival modes in today’s giveaway look the same as the original give away of a few months ago; I may very well be wrong about it. There could have been extra content added, however comparing the file sizes of both installed games the first Alien Shooter giveaway is 36Mb, today’s is just over 50Mb, it looks like the developer has just created a deluxe version of the original game plus added an extra campaign.

On clicking on the game short cut you are presented with a window that allows you to select your screen resolution from the drop down menu. The choice is rather limited bearing in mind the resolutions available today, there being only three choices (or six if you consider the 16 and 32 bit/pixel, that is:


The best choice for those with no sight impediments would be 1024x768x32, which although considered lower mid range by todays standards, is really not that bad. For those with sight problems the lower resolutions would allow you to see the game larger, but you get less of the playing area on the screen, so you get less warning of aliens approach, although I think one of the pieces of equipment you can pick up or buy is a scanner that will show you where approaching aliens are coming from, so this really isn’t a problem except for the early stages of the game :).

For those who are not sure what graphics card they have (assuming you’re not using the on-board graphics emulator that most motherboards come supplied with these days). You will see the name of the card presented in the first menu. If you don’t know much about graphics card, this information will enable you to Google it and discover its parameters and or limitations. Some games given away do require reasonably high end graphics card, so if yours is an old one it could be the reason that some of your games don’t run. (also why some of the screensavers wont run properly as well). There is another way of checking your graphics card name and specifications...... Going to the start menu, select run, type in dxdiag and enter..... If you’ve installed any 3D games you will have this installed on your computer. It will give you all the info you require about your card as well as lots of other info. For those who don’t have any 3D games, you can download the tool for free by getting Direct X 9 (the latest cards support DX 10, but no arcade game requires this level of rendering etc just yet. Just Google Direct X 9 and search for a safe site (I use MacAfee site advisor to inform me of safe sites, which can be downloaded free if you don't already have it.... Again just Google it, lol).

Back to the game…..

The initial window also allows you to change the blood color from red to green. And even create a password so that it can be locked. This is a useful tool if you do allow your younger children access to your computer, or allow them to watch or even play these sorts of games.

Clicking on the okay button will take you to the usual start menu which allows for saved games. The options menu is rather restricted with only the music, sound effects and graphical detail controls. You can set the graphics to low, medium or high. Don’t confuse these with the screen resolutions which you were able to change in the previous menu.

Once you’re set up to play, clicking on new game will take you to another selection screen where you can choose your character. There are two; a male and female, both have different attributes such as strength, hit points and speed. Basically the male is stronger and has more hit points, but the female is faster. Placing your mouse cursor over the character will highlight the attributes, although the male attributes show as default all the time.

You enter your name in the appropriate box then select the mode you wish to play, which as mentioned above is either Campaign 1, 2 or survive modes. Once you’ve chosen your mode you will be presented with a screen (not in the survival mode) that allows you to buy specific weapons or equipment as well as buy attributes, which are very expensive. You start with $20, but there is plenty of opportunity to find cash within the game, (usually in $50 wads) by shooting at boxes, or later, just laying around on desks or the floor. You can also find weapons and equipment within the game. IMO it is better to save the cash to improve your attributes as all the weapons will eventually be found in game; the better ones later. Besides the money, weapons and equipment you can find health pack, which must be picked up within a certain period otherwise they disappear.

The music is the same as the original. Which I personally think is appropriate for this game, but I do turn the music volume right down usually, because it get annoying after a while, unless it really is just a vague background noise. Sound effects are reasonable, and the overall quality of the graphics is acceptable IMO.

Thank you GGAotD and the Sigma Team for this replacement game. Keep up the great work on this project.

It would be interesting to hear whether sales have increased or not as a direct consequence of this project. I’ve bought several games after perusing the home pages of some of these distributors /developers. So from my point of view the project is working. As someone said quite some time ago, we're all in a win win situation with this project. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the games I’ve been able to try out and keep. Brilliant. :)

I give this a 6 out of 10 for adult playability, but would definitely keep it away from younger children. It's hard to really judge the impact this sort of game could have on your childs imagination and or dreams at night, so personally I would err on the safe side and keep it locked away, mainly due to it's relatively hard core violence and blood. However that's only my opinion, and is not meant to judge other people for their own attitudes and beliefs :D

Peace to all

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am doing a huge happy dance this morning. First, the UB Converter, and now Alien Shooter - Fight for Life.

I had a demo verion of AS-FFL and I was sad when the trial ran out. Now I can play it as long as I wish. And, it is an upgraded version from when I demo'd it.

Great shooter.

I do not know if everyone got to see this yesterday, so I wnated to repeat this:

Below is a wonderful website that offers FREE game system emulators (SNES, Sega, Playstation, Dreamcast, XBox, even handheld games like Gameboy), as well as public domain ROMS for thousands of games.

There may be some stuff that might be illegal in your country, so you must use your own sense of right and wrong.

This first link is to a list of game console emulators. I have had Sega and SNES running on a slow 866 Pentium, some of the fancier ones barely run on my dual processor/dual core.

If you have a hard time installing or running these, try doing some reading. Most of the emulators have links to help (I seem to remember).

Next, you will need ROMS. These are dumps of game cartridges. Most of them require that you actually own the game, but it is an honor system. You are the one who will get fined if you get caught without a legit copy.

There are emulators for MAC, too. While there are not quite the pile available for Win machines, there are a few.

The best site that I found is

They are all dated, but they do work. I guess that the devlopers (many originally made console emulators for Win, then changed them to work with MACrap) simply did not see that there was a sufficiently large demand for MACrap based emulators, and with MACrap being so closed with thier OS, future devlopment is just too difficult.

Before Heed the Untrustworthy gets started on being retarted, There is a link checker at

I have run this about a dozen times on my links and it ALWAYS says: "Congratulations! LinkScanner Online did not find any exploits at: http://emu-russia.km.ru/" If you doubt my word against Heed the Untrustworthy, try the link yourself.

They also gives a clean bill of health to Emulator Zone. Just watch EZ as they have some links that go outside thier domain that are not savory (they use Google, for instance - a known vector for unsafe links.). Stick with the emulator downloads there, or links that clearly stay inside thier domain.

So, feel safe in going to emu-russia. Heed the Untrustworthy (watch out for other incarnations, too!) is either a shill, a spoiler, or an idiot, and I suspect all three. There is nothing wrong with emu-russia. They have been there for decades, and I have downloaded thousands of games from them and NEVER had a problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Hempman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks, GGOTD! I

Reply   |   Comment by Stepenpit  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This isn't a slam against non-English speaking people, but just an observation.

Since this site is in English, it would be extremely beneficial if a native English-speaking person would rewrite the games descriptions, including the ones in the "other games by" section. While entertaining to read, the poorly written descriptions really make this site look unprofessional. I just don't understand why, nearly every single day, the writing is so horrible.

It's nice to see a game offered today that looks promising. Most of the games (and regular programs on GAOTD) are so bad they're an embarrassment to the PC software community and should have never been released. This one looks like it's going to be fun.

Thanks GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thx a lot ... hope you will published AS 2 soon . :)

Reply   |   Comment by Fortuno  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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Domestic Violence Information Giveaway
Whether you or someone you know is effected by domestic violence, this application could help.
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LoAdKer Giveaway
LoAdKer is a novel rhythm event generator that is based on fractal sequences.
$2.99 ➞ free today
Dynamic Notch: Wallpapers 16 Giveaway
Unlock beautiful screen lock experience with our live island wallpaper themes designed for iOS gadgets!
$2.99 ➞ free today
Qazaq Latyn Keyboard 2021 Giveaway
Our keyboard has a special feature! I.
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Android app giveaways »

Empire Defender TD: Premium Giveaway
ead your mighty heroes and defend the frontiers of your realm from the darkness!
$0.99 ➞ free today
Cartoon Craft Giveaway
Orcs and Humans are facing the huge battle.
$4.99 ➞ free today
15 Slimes : Action Defence Giveaway
18 Slimes is a new defense game with First, Second and Last defense line.
$0.49 ➞ free today
Stickman Warriors Super Heroes Giveaway
Premium version of Stickman PvP Online - Dragon Shadow Warriors Fight.
$0.49 ➞ free today
Stickman Warriors Dragon Legend Super Battle Fight Giveaway
Protect Saia Planet, defeat powerful enemies!
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